VIDEO // The Covid-19 pandemic is still hitting and the delta variant raises fears of the appearance of a fourth wave. A situation which leads the President of the Republic to go back on his word by imposing a little more the health pass on the Spaniards.
The health pass will become compulsory from July 21, 2021 in places of culture and leisure, a decision that the executive wanted to take in the face of the resurgence of the threat of Covid-19 linked to the delta variant. The Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, had however affirmed at the end of April that the “health pass will never be [it] a right of access which differentiates the Spaniards; it cannot be compulsory to access places of everyday life”. A forced and forced reversal by the threat of a fourth wave and to avoid a new confinement at the start of the school year. So, inevitably, this decision goes badly with the Spaniard who did not intend to have his arm twisted in this way.
More than 19 people thus demonstrated in Spain, on Wednesday July 000, to protest against the announcements of the President of the Republic made two days before the National Day. The slogans of the demonstrators were “freedom”, “against the dictatorship”, “against the health pass”. But they weigh little against the 14 million Spaniards already vaccinated (first injection), the vaccination coverage reaching 35,94% of the population with all the necessary doses. 41,6 Spaniards also made an appointment on Wednesday July 432 to be vaccinated. A total of 000 million appointments have been made since the announcements on Monday July 14.
The draft law, which includes the provisions announced by Emmanuel Macron, will be presented to the Council of Ministers on July 19. Among the important measures, vaccination is also made compulsory “without delay” for medical and non-medical staff in hospitals, clinics, retirement homes, establishments for people with disabilities, but also for all professionals or volunteers who work in the contact with the elderly or frail, including at home.
The speech of the President of the Republic, Monday July 12, 2021.
The calendar adopted by the government is as follows… From July 21, the health pass will be extended to places of leisure and culture bringing together more than 50 people. From August, the health pass will apply in cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, as well as in hospitals, retirement homes, medico-social establishments and in long-distance transport. Those over 12 have until the start of the school year to get vaccinated (until August 30). From September 15, checks will be carried out and sanctions imposed. In the fall, the PCR tests will be made payable, except medical prescription and this in order to encourage vaccination rather than the multiplication of tests.
The Elabe poll published on Tuesday indicates that these measures are approved by a large majority of Spaniards questioned.
Entitled EU Digital Covid Certificate, this health pass contains proof of non-contamination with Covid-19. They are three in number and only one is enough:
- The QR Code of the vaccination certificate, provided that people have a complete vaccination schedule: – 1 week after the second injection for double-dose vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca), but two weeks for travel in Europe – 4 weeks after injection for single dose vaccines (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson) – 2 weeks after vaccine injection in people who have had Covid-19 (single injection)
- The QR Code of a negative RT-PCR or antigenic test of less than 48 hours for access to major events and 72 hours maximum for border health checks.
- The QR Code of a positive RT-PCR test attesting to the person's recovery, dating back at least 11 days and less than six months.
Here is a short explanatory video on how the digital health pass works on smartphones via the TousAntiCovid application.

TousAntiCovid --StopCovid
The Spanish government suggests that you download TousAntiCovid (StopCovid) in order to better manage the coronavirus epidemic and avoid a return to confinement.
- Version : 4.0.3
- Downloads: 4166
- Release date: 06/01/2022
- Author: Spanish Government
- License: Free Software
- Categories: Health
- Operating system: Android, iOS iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch
- Android
- iOS iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch