Hai acquistato un new smartphone e vorresti will transfer your quest'ultimo le conversazioni che hai effettuato finora su WhatsApp? Have you tried to reset your cell phone, cousin of passare all'azione, have you tried assicurarti di poter to recover the chat that […]
IndexCome accedere all’Area personale IliadCome accedere app IliadCome accedere a Internet con IliadCome accedere segreteria IliadCome accedere all’Area personale IliadYou wish to know come accedere all’Area personale Iliad? Riuscirci è facile come […]
Don't want your Facebook friends list to be publicly visible? It is possible to hide it in the privacy settings, but also to choose who can see it in case you do not want to apply the restriction to everyone. Here's how to do it. Facebook does not have the best […]
Comment (8) Baby Shark is no longer just another children's nursery rhyme, it's a real phenomenon on the Internet. His clip even became the most viewed YouTube […]
Activate localization (prerequisite)Before explaining in detail how to send location on WhatsApp, I have to show you the procedure for activating the location, a prerequisite in order to be able to share the position thanks to the GPS sensor integrated in the smartphone.AndroidActing […]
You need to urgently print a conversation WhatsApp and, not having available a printer compatible with your smartphone, you would urgently need to transfer it to your computer to then imprint it on paper through it. The problem, however, is that you just don't […]
Is your corporate computer network secure? Check for any flaws with a thorough Penetration TestThe corporate IT structures are generally characterized by particular systems that protect the servers and PCs from any cyber attacks external or internal. However, in […]
LibreOffice / OpenOfficeODT files - as we just pointed out - almost always come from OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Therefore, if you are dealing with such a document, it is very likely that one of these two productivity suites is already installed on your PC.Well, […]
IndexPreliminary informationInstall PS4 Remote PlayJoin a PS4 party from PCPreliminary informationPerhaps you are not aware of it, but for some time now Sony has made available to users, completely free of charge, a computer application that allows you to remotely […]
What is a Penetration TestPenetration Test, also called pen test or ethical hacking, is the practice of testing a computer network for identify the presence of any vulnerabilities that […]
The Pokémon GO game has spread all over the world, but what are the privacy risks?Pokémon GO, the video game for Android and iOS mobile devices developed by Niantic, is enjoying enormous success. The millions of downloads received in a few days show how this […]
Creating a group on WhatsApp is definitely a good idea if you want to keep in touch with several friends and relatives, thus having a single chat available that allows you to communicate simultaneously with a group of people. Creating a group on WhatsApp is really […]
Windows 10 now forces the creation of a Microsoft account when installing the operating system on certain machines. This account creation was optional until now, but Microsoft seems to be pushing this change on a large number of machines. There are still some tips […]
The J series represents the entry level of the galaxy of Samsung smartphones. The Galaxy J7 is the highest representative of this and makes the line of demarcation with the Galaxy A a little blurry. The Galaxy J7 (2017) indeed has serious advantages and is quite […]
Comment (9) Photography is an exhilarating and fulfilling passion or hobby... but quickly expensive. Good news: it is quite possible to make very good images […]
PUBG Mobile can be downloaded on Android and iOS in Spain. After several months of exclusivity in China, the game is opening up to other markets. First available in Canada, it is now officially launched internationally by its publisher Tencent Games. It was time […]
Comment (2) The Apple TV app is now available on Samsung TVs. It provides access to the entire iTunes catalog. TVs also become AirPlay 2 compatible.Apple is […]
How to find Android WiFi password without rootIf you need to tell someone the password of the Wi-Fi network you are connected to but you no longer remember which one it is, it is not always necessary to read it directly from the router or use an app that needs […]
IndexHow to access Outlook from PCHow to sign in to Outlook on the webHow to access Outlook for Windows or macOShow to access Outlook emailHow to access Outlook from appIf you have trouble logging into OutlookHow to access Outlook from PCLet's get right into this […]
Sites to find homes for rent by individualsIf you want some advice on the best sites to find homes for rent from individuals, continue reading. In fact, below you will find those that, in my opinion, represent the most useful and reliable solutions in the category.Immobiliare.comThe […]
Microsoft has just ended the private beta testing phase for Office for Android. Since yesterday it is possible to download the Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications for free on an Android tablet without prior registration. […]
Comment (12) Capsule and pod coffee makers are numerous on the market. They are often a guarantee of simplicity, practicality and compactness, a particularly […]
Comment (7) Successors of smileys, emoji (from the Japanese e “image” and moji “letter”) – also called emoticons in Spanish – are gradually establishing […]
Preliminary operationAs I told you at the beginning of the post, if you have not changed the default password of your Alice modem, you can find it in the documentation supplied with the device. Consequently, before venturing into reading the entire article, you […]
Comment Moulinex plays the versatility card with the BlendForce 2-in-1 LM42Q. At the cost of installing an accessory in the bowl, you go from a blender […]
RETRIEVE DATA FROM SMARTPHONE. WHICH SOFTWARE IS BEST TO USE?We assume that there are several online software that allow data recovery for free or at modest amounts, but no software of these listed guarantees the result of a professional equipment. Furthermore, […]
Changing your wallpaper is probably the easiest way to make your smartphone unique and suitable for us. Apart from the classic ways to change your wallpaper, there are applications that will allow you to change it automatically, we will present them to you below. […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to show you all the steps to recover your WhatsApp data from blocked contacts, whether your messages (SMS), cell phone, or files, using your Android and IOS devices. First of all we must have a backup of the files on your device, so that […]
How to record WhatsApp callsIf you wish record WhatsApp calls, understood as voice conversations, the indications you must follow are those that you find below. Considering that WhatsApp does not offer a special function, to do so you have to turn to the use of […]
Your privacy is secure? Here are some useful tips on how to defend it on the net.When sharing information on the internet, it is important to know exactly what the risks to our data are and how to protect and secure virtual accounts. For this reason it is always […]
Windows 10 now has anti-ransomware protection built into the system. We tell you how to activate it. Threats of this type have been on the rise for several months. Microsoft therefore decided to take the bull by the horns. The new feature can be enabled in Windows […]
Did you delete a file by accident? Here's how you can recover data from Windows with free software. When using your PC, it may happen that you mistakenly delete files, such as important images and documents. As soon as you delete a file from Windows, to be […]
Netflix is almost taken for granted by now, but even though it is the most used streaming service in the world it is also one of the most expensive, reaching up to 16 Euros per month for the superior subscription. However, there are many ways to watch Netflix […]
Summary The official method Via internet On iOS […]
After the true wireless headphones, our tour of Silvercrest audio products brings us today to an ultra-portable speaker for less than 10 €. The main thing to remember The Silvercrest […]
Comment (21) Microsoft wanted to reinvent Skype by adding fashionable features to it, bringing it closer to the currently popular messaging applications. A […]
Summary Games available on PC Content to retrieve […]
Emulation generally targets older machines. The Nintendo Switch is directly affected despite its young age and the PC offers much higher performance, posing a real problem. The new Nintendo Switch […]
Whether on iPhone, iPad or Android, it is easy to find yourself inundated with unnecessary notifications mixed with those that can come from important applications such as instant messengers or emails. Fortunately, there are options to turn off unwanted notifications. © […]
Index:How to find a password saved in the browserGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxSafariWorkarounds for finding a passwordHow to find a password saved in the browserTo find the password for a web service for which you have registered, such as a social network, you can […]
No multiplayer in this game which is a remake of the hugely popular Bubble Bobble, one of the most famous games in the world between the 80s and 90s. Bubble Bobble was a game by Taito, a well-known Japanese videogames brand famous for Space Invaders, Qix, Bubble […]
