Need a downgrade? If you are on iOS 11 and want to switch back to iOS 10, it is possible! This requires downloading the .ipsw image of the latest signed version of iOS 10, then force restoring your iPhone or iPad using DFU mode and a key combination in iTunes. […]
MyMoviesOne of the best sites on the Internet that I choose to recommend as a movie search engine is Mymovies. Born in 2000, Mymovies is also a well-known cinematographic information magazine that offers a very rich database of all films from 1895 to today. For […]
No need to go through specialized software to extract the sound from a video: the VLC multimedia player has a very simple function to recover the audio track of a file and even convert it to another format. It can be practical, even useful, to extract […]
Since July 1, 2021, it becomes extremely difficult to escape customs duties and VAT by ordering on Aliexpress or on Wish. From now on, any package imported from a country outside the EU whose value is less than or equal to € 150 must be declared to customs by […]
iLovePDF (Online)One of the simplest methods to convert PDF documents into images is to contact an online service, such as iLovePDF which is completely free, does not require registration and has a very high upload threshold (it allows you to upload files up to […]
It's possible clone WhatsApp? Is it true that someone can take over our account, fool all the protection systems of the app and snoop into our conversations? Many people ask me, and so today I decided to deal with the subject to clarify, or rather, to try to understand, […]
We will soon be switching to winter time and this new time change will not be the last. The vote of the European Parliament in favor of the end of this practice has still not been recorded by the Council of the EU which has the last word. What's really going on? […]
Do you want to save files, photos, contacts and applications on your smartphone or tablet? Here's how to make a full Android backup.The backup allows you to have a copy of the files and applications in order to protect you from any problems and data loss. Have […]
PNG to PDF (Online)PNG to PDF, as you can easily guess from the name itself, it is an excellent Web service thanks to which you can convert files in PNG format into PDF documents. It is simplistic to use and allows you to upload up to a maximum of 20 images at […]
Learn HDR Photography By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 01/12/15 at 09h53 Share: […]
Create a parallax effect with After Effects By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 17/01/17 at 09h00 Share: […]
If you have lost or forgotten your passwords on Google Chrome, you will be able to find them very easily, some would say too much. The web giant has the annoying tendency to record everything you do to make browsing easier, sometimes to the detriment of your security. Google […]
Windows 10 integrates the Microsoft Edge web browser. And even encourages users to use it. However, some users of competing browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and even Safari cannot feel Microsoft's browser. So how to remove it? Because yes, integrated or not, […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you Information on How to Spy WhatsApp Knowing only the Phone Number. To be a Hacker and disrespect the Privacy of another Person/User by Spying on their Chat, you will need to have a device either Mobile Phone or Computer. We […]
Mediafire is one of those websites where everyone, sooner or later, happens to download a file from the internet. Sites like Mediafire are jargon called "Cyberlockers", also known as services'hosting on file'. These cyberlockers provide users with one disk space […]
Summary Change the ringtone on your iPhone Customize […]
IndexOutlook.comHow to access Outlook WebHow to sign in to Outlook Web AppHow to log out of OutlookHow to sign out of Outlook appIn case of problemsMicrosoft OutlookHow to access OutlookHow to access Outlook from another PCHow to log out of OutlookOutlook.comTo […]
How to forward an email on WhatsApp for AndroidIf you want forward an email on WhatsApp and use a device Android, this is the section of the tutorial that suits you best. In fact, below you will find explained, in detail, how to copy texts and attachments from […]
IndexHow to enter Lenovo BIOS with Windows 10How to enter Lenovo BIOS with Windows 8.1How to enter Lenovo BIOS with Windows 7 and earlierHow to update the Lenovo BIOSHow to enter Lenovo BIOS with Windows 10If you have a Lenovo computer with an operating system […]
Check WhatsApp Web / Desktop loginsAs I also explained to you in my tutorial on how to use WhatsApp on PC, the online service Web WhatsApp and the official client of WhatsApp for Windows and macOS allow you to use WhatsApp on your computer by creating a new […]
In the end, the time has come for you to pay for your WhatsApp subscription. You would like to take advantage of the opportunity to spend the few euros you have left on your PayPal account (which you now use more and more rarely) but you have not yet managed to […]
IndexCome permettere a Facebook di accedere alle foto su AndroidCome permettere a Facebook di accedere alle foto su iPhone/iPadCome permettere a Facebook di accedere alle foto su AndroidSe vuoi sapere come abilitare i permessi di accesso alle foto all’app di […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to use Memoji on WhatsApp I have to give you some preliminary information about it.You must, in fact, know that the Memoji they are stickers that depict animals or other entities and that follow facial expressions, […]
With Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, you can save yourself a succession of clicks to perform specific actions. Some are less well known than others, but when they are mastered, these shortcuts allow you to go much faster. The new shortcuts in Windows 10 Windows […]
Find Apple ID on iPhone and iPadTo find out what is theApple ID associated with a iPhone or iPad, all you have to do is access the menu Settings (the gear icon located on the home screen) and select the you don't know from the screen that opens. The Apple ID will […]
Recover deleted photos from WhatsApp on Android via the GalleryIf you have deleted the WhatsApp message that contained the photo of your interest, but you have not selected the option to delete the media also from the phone memory and you have not deactivated the […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the topic, it seems only right to make some clarifications about the functionality that can be exploited to be able to send a message to all WhatsApp contacts simultaneously.The operation you are interested […]
Have you accidentally deleted messages from your Android smartphone or tablet? Here's how to recover deleted SMS with free software.I Message that we send every day can be an important memory that we do not want to erase. If you accidentally deleted SMS messages […]
Google is reportedly working on an application color customization system on Android 12. This would let the user choose a main color and a secondary color and then apply it to compatible applications. Credits: 9to5Google Since Android 10, users can switch […]
Pokémon Go is mainly played on a smartphone or tablet, which makes sense since you have to move around to capture Pokémon most often. But did you know that it is also possible to play the game directly from your computer? We will explain everything to you below. […]
Comment The photo has taken a prominent place on smartphones, to the point of becoming the engine of technological advances in telephones. We therefore […]
Convert TIFF to JPG on WindowsIf you are using a PC with Windows installed and you need to convert TIFF to JPG I suggest you resort to using Paint, the program available “standard” on all Microsoft computers that allows you to make simple and quick changes […]
Despite having touched on the topic several times (even recently), I continue to receive questions regarding the costs of WhatsApp. Some friends, especially the older ones who are preparing to try the application for the first time, ask me how to pay WhatsApp, […]
Comment (16) GPS is a very practical technology to replace our good old road maps. However, just like the latter, it is important that they are up to date […]
How to add a contact on WhatsAppBefore I give you any advice on how to declare yourself to crush on WhatsApp, I want to explain how to add a contact in the popular instant messaging app, which you can download for free from the Play Store of Android (or from its […]
Preliminary informationBefore we go into the heart of this guide and see how to generate strange writings for WhatsApp, I would like to provide you with some preliminary information, explaining briefly how to proceed.In general, to generate these writings, one […]
Choosing your phone's ringtone is one of the best ways to personalize your smartphone and make sure that the ring does not mix with that of others when you are called. In many phones, however, the default ringtones are rather poor, some with unpleasant music or […]
The PDF format is one of the most used formats on the web. And for good reason, it allows Internet users to share all types of documents without loss of formatting or risk of incompatibility of operating systems. Thus, a PDF document can be opened on all computers, […]
