How to activate notifications on WhatsApp on AndroidYou would like to understand how to activate whatsapp notifications on android? Then follow the instructions below, which are valid for the devices of all manufacturers: that you want to know how to activate WhatsApp […]
Have you subscribed to a Disney+ subscription and have you forgotten your password? Or have you given your access to other people and you want to change it because it has been passed around and you no longer control anything? Don't panic, here's how to reset your […]
Presentation The principle is very simple: choose an image, print it. Peel off the image from the support, place it on the textile, iron and here is the t-shirt of your dreams, created in about a quarter of an hour. For T-shirts […]
InfoJobs (Android / iOS) There are many applications to find work but among those I recommend you to install there is certainly InfoJobs, a historic website for finding work with a very complete smartphone application that you can download for free on Android and […]
Send photos from WhatsApp to email from AndroidStai using one smartphone Android and you would like to know how to send photos from WhatsApp to email? I'll explain it to you right away. To begin with, grab your mobile, unlock it, log in to drawer (the screen […]
Recently, Disney + made its appearance on channel 68 of the Orange Liveboxes. A most astonishing availability, since no ISP had been able to establish a partnership with Disney to offer the SVoD service on its ADSL / Fiber boxes at launch. Until now, Disney […]
Convert VOB to AVI on WindowsFreemake Video ConverterIf you need to convert VOB to AVI and you are using a Windows computer, you can also turn to Freemake Video Converter: it is a universal converter that can handle all major video file formats without any […]
Convert bytes on computerDo you use a Windows PC or a Mac or, again, a computer with Ubuntu installed? So I have good, indeed very good news to give you: to convert bytes you don't have to download any extra resources. You can do it all using the tools already […]
Comment (17) A database compiling usernames and passwords stolen following several major data leaks in recent years has surfaced. Called COMB, it may expose […]
Preliminary informationPrima di andare avanti e di spiegarti, in the concrete, how to transform the Vodafone Station into a WiFi repeater, let me give you some more information about the conditions under which this can happen.To begin with, I want to reassure you […]
Online2PDFIf you are still looking for a solution to convert PDFs online, try taking a look at Online2PDF. This is an excellent web service dedicated solely to editing and converting PDF documents. You can use this service to convert documents, images, Microsoft […]
Tripod astrophotography: how to retouch your images Maxime Oudoux, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 20/09/17 at 14:00 Share: […]
Trovare coordinate GPS in Google MapsLet's start with the most used map service in the world, Google Maps. If you want trovare coordinate GPS di una località con Google Maps, non devi far altro che collegarti a quest'ultimo e digitare l'indirizzo di cui desideri […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to show you How to Delete Copied Messages on WhatsApp for Android, iPhone and PC. The only thing you will need is your device, Internet connection and WhatsApp. You will be able to delete any Image, Message, Chat, Files... and we will […]
Search for high resolution images on Google from your computerIf you want search for high resolution images on Google acting as a computer, you must make use of the well-known search engine, which can be used in the same way by both Windows and Mac computers, […]
When it comes to photographic applications, one immediately thinks of Instagram as the best and most used. However, this is not the case, Instagram is above all a social network for sharing photos, but in addition to some vintage effects, it does not allow you […]
Take your own ID photos Pierre Caillault, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 23/01/15 at 12:19 Share: […]
To attract you, sites can send you notifications on Google Chrome. Which can quickly become annoying, especially if you have authorized the sending without wanting to. Here's how to configure Chrome Browser to block pop-up notifications. © Google When […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to find Iris on Brawl Stars, I must provide you with some preliminary information relating to the sample in question. Iris, in fact, is a champion of rank epic which can only be unlocked by opening the brawl speakers. […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to sign in to Skype on your mobileHow to sign in to Skype on a computerHow to sign in to Skype on WindowsHow to sign in to Skype on MacHow to sign in to Skype from the webHow to sign in to Skype without an accountHow to sign in to […]
DAZN is the online streaming platform that broadcasts numerous sporting events for the payment of a monthly subscription (but we can try it for free for 30 days, so as to evaluate whether it is worth it or not). The various channels of DAZN are visible from any […]
Mac OS X can, like any other operating system, be infected with viruses. In fact, the more the popularity of Apple computers increases, the more the number of viruses, trojans and other malware aimed at this platform increases. Does this mean that Macs are as infected […]
What are convertible notebooksBefore explaining in detail what the best convertible notebooks, I think you may be interested in learning more about this type of laptop.Well, the main peculiar feature of these devices is the presence of a touch-screen display, or […]
How to change WhatsApp profile on AndroidBe vuoi scoprire how to change whatsapp profile on android, know that all you have to do is go to the settings of the famous messaging app and change the profile photo and / or the "info" text: below you will find explained […]
How to find a landline phone numberLet's start this guide dedicated to how to find a phone number from the contact details of fixed line. There are several useful services on the Internet in this regard. Below you will find those that in my opinion represent the […]
According to NetMarketShare, the new Microsoft Edge now holds 10,22% market share of Internet browsers, ahead of Firefox. Microsoft Edge 2020 Microsoft Edge is attracting more and more Windows 10 users. According to NetMarketShare, the new Windows 10 browser now […]
What is the IP addressAs anticipated at the beginning, before explaining how to find a person's IP address I would like to illustrate, in detail, what we are talking about, in case you are not already aware of it, of course.Therefore, the IP is a unique address […]
Comment (66) Is the PlayStation 5 really a model of silence? It really depends on which copy you get. Indeed, all consoles are not materially identical in […]
Comment (13) It's not just Google in life. In the search engine market, there is also Lilo, a Spanish company that emphasizes its social and ecological side […]
In Windows 10, Windows Defender helps protect your PC against malware like viruses, spyware, and other malicious software for free. The software now provides both real-time protection built into the system, and can also perform full hard drive scans. Here's how […]
Football events have always been very popular in the city, and for some years the Internet has been so fast that it can support new services that allow watch football in streaming and replace the antenna and satellite cable without any regrets, at a very high […]
We think we are pretty good at playing poker but have no way to play it regularly with friends or family? To keep fit without risking a single penny, we can take advantage of the smartphone or tablet to play online poker against other real players. There are many […]
Are you the administrator of a group on WhatsApp, would you like to give your "charge" to another person but can't find a way to do it? Relax, you are not the only one. This is a problem that many users complain about and unfortunately not much can be done to solve […]
Netflix has become the best legal streaming platform, thanks to exclusive TV series (not visible on other platforms) and movies, also available in high definition. The strengths of Netflix are the price, the rich catalog constantly updated and the apps, available […]
Find Personal DeviceFind Personal Device is an anti-theft service offered free of charge by Samsung that allows you to locate, and therefore remotely control, devices that have been stolen or lost. It is very useful, but like all services of this type it has major […]
Many applications or various games are often affiliated with your Facebook account and in this case have this ability to access your personal data. The best is then to delete these apps in order to preserve your information and no longer be disturbed by certain […]
WhatsApp, there are very few doubts about this, is the most used messaging service in the world, as well as the tool with which many people have decided to replace the good old SMS. But it is not just a matter of economic convenience. In addition to allowing the […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the guide, going to illustrate how to spy on whatsapp conversations without victim phone, it is my duty to provide you with some preliminary information in this regard, so as to allow you to have a clear idea […]
More and more people are talking about the potential of IPTV, that is, television channels broadcast over the Internet and provided to users with a special list in M3U format (in most cases) or as a simple link to be inserted in the appropriate readers or apps. […]
