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    WhatsApp for PC

    WhatsApp for Windows and Mac

    WhatsApp for PC

    Prima di vedere as installare WhatsApp sul computer, è necessario farti an important clarification: il client ufficiale di WhatsApp è compatible only with Windows 8.1 or higher and with macOS 10.10 and later. This means that it does not work with Windows 7, Windows XP and with the version of the macOS data.

    Adesso passiamo all'azione! Hai Windows 10 You will be able to download and install WhatsApp directly from the Microsoft Store, visiting the link that you are appearing fornito, accessing the opening of the store and clicking on the button download for free present in quest'ultimo (potrebbe esserti chiesto di eseguire l'accesso con il tuo account Microsoft). Stesso discorso worth per MacOS: WhatsApp is directly available on the Mac App Store, to install it easily with a click (potresti dover immettere the password of your Apple ID or I will use the Touch ID, per authenticarti).

    Do you use a previous version of Windows or for any reason not tuo vuoi avvalerti from the Mac App Store? No problem: puoi scaricare WhatsApp anche collegandoti al sito ufficiale del servizio: fatto ciò, clicca sul pulsado Scarica for Windows (64 bit), a 64 bit Windows edition was used, oppure Scarica for Mac OS X, a Mac was used, in mode of prelevare il file d'installazione of the client ufficiale di WhatsApp sul tuo computer. A 32 bit Windows edition was used, please click on the script 32-bit version. Non conosci l'architettura del processore del tuo computer? Puoi allora consult questa mia guida dedicata all'argomento.

    To download completed, a PC Windows, avvia l'eseguibile WhatsAppSetup.exe e attendi qualche secondo affinché il client di WhatsApp come installato automaticamente sul tuo computer. At the end of the installation, the software will become automatic. A Macinstead, double-click the .dmg file scaricato, trascina l 'WhatsApp icon in the folder Applications di macOS and avvia il software "manually", premendo poi sul tasto apri nell'avviso che visualizzi sullo schermo.

    Adesso, per collegare l'applicazione di WhatsApp al tuo account, devi richiamare la funzione WhatsApp Web sullo smartphone e devi inquadrare il QR Code visualizzato sullo schermo from the computer.

    If you don't know how to call up the WhatsApp Web function on your smartphone and use Android, start the app in question, press the ⋮ button, select the item WhatsApp Web / Desktop from the menu that opens and tap on + button which is located at the top right.

    If you use a iPhone, invece, devi will select the scheda Settings which is located at the bottom right and you have to press on the item Web WhatsAppintroduce nella schermata che si apre. Fai, dunque, tap sulla voce Scan the QR code, to continue. Now, if prompted, confirm access to Web WhatsApp via the biometric recognition system set on your smartphone, such as Face ID or Touch ID.

    WhatsApp for PC

    Dopo aver inquadrato il QR code with the photocamera of the phone, attendi qualche secondo per accesre alla schermata principale di WhatsApp per PC. It lasci il segno di spunta sulla voce Stay connected, no dovrai ripetere l'operazione le volte successive che utilizzerai que program program.

    Don't see "Stay connected"? Well, if you are testing the beta version of the multi-device function (which I told you about in detail in this other guide) it is absolutely normal: in this case, in fact, there is no need to tick the box in question because it is You can connect your WhatsApp account with up to four devices at the same time and without the phone being connected to the Internet.

    The interface of WhatsApp to Windows e MacOS faithfully follows that of the smartphone application, so you shouldn't encounter too many difficulties in using it.

    On the left you will find the list of all the most recent conversations, while on the right there is the message composition screen with relative icons for adding emoji, attachments (photo and video, scatti live dalla webcam e documenti) e voice messages. In this regard, also on PC you can activate the feature that allows you to send self-destructing photos and / or videos by pressing the button (1), after selecting the multimedia content to send.

    Among the other features you can take advantage of is the one that allows you to do voice calls and / or video calls: to do this, press, respectively, thehandset icon or that of the video camera: these icons are located in the upper right corner, in the screen dedicated to the private chat that you have active with a contact of WhatsApp. After starting a call, click on thehandset icon, to interrupt it. Easy, right?

    WhatsApp for PC

    Pressing on button (...) located at the top right, you can, instead, view information about a user or group, activate silent mode, select and delete messages or entire chats.

    Another of the main features of WhatsApp for PC is support for notifications: tutte I notified you about the nuovi messaggi vengono visualizzate directly on your computer desktop.

    Per regolare le impostazioni relative a queste ultime, pigia sul pulsating (...) collocato in alto a sinistra (vicino alla tua profilo's photo) and selects the voice Settings from the menu that opens. On Mac you have to click on▼ icon, always in alto a sinistra (a fianco alla tuo profilo's photo).

    WhatsApp for PC

    Clicking on it profile picture (top left), you can change the photo and status on WhatsApp, while pressing on + button (the'pencil icon your macOS) puoi avviare quickly a new conversation.

    As mentioned in the introduction, for the application on your computer to work, you must have your smartphone turned on and connected to the Internet (via Wi-Fi or 3G / 4G / 5G network, it's the same), unless you are using WhatsApp with the multi-device function (beta) active. Also, in case you encounter problems accessing WhatsApp Desktop, I recommend that you update the app WhatsApp on your smartphone, following the instructions I gave you in this guide.

    WhatsApp for the browser

    WhatsApp for PC

    But I will access WhatsApp through the Web platform, the procedure will follow è molto simile a quella che ti ho indicato nel precedo capitolo. Vediamo, però, nel dettaglio come eseguire l'accesso a questo servizio through browser.

