Is your WhatsApp subscription about to expire and you don't know how to renew it? Would you like clarification on the renewal prices and payment methods supported by the service? No problem, I'm here to help you. Let's start immediately to see the prices foreseen […]
Sometimes we believe that it is not necessary to explain something as simple as WhatsApp, but the truth is that this application has a lot of features. use WhatsApp Web from your cell phoneWhatsApp, but the truth is that this application has multiple functions […]
The question seems obvious, as it is easy to remove the Google search bar on most Android smartphones. But the task is not so easy for everyone. Indeed, for those who use a stock version of Android, particularly smartphones signed Google (Pixel and Nexus), this […]
How to find a Gmail address (forgotten email address)Let's start immediately with the resolution of one of the most common problems. I'll explain in the following lines how you can find the username of the email address and thus be able to re-enter your account […]
VLC Media Player is one of the best programs for watching videos on computers Windows, Mac, Linux and also on Android Smartphones and Tablets. Its popularity is due to the fact that this software application is capable of playing any type of video or film, of […]
Don't want your Facebook friends list to be publicly visible? It is possible to hide it in the privacy settings, but also to choose who can see it in case you do not want to apply the restriction to everyone. Here's how to do it. Facebook does not have the best […]
How to send photos with WhatsApp: AndroidYou would like it send photos with WhatsApp on Android so as to make full use of the famous instant messaging platform? I can assure you that this is a really simple procedure to implement: you simply have to start WhatsApp, […]
Web service to search for postageDo you want to search for Poste delivery and have your computer and browser at your fingertips? Very well, then you can use the online service made available directly by the city post offices through which it is possible to track […]
Caliber (Windows / Mac / Linux)The first of the resources to create ePub from PDF that I want to suggest you try is caliber, probably the best tool on the market for carrying out the operation in question. It is a free and open source program usable on Windows, […]
Convert units of measure onlineDo you need to convert units of measurement and would you like to be able to exploit the "power" of the Web? Very well! Then you can contact the ad hoc services listed below.GoogleThe first online tool that I recommend you turn to […]
One of the best tricks of the Android 6 Marshmellow version, as seen, is the one for view the battery percentage number in the small icon at the top right on the smartphone screen. The same happens in some smartphones such as the Asus Zenfone, where the battery […]
IndexPreliminary operationLog in to the Vodafone Station networkFind the IP address of the Vodafone StationHow to enter the Vodafone Station from a PCHow to enter the Vodafone Station from smartphones and tabletsHow to enter the Vodafone Station remotelyIn case […]
If you had any doubts about how Windows 11 would work with your games, this should reassure you. If you were planning to upgrade to Windows 11 Beta Insider before the final build was made available, […]
Marriage is a beautiful thing, an unforgettable and wonderful moment, but the preparation of which can be very tiring and expensive. To get things right, it's really helpful to have a wedding site, which contains a countdown to the date and has a message section […]
In this period when we all spend a lot of time at home, a quality Wi-Fi network is essential. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that your internet network experiences malfunctions or slowness. If this is your case, we invite you to try these 10 tips to improve […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to teach you how to write in italics in WhatsApp through your Android or IOS devices, so that all the words you want stand out in your conversations/text. We will also tell you more ways to be able to write in your WhatsApp conversations, […]
How to search for messages on WhatsAppIf you want to find a message within WhatsApp but you don't know how to do it, take some free time and follow the instructions I'm about to give you. I assure you that regardless of the smartphone model and operating system […]
Summary Error DF-BPA-09 Error DF-DLA-15 Error 101 […]
The networks VPNthe Virtual Private Network they allow you to create a "bridge" between two or more computers also present in different geographic locations, so that they are connected to a single large network. The VPN connection is encrypted, so no one will […]
Testimania (Online)Let's start this excursus among the useful resources to download the lyrics of the songs starting from Testimania. It is a free service that, as easily deducible from the name sex, offers the possibility to find the lyrics of many songs, both […]
We want to explain everything you should know about WhatsApp backups, as it is one of the most important elements, if you do not want to lose all the information you have stored in the messaging application. When you change your mobile, lose it or […]
Comment (20) Unless you have opted for a home installation when ordering, the user may find themselves very helpless when their washing machine has arrived. […]
Whenever you log in to WhatsApp, can you never identify the conversation that interests you because there are a myriad of chat sessions open with your contacts? Would you like to be able to hide one or more discussions without eliminating them in such a way as […]
After reading my guide on how WhatsApp works you have become an avid user of the famous app. At the moment you are extremely satisfied with the thing and you think it is an excellent solution by which you can chat freely with all your friends without having to […]
Call for free using internet services is absolutely possible even if you have to bear some limitations on the numbers you can contact or you need to take advantage of only a few minutes offered by the chosen service. Generally speaking, to call from landline to […]
Look for parcels on the City post office websiteThe easiest way to find the parcels of City post office is to contact the site and type the tracking code of your shipment in the appropriate text field. The service works for parcels, registered mail, insured […]
Want to retrieve videos posted on streaming sites like YouTube? There are plenty of apps and services available online to download and convert them for free, on desktop and mobile. Streaming video is now part of our daily lives. Whether with a computer, […]
Anyone who has always wanted to learn to play the guitar, but has never had the time, the money or the patience to be taught by a good one or to take lessons, can connect to the internet and use theInstinct free web application, truly exceptional and one of a […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to join a private Telegram groupHow to join a private Telegram supergroupHow to join a public Telegram supergroupHow to create a Telegram groupAndroidiPhone / iPadcomputerPreliminary informationBefore even getting to the heart of […]
How to change the background of WhatsApp chatsYou are interested in understanding how to change whatsapp wallpaper when you chat with your contacts from yours smartphone (using the app for Android o iPhone) or from computer (using the client for Windows, […]
After taking a photo with a Samsung, LG, HTC or other Android mobile phone, this is then visible from the Gallery app, simple and with some basic editing and adjustment tools. But if you wanted a more intelligent and advanced application for browse images and […]
Online ConvertLet's start this excursus among the best online converters from da Online Convert. It is an exceptional online service that allows you to convert video, audio and images for free directly from your browser. Thanks to it you will be able to transform […]
Comparison / 80 stick vacuum cleaners tested January 2022Choosing well: the key points, our tests Henry Grimaud (@HenryLesnums) Updated 03/01/22 07:00 AM Share: […]
Anyone like me who loves FPS games, 3D adventures with a subjective view where you put yourself in the head and body of a soldier or a fighter, should know one of the most beautiful video games of all time, Crysis. Crysis is the successor game to Far Cry, another […]
Playstation Network now offers two-factor authentication via SMS to more effectively secure your account. This type of additional security allows you to prevent an ill-intentioned person from fraudulently using your account. We will show you how to enable two-factor […]
Comparison / 18 tumble dryers tested January 2022Key points, our tests By Valentine DeBrye (@valentinedebrye) Updated 29/09/21 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
Google Assistant is at the heart of all Android smartphones in recent years. But not all users like it. If you are one of them, we will see in this article how to deactivate it for good. Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, or Cortana, personal assistants are […]
Summary Dates of deconfinement Where to find the […]
That's it, it is finally possible to run Android 11 applications. Microsoft has been talking about it for several months and users are impatiently waiting to test this feature. As of yesterday, it has been available to members of the Insider program. We explain […]
A Numerama survey highlights security vulnerabilities on the Pôle Emploi online platform. These allow crooks to gain relatively easy access to the personal data of several job seekers. Employment […]