Services for obtaining username and password combinationsAs I mentioned, some online services are available on the net thanks to which you can obtain username and password combinations that are useful for immediately accessing the Internet sites that interest you. […]
If set up correctly, Google Chrome can take care of saving your passwords. From then on, you will automatically connect to your favorite sites without having to enter your credentials again. However, to protect your privacy on Google Chrome, it is essential to […]
Preliminary informationBefore delving into the guide and see in detail how to write rainbow on whatsapp, allow me to provide you with some preliminary information that you absolutely must know before continuing to read the next paragraphs.What am I referring to? […]
How to increase the VRAM used by your PC to run your games without showing error messages? There are several ways to achieve your goals without needing to purchase a new graphics card. We give you an update in this article on ways to get around the limitations […]
Comment (2) The Apple TV app is now available on Samsung TVs. It provides access to the entire iTunes catalog. TVs also become AirPlay 2 compatible.Apple is […]
A friend of yours told you that he managed to pay for the WhatsApp subscription using his phone credit, instead of his credit card, and you would like to know if it is true, if seriously it is possible to deduct the credit from the SIM instead of paying by credit […]
In this article we want to explain you the differences between what can be done on WhatsApp Web compared to the normal WhatsApp that we use on our mobile device. WhatsApp Web is the best option to use this messaging application when […]
Wondershare Video Converter Free (Windows / Mac)The first program that I would recommend to convert MTS to AVI is Wondershare Video Conveter Free, one of the most complete video converters available on the market. It is free (but possibly available in a paid variant […]
The Galaxy S9 and S9+ have a superb AMOLED Infinity Display screen and can have a WQHD+ definition of 1440 x 2960 pixels. However, the default settings offer users an FHD+ definition of 2200 x 1080 pixels below its potential. When you buy the smartphone, it is […]
Apple has imposed the HEIC format in all its iOS products. A type of file with very efficient compression, but which becomes problematic as soon as you leave the Apple ecosystem. We are going to explain how to save photos in JPEG by default on iOS. […]
Comment (10) Laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, speakers, televisions, connected objects ... the list of devices that connect to the wireless network […]
For those who know and use Acestream and especially for those who know it and have never been able to use it, here is the guide to see Acestream on Android smartphones and tablets, which requires a certain procedure and some specific applications. What is important […]
Comment (3) The new version of Windows is finally available after a few months of waiting and beta testing. We explain how to go from Windows 10 to 11 in a […]
IndexHow to access Google Drive with another account from PCGoogle Drive siteChromeBackup and SynchronizationHow to access Google Drive with another account from smartphones and tabletsHow to access Google Drive with another account from PCIf you want to know how […]
The news fell yesterday, it comes to us directly from the CEO of orange, who during a conference dedicated to the company's financial results confirmed that a new box would indeed be launched on March 16. The latter even alluded to “several boxes”: one for […]
Special Self-Portrait Techniques By Arthur Azoulay, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 28/09/12 at 16:33 Share: […]
The programs broadcast on Mediaset channels are often at the top of the listening data, a clear sign that users love to follow the programs broadcast by the most famous private broadcaster in the city. If we also belong to this category of users, you will surely […]
Google Translate could become a near-perfect real-time translator in the coming years. With Translatotron, Google has developed voice recognition technology capable of reproducing accents, tone or voice. Finally, AI-powered assistants with a voice that doesn't […]
Another very important category of programs is that of photo editor, that is gods programs for editing and retouching photographs in order to make them better or more artistic. Photo editing techniques are used to embellish landscape photos in travel magazines […]
How to change WhatsApp photosThe procedure for change photos on WhatsApp it's quick and easy. Regardless of the device in use, simply access the settings of the popular messaging application and select the option to set a new profile picture. Find everything explained […]
How to convert CD to MP3 on PCBe vuoi scoprire how to convert CD to MP3 on your computer Windows, the instructions you must follow are the ones you find below. You can do this either by using the tools already included in the operating system or by resorting to […]
Amazon Prime Video is the legal streaming platform offered by Amazon to all Prime customers, without paying any surcharge (it is included in the annual cost of thePrime subscription). Given the growing number of films and TV series (including original ones) that […]
How to find a person on Skype: computerThe first step for find a person on Skype da computer is to use the search function built into the official Skype client for Windows and macOS.Once you have accessed the program, click on the search bar located at the top […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the heart of the article and see it in detail how to create whatsapp avatar, allow me to provide you with some preliminary information about it.In fact, I would like to reiterate what I have already told you at the opening […]
Comment (30) Not being able to print a black and white document because a color ink cartridge is empty: this does not make sense and yet most older generation […]
Preliminary informationBefore we delve into the heart of this guide and see it in detail how to remove WhatsApp reporting, let me give you some preliminary information that you absolutely must know in order to complete the operation in question.The first thing […]
How to search for a girl you don't know on InstagramIf you wonder how to search for a girl on instagram, here is a series of tips that will at least allow you to increase the chances of achieving your intent.How to find a girl on Instagram by knowing the nameThe […]
The essential Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts are here. Discover them to become a real pro and boost your productivity! Are you going to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10 or have you just done so? If you've just arrived on Microsoft's latest operating system […]
Google has just added an option to the Play Store that allows users to limit their spending. It is now possible to strictly control the budget allocated to purchases on the Android Store. In this article, we will see how to do it. Many people don't realize how […]
The iWeech electric bike is connected and intelligent to modulate its autonomy and assistance according to the route. It is also intended to be practical with a rotating stem and retractable pedals. The right approach for an urban VAE? […]
Do you have an Xbox One or an Xbox 360? And are you planning on getting an Xbox Series X (or an Xbox Series S)? You have certainly made the right choice. Because, Microsoft has equipped its new pair of consoles with the necessary technologies to take you to a new […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live of this tutorial and spiegarti how to find a seller on eBay, it is necessary to make a necessary premise. In fact, you should know that it is possible to find a seller on eBay only if you have made purchases from them […]
Comment (10) CCleaner is a utility designed to clean up temporary files, browsing traces, the Windows registry, and unnecessary items from a computer, among […]
Changing your nickname on the PlayStation Network is not without risk, warns Sony. The feature, which appeared with the 6.10 beta firmware update, causes a lot of important data loss, like saves or trophy progress. Even paid content such as add-ons or DLC in some […]
LibreOffice / OpenOfficeODT files - as we just pointed out - almost always come from OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Therefore, if you are dealing with such a document, it is very likely that one of these two productivity suites is already installed on your PC.Well, […]
How to tag a person on WhatsAppIf you are interested in finding out how to tag a person on WhatsApp, or rather how to mention a contact in chat, the indications you must follow are the ones you find below. You can do it either from smartphone that computer. The […]
Convert MKV to DVD on WindowsAs anticipated at the opening of the post, there are tools to convert MKV video files to DVD for both operating systems Windows than for macOS. I would say to start with the solutions available for Microsoft platforms. Here are the […]
Samsung is renewing its entry-level with a Galaxy J6 which relies on its excellent screen and champion autonomy to compete with the best in its category. Is the rest of the painting as good looking? Presentation […]
Samsung's new high-end tablet makes its debut. After a Galaxy Tab S which had established itself as one of the great successes of the year 2014 on the slate, the Tab S2 emerges out of the night with a different format and a brand new design, for a kind of move […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Linux)Let's start this guide all dedicated to how to convert AVI to MPEG-4 by talking about HandBrake, an excellent software for converting video files at no cost and of an open source nature. It is quite simple to use, has a rather […]