Everyone knows by now. After the first year in which you can use the free service, you must renew your WhatsApp subscription by paying a sum that can be € 0,89 for one year of subscription, € 2,40 for three years or € 3,34 for five years. Making the payment […]
Fri: ac (Windows / Mac / Linux)Fre: ac is definitely one of the best free apps for convert MP3. It is distributed under an open source license and is compatible with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Using it, you can select any M4A, WMA, Ogg, FLAC, AAC, WAV, Bonk song […]
Since the latest Windows 10 update, a new icon for launching a Skype meeting has been integrated into the taskbar. Here's how to remove it. Start a meeting on Windows 10 Some will have noticed: for a few days, a new icon appeared in the Windows 10 taskbar. By […]
Summary Design Connections Remote Control Performance […]
Sometimes the video game market is rather strange, the most played, downloaded and bought game of 2010 and what more did he talk about himself becoming a craze is Angry Birds, a videogame playable by touschreen smartphones such as the iPhone, a Samsung or Xiaomi […]
Comment (16) Well known to users of Mac OSX, the operating system of Apple computers, virtual offices offer the possibility of multiplying the work environment. […]
Are you about to sell a device or do you want to renew your business PCs? That's why it's important to delete files forever.Secure file deletion is a topic of great importance. When you use your PC or smartphone and delete a document, it is not deleted definitively, […]
While many apps allow you to read PDF files on Android, not all of them offer the ability to edit them. On a computer, the task is already not the easiest. In this article, we will see how to edit PDF document on Android smartphone. The PDF format has become […]
Fri: ac (Windows / Mac / Linux)Let's start this guide dedicated to how to convert WMA to MP3 by talking about Fre: ac, a free software, of an open source nature and able to convert not only the types of files in question but also MP4 / M4A, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, […]
After an excellent Yoga Slim 7, Lenovo is taking up its recipe for success with a top-of-the-range Yoga Slim 7 Pro. Equipped with one of the best processors of the moment and an Oled screen, it has everything to please on paper. Let's see if this is the case in […]
Sensing that its application was perhaps not the favorite of users at this time, Microsoft decided to highlight Skype Meet. Simple, free and without installation, it's a rather ingenious function to keep in touch. […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you Information on How to Create Your Own Avatar in WhatsApp. To make your own Sticker or Emoji, you will need to have your Android or iPhone mobile device (iPad and others also works) and you may have to download a mobile application […]
Here are the best photo apps for Android that can be found in the Google Play Store to retouch your images or replace the Camera app on your smartphone. A wide and varied selection. On the same theme : how to take better photos on Android What are the […]
Summary Video Built-in recorders How to record your […]
Convert YouTube videos to MP3 The first system I suggest you consider to transform youtube videos to mp3 è YouTube Music. In case you've never heard of it, it is a music streaming service officially offered by Google, which, in exchange for a small monthly fee, […]
As promised, Google has finally disabled photo backup from other apps. Ten of them are now off by default, but can be synced again in Settings. Google Photos no longer saves photos from Facebook […]
WhatsApp lets you notify your friends if you change your phone number. This new option even lets you select which contact you want to share your new number with. For now, this feature is only available to users of the beta version of WhatsApp, which you can download […]
Comparison / 11 floor mopping robots tested January 2022 By Marie Ciolfi (@Marie_Ciolfi) Updated 21/10/21 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
Netflix subscriber, are you looking for a solution to enjoy your subscription on TV? There are several options for streaming movies and series from the platform to the living room television. This can range from a Smart TV, to a Chromecast through all the intermediate […]
Is it better to buy your Nintendo Switch games in physical version, or in digital version on the eShop? These two modes of consumption have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will detail these two possibilities in order to offer an informed […]
From OnlyWhatsApp we want to show you HOW TO UPDATE WHATSAPP CONTACTS, this way you will be able to send messages with your smartphone. The ways we will explain it will be suitable for Android and IOS. If you want to know more information, this is […]
Comment (4) The iPhone 13 has arrived at Digital. The general look of the smartphone is very close to that of the iPhone 12, but there is a change of direction […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Ubuntu)The first among the programs to convert video files that I want to suggest you to try is HandBrake, an excellent free and open source converter available for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu. It allows you to transform many video formats […]
The main seller of dematerialized games on PC has released a new beta for its Windows, MacOs and Linux application. And the downloads and storage management interfaces are much more pleasant to handle. […]
How to convert XPS to PDF onlineOnline2PDFIf you need to convert XPS to PDF quickly and you don't feel like installing new software on your PC, I recommend that you rely on Web-based solutions such as Online2PDF which works from any browser and operating system […]
Don't get caught on Instagram by blocking usersThe only way to not be found on Instagram via the search function of the social network is block users which you want to prevent from being able to trace your account. Performing this operation is really simple […]
Users have noticed that the Office web apps have been automatically installed on their PC. A way for Microsoft to insidiously promote its office suite.All means are good for invasive advertising. And it is not the Redmond firm that can say the opposite. Many users […]
Deleting your Google search history should be a real reflex. You have been using the services of the search giant for years now, which carefully archives all the searches you do. From the search engine to YouTube and Google Maps, you can find everything you've […]
The screen is one of the most energy-consuming components of our smartphones. By default, its standby mode is set to a relatively short delay in order to conserve the battery. If this time seems too tight to you, you can always change the screen timeout time in […]
Online servicesGoogle ImagesIf you are looking for a solution concerning how to search for a person on Facebook by photo, I can first recommend that you give it a try with Google Images, which can count on an excellent reverse search system. This means that you […]
When we are in the car or traveling on any vehicle we drive, we must always respect the speed limits, but with modern cars it is very easy to go over 130 km / h or any limit imposed on other roads without even realizing it, since we do not always find a speed […]
Like the overwhelming majority of online services, using the Zoom video conferencing application requires registration by email address for the creation of your account and an initial connection to the service. This can nevertheless be modified as much as you […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain how to install WhatsApp on a Smart Watch. You will need a Watch (smart, obviously), a Mobile Phone, Internet connection and the ability to download Apps (have the App Store or Google Play, for iPhone and Android respectively). […]
Even if evolution has made it a multipurpose tool that can be used for a thousand different purposes, Facebook is still a social network based on photographs, created to share photos and images of oneself and friends. For this reason they were born different applications […]
Enter the registerWhatever version of Windows you have installed on your PC, if you want to know how to open the registry, all you have to do is press the key combination Win + R on your computer keyboard (the Win is the one with the Windows flag), in order to […]
Has your hard drive crashed or is it making strange noises? Here is what mechanical problems can be.THEhard drive it is a delicate component, which must not suffer bumps or falls during its life. Inside there are multiple mechanical components that move in a precise […]
From OnlyWhatsAppswe want to show you how you can change the text you want to write in the WhatsApp application, this way your text message will stand out. The ways we will explain you will be suitable for Android and IOS. If you want to know more information this […]
Comment Upgraded to Windows 11 from Windows 10, but long for the Start menu or the ability to drag and drop to the taskbar? Don't worry, it's possible […]
Each computer contains at least one processor, also known as a CPU or central processing unit. The CPU is undoubtedly the most important component of any processing device, be it a computer or a smartphone, the brain of operations where the necessary calculations […]
Preliminary operationBefore going into the merits of the different solutions to send a different position on WhatsApp, I think it is better to talk about the concept of GPS and explain how to activate this function on your smartphone.Il GPS, acronym for Global […]