Screensavers or "screensaver" are those animations that keep the computer screen in motion, avoiding that, when you leave the PC stationary, the static image of the desktop remains imprinted in the pixels of the monitor. Today's monitors do not have this problem […]
Index:How to find an Android mobileHow to find an iOS mobileHow to find an Android mobileIn case you need to find your Android smartphone, know that you can use an internal feature of your mobile device called Find my device which will allow you to geolocate your […]
Preliminary informationBefore we dive into the tutorial and actually see how to chat on WhatsApp without being online, let me provide you with some preliminary information that you absolutely must know to be able to complete your "business".First, know that, as […]
Comment (9) Some Google services, such as Drive or Calendar, are increasingly used, especially in the professional environment. Appreciated for their simplicity […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you information on how to draw in WhatsApp. drawing in WhatsApp. To make your own color drawing, you will need to have your Android or iPhone mobile device (iPad and others are also useful. Also, we will make use of the Photo […]
Convert Received Amazon VouchersLet's start this guide trying to understand how to convert the Amazon vouchers received as a gift (or in other ways) in order to turn them into balance for the account. The procedure to be carried out is very simple and can be carried […]
Comment (64) Apple did not wait for the presentation and the release of its iPhone 12 to offer its iOS 14. The new version of the iPhone software is already […]
Whether you're on Android, iOS, PC or Mac, here's how to unblock a friend on Facebook. The process is not always obvious to those who have never done it. However, it is achieved in a few steps which are a little more complicated than when it comes to blocking a […]
Who hasn't used Tinder, Grindr or the recent Happn app? These dating apps typical of our connected years have “revolutionized” seduction for some. But thanks to them, it is not very complicated to locate your location and therefore to follow your movements […]
Online servicesLet's start this guide entirely dedicated to how to convert money by reviewing what in my humble opinion represent the best online services in the category. You will find them all listed below. You don't have to download anything to your computer […]
Here is a surprising news that comes from a small note published on the Microsoft support site: the removal of Microsoft Edge within Windows 10 will soon no longer be possible. In addition, it will no longer be allowed to revert to the old version. It will therefore […]
What are the problems causing RAID breakdown? Here are 5 most common events.Il RAID system it is mainly used in corporate IT structures, where it is necessary to have more security for one's data. As we have seen in a previous article on data recovery from RAID, […]
Windows 10 is a talkative operating system. Very chatty ! Of course, it is possible to disable only the sound of notifications. But, since the Skype and Mail applications are synchronized, this can be very insufficient. Sometimes you have to be more incisive and […]
Summary Legal or illegal? Sony PlayStation Nintendo […]
Samsung has launched its Samsung TV Plus app in Spain, allowing you to watch 57 live channels from your phone or tablet. L’application Samsung TV Plus // Source : Samsung To watch live […]
The "Donors" or also called "Donors" ....... the spare parts to recover your Hard Drive As many of you know, the hard drive we have inside our PC or Notebook can break or get damaged. In a hard drive, several components can be broken or damaged, including the […]
GoogleI start immediately with a chapter dedicated to a "trusted friend" for all searches on the Web, the one that for billions of people is now like an oracle to consult whenever you don't remember something or have a doubt. I'm talking about Google obviously, […]
An Apple representative (not very) subtly hinted that iOS users frustrated with the inability to download an app without the App Store could go see if the grass was greener for them on Android. […]
Want to delete your Google Home chat history? In this article, we'll show you how to do it. You can erase all traces of your voice instructions if you are one of the most demanding on their privacy. Connected speakers have become an integral part of the daily […]
Transferring all your emails and contacts from Yahoo to your Gmail account is not necessarily a complex task ... Google has set up an automatic procedure: based on the ShuttleCloud service, it allows you to change your mail server in a few clicks and without losing […]
Comment Whether you are outdoors or indoors, natural light can be your best light source. Sometimes too hard, too soft, always variant... we are going […]
With free tools, on PC or Mac, on the Internet or offline, you can easily turn your PDF files into Word, Excel, PowerPoint or even images. Do you want to recover the information contained in a PDF to use it in another office software? Get all the […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to teach you how to send a blank message in the Chat through one of the famous Mobile Phone Applications, known as WhatsApp. With your Smart Phone, either Android or Iphone, you will learn how to play a joke to your acquaintances with […]
Twitter asks its users to change their password immediately! This Thursday, March 3, 2018, the social network discovered a serious security breach: the passwords of its members would have been stored in clear text on a database. If Twitter wants to be reassuring, […]
Comment (40) It is possible to change your Fiber Livebox to a more complete router with more efficient Wi-Fi. Netgear thus offers to free itself from the Orange […]
The game Pro Evolution Soccer is available on Android in its 2011 version. Two video games reign supreme in football: FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer (PES). Last September, Electronic Arts released its FIFA 2010 version for Android phones. Today, its direct competitor […]
App to find free parkingIf your problem is finding a place to park your car, try one of the following app to find free parking. I really hope they can come in handy.Free parking (Android)One of the best apps to find free parking is Free parking. This app (also […]
Log in to Badoo on your computerIf you are interested in finding out how to proceed in order to access Badoo from your PC, the first step you need to take is to go to the website of the service and register your account. To do this, connect to the main page of […]
Comment (63) A few days ago, the association 60 Millions de Consommateurs set fire to the powder: many media relayed the information according to which "millions […]
Every day I get numerous messages from people asking me how to spy on another number's WhatsApp or, on the contrary, how to prevent unauthorized third parties from "infiltrating" their conversations on what is now the number one app in the world for instant messaging. […]
Comparative / 12 photo books tested January 2022Our ranking By Marine Goy Posted on 10/10/10 at 00h00 Share: […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the details of the procedure on how to find Maxine on Brawl Stars, I think you might be interested in learning more about this character.Well, Maxine is a particularly popular Brawler by the community. Originally introduced […]
Comment (8) Nothing beats contemplating and touching paper. According to our previous survey, 48% of you want to print your best summer photos. You will therefore […]
Summary ?What is a VPN for? ?Free VPNs vs Paid VPNs Trial offers Conclusion: What is the best VPN? Comments A free VPN, the holy grail of Internet users who want to remain anonymous or access content that is not available from their country. Some free […]
At least once a week I like to report video games and online games, always free and always beautiful. After all, the world of videogames is an important part of computer science and not only children or obsessed ones play with it but all those who work on the […]
It is easy to recover mistakenly deleted photos and other data from Android smartphone. This can happen to all of us after a bad manipulation or even consciously by a gesture that we end up regretting. But fortunately, a file deleted by mistake can be restored, […]
If many years ago the only way to make mobile phone calls involved the use of a SIM and a telephone number from an operator, today all you need is an Internet connection and an application to call for free on any phone, be it an iPhone or an Android smartphone. […]
Install WhatsApp on AndroidIf you have a device equipped with an Android version 2.3.3 or higher, you will be happy to hear that install WhatsApp it is very simple, as it is enough to act from Play Store, the default virtual store pre-installed on the vast majority […]
If you've bought a second console from the Nintendo Switch family, you might want to transfer your saves from your first model to your new device. We explain here everything you need to know about the procedure to follow and the information to take into account […]
Online services to find hotspotsAs I told you, to find the hotspots scattered here and there on the cittàn territory (and not) you can make use of some special online services. Let's see immediately which ones. You will find listed those that in my opinion represent […]
Comment (12) Firefox took advantage of the Computex news to launch its latest update on computers and mobiles. Simplified interface, new design and improved […]
Free and safe MP3 converterLooking for a free and safe MP3 converter to use on your computer? Then read on. Below, in fact, you will find those that, in my humble opinion, represent the best tools in the category available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Identify […]
