In many phones, however, the default ringtones are rather poor, some with unpleasant music or others with a low volume that is not heard.
Although there are numerous applications to download your favorite ringtone, to facilitate the search we see here one list of free ringtones that you can preview and download, if you like, to be able to them later use as a ring when they call us.
These 10 selected ringtones have in common the characteristic of being like the classic loud ring of real phones, those that it is impossible not to feel, a little vintage, but always special and recognizable.
NOTE: The sounds listed here can be previewed and downloaded, even directly from the phone, by pressing the down arrow.
Once the download is done, if you are using the computer, you need to transfer the files from the PC to the phone and even if there are several ways, I recommend using applications like Pushbullet, both for Android and for iPhone or using a cloud app like Dropbox or Google Drive.
Using a file manager application for Android, move the downloaded file to the ringtones folder (which is the Ringtones folder) so you can choose it in Settings> Sound.
Unfortunately for iPhone it is a bit more complicated and I refer to the guide to change ringtone on iPhone with iTunes.
1) The special ring of some landline phones of yesteryear
2) Ring with double driin of the old English phones, deeper, for those who do not want a classic ringtone that makes you take a hit when it rings.
3) The classic vintage ring
4) Classic phone noise in another variant
5) The phone rings from the Austin Powers movie
6) Ring of the CTU in the show 24
7) The ringing of the satellite phone eaten by a dinosaur in Jurassic Park 3
8) Nokia Tune, the historic ringtone of Nokia phones
9) The classic Apple ring of iPhones
10) The standard ring of Samsung phones
11) Wall Street Ring
If you don't like any of these sounds, you can download them other free and free classic ringtones on the Beepzoid website.
Top 10 Free Ringtones Like Classic Loud Phone Ringing