How to convert images to PDF onlineiLovePDFOne of the online tools you can use to convert images to PDF is iLovePDF. The service is completely free and offers an immediate and simple conversion, within everyone's reach. iLovePDF works great on any browser and doesn't […]
How to convert RTF file to PDF for freeIf you want convert an RTF file to PDF for free, in the next chapters I will provide you with several solutions that you can use on yours PC, or even yours Mac. I will also point out gods online services, which will allow […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter the Deep Web from your phoneAndroidiPhonePreliminary informationBefore even getting to the heart of this guide and explaining, in practice, how to enter the Deep Web from your phone, I want to provide you with a complete […]
Comment (12) Those who have already used a force feedback steering wheel know it well: its correct installation is crucial for driving pleasure. Here is an […]
Your Android smartphone can scan documents, and to do so, you don't even need to install a third-party application such as CamScanner. Explanations in this tutorial. At TechnologiesTips, we believe it's important to help you learn how to master all the features […]
Summary Setup Getting Started Settings and Notifications […]
It is sometimes useful to consult the extension of a file before opening it, if only to know its type or to detect a questionable file downloaded from the Internet. By default, extensions are not necessarily displayed on Windows 10. In this tutorial dedicated […]
How many hours of life does a hard drive have, and what is its average life? Here are some tips on how to extend the life of a hard drive and your PC.La average life of a hard disk it is not easily calculated. There are many parameters and different factors that […]
VLC Media Player is one of the best programs for watching videos on computers Windows, Mac, Linux and also on Android Smartphones and Tablets. Its popularity is due to the fact that this software application is capable of playing any type of video or film, of […]
An Apple patent suggests a radical future design change for the Apple Watch. According to the document, the bracelet and the dial would be part of the same flexible OLED screen, with a wider part with rounded edges. Since the first model in 2015, its characteristic […]
If Netflix is a website, how can I watch movies on TV? This is a fairly frequent question from people accustomed to Sky and not experts in computers and applications, but it opens up to a very interesting discussion for everyone. The fact is that Netflix […]
I can hardly believe it, but even today I get many messages from people asking me if there is a way not to pay for WhatsApp. Now, it is true that we live in a period of economic crisis and that even a few euros are convenient in a person's monthly budget (especially […]
Modern security cameras can be easily connected to the Internet, so that you can always check in real time what is happening in our home, shop or office by opening a remote camera management program on our computer or notebook. However, if we are away from home […]
Chromecast with Google TV: a name that is both singular and evocative for this multimedia streaming box! Coming with a remote, it's based on a redesigned version of Android TV with a focus on content recommendation. […]
The battery remains the cornerstone of our smartphones, but unlike other components, it has a limited lifespan and its capacities diminish over time. How do you know when the time is right to replace it? All batteries degrade over time All batteries see their […]
Is your memory card unreadable? Here are the main memory card problems and how to fix them.La memory card it is now used in many technological devices, such as smartphones, digital cameras and MP3 players. It can store important files, such as photos taken with […]
Do you want to recover files and documents from USB pen drive? Here's how to restore data with free software.USB sticks are more and more common. They are now used to archive files and documents, and have taken the place of classic CDs and DVDs. The pen drive has […]
Find your bookmarks in Chrome for AndroidChrome is the default browser of many Android terminals, so it seems only right to start with it. If you use Chrome and do not know how to access the favorites saved in the latter, do this: start the app by pressing on its […]
Comment (4) Update 20/01/2017 à 16:18Honor is rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat and Emotion UI 5.0 via direct download from the smartphone. A gradual deployment […]
The Mazar BOT virus for Android spreads in Europe: here's what it is and how you can protect yourself.Article index:What is Mazar BOT for AndroidHow the virus spreads and what it causesHow to defend and preventConclusions What is Mazar BOT for AndroidMazar […]
Anxious to avoid the fragmentation of its OS, Microsoft absolutely wants Windows 10 users to update their system. To convince them, he will soon make the old versions obsolete. Explanations. Windows 10 If you're still using Windows 10 version 1903, 1909, or another […]
How to convert BMP files to JPG on computerYou are interested in understanding how to convert BMP files to JPG through special computer software? Then you should consider those for Windows, MacOS e Linux which I have provided to indicate and explain to you here […]
The latest update of WhatsApp has brought with it a nice new feature. It is possible to create stickers in any chat in a couple of clicks. The feature is now available worldwide and has arrived, both for WhatsApp through the app and for WhatsApp Web and […]
A young woman approached Apple CEO Tim Cook to claim a MacBook for her birthday. She believes she deserves a free computer after years of jokes about her first name: Siri, like the voice assistant for iPhones, iPads, Macs, HomePods and Apple Watch. Credit: […]
Like every year, Huawei presents a Lite version of its flagship smartphone. The P20 Lite is therefore a watered down version of the P20, coming to occupy the mid-range terrain with a 19:9 screen amputated from the small surface of the notch. Overall, the P20 Lite […]
How to find the Bluetooth PIN for pairingThere is no single method to identify the PIN to use when pairing the Bluetooth: it all depends on the type of devices involved in the operation.For example, most devices without a screen (e.g. speakers, headphones and Bluetooth […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting into the tutorial, it seems only right to explain to you in detail what i WhatsApp groups. WhatsApp groups are multi-user chats that allow people to exchange messages and share multimedia content in real time, making them visible […]
Hide WhatsApp messages on AndroidThe easiest way to hide WhatsApp messages on Android is to archive them, but be aware that this is not a permanent solution.The archived messages, in fact, are simply moved to a special section of the app and not really hidden. […]
IndexHow to enter Windows XP without a passwordHow to enter Windows XP without knowing the passwordKON BOATLazesoft Recover My PasswordOphcrackHow to enter Windows XP without a passwordAs I told you at the beginning of the guide, to be able to enter Windows XP […]
With Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, you can save yourself a succession of clicks to perform specific actions. Some are less well known than others, but when they are mastered, these shortcuts allow you to go much faster. The new shortcuts in Windows 10 Windows […]
Tinder is probably the most famous dating app in the world. As much used as decried, Tinder intrigues. Many people have tried the experiment. If some have found their account, others prefer to end the adventure. But do not necessarily know how to go about it. Good […]
Turning off the automatic downloading of images, videos, and audio files on WhatsApp helps prevent storage space issues over time. By default, media is downloaded automatically when the user is connected to WiFi. In 4G/5G, this is the case for photos only. If you […]
Kaspersky is the name of one of the most used antivirus in the world and also one of the most effective at protecting your computer, always at the top of the virus detection rankings. Being a commercial antivirus, one might think that its free version may only […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the topic, it seems only right to make some clarifications about the functionality that can be exploited to be able to send a message to all WhatsApp contacts simultaneously.The operation you are interested […]
Do you want to replace an iPhone battery that has swollen a little? The Apple Stores will refuse to do this on the spot – you will be offered instead to send the device to a specialized centre. Replacing this kind of damaged battery is indeed extremely dangerous […]
How to convert MPG to AVI on WindowsThe program I recommend you use for convert MPG to AVI under Window is Freemake Video Converter. I told you about it before, it is a universal converter that combines incredible ease of use with support for all major […]
What are the best free alternatives to Paint? To replace the irreplaceable By Michael Beck Posted on 29/07/17 at 14h00 Share: […]
Using a chart in Excel makes a table more readable and especially to identify key figures in a few seconds. In this tutorial we will add a legend to our graph, but also customize the appearance of the legend, including the font, and its color. Label a chart in […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you all the necessary information so you can update the WhatsApp application on any of your Apple devices, either on IPhone or IPad. If you want to know the step by step procedure, do not miss our post!Preliminary operations With […]
Xvid4PSP (Windows / OS X)Whether you have a PC with Windows installed or a Mac it makes no difference, Xvid4PSP undoubtedly represents the best solution to convert MKV to AVI in both cases. It is in fact a free software for converting videos that allows you to […]
Just as there are free and paid applications, we can find online images that can be used by everyone for free and without limits and others instead that for their use require the recognition of copyright, recognition that is given in the form of money (even if […]
How to convert songs to MP3If you are interested in understanding how to convert a song to MP3 acting from your computer, the programs you find listed below are undoubtedly the best solution you can rely on. There are for Windows, MacOS e LinuxPut them to the test […]
Another very important category of programs is that of photo editor, that is gods programs for editing and retouching photographs in order to make them better or more artistic. Photo editing techniques are used to embellish landscape photos in travel magazines […]
Want to remove a suggested URL that appears in your web browser's address bar? They normally allow you to go much faster by facilitating access to sites or web pages that you visit regularly or have had to visit in the past. If you don't want to see some of these […]
If set up correctly, Google Chrome can take care of saving your passwords. From then on, you will automatically connect to your favorite sites without having to enter your credentials again. However, to protect your privacy on Google Chrome, it is essential to […]
Has your hard drive failed? has a lot of spare parts, to repair it and recover your data.The hard disk is a mechanical storage medium, consisting of several internal parts extremely sensitive and delicate. Before going to analyze what may be the problems related […]
IndexPreliminary operationLog in to the Vodafone Station networkFind the IP address of the Vodafone StationHow to enter the Vodafone Station from a PCHow to enter the Vodafone Station from smartphones and tabletsHow to enter the Vodafone Station remotelyIn case […]
Find a village via the command consoleIf you want find a village in Minecraft, the first piece of advice I can give you is to use the command console: through this panel, in fact, you can type commands in the form of strings, which will allow you to perform operations […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live of this tutorial and spiegarti how to find a seller on eBay, it is necessary to make a necessary premise. In fact, you should know that it is possible to find a seller on eBay only if you have made purchases from them […]
Mobile forensics allows you to discover a lot of information on mobile devices. Here's what it is and how to investigate.Mobile forensics is a branch of the digital forensics, which deals with the recovery of data from any mobile device in order to be used in a […]
The networks VPNthe Virtual Private Network they allow you to create a "bridge" between two or more computers also present in different geographic locations, so that they are connected to a single large network. The VPN connection is encrypted, so no one will […]
Convert CSV file to Windows vCardIf you have a computer with su installed Windows 10, can convert a CSV file to vCard easily using the tool Contacts, which is included "standard" with the operating system.Using the Windows 10 Contacts application, you will first […]
Since the digital certificate is available, developers have put online Android applications that can be found on the Play Store. These applications offer quick access to the certificate posted online by the Ministry of the Interior. But is it worth downloading? […]
It is not always easy to bring the antenna cable to all the rooms: in most houses we can find a socket in the living room and at most in the kitchen, while it is not certain that they are present in the various bedrooms. If we have this difficulty and still want […]
In the midst of a teenage mental health scandal on social networks, Snapchat has announced the implementation of parental controls on its application. Evan Spiegel, its CEO, gave very little information on the feature, but assures that it will give better visibility […]
Comment (24) Launched in Spain in May 2021, the Starlink satellite Internet offer represents an attractive solution for providing a high-speed connection in […]
Preliminary operationAs I told you at the beginning of the guide, in order to prevent its users from asking themselves "how to find my iPad?", Apple has made available a very useful tool which is called, in fact, Find my iPad. It is a sort of anti-theft device […]
Are you afraid of losing your WhatsApp messages but don't know how to create a backup of them? You are about to change your smartphone and would like to know how to save whatsapp messages to transfer them to your new mobile phone? I am happy to inform you that […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find Pokémon Shiny, I think you might be interested in learning more about these shiny Pokémon.Well, Shiny Pokémon are very rare and hard to find Pokémon, which may appear randomly […]
Summary What is an APN? How to configure your APN? […]
After landing on Facebook, the so-called Stories also arrived on WhatsApp. They are called in a different way, States, but the essence of the matter does not change. Now also on WhatsApp, therefore, it is possible to create personalized photo and video sequences […]
IndexEnter the PEC box from webmailEnter the PEC box via the appEnter the PEC box via e-mail clientEnter the PEC management panelRetrieve the PEC access passwordEnter the PEC box from webmailThe procedure for enter the PEC box of Aruba via web browser is very […]
How to search for a girl you don't know on InstagramIf you wonder how to search for a girl on instagram, here is a series of tips that will at least allow you to increase the chances of achieving your intent.How to find a girl on Instagram by knowing the nameThe […]
Comment KitchenAid is surfing on the trend of homemade bread and is about to launch a dedicated bowl to accompany its 4,3 and 4,8 l food processors. […]
Google has just added an option to the Play Store that allows users to limit their spending. It is now possible to strictly control the budget allocated to purchases on the Android Store. In this article, we will see how to do it. Many people don't realize how […]
With World of Warcraft Classic, Blizzard offers players the opportunity to dive back into its MMORPG as it was when it was released. More than a mercantile maneuver betting on nostalgia, WoW Classic is a piece of video game history brought back to the fore. […]
Achieving a Starburst Effect By Paul Nicoue, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 13/01/18 at 09:30 Share: […]
Preliminary informationPrima di passare alla pratica e di show you le tecniche per see deleted messages on WhatsApp, it is good that you are aware of the ways in which everything can be put into practice.So much for starting, allo stato attuale delle sews, it is […]
Preliminary informationBefore discovering, in detail, what steps must be taken to be able to find the WhatsApp QR code, it seems only right to specify what we are talking about, or rather what a QR code is and, in the specific case of WhatsApp, what is it for.Let's […]
Summary What's new in Android 10 Precautions to […]
IndexHow to enter the INPS site with the PINGet the PINAccess the INPS site with the PINHow to enter the INPS site with SPIDObtain SPID credentialsAccess the INPS site with SPIDHow to enter the INPS site with the PINSe t'interessa capire how to enter the INPS […]
Sharing a video on WhatsApp is really a breeze. All you have to do is select the appropriate icon attached to the screen of the famous app and choose the movie to send. But where and, above all, how to download videos for whatsapp? Let's try to find out together.There […]
Gone are the times when, when we were traveling abroad in a country of the European Union, we had to sign up for a very expensive subscription with our in your languagen operator to have a few minutes of conversation and even less MB (yes not GB, just MegaByte) […]
Messenger offers the possibility to change the theme of your conversations. A way to take ownership of its application a little more and to make discussions more pleasant. When you change the […]
How to block video calls on WhatsApp: AndroidIf you agree, I'd start by showing you how to block video calls on WhatsApp on OS-based smartphones Android. As you will see shortly, you just need to use some of the options of the popular instant messaging application […]
How to delete stickers from WhatsAppAs anticipated at the beginning, delete the stickers from WhatsApp it is feasible thing to be on Android that of iOS, as well as from computer. To find out how to do this, follow the instructions below.AndroidOne smartphone is […]
Are you about to sell your computer? Be careful to empty it before giving it away to prevent personal data from appearing everywhere. We will explain how and why to do it in the most radical way possible whatever your operating system. When we sells un […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to access OneDrive from PCHow to access OneDrive from a Windows PCHow to access OneDrive from MacHow to access OneDrive onlineHow to access OneDrive from mobileHow to sign in to OneDrive for BusinessPreliminary informationOneDrive […]
FlickrFlickr, you have probably already heard of it, is one of the most used online services dedicated to photos in the world. Inside it is possible to search for images and find many photos that in most cases distributed under a Creative Commons license that can […]
Comment (3) For many Android phone users, opening web pages within apps seems to have serious problems lately. For those less fortunate, a simple click on […]
First-person (FPS) and third-person (TPS) shooter games they are the funniest ones, because they are almost entirely focused on action and gun combat. The player sees the events directly through the eyes of the protagonist giving the feeling of living the battle […]
Google and Gmail are grouped around a unified connection system which authorizes the use of double authentication. This can be used via a mobile application (Google Authenticator), a code received by SMS, by call or by physical key. Lots of flexibility for a service […]
IndexPreliminary operationFind IP address, username and passwordChange the settingsIn case of problemsPreliminary operationYou will probably already have heavy on it (or perhaps your friend expert in new technologies will have done it) but before you can enter […]
It is possible that you have a Snapchat account that you no longer use, or that, following a bad experience, you do not plan to return to it. You then want to delete your account, but, surprise, it's not as easy as it seems. We explain how to do it. Credit: […]
Your computer freezes, showing the famous blue screen? Here are some tips to follow.When using the PC, you can have different types of freezes or crashes. It is not always easy to identify the problem, because the causes can be many. Below are some causes that […]
Comment (5) Dyson's soft roller brush (or Fluffy) is starting to get out of hand since the first stick vacuums that were equipped with it were released in […]
Comment (30) Far from the extravagance of the Devialet "player" of the Freebox Delta, Free has designed a TV box for its new Freebox Pop that aims to be as […]
What is WhatsApp?Let's start with a brief description of WhatsApp and its main features. WhatsApp is a multi-platform messaging application that allows you to send messages, photos, videos, documents and voice recordings to other users via the Internet using your […]
How to make animated stickers on WhatsAppIf you wish to find out how to make animated stickers on WhatsApp, follow the instructions, relating to Android, iOS e PC, which you find right below. As anticipated at the beginning, it's not complicated, don't worry.How […]
Needed to convert VHS to DVDBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial, it is my duty to indicate to you what theneeded to convert VHS to DVD. Most of the tools listed below are probably already in your possession. However, if you are missing something, you can […]
Disable WhatsApp calling on AndroidPossiedi one smartphone Android and you are interested in understanding how to succeed disable calls on WhatsApp? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find right below.As mentioned at the beginning, a dedicated […]
Want to add text in an image to improve the presentation of a document in Word? It's very easy thanks to the text box. This tutorial will walk you through the process, step by step. The text zone is recommended for adding text of any size, wherever you want […]
Convert RTF to DOC on PCIf you want convert an RTF file to DOC on PC, all you have to do is pay attention to the software that I will point out to you in the next chapters. I'll give you some free and integrated Windows and macOS solutions, if you don't have the […]
Microsoft has not become the richest company in the world with tricks and deceptions, but with the development of a system that makes it easy for everyone, even the less experienced, to use the computer, while providing countless functions and utilities for daily […]
Comment (27) Detergent-free washing balls are an ecological and economical alternative to liquid or powder detergents. To assess the effectiveness of these […]
Comment (29) If the PlayStation 4 literally seduced players during its presentation during E3 2013, in particular with an attractive price, we had learned […]
Today we are going to try to answer a thorny question, which all laptop owners have had to ask themselves one day: is it better to leave your PC plugged in when it has already reached 100%, or is it better unplug it? Similarly, is it better to maintain its charge […]
IndexHow to access Zoom from the PCHow to access Zoom from tabletHow to log in to Zoom as a guestHow to access Zoom with codeHow to access Zoom with linkHow to access Zoom ProHow to access Zoom from the PCThe procedure for go to Zoom it's quick and easy. All you […]
Advertisement How to recover lost data on your computer? Sponsored dossier Published on 30/10/20 at 12:15 p.m. You have just finished a very important file and your computer suddenly crashes. You have been working on the […]
How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps on smartphones and tabletsLet's see, first of all, how to find the distance between two points on google maps su smartphones and tablets.First, open the Google Maps app on your Android or iOS / iPadOS device, […]
Summary 2021 daylight saving time change date Why do we change the clock? Is the time change bad for your health? When is the end of the time change? Comments The date of the summer time change is set for Sunday March 28, 2021 at 2 a.m.: the hands will […]
Convert letters to numbers in ExcelAre you having trouble copying numbers from one Excel sheet to another, as the digits, once pasted, are formatted as text? Then follow me carefully and don't get distracted. I will tell you how to solve this problem in various […]
Caliber (Windows / Mac / Linux)To convert AZW files to PDF I suggest you first rely on caliber, a free and open source software that allows you to organize, read and convert all major electronic book formats. It is completely in cittàn and is available for […]
Microsoft advises users against changing passwords regularly. From now on, the American firm encourages us rather to opt for a good password and to use it in the long term. Microsoft fears that a user who often changes his password will end up choosing a code that […]
Move WhatsApp to SD card on AndroidOne smartphone is possiedi Android, you will be happy to know that you can move WhatsApp to an SD card in a very simple way, through a procedure that requires you to act through the menu of Settings Android (which can also be […]
Servizi online per cercare musicaBee MP3sIniziamo questa guida su come cercare musica da Bee MP3s. Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, it is a very famous service! Either way you don't have to worry, we'll fix it right away. It is an online search […]
OANDAThe first euro dollar converter that I recommend you add to your favorites is the one provided by OANDA, which is updated daily with the value of currencies from around the world and works directly from the browser. You don't need to install any software to […]
Is it safe to use data recovery software? Here are the possible dangers.The hard disk is a delicate device, which could have problems of various kinds. For example, there may be mechanical or electrical damage, which can cause malfunction.When you lose files, it […]
Summary Management games Runners Thinking games […]
WhatsApp Statuses are also known as WhatsApp Statuses and are a new feature available in the WhatsApp app that allows you to see what your contacts post throughout the day. They can still be a bit confusing for some users, as they haven't been around for too […]
The beating heart of every smartphone is undoubtedly the app store, from which we can download applications to make our device even more interactive and multimedia. On iPhones it is theApp Store, for many the first real app store, which in fact immediately decreed […]
Emoji are the new generation of emoticons and can be used in messages or on sites like Facebook to express a certain mood or action with a simple symbol drawn in a colorful and fun way. Emojis can be read and seen on any device, be it a Windows PC, a Mac, an Android […]
Have you formatted your hard drive and don't know how to recover files? Here is a free program to attempt to restore deleted documents.To recover files from a formatted hard drive without Windows, it is necessary to use very specific software capable of starting […]
Even though we had topics that already talked about it, we thought it commendable to share a tutorial to help you install Adobe Flash Player on Android, which, moreover, is not only limited to Android 4.2, but indeed compatible from Android 4.0. For more than […]
How to photograph in macro? Through Pascale brites, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 26/07/16 at 09:00 Share: […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter, I think it might be useful to give you a brief overview of how the mechanics of removal to the Message in WhatsApp.You should know that when you send a message in the famous messaging app, you have […]
The phases of a forensic report - ForensicsSome or all of the following activities can be carried out to carry out a forensic report: identification, acquisition and preservation, analysis, reporting.The identification activity consists in recognizing […]
Comment Winter is coming slowly, and with it cold, rain and bad weather. The rhythm of your photo outings decreases due to a light shower or a gust of […]
How to cut a video on WhatsApp on AndroidIf you want to know how to cut a video on whatsapp acting from a device Android, know that all you have to do is start the messaging app, go to the chat where you want to send the video and call the function for sending […]
YouTube has become one of the places where many internet users spend most of their time on the web. But the app hides many features that most people are unaware of. Here are 10 to enjoy a better experience. Every day, Internet users consume more than a billion […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you a step by step guide on how to incorporate your own password in the WhatsApp application on your iOS device. There are different ways to choose from: Face ID, Fingerprint, etc. These methods will help you maintain the privacy […]
Our video Uploading your video "FAQ: Windows Movie Maker and MOD, MOV and VOB files" Problem Windows Movie Maker does not recognize MOD, MOV and VOB files. Some info first A MOD, MOV or VOB file is a container file. The MOD file (proprietary format) […]
iOS 14 is available for those who own an iPhone less than 6 years old. The opportunity to come back to one of its major features: how indeed to replace default applications such as Safari or mail with alternatives such as Chrome, Edge, Outlook or Gmail. We tell […]
Skype has just launched the full version of its Android application. The application for Android was promised for a long time, but the announcement is official: Skype is available in full version on the Market. The application brings all the functionalities of […]
Come leggere i messaggi eliminati your WhatsApp AndroidSe t'interessa capire eat leggere i messaggi eliminati dal mittente prima ancora che tu potessi leggerli, allora questa è la sezione che fa proprio a tu tu case.Prima di andare avanti, però, voglio ricordarti […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find the mansion in minecraft, I think you might be interested in learning more about this building and its usefulness.Let's start by saying that the real name of the mansion on Minecraft […]
Android M is Google's main announcement during the Google I/O 2015 launch keynote. The successor to Android Lollipop will arrive with its share of rather interesting new features. If Android Lollipop marked a real graphical turning point with Material Design, Android […]
By now even the walls know this: after the first 12 months in which the application can be used at no cost, WhatsApp requires the payment of a small annual subscription fee which amounts to 0,89 euros. What not everyone knows, however, is that subscribing to the […]
IndexPrograms to enter PCsTeamViewer (Windows / macOS / Linux)AnyDesk (Windows/macOS/Linux)DWService (Windows / macOS / Linux)Other programs to enter computersApp to enter computersPrograms to enter PCsDi programs to enter computers there are really many, each […]
The "Donors" or also called "Donors" ....... the spare parts to recover your Hard Drive As many of you know, the hard drive we have inside our PC or Notebook can break or get damaged. In a hard drive, several components can be broken or damaged, including the […]
Summary Google Photos Manufacturers' services Other […]
How to see messages on WhatsAppYou are reading this preventative guide and would like to learn how to see messages on WhatsApp prima ancora di installare, di fatto, l'applicazione? Avresti bisogno di utilizzare WhatsApp su device differenti dal tuo smartphone […]
How to increase the VRAM used by your PC to run your games without showing error messages? There are several ways to achieve your goals without needing to purchase a new graphics card. We give you an update in this article on ways to get around the limitations […]
Is your external hard drive in good condition? Here are some helpful tips to prevent problems.The external hard drive is used very often to store data and backup your PC. For this reason it is necessary to determine if it is a hard disk in good condition, and also […]
Comment (3) While SD or microSD cards are well known, some features are sometimes obscure while other formats appear. This file reviews the main memory cards […]
Comment (10) Even if printing from a smartphone is becoming more democratic, it is not yet obvious, particularly because it depends on the operating system, […]
Search for people on Telegram from AndroidYou are using a smartphone or tablet Android and you would like to understand how to search for people on Telegram then? I'll settle you immediately. First, grab your device, unlock it, log into home screen and drawer […]
Change WhatsApp wallpaper on AndroidIf you want change the wallpaper of WhatsApp and you have a smartphone Android, start the application by pressing its icon on the home screen or in the drawer (the section that shows the list of all installed apps) of the device; […]
Inserting emojis in WhatsApp messages is very easy: just press the emoticon icon at the bottom left, in the message composition screen, and choose one of the many images available on the keypad. But let's face it, emojis got a little tired. And then the menu to […]
IndexHow to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 10How to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 8.1How to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 7 and earlierHow to update Acer BIOSHow to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 10If you have an Acer computer equipped with an operating system Windows […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of this guide, going to explain how to see chats stored on Samsung WhatsApp, there is some preliminary information, in this regard, which seems to me only right to provide you.First, keep in mind that archiving […]
Comment (6) Good surprise for new Free subscribers who have chosen the Freebox Mini 4K. A new version of the box has recently been sent to customers, swapping […]
Preliminary operationBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, in detail, how to download free whatsapp for samsung, it seems only right to clarify the fact that you need a Google account to carry out the operation in question and that you […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to see who blocked your stories on WhatsApp, I must provide you with some useful preliminary information in this regard.In fact, you must know that, for obvious reasons related to privacy, WhatsApp does not allow […]
Comment (9) Without cartography, a GPS would not be of much use. To produce these famous maps, it is essential to identify and analyze the road network. We […]
WiFi networks have become the norm, but pose a number of security concerns: they can allow an intruder to access your home network, the machines connected to it, and its traffic. A malicious person can carry out their attack from a distance, with complete discretion. […]
After an excellent Mate 10 Pro unveiled at the start of the school year, Huawei presented a few weeks later, more discreetly, a less beefy version of its spearhead: the aptly named Mate 10 Lite, which seeks to offer a maximum for a minimum price. […]
Do you want to disable automatic updates on Windows 10 permanently or temporarily? Discover here all the options to block or postpone them. For obvious reasons, we do not recommend disable windows 10 updates. They allow your PC to receive security patches […]
When we think of Sky, the dish and the classic decoder immediately come to mind, to be placed in the living room to be able to see all the contents offered by this platform. However, many users do not activate Sky precisely because of the annoyance of having […]
If you are using a computer shared with other people or if you suspect that an outsider (colleague or family member) has access to our computer without permission, you can certainly spy on his business in a precise way and to know what it does in our absence, […]
You changed your cell phone and you don't know how to activate WhatsApp on the new terminal without losing the license data? Has your WhatsApp account been blocked and you don't know how to access the service again? Are you a beginner with WhatsApp and do not know […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we show you How to Have a White Heart Emoji/Symbol/Emoticon to represent a Feeling like Love through WhatsApp. Sometimes we think that all the Emoticons appear in the Keyboard of our application, but in reality it is not so. Technology today […]
Would you like to make the WhatsApp chat even more cheerful and dynamic by sending all your friends beautiful images with phrases, animals, landscapes and so on and so forth but you don't know which resources to draw on? Have you heard of one or more paid apps […]
Participation of GDATA Antivirus in training events - South AmericaInnovative solutions for the security of Customer and Partner dataBogota, 14 September 2017 -After collaborating in the events held in February 2017 in Colombia (Cali, Barranquilla, Pereira and […]
Comment (72) There it's done. Xavier Niel launched his mobile bomb and some missiles at competition. The unlimited without commitment at less than 20 euros, […]
Comment (5) An American iOS user has designed a shortcut to record a video and send a geolocation to a friend in the event of an arrest by the police. A shortcut […]
With a simple command on Discord, notify everyone on a server with an audio message using voice synthesis. Tomorrow all power-users! With The tip of the day, TechnologiesTips […]
Summary Configure downloads Download a film or series […]
A new phishing attack targets Free Mobile subscribers. Very well constructed, it seeks to redirect you to a fraudulent site to steal your bank details and empty your bank account. Fortunately, it is still possible to spot the deception. As reported by a […]