See the Whatsapp Status of othersDo you want see WhatsApp Status of your contacts, but since you are not very familiar with this famous instant messaging app are you "blocked" and do not know how to proceed? Well, I want to reassure you, because the procedure you […]
If you are using a computer shared with other people or if you suspect that an outsider (colleague or family member) has access to our computer without permission, you can certainly spy on his business in a precise way and to know what it does in our absence, […]
Samsung is abandoning its audio player in favor of Google Play Music. The manufacturer continues to simplify its Samsung Experience interface. On TechnologiesTips, whether in the community […]
Delete the WhatsApp accountThe operations you need for delete the WhatsApp account which I will tell you about in the next lines are very simple to do. Before going into the details of this tutorial, however, I must necessarily talk to you about how to export conversations.This […]
Comment (26) Free now automatically switches the connection of its Free Mobile subscribers from a 3G network to a Free WiFi hotspot. […]
Convert photos to PDF on WindowsIf you are using a Windows PC, I highly recommend that you turn to JPEGtoPDF. It is a free application, small but extremely effective, which allows you to convert JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and TIF images into PDF documents in a few clicks. […]
How to video call on WhatsApp for AndroidTo activate video calls on WhatsApp for Android, you must use the latest version of the application. The first step you need to take is therefore to open the Google Play Store (the shopping bag icon with the ▶ ︎ […]
Messenger offers the possibility to change the theme of your conversations. A way to take ownership of its application a little more and to make discussions more pleasant. When you change the […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter and explaining how to access WhatsApp from a second phone, I think it is my duty to make a very important premise: in the current state of things, WhatsApp does not allow simultaneous access […]
Samsung has just given more details on the One UI 4 update, the next iteration of its Android interface. This new version of the overlay is obviously inspired a lot by iOS. There are multiple similarities. This is particularly the case with widgets, the […]
Have you formatted your hard drive and don't know how to recover files? Here is a free program to attempt to restore deleted documents.To recover files from a formatted hard drive without Windows, it is necessary to use very specific software capable of starting […]
Mostly dubbed, often criticized, the Airpods have succeeded in establishing themselves as a benchmark in the audio accessories market. Apple is relaunching its cash machine with a Pro version that adopts the in-ear format. We used the Airpods Pro for several days. […]
Comment (6) Android security is a key issue for Google, the mobile OS being - by far - the most popular in the world. If the Mountain View company publishes […]
Facebook has started testing a new feature on the social network: hiding likes on posts. Only the author can see the number of people who have pressed the famous like button, his friends cannot access the information. The tests have started in Australia and Facebook […]
An indispensable tool for isolating drums, bass, piano and vocals in a song Who has never needed to recover only the instrumental music or the voice of a song. In many musical situations, whether you are a professional or […]
Comment (46) Yesterday, Tuesday September 12, 2017, a rather sad thing happened: after the last flyby of Titan by the Cassini probe on Monday, NASA announced […]
With Windows 10, Microsoft allowed itself some liberties in terms of data collection, but also the highlighting of advertisements. Here is how to remove them to leave room only for your applications in the start menu. If you don't see what we're talking about, […]
The storage space of smartphones is becoming less and less comfortable for large consumers of content. The margin shrinks quite quickly and it becomes impossible to install new applications. The smartphone starts to slow down and the fluidity of the experience […]
Comment (9) As soon as we received the Samsung Galaxy A50, the new mid-range mobile equipped with a Super Amoled screen from the Korean brand, we subjected […]
Comment (60) The latest version of Microsoft's operating system gives pride of place to personalization. Background, lock screen, taskbar, or even the start […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to show you all the steps to recover your WhatsApp data from blocked contacts, whether your messages (SMS), cell phone, or files, using your Android and IOS devices. First of all we must have a backup of the files on your device, so that […]
How It Works: Instant Film Romane Riesse, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 19/04/18 at 14:00 Share: […]
MacOS is known to be highly protected in order to avoid damage caused by clumsiness or dangerous modifications made by users. The system has several corners where important directories and files are hidden. Here's how to show hidden files on Mac. If hidden files […]
MonsterIf you want to look for work on the Internet, one of the first sites I recommend you visit is Monster, a real institution in this sector. It is in fact a portal that allows you to respond in a classic way to job advertisements published on its pages but […]
After landing on Facebook, the so-called Stories also arrived on WhatsApp. They are called in a different way, States, but the essence of the matter does not change. Now also on WhatsApp, therefore, it is possible to create personalized photo and video sequences […]
Site to find foreign workIf you agree, let's get straight to the point and see some of the best sites to find work abroad che potrebbero fare al tuo case.EURESOne of the best known web portals that you can use to look for work in Europe is definitely EURES, a platform […]
HandBrake (Windows / macOS)If you want convert AVI to iPhone, you will hardly find a better solution than HandBrake: it is a free and open source converter optimized just for creating videos for iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices. It is compatible with both Windows […]
How to see contacts on GmailIf your intent is to see the contacts you have saved in Gmail, read on: in the next chapters of the guide I will show you how to do this both from the Web and from your computer, smartphone and tablet. I will then explain how to add […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to access Xbox Live on Minecraft mobileDownload Minecraft mobileSign in to Xbox Live in MinecraftPlay online Minecraft mobile serversAlternative ways to play Minecraft for free on mobilePreliminary informationBefore explaining to […]
Summary Our video test of the Xiaomi Mi 11 Price and availability date Information Design and handling Screen quality Interface MIUI Performance and in-game experience Autonomy and recharging Audio Photo and video Conclusion Comments A little […]
Need to change the extension of a file to force it to open in a particular software? The operation is simple and fast, on both PC and Mac. But do not choose just any suffix! As you have probably already noticed, all the files used in computing have […]
On our smartphones and tablets we can add new features simply by opening the app store and looking for an app that suits our needs. Many of the apps available on Android and iOS are free, but some can be offered for a fee, perhaps because they are developed with […]
Netflix is currently testing a feature that removes the "Are you there yet?" window. », which appears after a certain period of reading. Image Netflix You probably didn't miss it. If you watched two episodes in a row, without having touched the controls […]
Preliminary operationPrima di entrare nel vivo di quest tutorial and di scoprire, insieme, how to delete a chat from WhatsApp, let me give you a tip from a friend: make a preventive backup conversations you intend to delete. In this way, in case of any second thoughts, […]
Comment (19) ** The news is not fresh, I grant you. Cowcotland released its filing on April 30. Nevertheless, I found this announcement in my emails and saw […]
Good morning WhatsApp funnyYou are trying to understand how to say good morning on WhatsApp so funny, with nice pictures? Then turn to the solutions listed below, which for sure will not disappoint you.Google ImagesGoogle Images, that is the section dedicated to […]
Convert MKV to MP4 on WindowsYou are using a PC with su installed Windows and would you like to understand how to convert your MKV files to MP4? Then use one of the ad hoc programs listed below and follow the relative instructions on what to do. You won't have […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to find Sandy on Brawl Stars, I have to give you some preliminary information about it. You must in fact know that Sandy is a legendary champion that can only be unlocked by opening the brawl speakers. For this […]
Snapchat hides a feature that allows you to find the title of any piece of music and directly access the lyrics. This function has been available in the application for a while, but is not necessarily known to all users. In this article, we will see how to use […]
How to Google Photo Search for a PersonThe first route I recommend you take for search for a person by photo is the one that starts from Google Images, the famous search tool of the Mountain View giant that allows not only to find images based on the […]