Do you have a particularly annoying friend or work colleague who constantly texts you on WhatsApp? If the answer is affirmative and if you are looking for a valid solution by which you can put a point on it, I have good, indeed excellent news for you: I can explain […]
In a situation where you are forced to stay at home, technology is a great support to feel less alone and reunite with others even virtually. An interesting idea is the one that allows you to see videos and movies together, even staying in two different houses. […]
Comment (2) A lip-syncing application that quickly became popular with young people, has just been acquired at an impressive price.Very popular […]
Activision launches the Ricochet anti-cheat system, intended to protect Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Vanguard, its next title. It is a divisive and potentially dangerous technology. Here's why. […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to see the name of a WhatsApp contact, I have to give you some preliminary information about it.In fact, you must know that the name of the WhatsApp contact is the one with which you registered the person in the […]
According to a Switch developer, wear and tear on Joy-Con joysticks is inevitable, suggesting Joy-Con Drift issues will be forever. The joystick and buttons on the right of the Nintendo Switch […]
Share a video on WhatsApp from your mobileDo you want to find out how to share a video on WhatsApp from your smartphone? Then read the instructions on what to do for Android and iOS that you find below. You won't have to do anything particularly complicated, I […]
WhatsApp Web / WhatsApp for PCAs I explained to you in my tutorial on how to use WhatsApp on PC (and as you surely know), thanks to the service Web WhatsApp and to the official client of WhatsApp for Windows and macOS, you can “repeat” the WhatsApp application […]
Preliminary informationBefore discovering, in detail, what steps must be taken to be able to find the WhatsApp QR code, it seems only right to specify what we are talking about, or rather what a QR code is and, in the specific case of WhatsApp, what is it for.Let's […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you all the necessary information so that in the WhatsApp application you can always stay online and all your contacts can see you in this state. We will show you this process on different devices, either on PC, Android mobile […]
Do you have to go out with friends and would like to know exactly their location so you can join them? If you need to know the exact address of the place where they are, you could ask them to send you their location via WhatsApp.If you're new to technology and […]
When you buy a PC, inside there is the hard disk, the hard disk on which data and files are written. In recent years, these hard drives have become increasingly larger in terms of Gigabytes and more and more data enters them. The fact remains that both those who […]
The Chromecast is the most famous HDMI key, because it allows you to receive multimedia streams from any smartphone, tablet and PC connected to the same Wi-Fi network, without necessarily having to depend on an operating system to be updated or dedicated apps […]
Create a pixel scatter effect with Photoshop By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 06/03/18 at 14h00 Share: […]
Comment (5) What could be better than a good photo to increase your chances of selling your creations or objects and other second-hand clothes? We offer you […]
If we often work with Excel tables, especially in the office and in the workplace, it happens that we have to compare two different versions of the same table. Maybe I'm the head of the office, one of my employees fills out a table of which I already had an old […]
Servizi online per cercare musicaBee MP3sIniziamo questa guida su come cercare musica da Bee MP3s. Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, it is a very famous service! Either way you don't have to worry, we'll fix it right away. It is an online search […]
DaFontThe first site I want recommended for downloading new fonts is DaFont. It is probably the most famous portal in the world when it comes to downloading new fonts at no cost. It has a virtually infinite archive of fonts, all sorted by category. Basically a […]
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, OCS and Apple TV+ are complete video streaming platforms. Among all these players, which one offers the best offer? Answer in our complete comparison. Since its arrival in Spain, Netflix has turned the audiovisual landscape […]
Amazon Alexa Advertising is on your Samsung TV? Here's how to control everything by voice! Sponsored file Posted on 22/10/21 at 15:15 p.m. The Amazon Alexa voice assistant is built into the majority of recent Samsung TVs, […]
Anamorphic shooting in practice By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Jean-Charles Fouche Posted on 06/07/18 at 14h00 Share: […]
Presented at the same time as the Huawei Mate 20 and Mate 20 Pro, the Huawei Band 3 Pro is the new connected bracelet from the Chinese manufacturer. The successor to the Band 2 Pro has new welcome features and is intended to be the ideal companion on a daily basis, […]
How to access WhatsApp from a PC without a phoneIf you are wondering how to enter WhatsApp without phone, using your PC, you are in the right section of this guide. There are essentially three ways of accessing the messaging platform that I will present to you: […]
Summary The official method Via internet On iOS […]
Did you know that when you delete a file it is not deleted forever? Here's how you can permanently remove it.When delete a file deleting it through the recycle bin, it is not permanently deleted, but it still resides on the hard disk of the computer. In fact, the […]
Change WhatsApp number on AndroidIf you intend to change your WhatsApp number and you have a smartphone Android, the first thing you need to do is grab your device, make sure it is connected to an active and working WiFi network and log in to WhatsApp.Once […]
How to convert BMP to PDF on WindowsThe simplest program for transform BMP to PDF under Windows it is PDFill FREE PDF Tools. If you remember I have already talked about it on other occasions, it is a free suite that includes numerous tools to edit, create and convert […]
Presentation Cut for performance and leisure, according to the manufacturer, with its 17-inch screen, this computer is supposed to provide greater comfort in office automation and in videos than on the classic 15-inch.ErgonomicsThe […]
How to convert DVD to MP4 for freeIf you are interested in finding out how to convert DVD to MP4 for free, all you have to do is resort to the use of some programs used for this purpose. You ask me what these software are and how can you use them? To find out, […]
Programs to convert AIFF to MP3You are interested in understanding how to convert AIFF to MP3 acting from your computer, through gods programs dedicated to the purpose? Then I suggest you take into consideration the software that you find reported below: there […]
Xvid4PSP (Windows / OS X)Whether you have a PC with Windows installed or a Mac it makes no difference, Xvid4PSP undoubtedly represents the best solution to convert MKV to AVI in both cases. It is in fact a free software for converting videos that allows you to […]
Summary New games for November 2021 New games with […]
Preliminary informationBefore entering the tutorial, going to explain, concretely, how to hide the number on WhatsApp, it is my duty to provide you with some preliminary information in this regard which it is my duty to provide you.Let's start from a fixed point: […]
The Chromecast is currently in version 2. This small dongle is very practical and allows in particular to cast your smartphone on your TV. Today we will teach you some tips and tricks to make the best use of the latter. The Chromecast is a relatively powerful […]
Windows 7 and Windows XP are receiving an emergency security update. Microsoft is deploying a patch to protect users from a serious flaw, which could allow ransomware as dangerous as Wannacry to spread on your computer. As part of Patch Tuesday on May 14, […]
Adobe Acrobat Pro DCOne of the most popular PDF conversion programs is Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, available for a fee for Windows and macOS computers. However, it is possible to download the 7-day trial version of this program, so that you can evaluate its main features.This […]
IndexJoin a WhatsApp group via invitation linkGet added to a WhatsApp groupHow to prevent being added to WhatsApp groupsJoin a WhatsApp group via invitation linkIf you want to know how to join a WhatsApp group without permission, the only solution you have is to […]
Dead Pixel Locator (Windows)The first tool I want to advise you to use for find the burnt pixels on your monitor is the program Dead Pixel Locator. It's free, requires no installation, is specific to Windows operating systems, and displays a series of solid-color […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of this guide and explaining, in practice, how to make a video call with WhatsApp Web, let me give you some more information on how this can happen.At the time of writing this guide, it has not yet been implemented, […]
The competition from Telegram is starting to bear fruit: after years of pleas from users fallen inexorably on deaf ears, the developers of WhatsApp have finally "woken up" and have decided to introduce support for PDF files in their famous application. I know, […]
To strengthen the security of your online accounts, it is advisable to change your passwords regularly. Gmail offers to update its login credentials in a few clicks, as we will see in the steps below. Change your Gmail passwordGo to the Google password change […]
How to recover deleted WhatsApp chats on AndroidAs things currently stand, there are no official solutions that allow you to easily recover deleted messages from WhatsApp for Android.The only effective way to do this is to restore a backup of conversations, […]
Whether for work, study, or for your own use, there may be parts of a particularly large PDF document that you need to highlight. To do this, nothing could be simpler: just use the classic technique of virtual stabilo. If you are wondering how to highlight in […]
Uninstalling pre-installed apps on Windows 10 is possible. In this tutorial, we show you how to easily remove bloatware. Like Android, Windows 10 installs with many apps that cannot be uninstalled by default. The application managers don't let you delete them. […]
Software to transform JPEG into PDFPDFill FREE PDF Tools (Windows)A Windows PC was used and it was not intended to acquire professional software for the PDF file, it was not intended to be due to scarcity. PDFill FREE PDF Tools. If I try to give a free application […]
How to convert NRG to ISO on PCYou are using a PC with su installed Windows and you would like to understand how to convert NRG to ISO? Then continue reading: below, in fact, you will find indicated what I believe to be the best solutions used for this purpose.NRG […]
Batch processing with Photoshop By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 18/04/17 at 14h30 Share: […]
Preliminary informationPrima di entrare nel vivo di questo tutorial and spiegarti nel dettaglio how to hide WhatsApp conversations, let me give you some preliminary information in this regard.You should know, in fact, that the famous messaging application owned […]
Have you deleted or lost photos from your PC, smartphone, pen drive or camera? Here's how you can recover them with free software.Photos often represent a very important memory. It may happen that you delete and remove some images by mistake, without the possibility […]
You changed your cell phone and you don't know how to activate WhatsApp on the new terminal without losing the license data? Has your WhatsApp account been blocked and you don't know how to access the service again? Are you a beginner with WhatsApp and do not know […]
Comment (37) With the amount of multimedia content, especially video, photo and video games, which passes through our smartphones, it is normal to want to […]
Have you heard of RAID but don't know what it means? Here's what it is and how it works.RAID is a system first made in 1988. The acronym means Redundant Array of Independent Disks, and it is a technology that allows you to save the same information on multiple […]
In its latest update released last week, Windows 10 offers a new disk manager. Currently in the beta test phase, the tool allows you to resize a partition and manage the unit letter. Here's how to access this new tool. Screenshot credit: Windows Latest In recent […]
Comment (29) If the PlayStation 4 literally seduced players during its presentation during E3 2013, in particular with an attractive price, we had learned […]
Comment All the brands that offer free photo prints try to do well by offering tempting offers to attract new customers. How to make your choice? What […]
Summary How to pay ? Compatible Stores Google Pay […]
Every time you post a message in a group chat, on WhatsApp, is there a lot of confusion? Do you never understand which people, and more specifically which messages, you are replying to? It is a classic, but for this very reason a very useful function has been introduced […]
Comment (38) Wi-Fi is conventionally delivered in most homes thanks to an Internet box or a dedicated router. Depending on the size of the waves and the size […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to add a contact on WhatsApp group, there is some preliminary information about it that you need to know.First of all, I would like to point out that a group conversation on WhatsApp […]
Online2PDFOne of the best sites that allow you to convert PDF files to ODT without losing the original document formatting is Online2PDF which has an upload limit of 50MB and works from any browser without the need for Flash Player or other add-ons. How does it […]
Presentation of the binary Our video Bit Bit weight Conversions Byte KiloBytes, MegaBytes Binary operations Binary addition Binary multiplication Presentation of the binary Towards the end of the 30s, Claude Shannon demonstrated that using "contactors" […]
Where to look for Instagram filtersBefore explaining to you how to search for filters on instagram, let me give you some preliminary information about it. You must, in fact, know that the Instagram they are nothing more than "special effects" that you can apply […]
How to see router IP addressAs I told you at the opening of the post, find the IP address of the router it is not difficult. You can do this by acting as a computer, smartphone and tablet using all the most popular operating systems. You will find everything explained […]
Search people on Facebook by email address from smartphones and tabletsIf your intent is to search for people on Facebook by email address and you want to do it from your smartphone or tablet, you must first synchronize your contacts with the social network app.To […]
Already relevant on Pixel 6, the final version of Android 12 should appear before the end of the year on other phones. On the Samsung side, the new OS will land at the same time as the One UI 4.0 overlay. Here are the compatible smartphones. The most recent […]
Preliminary operationBefore explaining to you how to put Touch ID on WhatsApp, let me show you a few preliminary operations that must necessarily be performed in order to use the function in question. Coast am I referring to? Of course, you set up Touch ID on your […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to show you How to Recover WhatsApp Messages (or Wasap, as you prefer) Deleted by the Sender from iPhone and Android with Backup (if you don't have a copy, we have another post that will help you) that you can find in Google Drive or […]
There are several reasons that may cause you to reduce the size or weight of an image. You might want to send it by email, but the weight is over the limit. We are going to show you how to compress an image to bring it down to a reasonable weight. Images in JPEG […]
Even if modern telephony offers now include minutes to all mobile phones and landline numbers, we can still find ourselves in the situation where we cannot call landlines because the phone card has run out of credit or we are abroad in external countries. to the […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to quindi to spiegare eat togliere online your WhatsApp, there are some preliminary information which is my duty to provide you.Let's start first from a fixed point: currently, non esiste […]
Summary New Xbox Controller Sony DualSense SteelSeries […]
IndexPreparations for accessing Google DriveAccess Google Drive on your computerInstall the Google Drive client for PC / MacAccess Google Drive on smartphones and tabletsAndroidiOSLog in to Google Drive in case of lost credentialsPreparations for accessing Google […]
How to convert BMP files to JPG on computerYou are interested in understanding how to convert BMP files to JPG through special computer software? Then you should consider those for Windows, MacOS e Linux which I have provided to indicate and explain to you here […]
Comment (24) Our colleagues from Univers Freebox inform that Free has made changes to the termination procedure for its mobile offers. Not enough to make it […]
Thanks to its new "Continue on PC" feature deployed from the Fall Creators Update, Microsoft offers a new way to synchronize your Android or iOS smartphone with a PC on Windows 10. As its name suggests, it allows you to continue on a PC a task started on smartphone. […]
Many friends have written to me asking if it is possible block a number on WhatsApp. The answer is "nì", in the sense that we can block a person we have as a contact in the smartphone address book and in the WhatsApp address book to avoid disturbing us but […]
Comment (16) Well known to users of Mac OSX, the operating system of Apple computers, virtual offices offer the possibility of multiplying the work environment. […]
CloudConvertCloudConvert is great all-in-one converter able to convert images, videos, music, Office documents, PDFs and many other types of files: over 200 in all, find the complete list here.The service can be used at no cost - even for multiple conversions - […]
Steam is the most used video game distributor in the world, an online store with a catalog that far exceeds 10.000 titles, growing almost exponentially. The problem, with such an abundance of games, is find the most beautiful ones, the ones that are worth downloading, […]
How a hard drive worksThe microprocessor in your PC is the component that takes care of data storage and computing.But it's the hard drive that gives your computer its own the memory prodigious and allows you to store digital photos, music files, text documents […]
Summary What is cloud gaming? Comparison of services […]
How to recover files from an external hard drive? Here is the guide to restore your data.- external hard disk they are increasingly used to archive files and documents. They allow you to create backup copies of your most important data, to always have a backup […]
Snap Map is a map that allows you to access the location of your friends on Snapchat. This feature can be useful in many ways, the goal being to strengthen the social bond between users. But not everyone takes a positive view of her for obvious reasons which have […]
Comment (27) Detergent-free washing balls are an ecological and economical alternative to liquid or powder detergents. To assess the effectiveness of these […]
IndexHow to access Gmail from PCWebmailEmail clientHow to access Gmail from smartphones and tabletsApp GmailOther mail appsHow to access Gmail from PCIf you want to know how to access Gmail from PC, in the next chapters I will explain how to perform this operation […]
Summary Latest news on Windows 11 What's new in Windows 11? What are the minimum requirements to install Windows 11 on your PC? List of hardware compatible with Windows 11 What is the Windows 11 release date? Windows 10 going to disappear? What is […]
Comment (21) **Who has never found themselves in front of their washing machine, faced with a plethora of programs as abstruse as each other, distraught in […]
You accidentally installed MacKeeper, but have just realized that the program created causes more problems than it solves? Don't worry, thanks to this tutorial, you should be able to get rid of it without too much difficulty. And to keep your mac on top, we advise […]
Netflix adds new features – essentially parental control – with a useful new feature even for those who do not have children: profile locking by PIN code. Here's how to enable the feature. Credits: TechnologiesTips Netflix adds a series of parental […]
Summary How to change status? How to hide your profile? How to change the wallpaper? How do I create a shortcut to a chat? How do I mute a conversation? How do I enable automatic chat backup? How to delete all messages? How to update your phone number? How […]
Professionals and simple enthusiasts can create animations, games, animated videos, movies, cartoons, visual novels using a computer and a professional program, which does not necessarily have to be paid. In fact, different types of free software to create animations, […]
The best Samsung tablets (Galaxy Tab) January 2022 By Rick IA ☆ Updated on 12/01/22 at 08:01 am Share: […]
Like every year, Huawei presents a Lite version of its flagship smartphone. The P20 Lite is therefore a watered down version of the P20, coming to occupy the mid-range terrain with a 19:9 screen amputated from the small surface of the notch. Overall, the P20 Lite […]
Software to download driversAs anticipated at the beginning of the guide, if you want to download the missing drivers on your computer, the simplest system you have from yours is to resort to the use of some computer software specially used for the purpose. Below […]
Have you signed up for a telephone offer including extra credit to spend on Google Play or Windows Store and would like to take advantage of it to renew your WhatsApp subscription? Then I think you've come to the right place at the right time. With today's guide […]
Comment (14) How do Apple employees at the Genius Bar know whether an iPhone brought to them for service should be repaired under warranty or not? They rely […]
Have you created a Facebook group, but the members are politely inactive and its interest is increasingly limited? Note that if you are an administrator, you can archive or delete it whenever you want. To do this, follow our tutorial which will explain, step by […]
Sky broadcasts many interesting and exclusive events on the satellite, but not all of them can bear the costs (however incurred) to be able to see them with the satellite dish and the attached decoder. If we wish see the best Sky channels on our TV (both Smart […]
On Facebook, it's not always easy to know how to hide your photos from the public. However, it has recently been possible to hide all old posts, including your old photos, with a single click. You can also choose the audience of your posts during publication, and […]
Block and report a userIn the event that you should continuously receive messages from a contact or a user not in the address book, you can proceed blocking it o reporting it to WhatsApp. The two practices are very similar to each other, but differ in one characteristic: […]
Have you lost your data? That's when you can try to recover files with DIY systems.Data stored on a hard disk or on a portable device such as a USB pen drive or microSD can be recovered with do-it-yourself methods. However, it should be noted that these methods […]
In this article we are going to explain how you can set up a vacation mode to prevent all those contacts you choose from disturbing you while you are resting. We are going to do it from the WhatsApp applicationthrough a system of permanent archiving of conversations. […]
WhatsApp, as you surely know, allows your friends to see the date and time of the last time you opened the application to read their messages. What you may not know is that this feature is optional. It can be easily deactivated, and today we will see how to do […]
How to find public IP address (dynamic and static)Do you want to know how to find the public IP address of a device on the Internet? In this case, what I advise you to do is to carefully read the following chapters and put into practice what is written in them.Find […]
A security hole in the Epic Games Store allows you to get games for free. By logging into a friend's account, it is possible to download games and then play them on their own account, without having purchased them. The handling is extremely simple. Credits: TechnologiesTips Since […]
Comment (12) Capsule and pod coffee makers are numerous on the market. They are often a guarantee of simplicity, practicality and compactness, a particularly […]
You were chatting with a friend on WhatsApp and while you were chatting, you got distracted for a moment by looking away from your mobile phone screen. Maybe it never happened: you realized that, by mistake, you tapped the wrong button and so casually sent the […]
What is about:blank? It's not a virus or malware, is it? In fact normally on a healthy computer, about:blank should display a blank page without any script. Zero, nothing at all. But there are malware that exploit this address to launch advertisements, scripts, […]
Successor to Google Hangouts, Google Chat is an instant messaging service allowing you to start a discussion with one or more correspondents. If you can download the application, it is also quite possible to go through your Gmail account to use it. Here's how. In […]
Comment Big change in the comparison of PC monitors. We have just reviewed all the notation taking into account new criteria such as the presence of […]
How to enter a name on WhatsAppYou are interested in understanding how to enter a name on WhatsApp going to assign a nominated to a number you are chatting with but which is not yet among your contacts, or changing the one already in use for a given user? Then […]
Enable calls on WhatsAppAs I mentioned in the introduction, enable calls on WhatsApp it's not complicated at all: all you have to do is go to your smartphone store and update the messaging app to the latest version available. If the app is up to date but you are […]
Services to find a person on WhatsApp without having the numberAs I mentioned at the opening of the post, for find a person on WhatsApp without having the number you must first go back to the address of the user in question starting from his name. To do this, you […]
The Polaroid Go is a small instant camera that comes just after the Polaroid Now and also delivers square format photos. The Go enters into direct competition with the Instax Mini from Fujifilm, provided with a credit card format. […]
Siri is a useful and helpful voice assistant, but for some reason some users prefer to turn it off on their iPhone or iPad. Rest assured, it's as easy to turn off Siri as it is to turn it on or back on. The process only takes a few seconds, and here's how. Image […]
Summary Updating Apple Watch Compatible Apple Watches […]
If it is true that the new Windows Media Player of Windows 7 is finally a complete multimedia player, capable of reading almost all the video formats in circulation, it is also true that it does not yet allow you to view MKV movies the Matroska format used for […]
The standards of SIM cards evolve at the same time as the design of our smartphones, always thinner. If you've recently changed your phone or are planning to do so, here's how to cut your SIM card so that it's finally the right size. Have you just changed […]
To create a PDF usually paid solutions are used for professional use such as programs offered by Adobe; these software allow you to create new PDF files from scratch or convert existing documents, but to use them you need to pay a very high amount (at least for […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to install whatsapp on pc, I must provide you with some preliminary useful information in this regard.The first thing you need to know is that the WhatsApp for computers is only compatible with systems Windows […]
Much loved by fans of music creation and podcasting, the Audacity software is taking a disturbing turn. Audacity is a well-known software. Open source and free, it makes it easy to record and […]
Having two WhatsApp accounts on AndroidAs I told you in the introduction of the article, WhatsApp does not integrate a special function that allows you to use two different accounts on the same device, let alone have two accounts with the same number. However, […]
To say that Free threw a swathe into the pool of mobile offers when it arrived in 2012 is a mild understatement. The company caused a real tidal wave by obtaining the status of fourth mobile telephone operator after establishing itself as an essential Internet […]
Movavi Video Converter (Windows / Mac)To convert DVD to AVI easily, I recommend that you rely on Movavi Video Converter. It is an appreciated commercial software (but possibly usable in a trial version, the one I used to write this step) available for both Windows […]
Summary Xbox Game Pass Ultimate The Tip The Guide […]
What are WhatsApp stickersBefore going into the heart of the subject, it seems only right to clarify you what are WhatsApp stickers: if this is not clear to you, it would not make much sense to continue reading the article.As I partially anticipated in the introduction […]
YouTube offers new control options that allow users to have better video suggestions. Despite the AI behind the recommendation system that selects the best videos based on your interests, YouTube has decided to put less automation into it by giving users […]
How to convert RTF file to PDF for freeIf you want convert an RTF file to PDF for free, in the next chapters I will provide you with several solutions that you can use on yours PC, or even yours Mac. I will also point out gods online services, which will allow […]
Your computer won't turn on? Here are some reasons that could cause it to fail to boot.When you turn on your PC, it may happen that you have no start signal. The reasons why the computer does not turn on they can be varied, and depending on the problems encountered, […]
Comment (26) Israeli manufacturer SodaStream offers a sustainable alternative to plastic bottles of sparkling water and soft drinks with its reusable beverage […]
Comment (1) The Vinted app now has 16 million users in Spain. The opportunity to look back on the career of a web giant, born in Lithuania in the mind of a […]
Comment (3) LABO / The new iPhone 11 Pro have just entered our laboratories. What is the value of the ultra-wide-angle photo module introduced on the brand's […]
Articulated around sensory experiences, the DualSense controller of the PlayStation 5 stands out quite clearly from the DualShock of the previous PlayStations. A sensational controller in many ways. Presentation […]
GoogleWell yes! Trivial as it may seem, sometimes a search on Google it can be an extremely effective solution. By searching for a name on Google (possibly in quotes, in order to obtain more precise results), you can easily end up in sites, blogs, forums and social […]
When you created your Twitter account, a username was automatically assigned to you. The latter therefore serves as an identifier for your subscribers and can be modified as you wish to stick as closely as possible to your desires and your personality. After all, […]
GIMP (Windows, Mac and Linux)GIMP is the first among the programs to transform photos into drawings that I want to suggest you try. It is a totally free software, open source in nature and fully functional on all major operating systems (Windows, Mac and Linux). […]
With iOS 14.5 Apple is not content to deploy a whole range of very serious features, it also gives us new emojis marked by even more inclusive combinations for couples. iOS 14.5 emojis are revealed, […]
For most people who use a computer with Windows 10, a free antivirus may be enough to protect the computer from infections and malware that float on the Internet. If it is true that the paid antivirus suites have many extra features (for example to protect children […]
iOS 14 marks the arrival of Apple Translate, a translation application similar to Google Translate. The service will rely on voice assistant Siri to translate foreign languages in real time, even if your iPhone is offline internet. On June 22, […]
Waze (Android / iOS / Windows 10 Mobile)Waze is one of the first applications that I recommend you try to find the best ones petrol, LPG, methane and diesel distributors present nearby. It is a real free satellite navigator, available for Android, iOS and […]
Instant Photo Sketch (Windows / Mac)The first among the resources to turn a photo into a pencil drawing that I want to advise you to try is Instant Photo Sketch. It is a free program available for both Windows and Mac able to fulfill the purpose in question […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining yourself in depth how to do surveys on WhatsApp, let me provide you with some preliminary information that you must necessarily know before starting to work. As I have already anticipated in the introduction of this guide, […]
Who has the possibility and the right multimedia system, can try to watch Youtube videos streamed in HTML5, in 3D. The videos that can be seen in 3D on computer monitors or on suitable TVs are many and various types of three-dimensional videos are also available, […]
Comment (9) Since March 13, 2015, Youtube supports 360°, so-called spherical videos. Due to their special format, putting them online requires slightly different […]
Mobile forensics allows you to discover a lot of information on mobile devices. Here's what it is and how to investigate.Mobile forensics is a branch of the digital forensics, which deals with the recovery of data from any mobile device in order to be used in a […]
IndexRead WhatsApp messages without logging in on AndroidView messages from the lock screen and notification centerWhatsApp widgetRead WhatsApp messages without logging in on iPhoneView messages from the lock screen and notification centerCrabOther useful solutionsRead […]
Comment (4) As promised, HP has released new firmware for its printers that were blocked by using cartridges with unofficial security chips.Just a month ago, […]
Program to convert Office documents, web pages, etc. to PDF.If you need to convert an Office document, a web page, or any other "printable" document that appears on your computer to PDF, you can use a virtual PDF printer.Virtual printers are software that, in fact, […]
How to find free mobile number holderIf you want find the holder of a free mobile number, I have good news for you: there are many services suitable for this purpose that, in addition to being free, are also easy to use. Read on to learn more.Who's calling?One […]
Rockstar Games is re-releasing its famous trilogy of GTA games on multiple platforms. We learn that Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Now will each receive a game in their catalogs. Here's what to remember. […]
Windows 11 will modify an institution of the Windows system. The famous Blue Screen of Death, present since Windows 2.0, will simply change color. It will turn black, but its function will remain the same: to warn you that your PC is in trouble. The Blue Screen […]
Comment (12) Those who have already used a force feedback steering wheel know it well: its correct installation is crucial for driving pleasure. Here is an […]
How to change WhatsApp ringtone: AndroidIf you have a device Android and you want to find out how to change WhatsApp ringtone, let me explain how to proceed. Below you will find everything explained in detail.Change WhatsApp call ringtone change the ringtone of […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter PostepayAccess Postepay onlineAccess the Postepay appHow to access Postepay EvolutionPreliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to access Postepay, I think it might interest you to know more about which are the […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of this guide, going to explain how to see chats stored on Samsung WhatsApp, there is some preliminary information, in this regard, which seems to me only right to provide you.First, keep in mind that archiving […]
Apple has unveiled new accessories including a new Magic Mouse 2021 in several acid colors. However, a detail has just emerged: the design of the new version does not fundamentally change, which means that the charging port is still and always below the device […]
IndexHow to sign in to Microsoft Teams without Office 365How to access Microsoft Teams on a PCHow to access Microsoft Team from smartphones and tabletsHow to sign in to Microsoft Teams studentsHow to join a team on Microsoft TeamsHow to sign in to Microsoft Teams […]
Some clarificationsBefore giving you all the explanations of the case on what needs to be done to try to find a turned off iPhone, it seems to me only right to make some fundamental clarifications. However advanced and performing the Apple smartphone may be, unfortunately […]
The new version of the Google Chrome browser is being deployed. Which is obviously synonymous with new features. We list in this article the notable improvements embedded in Chrome 89. Google Chrome Google Chrome 89 is currently rolling out to Android, macOs, […]
The Free network is down following problems with the operator's DNS servers. To be able to surf the Internet while waiting for the ISP to correct the problem, you will have to change the DNS servers. We explain how to modify the DNS servers on an Android smartphone […]