    For the first thing, go to the website of WhatsApp Web of the computer using Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari or Microsoft Edge and scansiona il QR code which is displayed, using your smartphone and confirming access, if required, via the Face ID or Touch ID of your device.

    If you don't know how to do it on Android, you open WhatsApp, pigia sul pulsating and select the item WhatsApp Web / Desktop dalla sezione che ti come cometa. Premi, infine, sul tasto + Per avviare the scansione of the QR code and il gioco è fatto.

    If you use a iPhone, go to the card Settings che si trova in basso a destra e seleciona la voce Web WhatsApp from the screen that opens. Then tap on the wording Scan the QR code, per attivare the photocamera, and inquadra il codice.

    L'operazione non andrà ripetuta le volte successive che proverai ad accesre WhatsApp Web, at least che tu non abbia rimosso la spunta dalla voce Stay connected On the home page of the service.

    Also in this case I remind you that, if you are trying the multi-device function (which, at the time of writing, is still in beta, as I explained here), the "Stay connected" box will not be present and for a very simple reason: the feature in question allows the user to connect their WhatsApp account up to four devices simultaneously without their phone being connected to the Internet.

    If you encounter any problem of access to WhatsApp Web, my consiglio è quello di verificare se son availabili delgli aggiornamenti per l'app sul tuo smartphone. Se non sai come eseguire quest'operazione, ti consiglio la lettura della mia guida su come aggiornare WhatsApp.

    In men che non si says if the WhatsApp Web version will be available: your password will be followed by the chat attive and your password will be in cui digitare i nuovi messaggi. You know how the WhatsApp Web works, rhyming with the title of the previous chapter, in which case the function is identical to the desktop software of this service. You are ricevere notifications, ricordati di acconsentire alla richiesta che ti comes shown in the browser.

    Lastly, in this case, I have correctly tutto funzioni, devi lasciare connesso to Internet il telefono che hai usato per avviare WhatsApp Web. This perché in realtà il servizio comes only "trasmesso" to the computer and not puse essere usato senza il supporto diretto dello smartphone.

    I will emulate WhatsApp sul computer

    WhatsApp for PC

    Another method to install WhatsApp your PC (this time unofficial) is to turn to BlueStacks. If you are trying an Android emulator for Windows and macOS, you will be able to get the app for the "green robot" system on your computer. È Free, non richiede complesse procedure d'installazione e, anche se sono presenti dei consigli di download di app promozionali dal Play Store, questi non risultano invasivi. Because this is the best alternative to the client and WhatsApp Web, think of it in the case where you have a smartphone that is not compatible with WhatsApp or data.

    For procurerti BlueStacks, collegati al suo website ufficiale e clicca sul sul pulsador Download Bluestacks, to download the emulator installation file. Once the download is complete, if you use Windows, april il .exe file obtained, press the button Yes and attendedi che compaia la schermata iniziale de la processo d'installazione di BlueStacks. Fai clic, quindi, sul pulsating Install now and then Full, but will conclude the setup.

    WhatsApp for PC

    Su MacOS, invece, prevail il .dmg file ottenuto e avvialo with a doppio clic sullo stesso. Fai doppio clic anche sull'icona di BlueStacks Check your schermo, per avviare l'installer de la programma. In case you come chiesto di confermare the opening of the program, premi sul bottone apri.

    Fatto ciò, click his Install Ora, type the Password Mac (quella che usi per accesre allo stesso) e premi sul bottone Install Assistant. At this point, in the case in cui ti sia richiesto, the first prize is Apri the system preference.

    In the Mac settings panel, first click on Allow e poi sull'icona del padlock (in basso a sinistra). I will finish the installation of BlueStacks, type the poi Password from the Mac and awarded her Unlock.

    Dopo aver avviato BlueStacks, you verrà richiesto di accere with il tuo account Google: operazione essenziale per usare il Play Store. Fai click your Sign Up, Then Log in and type quindi l 'email address and Password del tuo account nei rispettivi campi di testo. Premium poi in sequenza su NEXT and then Accept.

    WhatsApp for PC

    Dopo have completed the configuration of BlueStacks, avvia il Play Store, piggy-backing the iconic nella sezione Home, ed esegui il download dell'app WhatsApp. Se non sai come fare, puoi consult mine guide your come installare WhatsApp.

    Pray avvia l'app WhatsApp appena installata e, nella schermata che si apre, esegui l'accesso con il tu o telefono number. For this purpose, you will see my guide on how you eat if you use WhatsApp.

    BlueStacks has been configured with your Google account, tutti i contatti legati a quest'ultimo verranno automatically aggiunti a WhtasApp. Puoi però anche aggiungere nuovi contatti manually and import the rubriche che hai su altri servizi or Gmail account.

    Per aggiungere nuovi contatti WhatsApp manually, recati nella schermata iniziale di BlueStacks, fai clic sull'icona delle Settings present nella schermata Home, then go to the menu Manage contacts, presses on the symbol + collocato in alto a destra e proceeded with the manual contact manual.

    To import contacts from other services, such as address books in vCard, premium sull'icona and select the item Import / Export give the menu check if you press. Per maggiori informazioni her questa procedure, you consiglio di leggere questa my guide dedicated to all'argomento.

    Caution: WhatsApp limits the use of the service to a single device per number. What does it mean to see that the app process BlueStacks will lose, at least momentarily, the possibility of using it on the phone that has authenticated the account. For the purpose of operating the service on one platform or the other, dovrai ripetere ogni returns the verification of the number: who thought of the first install of WhatsApp on your PC. Such limitation is not supported when you use the WhatsApp Web / WhatsApp Desktop ufficiale service.

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