Don't get caught on Instagram by blocking usersThe only way to not be found on Instagram via the search function of the social network is block users which you want to prevent from being able to trace your account. Performing this operation is really simple […]
Comment (11) With confinement, making bread at home is becoming fashionable again. There are those who have brought bread machines out of the closet, but owners […]
How to convert video for freeIf you are looking for some program that allows you to I see a free convertire, acting from Windows, MacOS o Linux, I can not help but suggest you try the resources that you find listed below. They are all very easy to use, don't […]
Banshee Screamer Alarm (Windows)The first of the useful resources to set the alarm on the PC that I want to suggest you to try is Banshee Screamer Alarm. It is a no-cost program for Windows operating systems that allows you to install a highly customizable […]
Use Google Images from mobileFirst, let's figure out how to go about using Google Images, the Google home service used to search for images, from the smartphone. You will find everything explained in detail below, both for what concerns the search by keyword that […]
What is the MAC addressBefore we delve into the heart of this guide and actually see how to find iPad MAC address, it seems only right to explain to you in more detail what is the MAC address.As I have already mentioned to you in the introduction of the guide The MAC […]
Skype now allows you to change the background during a video call on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Determined to thwart Zoom, Microsoft indeed allows users, and teleworkers, to place any image in the background in order to hide the clutter of your office. We explain […]
Comment (3) The Thermomix TM6 inaugurates automatic programs for the first time. Indeed, from one of the 3 home screens, it is possible to directly access […]
IndexHow to access RaiPlay without registrationHow to access RaiPlay from TVHow to access RaiPlay from a computerHow to access RaiPlay from smartphones and tabletsHow to access RaiPlay abroadHow to access RaiPlay without registrationBefore I tell you the walkthrough […]
Adobe Photoshop is arguably the best photo editing tool available, better than any other professional program or suite. Photoshop is a huge program used by professional photographers and graphic designers, requiring months or even years of study before you can […]
How to turn PDF to DWG for freeYou are interested in understanding what software you have from your for turn PDF to DWG for free? Then read on: below you will find those that, in my humble opinion, represent the best solutions in the category for Windows, macOS […]
How to find primary and secondary DNSIf you're wondering how to find DNS in use his router, computer, smartphone and tablet, I'll keep hearing from you below. You won't have to do anything particularly difficult, so here's mine.DNS router findIf you want to find […]
Virtual printerIf you need a PDF converter to turn text documents, spreadsheets, web pages or any other printable file into PDF, don't think twice and use one virtual printer. In case you are not aware of it, virtual printers are software that configure themselves […]
The web offers a great deal of sites that allow you to play online on the Internet to many free games therefore without installing anything on the PC to spend a few minutes of leisure without too many complications, hoping that the business or school proxy does […]
The Nintendo Switch will finally use a system of nickname accounts rather than the hateful friend codes of previous generations. You can now create your own to be ready to go right out of the machine, and be sure to have your favorite nickname online. Here's how […]
After several months of beta, iOS 15 is finally available in final version. Here are all the answers to questions you might have before doing this update on your iPhone. Like every year, it […]
IndexPreliminary operationEnter the Netgear modem management panelChange the Netgear modem settingsIn case of dubbi or problemPreliminary operationBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial, going to explain, in practice, how to enter the Netgear modem, there […]
Summary Free games Paid games More games Comments […]
Although I have already repeated this on several occasions, I want to reiterate once again that Windows 10 is free for everyone, even if Microsoft does not say it openly. Windows 10 free you can get it if you already have a PC with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, proceeding […]
Google Calendar is one of Google's most important online services at a business level, since it allows you to manage appointments, events and commitments in an online agenda that can be customized in all its aspects. Microsoft Outlook instead it is the main and […]
iPhone memory is limited, and sometimes you have to delete most or even all of the photos to free up enough. It may seem strange for Apple products, but when it comes to deleting large groups of photos, the operation is actually much more complicated than it seems! […]
The Whirlpool WLB5860AL induction hob is less complete than the W Collection SMP 658 C NE IXL from the same manufacturer. Nevertheless, on paper, this model seems well equipped for a reasonable price. Presentation […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to search for a person on Tinder, I must provide you with some preliminary information regarding the operation of this well-known dating app.First of all it seems to me necessary to specify that, given its nature […]
A true video game tidal wave, Red Dead Redemption 2 is not only an exceptional game, it is above all the culmination of the Rockstar formula, often copied, but never equaled. Presentation […]
How to find a friend's Apple ID with Family SharingAs I told you at the beginning of the guide, for find Apple ID friend's you can use In family, the service made available by the Cupertino company that allows up to six users to share their purchases on the iTunes […]
"Little change, except the price" noted UFC Que-Choisir in one of its latest articles about the Orange Livebox 5. The lack of Wi-Fi 6 would be the main flaw of this box. The association does not appreciate the fact that Orange took advantage of the release of the […]
IndexgmailcomputerSmartphones and tabletsOutlook.comcomputerSmartphones and tabletsiCloudcomputerSmartphones and tablets How to enter another email as a clientWindows 10 MailApple Mail (macOS)Outlook (Windows / macOS)Thunderbird (Windows / macOS / Linux)gmailYou […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find Pokémon Shiny, I think you might be interested in learning more about these shiny Pokémon.Well, Shiny Pokémon are very rare and hard to find Pokémon, which may appear randomly […]
Whenever you need to create a new video, perhaps even to be published on Youtube or to present a project and create an artfully edited movie, or to make your website more beautiful, it is necessary that parts of the video are not used. protected by copyright. […]
IndexDifferences between the various Minecraft serversWhere to find Minecraft serversHow to join a Minecraft server on PCHow to join a Minecraft PE and Bedrock serverDifferences between the various Minecraft serversPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the details of the procedure on how to search for races in GTA Online, I think it might interest you to know more about this possibility.Well, you must know that the GTA 5 online mode allows you to play different types of […]
How to put a WhatsApp audio as a ringtone on AndroidOne smartphone is possiedi Android and you want to understand how to put a WhatsApp audio as a ringtone, follow the instructions below.However, keep in mind that some indications relating to the items and options […]
Index:How to register for Facebook (Web)How to sign up for Facebook (Android / iOS)How to log in to Facebook (Web)How to log in to Facebook (Android / iOS)How to log into Facebook (alternative method)How to register for Facebook (Web)Let's start from the beginning, […]
Like every year, LG is renewing its range of Oled televisions. The LG C1 thus takes the place of the LG CX with a few changes such as a new processor, a new interface or a completely revised remote control. […]
Summary Caractéristiques techniques […]
How to share a video from Facebook to WhatsApp on AndroidAs I already mentioned to you in the introductory lines of this guide, there are basically two ways to share a video from Facebook to WhatsApp su Android: you can choose to share a video from Facebook simply […]
How the email server worksBefore getting to the heart of this guide and explaining, in practice, how to find the mail server to be set in your program or in your app dedicated to the management of e-mails, let me give you some more information about the nature […]
Comment (1) How, one Dyson against another? We have indeed provoked a duel between two stick vacuum cleaners from the British manufacturer: the V8 Absolute […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want all aspects related to your WhatsApp keyboard, on your mobile device (Android or IOS). No matter what your phone model is(Xiaomi, IPhone, Huawei, etc.), the indications that you will find in our article is valid for each of them.Preliminary […]
Coyote has imposed an unprecedented price hike on its app, increasing the subscription from €5,99 to €7,99, a 33% increase. To justify the latter, the company evokes an “investment in the development of new alerts”. An explanation that does not convince […]