Summary ? Why change the language of a keyboard? ⌨How to switch from QWERTY to AZERTY on Windows? ❓Why two different keyboards? Comments If you accidentally changed the configuration of your AZERTY keyboard to QUERTY or vice versa and you don't know […]
Whether it is the absence of the Netflix app on your Freebox Mini 4K or the installation of various Android apps, it is interesting to know how to install an .APK on Android TV. You will see that this is rather very close to the classic method. […]
Netflix is almost taken for granted by now, but even though it is the most used streaming service in the world it is also one of the most expensive, reaching up to 16 Euros per month for the superior subscription. However, there are many ways to watch Netflix […]
Google and Gmail are grouped around a unified connection system which authorizes the use of double authentication. This can be used via a mobile application (Google Authenticator), a code received by SMS, by call or by physical key. Lots of flexibility for a service […]
Although Microsoft pushes to move to Windows 8, it still allows today to download on your computer past editions of Windows which can therefore be installed on virtual machines for free. Anyone who wants to keep on the computer, whether on a normal PC or on Mac […]
Summary Latest news on the iPhone 13 iPhone 13: how many models? ? What is the iPhone 13 release date? ? What is the price of the iPhone 13? ?What design for the iPhone 13? ? What is the screen size of the iPhone 13? ⚡️ What performance? ? How […]
Comment (18) The WhatsApp messaging application is widely used on smartphones. It can also be installed and used for free on a Windows 10 PC or Apple computers […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to find airpods with android, there is some preliminary information I need to give you about it.We assume that all AirPods models are primarily designed to be used with the Apple devices: […]
How to see last WhatsApp login on AndroidYou wish to know how to see the last login on WhatsApp on your device Android? To begin with, start the official WhatsApp app and tap on the tab Chat located at the top, then presses on the symbol of comic (bottom right), […]
Chromecast with Google TV: a name that is both singular and evocative for this multimedia streaming box! Coming with a remote, it's based on a redesigned version of Android TV with a focus on content recommendation. […]
From the printerDo you want to find the IP address of your printer? The simplest method you have from yours is without a doubt to go and act directly from the same device. If you have a printer with support for wireless connectivity, most likely the latter is also […]
When you install Google Chrome on a computer, the browser automatically adapts to the language of the operating system. In some cases, you may therefore end up with an internet browser in a language other than yours. With this tutorial we teach you how to configure […]
Activate the blue check on WhatsApp for AndroidIf you want to know how to activate the blue check on WhatsApp and use a smartphone or tablet Android, all you have to do is start the official app of the service on your device, select the tab Chat and press the button […]
How can I not lose data from my computer?Is Data Recovery the only solution in case of memory media failure? How can I protect and protect my data which are sometimes precious memories, […]
Messenger, Facebook's instant chat software, allows you to chat with your friends by simply sending them private messages. However, not all of them automatically appear in the inbox and remain as unread in a section called "filtered messages". How to access the […]
Index:How to search for images on Google (PC / Mac)How to search for images on Google (Android / iOS)How to search for images on Google ImagesHow to search for images on Google (PC / Mac)Google is one of the most famous and appreciated search engines thanks to […]
How to copy Android WhatsApp messagesYou want to find out how to copy whatsapp messages on android? In this case, the first step you need to take is to take your device, unlock it, access the home screen or drawer and select theicon of the WhatsApp app.On the application […]
Programs to convert TIFF to PDFDo you want convert TIFF to PDF resorting to the use of a "traditional" program for computer? Then try the tools that you find listed below. There are both for Windows that for MacOS and they are all free. Feel free to choose […]
Has your hard drive failed? has a lot of spare parts, to repair it and recover your data.The hard disk is a mechanical storage medium, consisting of several internal parts extremely sensitive and delicate. Before going to analyze what may be the problems related […]
Last September, Bosch presented its latest capsule machine, the Tassimo My Way. If this small name could suggest some routines of use could not be more monotonous, the reality is very different. Indeed, this new machine marks a renewal within the catalog. […]
Do you want to make a free online backup of your data? Here's how to use Dropbox.Il backup it is definitely the best prevention to avoid data loss. In recent years there have been many viruses capable of taking information and documents hostage on the hard disk, […]
If you insert a DVD into a Windows 10 computer to watch a movie, in most cases we will not be able to play anything, as the protected content is not viewable without purchasing specific codecs or paid programs. Considering the ever-increasing number of devices […]
Always focused on looking for new ones to see films, TV series and cartoons, I had forgotten that on the internet you can also find more serious but equally interesting films and videos: documentaries. The documentaries can be watched in streaming on the internet […]
Entrare nel Deep Web da computerSe ti interessa capire che cosa bisogna fare per entrare nel Deep Web e se desideri effettuare questa operazione dal tuo computer il primo passo che devi compiere è quello di eseguire il download di Tor Browser, una […]
Promised by Nintendo since the launch of the Switch, the console's mobile application is finally here, but its services are limited for the moment. With the arrival of Splatoon 2 on July 21, […]
Summary Current offer Current offers Find out more […]
Summary What's new in Android 10 Precautions to […]
A few weeks ago, Google announced that it would stop supporting third-party cookies on the Chrome browser from 2022. This decision will obviously change the way companies track their users on the Internet. So, will the Mountain View company stop tracking its users? […]
Disable read receiptsIf you want to read a message on WhatsApp without letting the sender know that you have viewed it, you can simply I will give you a letter and do not show the "blue ticks" that confirm the reading of the messages. Operation which, however, […]
How many hours of life does a hard drive have, and what is its average life? Here are some tips on how to extend the life of a hard drive and your PC.La average life of a hard disk it is not easily calculated. There are many parameters and different factors that […]
WhatsApp recently got a fingerprint lock option. It is possible to make the application require your fingerprint after a specific period of time. The lock also hides notifications to prevent them from being read by prying eyes. But you also need to enable this […]
Is it better to buy your Nintendo Switch games in physical version, or in digital version on the eShop? These two modes of consumption have their advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will detail these two possibilities in order to offer an informed […]
Preliminary operationPrima di andare avanti e di spiegarti, in the concrete, how to print whatsapp messages, you must make sure that you have correctly configured the printer you intend to use to transfer the messages on paper: in general, if you intend to proceed […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we show you How to Have a White Heart Emoji/Symbol/Emoticon to represent a Feeling like Love through WhatsApp. Sometimes we think that all the Emoticons appear in the Keyboard of our application, but in reality it is not so. Technology today […]
DVDx (Windows PC)If you have a PC with Windows installed and you are interested in understanding how to convert DVD to DivX I suggest you resort to the use of DVDx. It is a free program for Windows OS that allows you to convert DVD to DivX in just a few clicks.To […]
The iPhone provides a preview of received messages without having to open them, although sometimes we would prefer that they remain hidden. Some users therefore prefer to deactivate this option. Here's how to hide the content of your received messages in notifications […]
Comparison / 11 floor mopping robots tested January 2022 By Marie Ciolfi (@Marie_Ciolfi) Updated 21/10/21 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
How to find Android WiFi password without rootIf you need to tell someone the password of the Wi-Fi network you are connected to but you no longer remember which one it is, it is not always necessary to read it directly from the router or use an app that needs […]
How to send a phone number on WhatsApp from AndroidIf you are using a smartphone Android and you're wondering how to send a phone number on WhatsApp, I inform you that the indications you must follow are those that you find below.From WhatsAppThe first and most […]
Use the logic of combinationsThe first method I want to show you to help you find an email address is based onuse the logic of combinations to try to guess a person's email address. Clearly, the combinations to be used must take into account the possibilities for […]
