Direct access to the video presentation of the game.
It's miiiiignon!
What child has not one day or another wanted a little dog or a little cat? They are so cute when they are little! True, but everyone also knows how it ends after a while. Little ball of fur becomes big bag of fleas and household chores follow one another with doggie outings in all weathers. To avoid this, Nintendo has found the solution: put the puppy in a 3DS cartridge!
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As much to be clear from the start, nintendogs + cats is aimed primarily at children. Once the pleasure of discovery has passed, adults are in fact likely to quickly block the lack of real objectives to be achieved, in a game that is more of a life simulation than a race for objectives and performance.
So to speak, the principle of the game is simply to take care of your puppy, cuddle him, feed him, wash him or even offer him accessories to be on top of doggie fashion.
It bubbles!
In order to satisfy as many people as possible, 27 breeds of puppies are available, divided into 3 different cartridges. It is therefore necessary to choose carefully when buying, even if the other breeds can be unlocked after a certain time of play. All you have to do is go and buy them in the kennel, which now offers 3 more breeds of cats ! (see box opposite)
You can take care of 3 animals at a time.
In addition to taking care of your animals, you can also have fun with them in different ways, which brings us to talk about the gameplay of this episode which skillfully uses all the properties of the console.
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Barely arrived in his new home, our little 4-legged friend can already learn tricks, at the rate of 3 per day maximum: sitting, lying down, doing a trick on himself, etc. For each round, a word or phrase is then dictated which will be recognized by the animal thanks to voice recognition. Simple and effective, this system is also used to call the puppy by name. Voice allergic people can, however, use the touch screen for most actions.
Everyone has fun with the 3DS!
Once our champion knows several tricks and has practiced enough to catch frisbees, boomerangs or other balls, it is possible to have him participate in contests - 2 tries per day - which allow him to earn some money.
This money is then used in the shops to buy food or objects for his animal or to furnish the room of his house (4 different environments).
Catching the frisbee mid-flight earns more points.
After so much effort, our favorite pooch can go for a walk to have fun on the flowerbeds. You can then hold the leash from the touch screen, or even put your console on standby and actually go for a walk in the street! Thanks to the pedometer function of the 3DS, the result will be the same, with the difference that this function uses the Streetpass mode of the Nintendo 3DS. The console then communicates with the other 3DS that we can cross on our way, so as to recover the puppies of other players. We are then free to use them with our console to socialize our furball during future walks.
Walks are an opportunity to meet other dogs
The community aspect is therefore encouraged, especially since it allows you to unlock other dog breeds not present in our version of the game at the start. Indeed, if you come across a dog that is not part of the 9 breeds of our nintendogs + cats cartridge, his breed becomes accessible in the kennel.
Finally, note that the game also takes advantage of augmented reality cards to photograph your animal in the environment you want: on your desk, outside, in the palm of your hand, etc.
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More endearing than ever, nintendogs + cats puppies and kittens benefit from careful modeling. The hairs are well represented and the well-made animations give a certain realism to the game.
Only the decorations are a tone below since they suffer from not very detailed textures and a pronounced aliasing (aliasing effect on the edges).
It's the world upside down !
That said, the fluidity is impeccable and the 3D in relief brings a very appreciable depth. The puppies actually seem to be running in front of our eyes, and the springing effects are very well handled when they come to rest their paws on the screen.
On the audio side, nothing to complain about, the sound effects are convincing and the music remains calm and sticks well to the relaxed atmosphere of the game.
Video presentation of the game.
Convincing relief 3D
Realistic dog and cat behavior
No cleaning to do in the house, no dog to go out!
Well-designed interface
Fonctions Streetpass
Weak points
We quickly tour the activities offered
Animals registered on the cartridge, no profile management
Only 3 breeds of cats
Note globale
If the game is certainly not designed for adults, it is on the other hand the children who will be in heaven. A real little puppy in the palm of the hands, admirably well rendered thanks to a very convincing 3D in relief. Cats, on the other hand, are only figurative, but it must be admitted that the behavior of all these animals fits rather well with reality!
Sub Notes- Contents
- Gameplay
- Production