Fancy a little change on your Android smartphone? Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to change your wallpaper. Quick and easy handling. TechnologiesTips accompanies you in your learning process to learn how to configure and maintain your Android smartphone. […]
Sites to download CD coversThe prima soluzione che puoi prendere in considerazione per download CD covers are the online services that allow the search and free download of the covers on your computer. Here are some such solutions that might be right for you.Cover […]
We explain how to permanently delete your Facebook account or temporarily deactivate it. The social network has become a real encyclopedia on your life. If you no longer want to leave traces of your personal information on the web and on the service's servers, […]
Are you convinced that your data is safe? Here are 5 symptoms that can herald hard drive damage.It would be nice to know exactly when you are breaks a hard disk, to be able to save all files in time without losing your data. Unfortunately, however, hard drives […]
How to uninstall or even delete the default apps on Android? Almost all smartphones come with pre-installed applications from manufacturers or operators. They unnecessarily occupy space and part of the RAM memory. We tell you how to get rid of it. You have just […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain How to Share Videos from Messenger to WhatsApp. You should have the Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp Apps downloaded to save you time. To share Files from one Chat to another User, stay and learn how to do it! Share videos […]
Don't tell me you've never heard of Worms !! Worms 2, in particular, is one of the historical games for PC, developed several years ago, where there are two teams of soldier worms armed with different cannons. The game is turn-based in the sense that first he […]
Some time ago I wrote about how it was possible to remove vocals from music using programs like Audacity. The result of that operation, done with a free program, was unsatisfactory but, even trying different solutions, without professional programs, you can't […]
How to write a status on WhatsAppIn the chapters that follow, I'll give you a comprehensive overview of how text entry works in the state di WhatsApp. We will also see, in due course, how to change the privacy of this update so that it is only visible to the people […]
Here are the 3 typical defects of a hard disk and how to fix them in order not to lose data.I hard disk defects can be grouped into 3 basic types. Depending on how the hard disk behaves, it is recommended to perform certain operations to deal with the problem, […]
With World of Warcraft Classic, Blizzard offers players the opportunity to dive back into its MMORPG as it was when it was released. More than a mercantile maneuver betting on nostalgia, WoW Classic is a piece of video game history brought back to the fore. […]
Comment (3) For many Android phone users, opening web pages within apps seems to have serious problems lately. For those less fortunate, a simple click on […]
I image viewers they belong to a category of software in which the quantity and quality of free programs available makes it difficult to choose a single product to be taken as the absolute best. The only sure thing is that, having a Windows PC, you absolutely […]
This is how we operate when burnt hard drives are delivered to us. Analysis of a real case.We at Infolab Data have all the necessary equipment to attempt to recover data from a burnt hard disk. Recently in one of our offices we have been delivered hard drives that […]
It is now possible to send ephemeral messages on Messenger via Vanish mode. We explain how to use them. Two weeks ago, a new feature appeared on Facebook's messaging app. Indeed, ephemeral messages are now available on Messenger. But what is their particularity? […]
Every day is possible download paid applications and games for free for a short period of time, the problem is knowing what these temporary offers are. In fact, both on the Google Play store for Android smartphones and on the iTunes store for iPhones, it is possible […]
Google Photos made its debut in May 2015 during Google I / O. An application that not only allows you to store your photos but also to better organize them and even edit them, and of course, find them on all of your devices, including your PC. 1. Save your photos […]
With WhatsApp, contacts are automatically imported from the phonebook of the smartphone. So these are the same names that appear in the messaging application. That said, if you want to personalize your friends' names and replace them with whatever you want, you […]
IndexAccess the Deep Web from a computerAccess the Deep Web from smartphones and tabletsAndroid | iOSAccess the Deep Web from a computerIt is your intention access the Deep Web and to the Dark Web from your computer, the first thing you need to do is download Tor […]
A nice feature of Mac computers is that it allows you to open preview images, without opening them in a program but simply by enlarging the photo with a zoom, directly from the desktop. This same zoom effect is available on some websites where, by clicking on […]
How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps on smartphones and tabletsLet's see, first of all, how to find the distance between two points on google maps su smartphones and tablets.First, open the Google Maps app on your Android or iOS / iPadOS device, […]
Convert MOV to AVI on WindowsFormat FactoryIf you are using a Windows PC and are interested in understanding what needs to be done in order to convert MOV to AVI, I recommend you try Format Factory. It is a "universal" converter that can work with many different […]
Comment (16) We have known for a long time how to heat food quickly using microwave ovens. On the other hand, it will have been necessary to wait until 2020 […]
Is cloud storage secure? Here are some risks you may have and how to avoid them.Il cloud is a web space where you can store your data. In recent years it has had a strong evolution because it turns out to be very practical. In fact, it allows you to have all your […]
How to read WhatsApp messages without getting caughtIs it your intention to take a look at the WhatsApp chats without leaving a trace of your passage and, above all, without letting the respective senders understand that you have read the text messages received? […]
Preliminary informationIf you wonder how to delete a WhatsApp message for everyone after 7 minutes, you will be interested to know that, following the most recent updates, the popular messaging app has raised a about 1 now the maximum time that allows you to delete […]
How to make group video calls on WhatsApp with AndroidYou wish to know how to make group video calls on WhatsApp with Android? I guarantee you that this is a very simple operation to carry out. All you have to do is start WhatsApp on your device, make a video call […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to access Google Meet from PCHow to access Google Meet Grid ViewHow to access Google Meet on a mobileHow to sign in to Google Meet from ClassroomHow to access Google Meet with linksPreliminary informationBefore explaining, in practice, […]
OmioOmio (formerly GoEuro) is one of the best services to find low-cost flights on the Internet, but not only those. In fact, it allows you to compare three modes of transport (flights, trains and buses) in cities and throughout Europe, checking in real time and […]
Find Vodafone WiFi passwords on PCIf you want to recover the Vodafone Station key from a computer you used in the past to connect to the device's wireless network, follow the instructions below.WindowsA PC equipped with Windows 10 o Windows 8.x and […]
If you want to share any images or photos, feel free to convert them to PDF file. This format, very popular with Internet users, will allow you to group several photos into a single file, facilitating their transport, as well as sending them to your recipients. […]
Go Radar (Android/iOS)The first of the apps to find Pokémon that I want to suggest you use is Go Radar. It is a resource available at no cost for both Android and iOS through which it is possible to identify the Pokémon present in your area directly on the map […]
PowerPoint presentations or slides represent today a standard and a multimedia format widely used all over the world, especially in the workplace. But if we find ourselves with a PC with limited account or without Office installed, what can we use to create and […]
Netflix subscriber, are you looking for a solution to enjoy your subscription on TV? There are several options for streaming movies and series from the platform to the living room television. This can range from a Smart TV, to a Chromecast through all the intermediate […]
Have you just downloaded WhatsApp on your mobile and are already worried about the 89 cents you will have to pay in a year to renew your subscription to the service? No doubt about it, you are a very provident type. Let me help you out. Please give me a few minutes […]
FacebookThe first method that will allow you to access Facebook without having to register is to go directly to the official website of the social network.Before starting, however, keep in mind that, for greater convenience, I recommend that you perform all the […]
On Facebook it is possible to watch videos shared by other users but also videos shared by the most popular web pages (such as the Formula 1 page or the page dedicated to Serie A) directly on our smartphone or tablet. We don't have to wait for the videos to appear […]
IndexHow to log in to Twitch on a PCHow to access Twitch from smartphones and tabletsHow to access Twitch from PS4How to access Twitch PrimeHow to log in to Twitch on a PCAll you need to do to log into Twitch is to connect to the main page of the famous streaming […]