MonsterMonster is one of the sites to look for work most famous in the world. To subscribe to it, connected to its main page and click on the icon SUBSCRIBE located at the top right. Then fill out the form that is proposed to you with all your personal data (name, […]
Putting a protective film on the screen of your smartphone correctly and without smudging is not as easy as you might think. If you've ever torn your hair out trying to get rid of the nasty bubbles that linger between the shield and the screen, without success, […]
How to forward messages from Messenger to WhatsAppIf you want forward a message from Messenger to WhatsApp, the operation you need to carry out is very simple and will take less than a minute of your free time. Here is all explained in detail.SmartphoneFirst, launch […]
Correct storage of magnetic storage media(Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, Tape Cartridge, Magneto-optical disks, et similia) Magnetic devices and common problemsThe computer storage devices based on magnetic media can keep data for a very long period of time (typically, […]
Thanks to the Adobe Fill & Sign application, it is very easy to edit and sign a PDF document on Android smartphones and tablets. In this quick tutorial, we show you how to do it in a jiffy to send your important documents by email, without having to print them […]
How to convert AAC to MP3 on PC and MacLet's start by going to find out like convert AAC to MP3 da computer, using special programs for Windows, MacOS e Linux. You will find them indicated below, together with the relative instructions for use. It's child's […]
Comment (33) You have just purchased a nice, brand new PC with Windows 8 / 8.1 preinstalled. Very quickly, after starting, the joy gives way to bitterness […]
In its experimental program reserved for YouTube Premium, the online video service now gives the possibility of downloading videos legally and officially. Source : Alexander Shatov via Unsplash Google […]
How to be contacted on WhatsAppLet's see, therefore, how to be contacted on WhatsApp creating your own account, sharing your contact in chat and verifying any blocked users. Find everything explained in detail below.Create a WhatsApp accountIf you are not yet registered […]
IndexHow to access SPID Poste from smartphones and tabletsHow to access SPID Poste from a computerHow to access SPID Poste with appHow to access SPID Poste without the appHow to access INPS with SPID PosteHow to access NoiPA with SPID PosteHow to access SPID Poste […]
Have you lost photos and data from your memory card? Here is a program to recover files from the micro SD of your camera or smartphone.Memory cards are increasingly used, because they allow you to have a lot of data in very little space. Not only in digital cameras, […]
Summary Watch TV Sport Movie and series streaming […]
Windows 10 now forces the creation of a Microsoft account when installing the operating system on certain machines. This account creation was optional until now, but Microsoft seems to be pushing this change on a large number of machines. There are still some tips […]
Join a WhatsApp group via invitation linkIf you want to know how to join a WhatsApp group without permission, the only solution you have is to access it through invitation link. Don't you know what it is? This is a link that allows anyone who has it to join a WhatsApp […]
Facebook has become in recent years one of the reference points for web videos, often offering exclusive videos that are not even present on very famous platforms for streaming videos such as YouTube or Twitch. Since finding the videos shared on the various profiles […]
There is no doubt about one thing now: after reading my guide on how WhatsApp works you have become an avid fan of the famous instant messaging app and you use it often, indeed very often to chat with friends, relatives and work colleagues directly. and comfortably […]
Do you remember the hacker who managed to launch Windows 95 on a smartwatch? This same hacker succeeded to install Flappy Bird on a Moto 360. And he also wrote a very complete tutorial to perform the installation. […]
Faced with the many mockeries and remarks endured by their little girl Alexa, parents are begging Amazon to change the name of her virtual assistant. They are also not the only ones to ask that the web giant rename its assistant, in favor of a “less human” […]
Index:How to sign up for Pinterest (Web)How to sign up for Pinterest (Android / iOS)How to access Pinterest (Web)How to access Pinterest (Android / iOS)How to Join Pinterest as a Business (Web)How to sign up for Pinterest (Web)If you want to know how to get into […]
Preliminary operationUseful procedures a uninstall WhatsApp that I will show you in the course of the next chapters are very simple to implement. But first, you need to do a couple of very important preliminary operations, including backing up your conversations, […]
How to put password on Android WhatsApp put password on Android WhatsApp you can use the function Blocco with digital imprint of the famous messaging application which, in fact, allows access to the app in question via a fingerprint. Alternatively, you can rely […]
Comment (33) Spaniards love coffee so much. But at a time when ecology takes center stage, we must be vigilant about the consumption of single-use capsules […]
What are the most reliable hard drives? Here are the data acquired and analyzed by Backblaze- hard drive they are used by companies and companies around the world to archive data and backup information. The reliability of hard disks is an element that should not […]
Surfing the Internet on your smartphone on sites designed only to be played on a PC may not be a good choice: now smartphones and tablets are used by practically all people and, with a site not optimized for mobile, we risk losing users and visits. on our site […]
With the induction of YouTube Music in May 2018, the Google Play Music service saw its life expectancy seriously threatened. It finally took two and a half years to wait before Google decided to stop it: the date of December 2020 was indeed recorded by the American […]
Comparison / 80 inkjet printers ☆ tested January 2022Our tests, the key points (Wi-Fi, scanner, copy) By Regis Jehl (@regis_lesnums) Updated 12/10/21 at 16:01 a.m. Share: […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter the FIFA Web AppHow the FIFA Web App worksPreliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to access the FIFA Web App, I think you may be interested in having more details on the latter.Well, the […]
iPhoneDo you own a iPhone and would you like to understand how to search for mobile? In case you can take advantage of the function Find my iPhone made available directly by Apple. Thanks to this feature, each user can locate their smartphone […]
WhatTheFontIf you want to find fonts, I suggest you first contact WhatTheFont. It is a Web service that allows you to find out which font or character has been used in an image in a free and very fast way. The service allows you to find fonts by analyzing […]
Google has rolled out a new version of Google Earth: with some welcome and awesome features. In its first major update in two years, Google Earth has added a bunch of new features that should […]
Google Maps keeps track of all your trips, even when the app is not in use. For those who would like not to keep a history of the routes traveled, or delete all or part of what is already kept in the database, it's easy to do. We show you how. If it is […]
Presentation Direct access to the video presentation of the game.It's miiiiignon!What child has not one day or another wanted a little dog or a little cat? They are so cute when they are little! True, but everyone also knows how […]
There are dozens and dozens of keyboard shortcuts in Word. By improving ergonomics and speed of execution, they will allow you to use the word processor much more quickly, with both hands resting on the keyboard. If there are too many Word keyboard shortcuts […]
Preliminary informationBefore discovering, in detail, what steps must be taken to be able to find the WhatsApp QR code, it seems only right to specify what we are talking about, or rather what a QR code is and, in the specific case of WhatsApp, what is it for.Let's […]
Want to quickly and easily share a URL to someone near you on their mobile device? The simplest might well be the QR-Code solution integrated into Vivaldi . You still have to activate it, because […]
Comment The Philips Avent SCF875/02 Robot BéBé 4 in 1 baby food processor goes under €80 at Amazon, a drop of around 25% on the price usually found. […]
Are you on Google Docs and cannot put page numbers in your documents? In this quick tutorial we will show you how to do this in just a few seconds on your computer, Android smartphone and iPhone! In a relatively short time Google Docs has established itself as […]
Comment (33) VIDEO // The Covid-19 pandemic is still hitting and the delta variant raises fears of the appearance of a fourth wave. A situation which leads […]
On Facebook, fake profiles are legion. In the event of identity theft or when an account behaves inappropriately, it is possible to report it, or even have it closed. Here's how. We can never repeat it enough: the Web is a jungle populated by individuals […]
Summary Setup Getting Started Settings and Notifications […]
Find out Telecom WiFi passwords on WindowsIf you have memorized the connection of the Telecom router on your computer, you can find out the password of the network in a very simple way. Up Windows 10 e Windows 8.x all you have to do is log in to the network […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find the mansion in minecraft, I think you might be interested in learning more about this building and its usefulness.Let's start by saying that the real name of the mansion on Minecraft […]
Comparison / 210 smartphones ☆ tested January 2022Our tests, the key points for getting the right equipment By Laure renouard Updated on 14/01/22 at 07:00 am Share: […]
Where to find copyright-free imagesThe sites on which to be able find copyright-free images, or freely usable under certain conditions, there are so many: below you will list the ones that, in my opinion, are the best.How to find copyright-free images on GoogleOne […]
IndexSign in to PlayStation Network on PS4Connect the PS4 to the InternetCreate a PlayStation Network accountCustomize the PSN accountSign in to PlayStation PlusSign in to PlayStation Network on PS3, PSP or PSVitaLog in to PlayStation Network on your PCSign in […]
Your profile picture, a real avatar on the most used social network in the world, must be, no pun intended, in your image. So, if you want to know how to change your profile picture on Facebook, follow this tutorial! We take you step by step so you can update […]
Comment (2) With this offer from Amazon for Black Friday, the Bosch Tassimo Vivy 2 capsule coffee maker is on sale at €24,99, in black and white. A nice […]
Puffin Browser is an old acquaintance, already reported in 2012 as the browser that displays sites in flash without the need to install plugins or extensions. Puffin now deserves to be reported and recommended again because compared to 5 years ago it has really […]
When in blogs like freeverything they are reported free programs, they are divided into three categories: those completely free by choice of the developer, those free but supported by sponsors or "adware" and those opensource. The most important feature of open […]
Summary Reduce Optimize Go further Our example Comments […]
Report and block a userIf you are constantly receiving messages on WhatsApp from unknown users who annoy you, what I recommend is to make one signal. This operation involves the immediate blocking of the user, so that you no longer receive any of his messages, […]
How to format the text of messages on WhatsAppDo you want to write a message in bold or italics but cannot find the appropriate function that allows you to do this? Don't worry, following the instructions given in the next paragraphs you will have no problem a […]
Your privacy is secure? Here are some useful tips on how to defend it on the net.When sharing information on the internet, it is important to know exactly what the risks to our data are and how to protect and secure virtual accounts. For this reason it is always […]
Comment (21) Microsoft wanted to reinvent Skype by adding fashionable features to it, bringing it closer to the currently popular messaging applications. A […]
Apple has finally released its first Macs equipped with the Apple M1 in-house processor, which promises impressive gains. While the exterior remains the same, the interior is a game-changer in terms of performance and range. […]
Summary What is the health pass? Is the health pass […]
Comment (11) Long coveted by the Internet giants, the Israeli mobile navigation application Waze was finally purchased by Google in early June. A transaction […]
If switching from one Android smartphone to another is relatively simple, switching to an iPhone means changing the ecosystem. A passage a little more complex, but which becomes very easy to follow thanks to our file. […]
Comment (13) The Raspberry Pi foundation integrates a mini-computer inside a compact keyboard equipped with various interfaces, at the ridiculous price of […]
Your WhatsApp subscription is about to expire, would you like to renew it but find it too inconvenient to complete the payment from the tiny screen of your mobile phone? There is no problem, the subscription to WhatsApp can also be done from a computer. Yes, you […]
Despite the presentation yesterday of the Galaxy S8 and S8+, their predecessors, the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge are still very popular smartphones released in 2016. The community around these two devices has reached an impressive number in just over a year. The latter […]
Gmail makes it easier to switch between accounts on Android: now just swipe to switch accounts. This feature, which had already been available for some time on iOS, is now available in version 2019.08.18 of the APK for Android. Here's how to download the update. […]
Comment The Paris Court of Appeal has called on SFR and Free in the case of the broadcasting of the Orange Sport channel reserved for Livebox subscribers. The […]
The screen is one of the most energy-consuming components of our smartphones. By default, its standby mode is set to a relatively short delay in order to conserve the battery. If this time seems too tight to you, you can always change the screen timeout time in […]
Change writing in WhatsApp status from AndroidIf your intent is to change the writing on WhatsApp Stories acting from a smartphone Android, you must first know that the story of WhatsApp is calling State and it can be done through the homonymous section in the […]
Want to create a poll on Facebook? In this article, we'll show you how to do it. Organizing a survey on Facebook is an informed choice, because it allows you to reach a large audience very quickly. Whether you are a business or an individual, obtaining the opinions […]
While Apple is always making the work of independent repairers more complicated, they should no longer be able to change the screen of the iPhone 13 under penalty of permanently deactivating Face ID. Credit: iFixit After refusing to help independent stores repair […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to record WhatsApp video call, I have to give you some preliminary information about it.You must first know that video calls on WhatsApp they are encrypted with the end-to-end encryption technology used by the […]
IndexPreliminary informationSign up for Instagram via FacebookConnect Facebook to InstagramPreliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to enter Instagram from Facebook, I have to give you some preliminary information about it. In fact, you must know that, […]
With this Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, Samsung flexes the muscles and incorporates all that it does best. Latest generation processor, 120-inch 6,9 Hz screen and of course the stylus. Everything is there to make this smartphone a least in theory. And in practice? […]
Google Drive is often installed by default on Android devices, and offers 15 GB of free storage to all users. But what is Google Drive, and how do you use it well? With this tutorial, we teach you how to finally take advantage of the American giant's Cloud, in […]
Do you want to make a video of your iPhone screen to show someone a particular manipulation or your exploits in a game? Here's how to record your screen on iOS. There are many reasons that […]
How to turn video to audio on PC turn a video into audio on PC, I advise you to turn to one of the many converters suitable for the purpose, such as the excellent Adapter, available for Windows and also for macOS. This converter is based on FFMPEG, well-known […]
With the spread of Smart devices, all connected to the network and in many cases also to the internet, it can be useful and interesting to have a general overview so that you can see how many of them are connected, what they are and if there are intruders or problems. […]
Comment (9) After its appearance on Windows Phone, Microsoft integrated its voice assistant Cortana into its new Windows 10 operating system. Provided that […]
Burn CDs and DVDs it is an operation that has fallen into disuse due to the spread of USB sticks and portable memory cards, but it can still be learned for anyone who wants to make long-lasting backup copies or videos compatible with desktop readers. Even if internal […]
Online GPS Coordinate ConvertersTo convert the GPS coordinates in your possession in such a way as to be able to identify the position of a point on the map you can first of all make use of some online services designed specifically for the purpose in question. […]
Trovare Product Key Windows 8.1 con Lazesoft Windows Key FinderIf you intend to find Windows 8.1 Product Key, I suggest you first resort to using Lazesoft Windows Key Finder. It is a free and open source application to find Windows 8.1 Product Keys but also […]
Comment (10) If choosing your default printer in Windows 10 is making your hair tearing your hair out, it's because Microsoft has made some changes there. […]
While many apps allow you to read PDF files on Android, not all of them offer the ability to edit them. On a computer, the task is already not the easiest. In this article, we will see how to edit PDF document on Android smartphone. The PDF format has become […]
Restore WhatsApp backup on AndroidBe vuoi scoprire how to restore WhatsApp backup and use a smartphone Android, here are all the steps you need to take on the old smartphone and on the new one. The procedure is also valid for transferring WhatsApp chats to the […]
