Comment You want to join a music streaming service, but you don't want to lose the many playlists from your music player software or from the old service […]
You have always been quite skeptical about the real usefulness of smartphones. You proudly considered yourself an "old-fashioned type" but in the end you too, faced with the demise of your very old cell phone, decided to try the path of "smart" phones. You have […]
It's done, a new Xbox Cloud Gaming feature is coming out of beta testing. So you can officially play Xbox Game Pass in cloud gaming on Mac, iPhone and iPad. We explain how it works. After several […]
Here are all the essential tips to get to know Facebook Messenger better. The application, which now has more than a billion monthly active users, would like to replace our SMS. Will she get there? It remains another story. We take stock of the little secrets of […]
Did your cell phone fall into the water? Please note, we are also talking about certified IP models which, contrary to popular belief, are not infallible. And during this holiday period when you will regularly find yourself at the water's edge, danger is everywhere. […]
Preliminary operationAs I told you at the beginning of the guide, in order to prevent its users from asking themselves "how to find my iPad?", Apple has made available a very useful tool which is called, in fact, Find my iPad. It is a sort of anti-theft device […]
Want to add text in an image to improve the presentation of a document in Word? It's very easy thanks to the text box. This tutorial will walk you through the process, step by step. The text zone is recommended for adding text of any size, wherever you want […]
The Free Mobile offer allows its customers to configure their voice mailboxes using several tools. Personalizing the answering machine consists of modifying your voice message, but not only that. You can apply several options to your answering machine, such […]
ProfileLet's start this guide on how to customize WhatsApp by seeing how to edit your profile picture used to show oneself to others through the famous app as well as the username and state to be visible in your contact list and in […]
IndexHow to log into a locked YouTube accountHow to get into YouTube blockedFilterByPassPreproxyWhat to do in case of problems or doubtsHow to log into a locked YouTube accountIs your YouTube account blocked, as you are unable to access it because you have forgotten […]
Packaging and shipping of data recovery devicesPackaging and shipping of data recovery devicesDigital devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge and shock damage. When sending the data recovery device, you must first use appropriate packaging materials to […]
Right in the middle of Bosch's range of Tassimo pod machines, this Suny with the pleasant sunny name is above all promised as fast and equipped with a "smart" start function. Obviously, it uses Tassimo's distinctive T-Discs system, with pods provided with barcodes. […]
IndexCenter the text in HTML with the align attributeCenter the text in HTML with the tag centerCenter the text in HTML with the align attributeIf you want center the HTML text, all you have to do is learn how to use the attribute correctly align, which can […]
How to turn a photo into JPG from your Android mobileIf you have a Android and you are looking for a system for turn a photo into JPG from your mobile, you can resort to the use of the apps that I will report to you below. They are all very easy to use and, of […]
Kali LinuxThis is a free distribution of the operating system Linux which includes all the necessary tools a find wifi password.It is intended for expert users only, but there are several guides on how to use it on the Net. To start it you need to burn it and boot […]
Disable WhatsApp blue ticks on AndroidIf you want disable the blue WhatsApp ticks and use a smartphone Android, start the app of this service, press the button (...) che si trova in alto a destra e seleciona la voce Settings from the box that is shown to you.At […]
IndexLog in to your online account with UniCreditLog into your online account with MPSLog into your online account with Intesa SanpaoloLog in to your online account with BNLLog into your online account with other banksLog in to your online account with UniCreditWith […]
Comment (1) A year after its creation, Salto is still in the legitimation phase. The Spanish streaming platform has just won a legal battle against Free, but […]
Comment (6) After introducing its 200 W charge to recharge a 4000 mAh battery in 8 minutes, Xiaomi provides more details regarding the battery life. […]
IndexHow to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 10How to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 8.1How to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 7 and earlierHow to update Acer BIOSHow to enter Acer BIOS with Windows 10If you have an Acer computer equipped with an operating system Windows […]
One of the little things you can do to improve the security of your computer is to check which connections are open and how the network bandwidth is used. In particular, it is important to monitor programs that attempt to communicate on the Internet or other internal […]
IndexHow to access Messenger from smartphones and tablets without downloading itAlternative methodHow to access Messenger without downloading it on PCHow to access Messenger from smartphones and tablets without downloading itIf you want to know how to access Messenger […]
How to cut a video on WhatsApp on AndroidIf you want to know how to cut a video on whatsapp acting from a device Android, know that all you have to do is start the messaging app, go to the chat where you want to send the video and call the function for sending […]
A few years ago, most people would have laughed at reading such an article and certainly never would have looked for solutions for work on Office files from cellularAnd. Today, however, with the wide availability of Android tablets and even smartphones with a […]
After the Freebox Delta, One and mini 4K, it's the turn of the Freebox Revolution to receive Netflix. At the launch of the Freebox Delta, Free announced a partnership with Netflix, allowing […]
How to create emojis for WhatsApp: AndroidThe operating system of the green robot, Android, provides an infinite number of different ways to create emoji. Depending on the device you are using, you have the option to make a smiley face from scratch directly from […]
How can you improve your company's cybersecurity? Here are what steps to take.The advent of new technologies and new backup systems, such as the online cloud, allow companies to develop even in your country. During the conference "Cybercrime and Data Security" […]
Tinder is probably the most famous dating app in the world. As much used as decried, Tinder intrigues. Many people have tried the experiment. If some have found their account, others prefer to end the adventure. But do not necessarily know how to go about it. Good […]