Summary Read this carefully before you start Start by backing up your data How to delete your Gmail / Google account? How to recover a Google account? Comments In this tutorial, we explain how to delete your Google or Gmail account in a few steps. But […]
Comment (44) Apart from backing up your data, cloning a drive can be used to replace a hard drive with an SSD and thus give an old PC a boost. Here is a step-by-step […]
Index:Programs for editing scanned textTopOCR (Windows)Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows / macOS)App to edit a scanned textFineScanner PDF (Android / iOS)Adobe Scan and Adobe Acrobat Reader (Android / iOS)Online tool for editing scanned textOnline OCRConvertioPrograms […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to access OneDrive from PCHow to access OneDrive from a Windows PCHow to access OneDrive from MacHow to access OneDrive onlineHow to access OneDrive from mobileHow to sign in to OneDrive for BusinessPreliminary informationOneDrive […]
Have you tried to install WhatsApp on your iPad but can't find it in the App Store? Nothing strange. Unfortunately, WhatsApp is only available on smartphones and its use as a tablet is not yet officially supported. However, with some little tricks you can still […]
Comment (5) On the sidelines of a complete range of Surface computers, Microsoft yesterday showed the second version of its Surface Duo 2. Discovery of the […]
For one reason or another, you may want to change your email address on Skype . But rather than creating a new account and having to find all your contacts, did you know that you could simply change the […]
A bit like the TV series, today it is not necessary to wait for a cartoon to do it on TV because it may be available in streaming on the internet, for a fee or for free. Speaking of the serial cartoons, both those of TV, the Americans Disney and also Japanese […]
How to see WhatsApp username on AndroidYou wish to know how to see whatsapp username on your device Android? Then let me tell you how to proceed.View and change your name view and change your name on WhatsApp, first start the messaging app on your smartphone Android, […]
There are, in computer science, many manipulations considered as simple as possible by the informed user. However, one day it was necessary to learn how to perform them! In the form of practical sheets, we offer those who are just starting out today a synthetic […]
Comment (51) Whether you type with two fingers or ten fingers on your computer keyboard, like a turtle or like a professional typist, you've probably wondered […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare How will I send an app through WhatsApp?, è mio dovere fornirti some preliminary information to riguardo, al fine di aggirare eventuali difficoltà e fraintendimenti.Partiamo gives a […]
Changing your wallpaper is probably the easiest way to make your smartphone unique and suitable for us. Apart from the classic ways to change your wallpaper, there are applications that will allow you to change it automatically, we will present them to you below. […]
Facebook Messenger no longer allows Internet users to register with a simple phone number. To use the instant messaging app, you absolutely need to have an account on the Facebook social network. Since 2015, Facebook Messenger has allowed users to register […]
Read WhatsApp messages without logging in on AndroidYou would like to know how read WhatsApp messages without logging in instant messaging app on your device Android? Know that there are various "paths" that you can take: view messages from the lock screen and […]
You are overwhelmed every day by a string of spam by SMS or email. Unsolicited advertising messages are among the main evils that taint the digital experience. In this article, we explore all the possible solutions to get rid of unwanted messages for good. Spams […]
How to convert RMVB to AVI on WindowsIf you use a Windows PC, I suggest you try Any Video Converter Free which is a very intuitive multimedia file converter able to handle all video formats without compromising their quality and avoiding - within the limits of […]
Come mettere il blocco your WhatsApp AndroidStai using one smartphone Android and you are interested capire eat mettere il blocco your WhatsApp your last? Allora continued pure nella lettura. Qui di followed, infatti, trovi spiegato as riuscirci sfruttando the […]
While Microsoft will use Android on its Surface Duo, we learn that the manufacturer will put an end to the Windows Phone app store in mid-December. Microsoft has already killed Windows Phone […]
Fre: ac (Windows, Mac e Linux)The first audio converter I want to suggest you turn to is Fre: ac. Haven't you ever heard of it? No problem, let's fix it right away. It is a free and open source resource that allows you to transform all major audio file formats […]
Whether on iPhone, iPad or Android, it is easy to find yourself inundated with unnecessary notifications mixed with those that can come from important applications such as instant messengers or emails. Fortunately, there are options to turn off unwanted notifications. © […]
You recently bought a new smartphone full of innovative features and happy with it, you immediately rushed home to start using it. After learning the good news, a friend then I suggest you start using WhatsApp but if you find yourself here now, reading this guide, […]
With Google Chrome, you can use the address bar as a search engine. All you have to do is type the query of your choice and click on Enter to see the results page appear. A very practical system ... unless you don't have the right default search engine Fortunately, […]
Comment (6) While WebOS 2.0 is embedded in all LG TVs planned for 2015, the brand announced in January that it did not intend to update its previous TVs with […]
Create an iCloud accountIn order to access iCloud you must have a specific account to use the service. To do this, you need to have a Apple ID. If you don't already have an Apple ID, you can create one in a few moments by following the instructions in my guide […]
The latest Nespresso coffee machine to enter the Delonghi catalog, the Lattissima One is a compact and easy-to-use capsule coffee maker that plays the versatility card. For this, it embeds a milk system to make a cappuccino or a latte macchiato. […]
Summary Catalog Price Compatibility Social functions […]
How to save WhatsApp messages in your favoritesLet's see first how to save WhatsApp messages to favorites or, rather, in important messages. As I told you, at the time of this writing, this is the only way to easily find the messages you want to have at your fingertips.AndroidTo […]
WhatsApp will finally allow users to change the colors of the app's interface. According to a leak, the instant messenger is currently developing a feature that allows you to change the colors of certain interface elements, including the call or send message buttons. Unfortunately, […]
Send images from the Internet to WhatsApp for AndroidAs a first step, I intend to explain how to proceed with regard to smartphones and tablets equipped with an operating system Android. Before going further, I would like to specify that the methods for sending […]
Preliminary information Before we get to the heart of the tutorial, let's illustrate what are the main techniques used by attackers to spy on someone else's WhatsApp and how to protect yourself, it seems right to provide you with preliminary information about […]
Here is the ultimate guide to the 5 best PC backup programs of 2017.Looking for a program to create backups in the fastest and most immediate way possible? This article lists the best software of 2017 to save your data, avoiding losing important information in […]
Browser Password Decryptor (Windows)As its name suggests, Browser Password Decryptor is a program that lets you recover passwords for Internet sites and online services saved in browsers. It supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome and works […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Ubuntu)The first among the programs to convert video files that I want to suggest you to try is HandBrake, an excellent free and open source converter available for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu. It allows you to transform many video formats […]
From 2019 January XNUMX, it has become mandatory in the city for all companies, entrepreneurs, self-employed workers and freelancers with a VAT number (who are not in the subsidized regime), the issuance of electronic invoices, which is then compiled using software. […]
Programs to transform PDF to PDF / AYou need transform PDF to PDF / A and would you like to know which are the best programs on the square suitable for the purpose? Then immediately put to the test the ad hoc tools that I have reported to you below. There are both […]
Want to start Windows 10 without a password? We have prepared a simple guide for you to explain how to remove the identification step when opening the system. Stage which takes longer than anything else for a PC that only you use, and at home! The […]
Sometimes the video game market is rather strange, the most played, downloaded and bought game of 2010 and what more did he talk about himself becoming a craze is Angry Birds, a videogame playable by touschreen smartphones such as the iPhone, a Samsung or Xiaomi […]
Sending emails to a large number of recipients is a time-consuming task par excellence... Fortunately, Google's Contacts app makes it easy to create mailing lists for Gmail. They will allow you to distribute your e-mails to all your contacts in a few clicks thanks […]
WhatsApp Web / Desktop Strange as it may seem, one of the easiest ways to spy on another phone's WhatsApp for free is to use a service included directly in the application: I'm talking about WhatsApp Web which, as you probably already know, allows you to use […]
Summary Design Connections Remote Control Performance […]
How to install WhatsApp on Huawei from Play StoreIf your smartphone Huawei is equipped with Google Mobile Services (GMS), you can easily download WhatsApp through Play Store, that is the virtual and official Android store where you can find and install applications […]
Facebook Messenger now allows you to delete a message sent by mistake or containing a mistake or embarrassing details. Deleting messages was already possible, but they were only deleted on the sender's device, not on the correspondent's. Facebook Messenger is […]
After a first run called "Pro" last year, Apple is doing it again this year. The iPhone 12 Pro does not come to upset the formula but refines it by offering a new design, more versatile photo modules as well as 5G. […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you Information How to download WhatsApp on your mobile. From iPhone, Android or from the computer. If you do not have this application is that you are new to the world of technology. You are in the best place.How to download […]
With its Play At Home campaign, Sony offers to play Ratchet & Clank for free on PlayStation. Here's how to get the game. Sony had promised it at the end of February, it's the return of its […]
IndexHow to create a Hotmail accountHow to access Hotmail from PCHow to access Hotmail from a browserHow to access Hotmail from OutlookHow to access Hotmail without OutlookHow to access Hotmail from smartphones and tabletsHow to access Hotmail from Outlook appHow […]
Comment (33) Received by email:Object : HELP Hello, I just bought the Sony HX7V. Having gone through the user guides, I can't find any trace of: how to attach […]
Duplicate Photo Finder (Windows/Mac)The first of the programs to find and delete photos that I want to advise you to use is called Duplicate Photo Finder. It is free (but eventually it is also available in a Pro variant, for a fee, with additional functions), available […]
In this article we want to explain what WhatsApp Desktop is and how you should use it on your computer. This is the desktop version that will allow you to open WhatsApp every time you want to access it from your computer, without having to go through your browser […]
Install Whatsapp for free on smartphoneNeed help with install WhatsApp for free on smartphones? Do not worry, in the course of the next chapters I will explain in detail the procedures that concern Android and iOS devices. AndroidIf you have an Android smartphone, […]
Comment After the making-of of five cult albums, it is a radically different style of composition that we are tackling today: jingles. These tiny pieces, […]
Apple is launching a new battery replacement program for Macbook Pro 2016 and 2017. Some users have indeed indicated that they cannot charge their computer beyond 1%. The Cupertino company has deployed an update to macOS Big Sur and Catalina to fix the problem, […]
Summary ? What is the release date of the Freebox Pop? ? What is the price of subscription, commissioning and termination of the Freebox Pop? ? Can I migrate from another Free box to the new Freebox Pop? ⚡️ What's new in the Freebox Pop? ⚙️ What […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you Information How to reinstall WhatsApp. From iPhone, Android or from the computer. If you do not have this application is that you are new to the world of technology. You are in the best google website . How to download […]
No longer necessarily a luxury accessory, the touch pad has almost become a commodity as the prices keep dropping. The class of devices under 100 € has sometimes been able to surprise thanks to products of rare quality. The 7-inch Polaroid Infinite is not one […]
What is a Slime in MinecraftLet's start with the basics. In the world of Minecraft, one Slime it is a cubic-shaped, green-colored creature that moves exclusively by making jumps. This is a hostile mob that will try to attack your avatar as soon as it enters its […]
IndexHow to enter the TIM modem from a PCFind the IP address of the modemFind your login informationAdjust the modem settingsHow to enter the TIM modem from smartphones and tabletsI can't enter the TIM modem: how to solveHow to enter the TIM modem from a PCYou […]
Too fast ? Too slowly ? Mismatched mouse sensitivity can cause a frustrating user experience. But Windows 10 allows you to solve such a problem quickly. Good control of your mouse is essential for optimal user comfort on your computer. It is with the mouse that […]
Android M is Google's main announcement during the Google I/O 2015 launch keynote. The successor to Android Lollipop will arrive with its share of rather interesting new features. If Android Lollipop marked a real graphical turning point with Material Design, Android […]
Create a sense of movement with Photoshop By Pierre Caillault, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 28/11/14 at 08:48 Share: […]
Preliminary informationBefore you go ahead and actually see how to download whatsapp profile photos, my golden seed fornirti alcune preliminary information that will be useful to you to complete the operation in question.First of all, I must inform you that, at […]
Facebook leaves the choice since its last update to share its photos and videos in HD from its smartphone. A feature for photographers, videographers or simply those who want to enjoy superior quality shared photos. Here's how to activate it! […]
With an online service or a specialized application, you can directly download music from YouTube or even convert video to audio in MP3 format, all easily, for free and… legally! If YouTube is above all a streaming video service, it is also a great […]
Music giant Spotify announced at Google I/O that it will be possible to continue listening to audio on its connected object running on Wear OS, even if its smartphone has stayed at home. A sign that Google's strategy, which wants to revitalize its Wear OS, seems […]
How to make strikethrough text on WhatsAppIf you wonder how to write a crossed out word on WhatsApp, you will be happy to know that you can easily do this using the native formatting tool available in the well-known messaging app for Android (downloadable for free […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you all the necessary information so you can update the WhatsApp application on any of your Apple devices, either on IPhone or IPad. If you want to know the step by step procedure, do not miss our post!Preliminary operations With […]
Inserting emojis in WhatsApp messages is very easy: just press the emoticon icon at the bottom left, in the message composition screen, and choose one of the many images available on the keypad. But let's face it, emojis got a little tired. And then the menu to […]
Convert ODT to DOC computerAs just mentioned, if you need to convert only one ODT file to DOC (or in any case a small number of documents) you can count on the manual export function included in all versions of the aforementioned open soruce office suites as well […]
An important feature of Windows is that previews of photos and images are displayed directly in windows. In this way the image files can be easily browsed without having to open them in full screen with the default program. Previews in Windows 7 and Windows 10 […]
REvil ransomware is now able to go through Windows 10 safe mode to automatically change the account password. In this way, it gains easier access to victim's files to encrypt them and then can demand ransom money in exchange for data recovery. Credit: Unsplash Last […]
IndexHow to log in to Instagram without password and emailGive smartphone and tabletFrom computerHow to access Instagram via FacebookGive smartphone and tabletFrom computerHow to log in to Instagram automatically without a passwordGive smartphone and tabletFrom […]
How to understand if you have been blocked on WhatsAppBefore getting unblocked on WhatsApp it is wise of you to make sure that you have actually been blocked. To do this, you must carefully analyze some factors that can provide you with valuable clues to corroborate […]
Online2PDF (online)If you are interested in understanding how to convert TXT to PDF I suggest you first take a look at Online2PDF. This is an excellent web service dedicated solely to editing and converting PDF documents. You can use this service to convert […]
Services to find a person on WhatsApp without having the numberAs I mentioned at the opening of the post, for find a person on WhatsApp without having the number you must first go back to the address of the user in question starting from his name. To do this, you […]
How to convert images to PDF onlineiLovePDFOne of the online tools you can use to convert images to PDF is iLovePDF. The service is completely free and offers an immediate and simple conversion, within everyone's reach. iLovePDF works great on any browser and doesn't […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you all the information on how to restart the WhatsApp application on different devices, either on your smartphone(Android or IPhone), as well as on your computer (PC). If you want to know more information this is your post!How […]
CloudConvertThe first online resource that I suggest you take advantage of in order to convert DOCX to PDF is CloudConvert. It is a Web service able not only to act on files in DOCX format but also to convert PDF documents, videos, images, music, ebooks and all […]
Comment (12) Update: the developers announce on their Twitter account that nothing is planned for Europe for the moment. Let's hope Sony decides otherwise!There […]
Summary Management games Runners Thinking games […]