Have you ever checked the hard drive temperature? Here's why you should do it.The hard disk is a delicate component, which can be damaged even by a simple fall. Inside there are mechanical components which can break, such as the heads, scratching the surface of […]
Free MP3 video converterPurposes Windows, MacOS or Linux and you are looking for a good one MP3 video converter? Then take a look at the programs used for this purpose that you find below. Feel free to choose what you think can do the most for you, they are all […]
Comment (9) When returning a product costs more money than it brings in, e-merchants begin to adopt a new doctrine: offer it to the consumer. And to know when […]
If we are constant users of Facebook, the posts we write every day, the shared links and the published photos form our personal story, which all friends and people we know can see and review from our profile. Since, however, it is very likely that not all the […]
Since the latest Windows 10 update, a new icon for launching a Skype meeting has been integrated into the taskbar. Here's how to remove it. Start a meeting on Windows 10 Some will have noticed: for a few days, a new icon appeared in the Windows 10 taskbar. By […]
The view camera and the large format Paul Nicoue, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 14/03/17 at 15:30 Share: […]
Windows 10 makes it easy to find the password of a WiFi network with a simple command line or by going through the system settings. In this tutorial we will show you how to proceed. No need to be a WiFi administrator or to have the admin interface code of the […]
Summary In Brief What is an APK Install APK Feedback […]
Is your memory card unreadable? Here are the main memory card problems and how to fix them.La memory card it is now used in many technological devices, such as smartphones, digital cameras and MP3 players. It can store important files, such as photos taken with […]
Find your Facebook password from mobileFirst, let's find out how to find Facebook password from a mobile phone (or tablet), sifting through the login data stored on the device. Below you will find an explanation on how to proceed both on Android that of iOS. It […]
Save and restore WhatsApp chats via backupIf you have changed your smartphone, you are about to format it or in any case you find yourself in a situation where you need to recover your old messages on WhatsApp, here is the procedure to restore your chats using […]
Forgot your Spotify password or find it a little too weak for your liking? Like many services, Spotify offers you the possibility to change or reset your password if you forget it? Let's see how to do it with this guide. Credit: Unsplash When we know that on […]
Are you about to sell your computer? Be careful to empty it before giving it away to prevent personal data from appearing everywhere. We will explain how and why to do it in the most radical way possible whatever your operating system. When we sells un […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting into the tutorial, it seems only right to explain to you in detail what i WhatsApp groups. WhatsApp groups are multi-user chats that allow people to exchange messages and share multimedia content in real time, making them visible […]
Comment (5) Researchers from the Chinese company Qihoo 360, publisher of the 360 Total Security antivirus, have discovered a particularly harmful next-generation […]
Summary Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra […]
The MP3 format will not be further developed or updated. Too old ? More up to date? Still, for thousands, even tens of thousands of people, it represents a certain idea of the music that has accompanied us for many years. If it still dominates the market, […]
Are you about to sell a mobile phone or do you want to protect your privacy? Here's how to delete files and photos foreverWhen you want sell a smartphone or clean the device completely, it is important to delete all the files inside it. As we have seen in the article […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the guide, going to explain how the bad guys do a spy on WhatsApp conversations, there is some preliminary information that it is my duty to provide you to allow you to have a perfectly clear idea on the matter.First, […]
Enter an arbitrarily blocked Facebook profileIf you want to find out how to enter a blocked Facebook profile because you believe that your account has been deactivated without valid reasons, you can appeal to the managers of the social network and request the unblocking […]
IndexWhat Clubhouse is and how it worksHow to access the Clubhouse without an invitationWhat Clubhouse is and how it worksBefore going into the details of the procedure on how to access Clubhouse, I think you might be interested in learning more about this application.Well, […]
Comment (3) Want to reset your PC in Windows 10, but don't know how to do it? We show you the method in detail; it's very simple and it only takes a few minutes […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter, I think it might be useful to give you a brief overview of how the mechanics of removal to the Message in WhatsApp.You should know that when you send a message in the famous messaging app, you have […]
IndexHow to subscribe to the PostePay appHow to access the PostePay app with credentialsHow to access the PostePay app with PosteIDProblems accessing the PostePay appHow to subscribe to the Postepay appIn order to access the PostePay app, you must first have a […]
Comment Putting an end effortlessly to piles of dirty plates, heaps of soiled stemmed glasses and greasy casseroles, that's the promise of dishwashers; […]
All browsers have the option to store the logins and passwords used to access websites. This function is useful for being able to enter various web accounts quickly, without having to write passwords every time. So, for example, if every day I access Facebook […]
Comparison / 23 smartphone cases tested January 2022 By Kevin Hiot (@Niveekk) Updated 14/04/20 07:00 AM Share: […]
For some reason, you need to open the SIM door of your phone? The operation has become much more subtle since our smartphones no longer have removable batteries, and require a small tool to open the dedicated hatch. You don't have it on you? Do not panic, our editorial […]
Summary 1. How to test your internet connection 2. How to verify that the problem is not with Facebook 3. How to check that your Facebook application (Android / iOS) is up to date 4. How to restart, reset or outright reinstall the Facebook application 5. […]
How is the cloud evolving? Here is an interesting infographic of the future of the cloud.The evolution of the cloud it is faster and faster, thanks to the investments made by companies to improve their business structure. Surely this is a very common technology, […]
Preliminary informationSee the date of notification of a registered letter it's not difficult at all: just have the right tools! In detail, it's all about making the tracking of the registered letter itself and wait for its status to change from "In process" to […]
Video streaming services have depopulated in recent years, with paid platforms that have collected millions of subscribers such as NetFlix, free sites for personal videos, music video sites and then also many sites for video sharing, those that often host content […]
You want for one reason or another to remove the root of your Android smartphone. The process to do this is simpler than the one leading to root. In this article, we describe three different methods to easily remove the root of your smartphone. Android is an […]
How to search for channels on TelegramIf you want to know how to search for channels on Telegram, the procedure to follow is very simple and is identical regardless of the platform on which you use this instant messaging service. You need to know, in fact, that […]
How to find the local IP address of a Windows PCIf you want find the local IP address of a Windows PC (the one that identifies the computer within the local network), continue reading: in the next paragraphs, in fact, I will explain in detail how to identify this […]
Comment (23) Mark Zuckerberg dreams of being a great progenitor of the metaverse, which had the gift of making Microsoft react, which wants to revolutionize […]
Google announced its Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro on Tuesday. If the two smartphones will be entitled to five years of updates, the last two years will focus on security updates. Face ahead of Google […]
Apple's new tool makes it easy to transfer your data to Google Photos. We show you how it works. iPhone 12 // Apple has just rolled out a tool in Australia, Canada, the European Union, […]
Apple allows, since iOS 10, to uninstall native iOS applications. Previously, the only solution was to hide these apps in a folder. Now, deleted native apps can be reinstalled via the App Store. But then, how? You can now remove default apps from any iPhone, […]
TikTok only took a few years to establish itself as one of the most popular social networks, with over 800 million active users worldwide and over 2,5 billion downloads. You are also planning to take your first steps with the application or have already started, […]
Windows 11 introduces a whole new taskbar. This is centered and displays icons such as Widgets or the different desktops. Here's how to customize it and bring it back to your liking. You will see, it is very easy. Windows 11 is available. If you are on Windows […]
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