Do you have a Windows PC compatible with Windows 11 and want to install the new Microsoft system now? Here is how to do it. Windows 11 is now available. The update from Windows 10 is free and […]
PhotoshopEven if you are not familiar with computer science or digital graphics, it is impossible not to know Photoshop. We are in fact talking about the photo editing program most complete and famous in the world through which you can do practically everything […]
Hard Disks containing helium !! What are the benefits!! Now also for the consumer market ...Index For several years now there have been hard drives on the world market that use Elio inside. Up to now these supports were used in the forefront at the Enterprise level, […]
Comment During an event organized by the Adobe team, we had the opportunity to make our own stop motion short film. As we found the experience very fun […]
Comment (4) If you are still under Windows 8.1, it is possible to switch to Microsoft's most recent operating system: Windows 10. A free maneuver that takes […]
All modern browsers save the web pages visited in a special screen, accessible at any time while browsing. To access it we can use the appropriate buttons, keyboard shortcuts or even better some programs designed to view all the history together in a single screen. […]
Comment (18) "More than 30 connected objects per household from 2020" announce the figures of GfK. Among them, the connected lighting segment (bulbs and luminaires) […]
Today we are going to try to answer a thorny question, which all laptop owners have had to ask themselves one day: is it better to leave your PC plugged in when it has already reached 100%, or is it better unplug it? Similarly, is it better to maintain its charge […]
If you absolutely want to test Playerunknown's Battlegrounds — commonly known as PUBG — on mobile before its European release, here's everything you need to know. Article rewritten on 20/03 Update […]
Deleting your Google search history should be a real reflex. You have been using the services of the search giant for years now, which carefully archives all the searches you do. From the search engine to YouTube and Google Maps, you can find everything you've […]
The historic brand of Pro Evolution Soccerthe PES discipline, is renewed these days with a new free version for PC and Playstation, to play soccer matches against players from all over the world. PES has been, in the past, the best of console football games, losing […]
Snapchat is one of the most trendy applications of the moment. It has more than 100 million active users every day with 2 billion snaps viewed daily and has a market share of around 60% among 13-34 year olds. A real success. The concept of sharing photos with friends […]
Preliminary informationBefore answering your question, that is "How to find the frequencies on my mobile", I think you might be interested in learning more about the bands available in the city.The frequency bands most used for data connection in the city are: […]
CloudConvertIf it is your intention to find out how to convert GIF to video, the first online service I suggest you pay attention to is CloudConvert. It is a Web service that can not only convert GIF to video for free but also do the same with various other […]
IndexGeneral information on Facebook groupsJoining a closed Facebook groupFrom computerFrom mobileAlternative methodIn case of problems or doubtsGeneral information on Facebook groupsAs anticipated at the beginning, before giving you all the appropriate instructions […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the details of the procedure on how to find the jungle in minecraft, I think you might be interested in learning more about the various biomes present within the Mojang title.Well, i biomes they are nothing more than regions, […]
YouTube is no longer supported on 3rd generation Apple TVs. Users of the brand's old multimedia box will have to use AirPlay 2 to watch videos. Bad news for you if you had an Apple TV 3. Released […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter my WhatsApp from another mobileWeb WhatsAppJoinPreliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter and explaining how to access WhatsApp from a second phone, I think it is my duty to make a very important premise: […]
Needed to convert VHS to DVDBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial, it is my duty to indicate to you what theneeded to convert VHS to DVD. Most of the tools listed below are probably already in your possession. However, if you are missing something, you can […]
IndexHow to access WhatsApp from a PC without a phoneHow to access WhatsApp Web without a phoneHow to access WhatsApp from your computer without a phoneHow to access WhatsApp via emulator for AndroidHow to enter WhatsApp without a phoneHow to access WhatsApp from […]
Soda Player it's a program for PC and Mac that allows view videos of all kinds on your computer in an ultra simple way. Unlike VLC Media Player and other similar programs, this Soda Player has practically no options, but it includes all the codecs within it to […]
How to recover WhatsApp videos from smartphonesYou are interested in understanding how to recover videos on WhatsApp going to act from yours smartphone, be it Android or a iPhone? Then stick to the following guidelines. In the following steps, in fact, you will […]
Microsoft and Google have worked together to stop Windows 10 emoji picker from bugging with Chrome. An API update is in the works. The Windows 10 emoji picker // Source: Microsoft If you had […]
Preliminary operationIf you want transfer WhatsApp chats from Android to iPhone, unfortunately I must warn you that it is not possible to do this through the predefined tools of the famous messaging application: you must necessarily use third-party tools, […]
IndexTechniques used to sneak into another PCBackdoorKeyloggerSocial engineeringHow to protect your PC from intrudersUse common senseUse a firewallRely on good antivirusPerform periodic anti-malware scansAvoid unknown Wi-Fi networksTechniques used to sneak into […]
We are so attached to the smartphone screen that we forget how much fun you can have playing on the PC even without downloading anything and without spending a single euro with the online games or browser games. In this article, therefore, we make a list of best […]
Comment (4) Launched seven years ago, the Sauvons Nos Tombes initiative has already made it possible to digitize several million graves. It can count on an […]
Cacaoweb.exe is a part of Cacaoweb program which is rightly detected as malware by many antivirus programs. However, Cacaoweb is a badass, and many users cannot easily remove it from their Windows 10 installation. Fortunately, we are here to help you permanently […]
The spread of smartphones and the birth of services for streaming music and films have changed not only habits but also the way of thinking of many people. Until a few years ago, in fact, there were far fewer your language who spent money on the purchase of software […]
Summary Use Windows 10 capture software Take a screenshot using the keyboard shortcut Take a screenshot using the Print Screen key Take in-game screenshots What about Windows 11? Comments There are a number of ways Windows 10 can take screenshots quickly […]
Microsoft made it free one of its most important programs, Onenote, available from today for all platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8, Mac, iPhone e Android. The important changes concern the completely new version for Mac and the fact that the version of Onenote […]
As promised, Google has finally disabled photo backup from other apps. Ten of them are now off by default, but can be synced again in Settings. Google Photos no longer saves photos from Facebook […]
Comment As we explained to you, it is possible to take beautiful photos with a good smartphone. But how do you find the right camera phone? Here are […]
Ransomware has evolved strongly. Here are the various types and what are the methods to recover files.Over the past few years, viruses that encrypt files asking for a ransom to be able to decrypt them, that is ransomware, have had a great impact even in your country. […]
Satellite navigators can now be used on all new Smartphones and mobile phones and have practically solved the problem of the best route to get to any destination by car. The strength of the satellite navigator lies in the gps which detects the geographical position […]
Summary Management games Skill games Platform and […]
On Android smartphones, it is possible to change the font. A customization option which is however not available by default on all phones. We explain the procedure to breathe new life into your interface. It is quite possible to change font on his Android […]
Summary The Public Beta The Developer Beta Installer […]
Appnimi ZIP Password Unlocker (Windows/macOS)Are you using a Windows PC or a Mac and are you looking for a way to find the password of a ZIP file? Then turn to Appnimi ZIP Password Unlocker: it is a program used just for the purpose in question that acts by […]
Summary USB Backup Cloud Backup Data Restore Comments […]
In this page that I could call "service", we see how to do one of those basic operations that every PC user should be able to do, so as not to have to repeat it in each subsequent article: how to view hidden files and folders in windows. It is really important […]
You've had an iPhone for a few years and over time, space is starting to run out? Here are some tricks to easily save space on iPhone by cleaning up storage. How to recover precious GB to install the latest fashionable game, or a new iOS update. […]
