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    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    Find computer protected WiFi passwords


    If you own a PC with a version of Windows not exactly recent and you have been connected at least once to the wireless network in relation to which it is your intention to go to act.The first step you must take to be able to find protected WiFi passwords is to click on the network icon located next to the clock in the taskbar on the desktop. From the menu that will be shown to you at this point, select with the right mouse button the name of the connection whose password you want to know and then select the item Property from the additional menu that appears.

    In the window that will be shown to you at this point, select the card Safety and then put the check mark next to the item Show characters. Done this in the field Network security key you will finally be able to view the password of the WiFi network.

    If, on the other hand, you have a computer with one of the most recent versions of the Microsoft operating system installed on it and you have been connected at least once to the wireless network in relation to which it is your intention to take the first step you need to take to be able to find a WiFi password protected is to click with the right mouse button on the network icon located next to the clock in the taskbar on the desktop. Then click on the item Open Network and Sharing Center annessa to the menu che ti comes mostrato.

    In the new window that will open at this point, presses the name of the wireless network under the item Internet then press the button Details and then click on the tab Safety. Once this is done you will be able to view the password of the WiFi connection in question next to the item Network security key. If the password is not visible, just put a check mark next to the item Show characters.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    As an alternative to the procedures I have just indicated, you can find protected WiFi passwords by using WirelessKeyView. It is a free program that does not require installation and which, once started, allows you to view all the passwords referring to the wireless networks to which the computer is connected and which are stored in Windows.

    To find WiFi passwords protected with WirelessKeyView, just click here to connect to the program's website, click on the item Download WirelessKeyView a 32 bit operating system was used oppure sulla voce Download WirelessKeyView for x64 if you are using a 64-bit operating system and wait for the software download to be started and completed.

    When the download is complete, open the compressed archive just obtained by double clicking on it, extract the contents in any folder and double click on WirelessKeyView.exe to get started the software.

    In the window that will now open on the desktop you will find the list of all the Wi-Fi connections stored in Windows with their WPA / WEP keys.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    OS X

    If you use a Mac and you want to find protected WiFi passwords of the wireless networks you managed to connect to at least once from your computer just log in to Access Keychains, the app present "standard" on OS X that allows you to view all the access data that have been saved on the Apple computer.

    For immediate access to Keychain Access, log in to Launchpad, presses on the folder Other and then click Access Keychains. Alternatively you can quickly access Keychain Access also call back Spotlight by clicking on the magnifying glass located in the upper right part of the menu bar, by typing keychain in the displayed search field and then double clicking on the first result that is shown to you.

    In the window that will open at this point, click on the item System, placed in the left sidebar, and then presses on the item Password, always attached in the left sidebar in the section Category.

    Once this is done, in order to find protected WiFi passwords, double-click on the name of the connection whose protection key you want to discover, select the tab Attributes and apponi il segno di spunta accanto alla voce Show the password. Finally type the password of your user account on OS X and then click on the button OK. At this point the password of the selected network will be displayed in clear text in the field Show the password.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    Kali Linux

    Not interested in finding secure WiFi passwords for wireless networks you have already connected to in the past and for which you can no longer remember the access key? If the answer is yes and if you are looking for a way to connect to a secure wireless network that is not yours, I would like to underline the fact that it is a crime ... but I don't think you need to remember this!

    However, you should know that, for educational purposes only, you can download the Linux distribution Kali Linux which is inclusive of all the tools necessary to study some protections of wireless networks. If you want to know more about it I suggest you consult my guide on how to enter a protected wifi network in which I told you about this particular Linux distribution in an extremely detailed way. In any case, I do not take any responsibility for the use you will make of the information I have provided to you.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    Find protected WiFi passwords from smartphones and tablets


    A smartphone or tablet is available Android and you want to find protected WiFi passwords, you can trace the access keys for wireless networks that have been stored on your device after you have rooted it. For more information on this, see my guide on how to root Android.

    After unlocking your Android device, you can then view the WiFi password by installing the application WiFi Key Recovery. If you have never heard of it, know that it is completely free and does not require any configuration to be used. The app, in fact, is installed, started and, once root permissions are granted, shows the list of wireless keys stored on the device.

    To download WiFi Key Recovery just press here directly from your Android smartphone or tablet to connect to the appropriate section of the Google Play Store, tap on Install and then Accept. Then wait for the download and app installation procedures to start and complete.

    Subsequently, start WiFi Key Recovery by pressing on its icon that has been added to the screen where all the apps on the device are grouped, then grant root permissions and wait for the list of passwords relating to the wireless networks saved on the device to be visible to screen.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    If, on the other hand, you are interested in finding protected WiFi passwords for wireless networks you have never connected to, you can use them WiFi Key Recovery. In fact, this application allows you to find the passwords of some modem models distributed by Telecom Città and Fastweb for which the default access key has not been changed. Even in this case it is essential that the device in use has been rooted.

    You can download WiFi Key Recovery in the form of an APK package by clicking here directly from your Android smartphone or tablet. Later in order to install the app you will need to activate support for unknown sources from the section Safety from the menu Settings of your device then you will have to proceed by going to open the APK package of the app with the file management app available as standard on Android and press the button Install.

    Once the installation is complete, you can then find the WiFi password you promise by pressing the WiFi Key Recovery icon that has been added to the device screen where all the available apps are grouped, waiting for the detection of all available connections and pressing the one of your interest.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    Do not forget that, as I have already pointed out in the previous lines, finding protected WiFi passwords of a wireless network that is not your own is a crime. So put into practice the information I just provided to try to recover the lost password of your network, to verify the level of security or only and exclusively for educational purposes on the networks of others. I take no responsibility for the use you will make of the information I have provided to you.


    You own a device iOS and are you interested in understanding how to find protected WiFi passwords? Yup? Very well, then in that case I suggest you take advantage of the app Wifi Pass. It is a free application that, based on a database leaked online years ago, is able to reveal the default access keys of the old Alice and Fastweb modems. It goes without saying that it is ineffective with newer routers and / or networks where the default password has been changed, but trying it won't cost you anything.

    To download Wifi-Pass, connect to the relevant page of the App Store using your iPhone or iPad and press the button Get/Install. When installation is complete, start Wifi-Pass, select the tab Alice or the card Fastweb, type the name of the network you want to find the password for and press the button Calculate. If the network is included in the app database, you will see its access key.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

    Even in this case, I would like to remind you that finding protected WiFi passwords of a wireless network that is not your own is a crime. So put into practice the information I just provided to try to recover the lost password of your network, to verify the level of security or only and exclusively for educational purposes on the networks of others. I take no responsibility for the use you make of the information I have provided to you.

    How to find protected WiFi passwords

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