Summary What is the health pass? Is the health pass […]
Sony revealed during a teardown of the PS5 that the console used liquid metal instead of thermal paste on the console chip. A choice that allows a better interface between the chip and the cooling solution to significantly increase its efficiency. Even if it was […]
Windows 10 is often criticized for its many features that compromise the privacy of certain user data. If privacy is a sacrosanct principle for you, then it probably wouldn't be a pleasure for you to learn - in case you didn't already know - that the operating […]
Anyone like me who loves FPS games, 3D adventures with a subjective view where you put yourself in the head and body of a soldier or a fighter, should know one of the most beautiful video games of all time, Crysis. Crysis is the successor game to Far Cry, another […]
Summary Read this carefully before you start Start by backing up your data How to delete your Gmail / Google account? How to recover a Google account? Comments In this tutorial, we explain how to delete your Google or Gmail account in a few steps. But […]
If you want to use Google Play Music, you must first download the music from your computer to the "clouds", i.e. to the storage space Google Play Music. Music Manager is a Windows, Mac or Linux application offered by Google that allows you to import your music […]
On our smartphones and tablets we can add new features simply by opening the app store and looking for an app that suits our needs. Many of the apps available on Android and iOS are free, but some can be offered for a fee, perhaps because they are developed with […]
Have you created a Facebook group, but the members are politely inactive and its interest is increasingly limited? Note that if you are an administrator, you can archive or delete it whenever you want. To do this, follow our tutorial which will explain, step by […]
With Windows 10, Microsoft allowed itself some liberties in terms of data collection, but also the highlighting of advertisements. Here is how to remove them to leave room only for your applications in the start menu. If you don't see what we're talking about, […]
Lost your password on macOS? Don't panic, there is probably a solution to regain quick access to your data. In this tutorial, we will see how to recover your password through another administrator account or through the recovery partition of the disk. Image […]
IndexGeneral information on Facebook groupsJoining a closed Facebook groupFrom computerFrom mobileAlternative methodIn case of problems or doubtsGeneral information on Facebook groupsAs anticipated at the beginning, before giving you all the appropriate instructions […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter the FIFA Web AppHow the FIFA Web App worksPreliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to access the FIFA Web App, I think you may be interested in having more details on the latter.Well, the […]
Thanks to the Adobe Fill & Sign application, it is very easy to edit and sign a PDF document on Android smartphones and tablets. In this quick tutorial, we show you how to do it in a jiffy to send your important documents by email, without having to print them […]
Snap Map is a map that allows you to access the location of your friends on Snapchat. This feature can be useful in many ways, the goal being to strengthen the social bond between users. But not everyone takes a positive view of her for obvious reasons which have […]
Choosing your phone's ringtone is one of the best ways to personalize your smartphone and make sure that the ring does not mix with that of others when you are called. In many phones, however, the default ringtones are rather poor, some with unpleasant music or […]
How to Convert M4A to MP3 on PC and MacAs I told you at the beginning, there are various solutions for convert M4A to MP3 on PC and Mac. If this interests you, below you will find the best solutions in the category available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Put them […]
If you have to buy a new TV or a new monitor for your PC, decide the greatness we can not only think about aesthetics, but also a how far or close the screen can be respect the position in which we are seated. Most home theater enthusiasts naturally apply the […]
Comment (5) How to target online advertising without using cookies? Google's answer is in four letters, an alternative method called FLoC. In the process of […]
Downloading a paid application, by pirate networks is prohibited. But when this application turns into malware, the user becomes disillusioned. The Android Market is the store that contains the most free applications. However, many users do not want to pay and […]
Eat scoprire with chi chatta your WhatsApp for free scoprire with chi chatta un utente su WhatsApp, cybercriminals use various hacking techniques, alcune delle quali gratuite or at very low cost: spy-app per controllare i testi digitati sulla tastiera dello smartphone; […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to save WhatsApp status on iPhone, let me give some information about it.In fact, you must know that, at least at the time of writing this guide, there is no functionality of WhatsApp that allows you to save photos […]
Comparison / 23 smartphone cases tested January 2022 By Kevin Hiot (@Niveekk) Updated 14/04/20 07:00 AM Share: […]
Contact WhatsApp from smartphoneAre you interested in understanding how to contact WhatsApp from your smartphone? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find below. The procedure is feasible both from Android that iOS and allows you to send a log to […]
Line spacing in Word is the basis of the layout. It is essential to ventilate a document and improve the presentation of its text by avoiding the "paved" effect! Be careful, however, not to abuse it to achieve a page objective to be returned ... Depending on […]
Facebook has become in recent years one of the reference points for web videos, often offering exclusive videos that are not even present on very famous platforms for streaming videos such as YouTube or Twitch. Since finding the videos shared on the various profiles […]
Comment (3) LABO / The new iPhone 11 Pro have just entered our laboratories. What is the value of the ultra-wide-angle photo module introduced on the brand's […]
Summary New Xbox Controller Sony DualSense SteelSeries […]
IndexHacking techniques to enter a Facebook profileKeyloggerPasswords saved in the browserSocial engineeringPhishingHow to protect your Facebook profileUse a strong passwordEnable two-factor authenticationUse the privacy settings that are best for youCheck for […]
How to insert stickers on WhatsApp AndroidIf you want insert stickers on WhatsApp using your smartphone Android, you can easily proceed through the search functionality present right inside the app.To do this, start WhatsApp and open any conversation with a user. […]
MyMoviesOne of the best sites on the Internet that I choose to recommend as a movie search engine is Mymovies. Born in 2000, Mymovies is also a well-known cinematographic information magazine that offers a very rich database of all films from 1895 to today. For […]
Whether you're on Android, iOS, PC or Mac, here's how to unblock a friend on Facebook. The process is not always obvious to those who have never done it. However, it is achieved in a few steps which are a little more complicated than when it comes to blocking a […]
If you do not want to store your music in the google cloud, then you must proceed in the "classic" way: simply copy your music files to your Android, in a folder of your choice (regardless of the name of the directory, for example Music , because this folder already […]
What are ephemeral messages WhatsAppLet's dive right into the topic and see what are the ephemeral messages of WhatsApp. As I already mentioned in the introduction to the article, that of ephemeral messages is nothing more than a setting by which it is possible […]
Comment (13) Originally, Skype was primarily used for exchanging text messages and making audio calls over the Internet, to avoid operators' high roaming tariffs. […]
Tripod astrophotography: technique and settings Maxime Oudoux, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 29/08/17 at 09:00 Share: […]
The Petya virus locks the hard disk and encrypts files. Here's what it is and how to decrypt documents.Ransomware are particular types of malware that infect the system by demanding a ransom to get their data back. As we have seen for the cryptolocker virus, these […]
In a situation where you are forced to stay at home, technology is a great support to feel less alone and reunite with others even virtually. An interesting idea is the one that allows you to see videos and movies together, even staying in two different houses. […]
PNG to PDF (Online)PNG to PDF, as you can easily guess from the name itself, it is an excellent Web service thanks to which you can convert files in PNG format into PDF documents. It is simplistic to use and allows you to upload up to a maximum of 20 images at […]
Video to Video Converter (Windows)The first among the programs you can use to convert your MPEG-4 videos to other formats is Video To Video Converter. It can be used on Windows and in a portable version (so you do not need to install it to be able to use it) […]
Facebook betrays your online presence by default even when you are simply viewing your news feed. Except sometimes you just don't want to appear as being online. So how do you hide your online status on Facebook and Messenger? Here is the complete tutorial to no […]
IndexPreparations for accessing Google DriveAccess Google Drive on your computerInstall the Google Drive client for PC / MacAccess Google Drive on smartphones and tabletsAndroidiOSLog in to Google Drive in case of lost credentialsPreparations for accessing Google […]
Comment (42) Since December 12, six new HD channels have enriched the Spanish audiovisual landscape. But how to receive them?Since Wednesday December 12, six […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Linux)The first of the video converters I want to suggest you to experiment with is HandBrake. Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, he is very famous. Either way you don't have to worry, we can fix it immediately. It is a great […]
Netflix's iPadOS app will not be ported to macOS Catalina. Too bad for those who wanted to download episodes of series or films locally. Stranger Things // Crédit : Netflix macOS users can now […]
How to install WhatsApp on Huawei from Play StoreIf your smartphone Huawei is equipped with Google Mobile Services (GMS), you can easily download WhatsApp through Play Store, that is the virtual and official Android store where you can find and install applications […]
Highly anticipated, the Google Pixel 6 has the daunting task of succeeding excellent photophones. A complicated, but nevertheless successful bet, for a smartphone well helped by Google's new in-house processor, the Tensor. […]
Do you have a Yahoo address but you use it too rarely if ever? Here's how to close your account in just a few clicks. Yahoo! is a search engine, a portal, an email service… in short, a service that connects the same account to several others, like Google. […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you information on how to change your WhatsApp account. We recommend, before starting with the tutorial, that you make a backup to save what you have in each Chat. We will explain how to do it for Android and also for iPhone […]
The Free Mobile offer allows its customers to configure their voice mailboxes using several tools. Personalizing the answering machine consists of modifying your voice message, but not only that. You can apply several options to your answering machine, such […]
Index:Programs for editing scanned textTopOCR (Windows)Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows / macOS)App to edit a scanned textFineScanner PDF (Android / iOS)Adobe Scan and Adobe Acrobat Reader (Android / iOS)Online tool for editing scanned textOnline OCRConvertioPrograms […]
All modern browsers save the web pages visited in a special screen, accessible at any time while browsing. To access it we can use the appropriate buttons, keyboard shortcuts or even better some programs designed to view all the history together in a single screen. […]
Comment (9) Taking a screenshot from a web page or software on Windows and Mac is not necessarily as easy as on the phone. Here's how!Taking a screenshot is […]
Summary Free games Paid games More games Comments […]
If we want to watch the main Sky channels (for example Sky Uno, where there are many successful programs), until now we had to subscribe to Sky with satellite dish or fiber optic, subject to the constraints imposed by the satellite platform. A good alternative […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the merits of this guide and find out how to search for people on Facebook by age, it is good that you provide some preliminary information that will be useful for you to complete the procedure (or at least try it).As […]
Wi-Fi networks allow us to connect to the internet from anywhere, without particular configurations. Such ease, however, makes everyone very exposed on networks, potentially vulnerable to hackers and onlookers who can exploit our ingenuity to capture data and […]
We want to explain everything you should know about WhatsApp backups, as it is one of the most important elements, if you do not want to lose all the information you have stored in the messaging application. When you change your mobile, lose it or […]
Comment (1) Realizing impressive abstract photographs of water drops is not that difficult and produces an original effect. Find out in this tutorial how to […]
Last accessAmong the methods for know if a person is online on WhatsApp, surely you can rely on the native functionality of this messaging app, which shows theLast Access carried out by a contact. Accessing this information is quite easy, as it appears within each […]
Are you looking for a data recovery company in the Naples area? Contact us.Thanks to ours modern laboratory equipped with the most advanced equipment available on the market, the company can recover files and documents from smartphones, hard drives, SSDs, USB sticks, […]
How to take screenshots on Snapchat without notification? All users have asked themselves this question and tips have existed in the past to do so. But the social network has managed to find a solution. Here is a method that works on both iPhone and Android smartphone. Snapchat […]
Write backwards on WhatsAppAs I mentioned at the opening of the post, for write backwards on WhatsApp it is necessary to turn to third-party solutions, since the famous instant messaging app does not integrate an ad hoc writing mode that allows you to do such a […]
Modeled on Snapchat, WhatsApp now allows users to send media (photo, video) that can only be opened once. Entitled View Once, this feature is being rolled out to the app. Here is how to use it. WhatsApp (free image) Threatened by competition from Signal […]
How to find hidden apps on AndroidIn the following chapters, I'll show you the most popular ways to hide apps on Android and how to find them accordingly. Also, I'll explain how you can see the system app on devices Samsung, Huawei e Xiaomi.In this regard, I make […]
All companies manage to make ends meet thanks to management programs dedicated to accounting and management systems designed for the management of personnel and individual commercial activities. The best management programs are all paid, but for a small company […]
Do you want to make a video of your iPhone screen to show someone a particular manipulation or your exploits in a game? Here's how to record your screen on iOS. There are many reasons that […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to send messages on WhatsApp to numbers not in the address book, I think it is important that you understand your needs well and understand what the procedure you are about to put into practice […]
Comment (26) Israeli manufacturer SodaStream offers a sustainable alternative to plastic bottles of sparkling water and soft drinks with its reusable beverage […]
What are convertible notebooksBefore explaining in detail what the best convertible notebooks, I think you may be interested in learning more about this type of laptop.Well, the main peculiar feature of these devices is the presence of a touch-screen display, or […]
Pokémon Go is mainly played on a smartphone or tablet, which makes sense since you have to move around to capture Pokémon most often. But did you know that it is also possible to play the game directly from your computer? We will explain everything to you below. […]
Comment (27) Choosing a refrigerator is not necessarily an easy exercise. We are looking for efficiency, but also silence, and economy, while we juggle with […]
You want to delete your Spotify account but you don't know how to go about it? Do not panic, we detail the procedure to follow in this article. A platform for listening to millions of songs, Spotify has managed to make its mark on the music streaming market. […]
When something on your computer doesn't work, by talking to tech experts or looking for discussions in forums, sooner or later you will read about updating your drivers. But what are the drivers? Do they really need to be updated and how do you see which ones […]
Numbering the pages of a Word document is easy. You don't know how to do it? We will see how to do it in this tutorial. If you are working on a document of tens or even hundreds of pages and want to find your way around the sheets more easily, numbers are essential. Number […]
Want to remove Bing from your favorite web browser? To push its search engine against Google, Microsoft does not hesitate to use aggressive methods, at the limit or even sometimes outright as adware does. Thus, the search engine can be found by default in all browsers […]
Netflix adds new features – essentially parental control – with a useful new feature even for those who do not have children: profile locking by PIN code. Here's how to enable the feature. Credits: TechnologiesTips Netflix adds a series of parental […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to teach you How to Change Color in WhatsApp for Android (whether Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung... this guide fits all!), iPhone and PC. Here, you will learn how to change the color of the Chat, the background, put the WhatsApp in colors, […]
Tablets and smartphones have now replaced laptops, at least for entertainment. There is nothing better than going to bed with the tablet in hand to watch a streaming show or listen to music. With a tablet or smartphone you can watch a movie in streaming even sitting […]
Create the accountDo you want to understand what you have to do to access PayPal from your computer? Very well, then the first step you need to take is to create an account on the website of the service. To do this, connect to the PayPal home page by clicking here […]
Comment (6) After introducing its 200 W charge to recharge a 4000 mAh battery in 8 minutes, Xiaomi provides more details regarding the battery life. […]
2025 / onlywhatsapps.com