iOS 14 is available for those who own an iPhone less than 6 years old. The opportunity to come back to one of its major features: how indeed to replace default applications such as Safari or mail with alternatives such as Chrome, Edge, Outlook or Gmail. We tell […]
Have you saved your data online and don't know how to protect it? Here is a free software to encrypt documents on the cloud.The cloud is now used by many people, both individuals and companies. In order to save your files by generating an online backup copy, you […]
XnView MP (Windows, Mac and Linux)If you are looking for a well-made, free and above all multi-platform program that allows you to convert images, I can't help but advise you to try XnView MP. Essentially it is an image and document viewer but in addition […]
Are you looking for a cheap and interesting mobile plan? In this case, a B&YOU package from Bouygues Telecom could well make you happy! Below, discover the best deals and offers for B and You. What is B&YOU? B&YOU is a brand launched in 2011 by Bouygues […]
Since the arrival of Google Maps Navigation, the landscape of road guides has changed a lot. Mappy GPS Free is, as the name suggests, free. This turn-by-turn GPS has offline functionality, allowing direct competition with solutions such as Navigon for example. […]
Starting a website has never been easier today, not only because there are applications to create websites easily, without the need to know the HTML code, but also because there are free online spaces that can be used as web hosting to host inside them the site […]
Skype allows you to delete any message sent in a conversation. The message will not only be deleted in your account, it will also be deleted in your recipients. A way for the American giant to thumb its nose at the adage “words fly away, writings remain”? Did […]
After an excellent Mate 10 Pro unveiled at the start of the school year, Huawei presented a few weeks later, more discreetly, a less beefy version of its spearhead: the aptly named Mate 10 Lite, which seeks to offer a maximum for a minimum price. […]
Downloading a paid application, by pirate networks is prohibited. But when this application turns into malware, the user becomes disillusioned. The Android Market is the store that contains the most free applications. However, many users do not want to pay and […]
In this age of smartphones and tablets, we are always connected to the Internet and install a multitude of applications to perform the most disparate purposes. It is certainly good to be able to have easy access to the infinite resources of the Web but we must […]
Index:How to Search for a File (Windows Tools)How to Search for a File (macOS Tools)Programs to search for a fileHow to search for a file on AndroidHow to search for a file on iOSHow to Search for a File (Windows Tools)The files on your computer are automatically […]
Comment As part of the Game Developers Conference 2019, which will be held from March 18 to 22 in San Francisco, Microsoft will present a new development […]
Install WhatsApp on SamsungAs I told you at the beginning of the guide, install WhatsApp on Samsung it's very easy: below you will find explained how to do it and how to configure the app so that you can immediately start using it. Happy reading and have fun!Preliminary […]
Changing your PSN nickname is no longer a dream for PS4 players. From April 11, 2019, they will be able to change their username. The first change will be free, the procedure is explained in the article. However, some games might struggle to support this feature. […]
Want to delete a Google account on Android? Whether it's cleaning up before reselling or simply limiting the number of accounts linked to a device, we'll show you how to do it. It is indeed possible to use several Google accounts on the same device and this can […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to put black WhatsApp on iPhone, there are some clarifications in this regard that it is my duty to provide you, in order to avoid misunderstandings so that everything goes the right […]
Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa are better known for their female than male voices. And this is a problem, according to a UN report, which finds that seeing an assistant respond systematically with a female voice reinforces sexist stereotypes that women must […]
Comment (25) On the occasion of the music festival, the audio team unveils its favorite test tracks.It often happens that we come across musical references […]
Comment (27) Released on February 3, Samsung's new Galaxy A5 2017 will have the difficult task of succeeding an excellent 2016 vintage, equipped in particular […]
Create a little planet effect By Paul Nicoue, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 20/05/17 at 10:30 Share: […]
Mail PassView (Windows)Let's start with the passwords of the email accounts. If you cannot remember the secret word you use to access your email account and if you are in the habit of managing "virtual correspondence" using a special computer client, the suggestion […]
Using the "stock" functionThe first and simplest way to send GIFs on WhatsApp from the iPhone is to take advantage of the function already included in the famous messaging app. Below you will find explained in detail how to proceed.To begin with, grab your iPhone, […]
When you create a Skype account, you also create a pseudonym, a name by which your contacts can find you on the network. On the other hand, you can easily change your display name, that is to say the name that is displayed in your contacts, in addition to your […]
Hai erroneously eliminated one or più conversazioni su WhatsApp and now would you like to understand if it is possible to recover them? The answer, if you have a bit of luck and have been foresighted enough to create a WhatsApp backup, is yes. If you are interested […]
If your computer's operating system is in English, or if Firefox made a mistake during its last update, you may have been surprised to discover your browser in English ... As it is not always practical to navigate with the language of Shakespeare, let alone tackle […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting into the subject, I want to give you a few preliminary information on how it is technically possible send anonymous messages on WhatsApp.As I partly anticipated in the introduction of the article, to succeed in the operation […]
If you have a Samsung smartphone, you might have already encountered the black screen issue. The latter lights up but the screen remains black. Wondershare's Dr.Fone software solves this annoyance that makes your Samsung Galaxy unusable. We explain how it works […]
Speaking of wireless headphones on mobile, you have probably come across descriptions of Bluetooth audio “codecs” such as LDAC, Apt-X or even SBC. But what matters when you want to enjoy your music with wireless headphones, and what do all these barbaric acronyms […]
The battery remains the cornerstone of our smartphones, but unlike other components, it has a limited lifespan and its capacities diminish over time. How do you know when the time is right to replace it? All batteries degrade over time All batteries see their […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial and explain yourself in detail how to search for effects on TikTok, let me give you some preliminary information in this regard.First of all, you must know that on the famous Chinese social network […]
I bet you have one too! Yes, I am referring to that slightly talkative friend who cannot keep his smartphone in his pocket and storms you with messages on WhatsApp at any time of the day. The thing itself wouldn't be too annoying, were it not that your friend has […]
Preliminary operationBe vuoi scoprire how to log into Facebook with another account and use Chrome as the main browser, I recommend that you try to use two extensions: Swap My Cookies per Chrome e CookieSwap for Firefox. These are two free extensions […]
How to change the status on WhatsApp for AndroidAs I have already mentioned in the introductory lines of this tutorial, it is currently possible to set two "states" of WhatsApp: state real, that is a “story” with photos and videos that lasts 24 hours, […]
Comment (9) You've probably already seen it, the "News & Interest" widget has automatically added itself to the taskbar of our Windows 10 desktops. Please […]
Everything is much easier with Google Assistant. No need to enter a specific request in Google to access information, to waste precious seconds in programming the alarm clock in the Clock application… The examples could be linked endlessly. But for those who […]
What does blocking on WhatsApp entail Before getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, step by step, how to understand if you have been blocked on WhatsApp, let me clarify what exactly is the blocking function included in this very popular instant messaging […]
How to add a contact on WhatsApp from Androidwant add a contact on WhatsApp using a smartphone Android? You can do this either by saving the number of the person you want to add on WhatsApp in the system address book or by using the "Add contact" function that […]
Preliminary operationBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, in detail, how to download free whatsapp for samsung, it seems only right to clarify the fact that you need a Google account to carry out the operation in question and that you […]
It is curious how any attempt by Facebook to create some privacy for users is regularly thwarted by some crafty developer. We have seen, for example, how easy it is to know where friends have written to us using Facebook Messenger and also how it is possible to […]
Send text messagesSmartphoneLet's start with the basics. If you are interested in understanding how to send WhatsApp messages by composing "classic" text messages, the first step you need to take is to access the chat screen attached to the app, open an existing […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to access the Digital TV BonusTV Bonus: RequirementsBonus TV: moduloHow to access the TV scrapping bonusPreliminary informationBefore getting into the tutorial, let me explain what we are talking about. You must know, in fact, that […]
There are dozens of methods for create personalized ringtones for your Android smartphone, using his favorite music. However, some are quite long and complicated. This is why we have decided to offer you the one that we consider the simplest and the most effective. […]
IndexAccess the Nuvola electronic register from a computerAccess the Nuvola electronic register from smartphones and tabletsHow to recover the username and password of the Nuvola electronic registerIn case of problemsAccess the Nuvola electronic register from a […]
It's not just for the S series or the Note series at Samsung. With its A series, the Korean manufacturer also tries to combine price content and quality experience. The latest addition to this family is the Galaxy A7 version 2018 that we tested for you. […]
The Gallery application for Samsung smartphones is practical and rich in features, but it absolutely centralizes all the photos contained in your smartphone. We will explain how to move them to a “Secure Folder”, so that they no longer appear in the gallery […]
Parkside is Lidl's private label for DIY and counts among these ranks the PABS 20-Li D5, a screwdriver drill sold at a very aggressive price. Presentation The Lidl retail chain offers […]
Comment (26) Yesterday, during an express return trip to London, we had the opportunity to take in hand a definitive version of the Sony RX100 V, the fifth […]
An Internet connection problem is preventing you from accessing the web. Such a situation can be irritating and come at the worst of times, when you need the Internet the most. What are the possible causes? The avenues to explore to resolve the failure? In this […]
Have you lost your videos? Here's how to recover accidentally deleted and deleted videos from any deviceIl recovery of removed videos, like restoring deleted photos, can be done on different devices and platforms. In fact it is possible to record movies with smartphones, […]
Getting started with video 3 - How to conduct an interview? Through David Lefevre, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 25/10/16 at 16:30 Share: […]
Summary Configure your console Configure the app […]
Whenever we leave home and want to watch our favorite shows broadcast on TV, we can rely on our faithful smartphone, now a real "universal container": just use the right apps and a stable LTE connection or a Wi-Fi hotspot. -Fi to be able to enjoy the main traditional […]
Comment After the Sound X and the Sound, Huawei and Devialet are renewing their collaboration around a brand new portable speaker: the Sound Joy. […]
Disable WhatsApp calling on AndroidPossiedi one smartphone Android and you are interested in understanding how to succeed disable calls on WhatsApp? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find right below.As mentioned at the beginning, a dedicated […]
Comment (3) Proper maintenance of household appliances prolongs their lifespan and limits breakdowns; we keep writing it. However, not everyone bothers to […]
How to connect your phone to WhatsApp on smartphoneI will leave by explaining to you how to connect your phone to WhatsApp on smartphone. How? Didn't you know that the app could also be used on a PC and are you surprised? Yes, it is possible, and it is also convenient […]
Are you already a Free subscriber and want to know how to change and take advantage of the new Freebox Pop? Good news: migration is already possible. Here's everything you need to know before you migrate. If Free has just unveiled its new Freebox Pop and presents […]
The new solid state disks are replacing the old hard disks, can data recovery still be done?An article on by the expert Dr. Mark Abalone talks about us, highlighting […]
Need to transfer files to a new computer? Here are some tips on how to transfer data without losing any files.When you buy a PC or you want move files, it is important to save all the information contained on the old computer in order to be able to transfer it […]
Do you have a Netflix account, but are afraid that a child who also has access to it will come across content that is inappropriate for their age? We explain how to configure parental controls on the platform. A Netflix account can be shared with family and possibly […]
Comment (21) Microsoft has just released a very effective spot to launch its new Xbox One, mixing visual effects and live action.Entertaining and catchy, the […]
How to change the language of WhatsAppwant change the language of WhatsApp? The only way to do this is to change the language of the device on which you have installed the application. The WhatsApp menus, in fact, are shown in the default language of the system […]
How to record WhatsApp callsIf you wish record WhatsApp calls, understood as voice conversations, the indications you must follow are those that you find below. Considering that WhatsApp does not offer a special function, to do so you have to turn to the use of […]
Are you afraid that someone might spy on your WhatsApp conversations? Would you like some advice on how to defend yourself against such threats? Then I think you have come to the right place at the right time. Given also the numerous requests I received on the […]
Summary The shortcut on your app launcher Applications […]
On Snapchat, you have to distinguish your username from your nickname. The username is important since it is the one that allows other Snapchateurs to find your profile on the application. For security […]
Archive WhatsApp conversationsYou are interested in understanding how to archive WhatsApp conversations and use a smartphone Android or a iPhone? Then read the instructions on what to do that you find below and you will immediately find out how to proceed. The […]
Creare PDF gives JPG your WindowsIf you are using a Windows computer, download PDFill FREE PDF Tools and play it safe. PDFill FREE PDF Tools is a free software that collects some very useful tools to edit, create and convert PDF documents without applying annoying […]
If you do not want to store your music in the google cloud, then you must proceed in the "classic" way: simply copy your music files to your Android, in a folder of your choice (regardless of the name of the directory, for example Music , because this folder already […]
Online services to transform JPG into ICOOnline ICO converterIf you are looking for a system to transform JPG into ICO on your computer without having to download and install new programs, you can rely on Online ICO converter it is a free online service that can […]
Find Fastweb SSID via modemIf you are interested in understanding how to find Fastweb SSID I suggest you first of all take a look at the label stuck under or behind the device on which, in fact, usually the name of the wireless network generated by it and the password […]
The cloud is increasingly used by individuals and companies. Here's what to do before moving your photos and data to the cloud.In recent years, the cloud has become a widely used service, not only for saving photos and documents of individuals, but also for save […]
Comment (7) During its October 18 keynote, Apple unveiled its new 14” and 16” MacBook Pro. Many things are changing on the design side with a notched screen […]
Recover deleted videos from Android WhatsApp via the GalleryIf you have deleted the chat message containing the video of your interest, without putting the check mark next to the item Delete media from phone, then there is a very good chance that the footage […]
X LauncherThe first application I want to tell you about turn your Android smartphone into an iPhone è X Launcher, available for free on the Android Play Store. This app is a launcher that allows you to change the aesthetics of the default application icons and […]
IndexPreliminary informationEnter the Windows 10 BIOSHow to enter the HP Windows 10 BIOSHow to enter the Lenovo Windows 10 BIOSHow to enter the Acer Windows 10 BIOSChange the UEFI settingsPreliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare […]
Among the technological advances that are showing their enormous potential these days where most people in the world are forced to stay at home are remote work and video conferencing platforms. They allow friends and relatives to meet, students to take lessons […]
Comment Windows 7 is not quite dead. While some organizations are paying a fortune to continue using it securely, Microsoft is forced to release an out-of-support […]
Windows 10 allows you to configure a fingerprint or facial recognition as a means of unlocking instead of a password. In this tutorial, we will see how to configure these biometric options. Microsoft has made it clear in recent years that the era of passwords […]
The goal of this article is safety and certainty that, when you want to watch a video, DVD, Divx, Avi, Mpeg and other formats, which is downloaded from the internet, actually the video is seen and the audio is heard well, with XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 […]
WhatsApp is preparing a group message self-destruct feature. The option was spotted by the Wabetainfo site a few weeks ago. While we expected it to come in the form of Snapchat's ephemeral messages, the feature actually has a whole other purpose. WhatsApp is […]
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