So here is the iPhone 12. With its Oled screen, its 5G compatibility and its protruding edges, it is not content to be an update of the iPhone 11. So much so that it rivals the iPhone 12 Pro. Just that. […]
In this tutorial, we show you how to automatically transfer your Outlook emails to a Gmail account. If you have decided to change your address or are obliged to do so, it is quite possible to continue receiving your emails on the new account. Forward […]
WhatsApp for Windows and MacTo download the official WhatsApp client on your computer, all you have to do is connect to this web page and click on the button Download for Windows, or Download for Mac OS if you use a Mac. If you use Windows 10instead, connect […]
When you get an error while trying to change and save the contents of a text file or folder, there may be a permissions and permissions problem. This type of information is given to Windows based on attributes of the file or folder, which tell the system if a […]
Comment (13) Originally, Skype was primarily used for exchanging text messages and making audio calls over the Internet, to avoid operators' high roaming tariffs. […]
Every day I receive messages from people who are distressed by the idea that an attacker could enter their WhatsApp accounts, stealthily check them and spy on all their conversations. Are these fears unfounded or is there really a risk of someone sticking their […]
Change username on WhatsAppIf you want to know how to change your name on WhatsApp because you want to change your public name within the platform, proceed as explained in the following paragraphs, depending on the operating system and device you use.AndroidIf […]
Do you suspect that your account has been hacked or just want to change your Outlook / Hotmail password as a precaution? Here are the steps to follow. Account hacking is common on the Internet. So you are never safe from password theft. This is why it […]
Even though we had topics that already talked about it, we thought it commendable to share a tutorial to help you install Adobe Flash Player on Android, which, moreover, is not only limited to Android 4.2, but indeed compatible from Android 4.0. For more than […]
How to locate a stolen cell phoneHere's how to locate smartphones of all major brands using the anti-theft services integrated within them. These services only work if the terminal is switched on, connected to the Internet and with GPS active, but in some cases, […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to Android let me give you some useful preliminary information about it.In fact, you must know that WhatsApp has introduced a native feature that allows you to migrate all data […]
Comment (3) Announced last March, the 360° video has just made its official appearance on Facebook. On this occasion, the social network has given itself […]
Preliminary informationBefore moving on, I would like to make you clear some basic aspects about transferring WhatsApp chats from phone to phone: firstly, regarding transfers involving the same operating system (i.e. from Android to Android and iPhone […]
I can hardly believe it, but even today I get many messages from people asking me if there is a way not to pay for WhatsApp. Now, it is true that we live in a period of economic crisis and that even a few euros are convenient in a person's monthly budget (especially […]
IndexPreliminary operationHow to enter the Fastweb FASTGate modemFrom PCGive smartphone and tabletHow to enter the Fastweb Technicolor modemIn case of dubbi or problemPreliminary operationTo access the Fastweb modem it is possible to use any device connected to […]
AdwCleaner is an extremely effective cleaning tool for your PC. If it does not remove viruses, it does however very well get rid of toolbars and other adware installed against your will with other applications. We explain how to use it! The web is full of malware […]
IndexEnter the Instagram profile of a person you knowEnter a private Instagram profile without being discoveredVisit an Instagram profile without being discoveredEnter the Instagram profile of a person you knowIf, after the necessary premises on the potential violations […]
This beta version of WhatsApp for computers provides early access to new features that will arrive in the final version. We explained it to you yesterday, WhatsApp now offers its new products […]
Comment (9) Photography is an exhilarating and fulfilling passion or hobby... but quickly expensive. Good news: it is quite possible to make very good images […]
Google ChromeEven though he came last, Google Chrome has managed to establish itself in the international market of browser in just a few months, first reaching and then surpassing historical names in the sector such as Mozilla Firefox. From his it has an almost […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the matter, it seems only right to do some precision about the Telegram channels and their nature, in order to clarify your ideas on the subject.As anticipated at the beginning of the article, Telegram channels […]
Facebook betrays your online presence by default even when you are simply viewing your news feed. Except sometimes you just don't want to appear as being online. So how do you hide your online status on Facebook and Messenger? Here is the complete tutorial to no […]
Protecting your privacy on Facebook is possible. Once you have finished reading this tutorial, your privacy on the social network will be assured. Lately, we are talking about Facebook as the social network with 1 billion daily users or the platform offering […]
How to find hidden spy apps on HuaweiYou suspect that your smartphone is under someone's control spy app? In this case, try to put into practice the tips you find below: if your doubts are well founded, you should be able to find the applications that are monitoring […]
After so many games it seems right to dedicate a page to the symbol of Nintendo, Super Mario Bros.. This game has existed since the 80s and has been played by entire generations of gamers, not only on Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, DS and Wii, but also, in […]
Preliminary informationBefore we delve into the heart of this tutorial and see how to search for people on Facebook without signing up, my golden seed fornirti alcune preliminary information that you cannot fail to know in order to complete this "enterprise".First […]
FromOnlyWhatsAppswe want to show you how to be invisible inWhatsApp, either bychat,imagesorstatus. With this method you can choose all the people you want to see your profilepicturefor example. Block a person on WhatsApp Go ahead, if you want to know all the necessary […]
Find an IP addressIn this article of mine, as anticipated at the beginning, we will find out how to locate an IP address taking into account the above limitations. Before doing this, however, it seems only right to explain to you, at least briefly, how to find […]
Comment (24) Launched in Spain in May 2021, the Starlink satellite Internet offer represents an attractive solution for providing a high-speed connection in […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to show you step by step the whole process to update the expired WhatsApp application in a simple way. We will provide you with all the necessary information taking into account your device, either Android (Google Play) or IOs (Apple […]
PrerequisitesFind a cellphone it can be quite a simple operation, provided the right precautions are taken. Regardless of the operating system installed on your smartphone, certain settings must be active and the device must meet specific conditions.The first tip […]
You can easily remove an item from recently watched series or movies on Netflix. Or even the entire viewing history. But how to proceed? This is not necessarily obvious for new users or for those who have never done it. Hence the usefulness of this little tutorial. Netflix […]
IndexPreliminary operationUnable to access Wi-Fi network: how to fixWindowsMacOSAndroidiOS / iPadOSUnable to access cellular network: how to fixAndroidiOS / iPadOSUnable to access the Fastweb WOW FI network: how to fixPreliminary operationLet's start this guide […]
Before blogs spread and before Facebook, those who wanted to open a website that was a way to share ideas and resources and to offer a space for discussion by creating a community of users, there were forums. A forum is a space where anyone who signs up can comment […]
In this article we want to explain how you can change the font you have in WhatsApp, so you can be a little more original when sending your messages. There are some methods to do it in an easy and effective way and then, we want to explain them to you […]
Twitch streamer called Squid Game for over 11 years plans to change her name because of the namesake series, Android 12's new option to change the theme of your smartphone crashes games, Samsung manages to dominate the market for smartphones in Europe in the third […]
A young woman approached Apple CEO Tim Cook to claim a MacBook for her birthday. She believes she deserves a free computer after years of jokes about her first name: Siri, like the voice assistant for iPhones, iPads, Macs, HomePods and Apple Watch. Credit: […]
When we use an iPhone or an iPad we can quickly duplicate the screen of the devices on a Mac or a MacBook simply by opening the control panel and pressing on Duplicate Screen. But if we only have a PC with Windows 10 it will not be visible in the menu, since the […]
How to find forgotten Gmail passwordLet's start this discussion by looking first how to find forgotten gmail password. Just resort to the simple password recovery procedure made available by Google, thanks to which it is possible to regain possession of your account […]
Through the Google search it is possible to see the Web cams that are found by browsing the internet, live and in real time. The images taken by the cameras of the webcams positioned around the world and sent in streaming, without protection, on the internet, such […]
How to recover conversations WhatsApp AndroidIf what you are interested in doing is recover Android WhatsApp conversations, I inform you that you have two ways to do this on your side: one involves the use of Google Drive (i.e. going to intervene online), while […]
Chrome is the most widely used browser in the world. But it has some flaws that some extensions can make worse. Consequence: Chrome, already resource-intensive, can weigh even more on performance. When these extensions do not collect personal data without your […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the tutorial, going to explain what are the exact steps you need to take for change wallpaper on WhatsApp from iPhone, there is some preliminary information, in this regard, which it is my duty to provide you.To […]
Did you know that WhatsApp has introduced a feature to encrypt messages but you don't know how to activate it on your phone? Don't worry, you don't have to do anything in particular. In fact, you probably don't have to do anything! If you use a fairly recent version […]
Google introduces some new features within Google Docs to optimize support for PDF files. Specifically, the conversion within Gdocs is now more accurate for editing the document. Editing PDF […]
Your internal or external equipment refuses to work today, while everything has been going very well until now? No luck, Microsoft has just identified a problem with loading drivers under Windows 10. The bug is known and the solution is quite simple. Here is how […]
Create a website from scratch is both more and more complicated and more and more simple. On the one hand, the knowledge to have to tweak the code is more and more important. On the other hand, many frameworks […]
Sometimes, if trying to open a particular website it doesn't appear as if it is no longer available or offline, it may be that it is not a closed or absent site, but is instead blocked in the city for some reason. For example, this is the case of some popular […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow do you join a WhatsApp groupHow to join a WhatsApp group with the linkHow to rejoin a WhatsApp groupHow to create a group on WhatsAppHow not to join a WhatsApp groupHow to leave a group on WhatsAppPreliminary informationBefore getting […]
Spy on WhatsApp chats via identity theftAs I already told you in the introduction of this article, one of the most effective techniques by which cybercriminals can spy on WhatsApp chats it has to do with the identity theft.In small terms, stealing a user's identity […]
Online services for converting Roman numeralsLet's start with online services. Below you will find a slew of useful tools that can be used directly and comfortably from any Web browser that you can use to make your conversions from the Roman numbering system to […]
Since WhatsApp has introduced the new states, you can no longer do without them and not a day goes by without posting a photo, phrase or image that represents your daily mood. Since you really appreciate this new feature you would like to know what they are the […]
WhatsApp Messenger has revolutionized the way we communicate with our friends. The ability to send free messages over the Internet has drastically reduced the use of traditional SMS and now few people want to go back. I bet you are among them too!In this regard, […]
Is your external hard drive in good condition? Here are some helpful tips to prevent problems.The external hard drive is used very often to store data and backup your PC. For this reason it is necessary to determine if it is a hard disk in good condition, and also […]
Orange has just launched a smartphone repair service in Spain. Available in all of the operator's stores, this service is accessible to all users, including SFR, Free and Bouygues Telecom customers. We explain how it works in detail. This Monday, […]
Summary Android 12 Date New Compatible Smartphones […]
Need more storage space in Google Drive and Gmail? We tell you how to quickly free up space if you don't necessarily want to pay for more space to save your data in the Cloud. Google Drive is one of the most popular online storage services for storing important […]
As the next-gen approaches, Sony decides to bury its previous machines a little more. Players who have remained on the PS3 generation or on the Japanese firm's portable consoles will have to deal with a […]
Scan WhatsApp QR code on AndroidIf you want to learn how to scan WhatsApp QR code and use a terminal Android, connect to WhatsApp Web or open the official WhatsApp client for Windows and macOS and wait for the QR code to be scanned.At this point, open WhatsApp […]
Netflix is almost taken for granted by now, but even though it is the most used streaming service in the world it is also one of the most expensive, reaching up to 16 Euros per month for the superior subscription. However, there are many ways to watch Netflix […]
In order to protect online privacy, you can use some solutions to browse anonymously. Here's how to do it.When you browse the web, they are broadcast many information regarding their interests. For example, if you browse logged in with your Gmail account and perform […]
After reading my articles on how to download WhatsApp and how to install WhatsApp, you too have started using WhatsApp to exchange free messages with your friends. On the other hand, the application is very easy to use and does not require any particular configuration. […]
Do you want to disable automatic updates on Windows 10 permanently or temporarily? Discover here all the options to block or postpone them. For obvious reasons, we do not recommend disable windows 10 updates. They allow your PC to receive security patches […]
How to enter your number on WhatsApp on AndroidBefore explaining to you how to enter your number on WhatsApp on Android, I advise you to check that you have not already saved your mobile number in the address book (if so, in fact, there is no need to do anything […]
To communicate your contact details to all your correspondents, to present the latest products or services of your company, you have the possibility of automatically adding a small piece of text at the end of your emails in Outlook: you just need to create a signature […]
How to clean WhatsApp Android clean WhatsApp Android and free up memory on your phone, I suggest you take a look at the multimedia elements received (especially the videos, which take up a lot of space) and delete those you deem useless, then proceeding with […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find Ditto on Pokémon GO, I think it might interest you to know more about this possibility.Well, as you well know if you are a fan of the Pokémon world, Ditto is very special. In fact, […]
What are ephemeral messages WhatsAppLet's dive right into the topic and see what are the ephemeral messages of WhatsApp. As I already mentioned in the introduction to the article, that of ephemeral messages is nothing more than a setting by which it is possible […]
For those who work a lot with emails to be told today: "Can you send me a confirmation fax?" it may seem anachronistic, but above all it can put us in difficulty when we are not in the office or do not have the possibility to have a fax handy. Despite the spread […]
Having to burn CDs or DVDs is becoming less and less common, and we all remember the days when you had to install a third-party program to do this. Gone are the days: Most operating systems come with a built-in native tool to burn discs when you need them. They […]
Web services to create your portfolio By Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 12/12/17 at 14h00 Share: […]
Make a gelatin detachment on Polaroid 600 Par Pascale brites, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 17/04/18 at 14:00 Share: […]
Preliminary operationBefore going into the merits of the different solutions to send a different position on WhatsApp, I think it is better to talk about the concept of GPS and explain how to activate this function on your smartphone.Il GPS, acronym for Global […]
RPGs on PC, the classics RPG MMO, have evolved a lot in recent years, truly becoming virtual worlds in which to train, grow and live in the company of other people. The main feature of an MMORPG or, in understandable words, role-playing game, is to experience […]
Disable WhatsApp backup on AndroidBe vuoi scoprire how to disable WhatsApp backup and use a terminal Android, proceed as follows: open the official WhatsApp application by selecting its icon from the home screen or from the drawer (the screen with the list of all […]
Spotify is launching a new feature that will come in handy for many users in this time of social distancing. You will be able to listen to the same music in real time with your friends or relatives even from a distance. After changing your look a few weeks ago, […]
Google has spoken about the Huawei case. The American group recalls that it continues to update Huawei smartphones as long as Washington allows it, but strongly advises against installing its mobile services on Huawei smartphones that have not been certified. […]
Have you lost your data? Here's how to look for the right company to get them back.La loss of data, especially in the business environment, it is a very unpleasant event that can cause enormous damage. You can lose valuable information, such as customer data, accounting […]
Comment (22) The iPhone 6s, like the 6s Plus, are carrying several technological developments, including the photo part, which finally undergoes a boost on […]
Preliminary informationBefore you find out how to turn a Facebook profile into a page I need to give you some important preliminary information on how to proceed.Creating a Facebook page based on your personal profile has changed dramatically in recent years. In […]
Alongside the usual traditional antiviruses we can find on the market some antiviruses that make the cloud their strong point, moving all the computing power and updating capacity to the cloud managed by the security company: we are obviously talking about Cloud […]
If you right-click on the desktop, in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, an item appears that was not present on Windows XP: Gadget. The gadgets are graphic panels that show some chosen information on the screen and thus allow you to always have it under your eyes when […]
How to block video calls on WhatsApp: AndroidIf you agree, I'd start by showing you how to block video calls on WhatsApp on OS-based smartphones Android. As you will see shortly, you just need to use some of the options of the popular instant messaging application […]
Modeled on Snapchat, WhatsApp now allows users to send media (photo, video) that can only be opened once. Entitled View Once, this feature is being rolled out to the app. Here is how to use it. WhatsApp (free image) Threatened by competition from Signal […]
Comment (11) If there is a VoIP platform that is a hit right now, it is Discord. Combining the best software dedicated to games like Mumble and Teamspeak and […]
Comparison / 16 projectors tested January 2022 By Tanguy Andrillon Updated on 28/06/21 at 07:00 am Share: […]
How to restore deleted WhatsApp conversationsYou want to find out how to restore deleted WhatsApp conversations? Then follow the instructions you find below, related to Android e iPhone. As anticipated at the beginning of the tutorial, to succeed in the enterprise, […]
Fri: ac (Windows / Mac / Linux)Let's start this guide dedicated to how to convert WMA to MP3 by talking about Fre: ac, a free software, of an open source nature and able to convert not only the types of files in question but also MP4 / M4A, WMA, Ogg Vorbis, […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the topic, then going to find out how to find the Windows 10 product key, it seems only right to explain what we are talking about, precisely. In case you are not aware of it, the Product Key is an alphanumeric […]
Comment (9) Without cartography, a GPS would not be of much use. To produce these famous maps, it is essential to identify and analyze the road network. We […]
Retrieve WhatsApp conversations via backupIf you have created a backup of your conversations on an old iPhone and now you want to pass them to a new "iPhone by", you can restore your messages simply by using the message restore function from iCloud, which starts […]
MediaHuman Audio Converter (Windows / Mac)If you want to find out how to convert a video to MP3 in an extremely easy and fast way, I suggest you first of all to use an application such as MediaHuman Audio Converter which is totally free, is available for both […]
IndexHow to enter the PC remotelyTeamViewer (Windows / macOS / Linux)Other solutions to enter the PC remotelyHow to enter the PC from the mobileTeamViewer (Android/iOS/iPadOS)Other solutions to enter the PC from mobileHow to enter the PC without a passwordHow to […]
Comment (25) The end of support for Windows XP promises to be both a boost for the PC market, a source of danger for users and a commercial opportunity for […]
Do you have a missing DLL file? Downloading them from the Internet can make your system unstable or even infect your computer with a virus. DLL files missing from the system can be found by other, much safer and more reliable means. In this tutorial we will see […]
The programs of personal financial management, free, they are not so many and perhaps, in the city, they are not too used. Having already seen the best management software, free, useful for keeping personal and family accounting on a PC or even online, on the […]
First-person (FPS) and third-person (TPS) shooter games they are the funniest ones, because they are almost entirely focused on action and gun combat. The player sees the events directly through the eyes of the protagonist giving the feeling of living the battle […]
Summary ? What is the release date of the OLED Switch? ? What is the price of the OLED Switch? ? What are the new features of the OLED Switch? ? What are the differences between the OLED Switch, the Classic Switch and the Switch Lite? ? Are all the games […]
PUBG Mobile can be downloaded on Android and iOS in Spain. After several months of exclusivity in China, the game is opening up to other markets. First available in Canada, it is now officially launched internationally by its publisher Tencent Games. It was time […]
Our video Uploading your video "FAQ: Windows Movie Maker and MOD, MOV and VOB files" Problem Windows Movie Maker does not recognize MOD, MOV and VOB files. Some info first A MOD, MOV or VOB file is a container file. The MOD file (proprietary format) […]
In order to listen to some good music in streaming, we usually think that we will necessarily have to have a subscription to be able to access the great music catalogs, without having to settle for the songs offered for free on the net. If we want to remain in […]
To make changes to the photos, today, there are really simple automatic tools which can also be used by inexperienced people and, above all, can be used for free. The best programs to apply changes to photos However, they can only be used for free via browser […]
Do you need to install WhatsApp on your new iPhone and would like a hand to recover the chats you had on the old phone? If your old smartphone was also an iPhone, that's no problem. All you have to do is associate the new iPhone with the phone number and Apple […]
Comment (4) The iPhone 13 has arrived at Digital. The general look of the smartphone is very close to that of the iPhone 12, but there is a change of direction […]
IndexHow to access your e-mail from another computer with WebmailgmailOutlookiCloudYahoo!Libero mailHow to access your email from another computer with an email clientUse a portable client on a USB stickAdd your email to the client installed on the PCHow to access […]
IndexPreliminary operationAccess Sky Go from smartphones and tabletsAccess Sky Go from PCHow to exit Sky GoPreliminary operationTo log in to Sky Go you must first activate the service that allows you to watch the channels and all the on-demand content of your Sky […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to get netherite in minecraft, it is important to explain to you what this resource is. First, know that the Netherite was introduced with the1.16 update of the game and is used to upgrade equipment to a better […]
Sharing a video on WhatsApp is really a breeze. All you have to do is select the appropriate icon attached to the screen of the famous app and choose the movie to send. But where and, above all, how to download videos for whatsapp? Let's try to find out together.There […]
See the stories on WhatsApp from your smartphoneFirst, let's find out how to see the stories on WhatsApp by acting from the "classic" smartphone application, more precisely from Android and iOS. Find everything explained below. It's a real breeze, don't worry.OthersTo […]
Want to remove a suggested URL that appears in your web browser's address bar? They normally allow you to go much faster by facilitating access to sites or web pages that you visit regularly or have had to visit in the past. If you don't want to see some of these […]
Is it safe to use data recovery software? Here are the possible dangers.The hard disk is a delicate device, which could have problems of various kinds. For example, there may be mechanical or electrical damage, which can cause malfunction.When you lose files, it […]
OANDAThe first euro dollar converter that I recommend you add to your favorites is the one provided by OANDA, which is updated daily with the value of currencies from around the world and works directly from the browser. You don't need to install any software to […]
Perhaps you are the lucky owner of a Chromecast or plan to acquire one soon? This Google accessory is a real-time multimedia stream player that plugs like a key into one of the HDMI ports on your television. You go so wirelessly display content from many Internet-connected […]
Even if evolution has made it a multipurpose tool that can be used for a thousand different purposes, Facebook is still a social network based on photographs, created to share photos and images of oneself and friends. For this reason they were born different applications […]
No multiplayer in this game which is a remake of the hugely popular Bubble Bobble, one of the most famous games in the world between the 80s and 90s. Bubble Bobble was a game by Taito, a well-known Japanese videogames brand famous for Space Invaders, Qix, Bubble […]
You are an avid WhatsApp user and you frequently use the popular instant messaging app on your iPhone to chat with friends, relatives and co-workers. However, if you have recently noticed the onset of some annoying problems on your iPhone and if you would like […]
The controversies are linked on the side of Facebook. The social network is accused of keeping a history of calls and SMS from its users on smartphones. If you want to cut the link that exists in Facebook, Messenger and your telephone contacts, we show you how […]
Google has updated its Home automation app. This new version integrates all the parameters necessary for adjusting Google WiFi, the mesh router (or repeater) developed by the Mountain View firm. The update, numbered 2.26 is being rolled out in the Play Store. […]
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