The Captvty software is a free and handy little software that allows you to watch TV shows live or in replay, free of charge on a PC and legally. While awaiting the arrival of Salto in Spain, […]
Have you deleted a file by mistake? Here are some useful tips to recover it.The files on a storage medium, such as a hard disk, occupy a specific space on the hard disk. When a file is deleted by mistake, the occupied space is not removed, but is marked as overwritable […]
With its qualities and adjusted price, the Pixma TS5350 has established itself as a very popular model. Presentation The Canon Pixma TS5350 is a multifunction inkjet printer. Equipped […]
How to search for images on GoogleThe first solution I suggest you adopt, if you want to search by images, is Google Images: the famous search tool included in Google that allows not only to find photos based on the terms entered, but also to perform reverse searches. […]
How to find the router addressIf you can't enter the router page because you can't find the address of the device (what is technically called IP address), try to follow the suggestions I'm about to give you.First, try to open the browser you usually use to browse […]
How to restore deleted WhatsApp messages on AndroidAs anticipated at the beginning of the post, if you need restore deleted WhatsApp messages by mistake or following the formatting of the mobile phone or, again, if you need to transfer your conversations […]
If we have to open a document on the smartphone, many would use the Office suite offered by Microsoft on all platforms without any problem, so as to have familiar programs with which to interact (Word, Excel and PowerPoint, just to name the most famous). To this […]
Comment (7) The tablet has settled in Spanish homes, gradually replacing the family computer. So how do you offer each member of the family a personal space […]
Both for Drone enthusiasts and for those who would like to try them for the first time, i drone simulators, which are like 3D games programmed to both rehearse driving a quadcopter drone, both to get used to the controls before using the real one, so as not to […]
Standard formatting of texts in WhatsAppBefore getting into the tutorial and finding out how to point out on WhatsApp, let me quickly remind you of the text formatting options officially supported by the application.WhatsApp, if you do not know, allows you to format […]
There is a world full of busybodies and nosy people, jealous boyfriends and squeamish parents who would make up fake papers to find out what their loved ones are doing, who they spend time with and what they talk about when they are in the company of friends . […]
When we are in the car or traveling on any vehicle we drive, we must always respect the speed limits, but with modern cars it is very easy to go over 130 km / h or any limit imposed on other roads without even realizing it, since we do not always find a speed […]
You have recovered a docx, xlsx or pptx type document but you don't know how to use it? This is a file created with a recent version of Word, Excel or PowerPoint. But you can open and edit it for free, without buying Microsoft Office! The docx, xlsx […]
Comment (1) Taking quality photographs at home and with a minimum of equipment remains accessible for a large number of photographers. Find out how to make […]
Comment The announcement of changes in the allocation of badges certifying its creator accounts having provoked strong reactions from current beneficiaries, […]
Video to Video Converter (Windows)The first among the programs you can use to convert your MPEG-4 videos to other formats is Video To Video Converter. It can be used on Windows and in a portable version (so you do not need to install it to be able to use it) […]
Convert letters to numbers in ExcelAre you having trouble copying numbers from one Excel sheet to another, as the digits, once pasted, are formatted as text? Then follow me carefully and don't get distracted. I will tell you how to solve this problem in various […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to find Bibi on Brawl Stars, let me give you some useful preliminary information about it.You must first know that Bibi is a champion of rank epic, which can only be obtained by opening the brawl speakers. Unlike […]
There is nothing worse than finding your printer out of ink within days of replacing the cartridge or toner! If the printer is also used by other people, it is highly likely that someone has used it to make a large number of prints without warning you, running […]
Have you lost your TikTok password or want to change it for fear of having your account hacked? Don't worry, the video and social network platform has it all covered. Here's how to do it, step by step. Available internationally for only two years, TikTok has […]
Comment (19) Browsers have adapted to offer rich multimedia features while ensuring the fastest possible navigation. Among Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera, […]
In this article we would like to explain some of the most common problems that you may encounter if you use WhatsApp Web and how to solve them in order to have a good experience on your computer. WhatsApp Web, as you know, is the version that […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to find legendaries on Clash Royale, I think it might interest you to understand why the cards of this rarity are stronger than the others.Well, legendary cards differ from other cards by […]
Even if now everyone uses Whatsapp, SMS are still important, especially for sending messages to people who use traditional mobile phones or those who live more offline than online. Furthermore, SMS are now given away in packages every time you subscribe to a new […]
The Court of Cassation has confirmed the illegality of stickers that allow you to change the department on a license plate. By installing such a sticker, the owner of the vehicle is liable to a fine of 135 euros. The case had been brought to justice by a plate […]
Summary The tutorial The applications Security Comments […]
Artistic bokeh, how-to By Johanna Hallman, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 17/01/14 at 12:17 Share: […]
Data Recovery from Server with AVID System - Avid Media ComposerWhat is an AVID server?The AVID servers are real systems with proprietary software, a reference for all professionals who operate: cinema, television, and broadcastAVID systems are one of a kind, and […]
Search for people on Facebook by nameFrom computerIf you know the name and surname of the friend you intend to reunite with (at least virtually), you also know how to search for people on Facebook. All you have to do is, in fact, position yourself in front of your […]
Preliminary information Before we get to the heart of the tutorial, let's explain how to spy WhatsApp for free on Android, it is my duty to provide you with some preliminary information about it, so as to clear your mind as much as possible. Let's start with […]
This time the title of the post is extremely clear: we have 3 free games to choose this week, 3 very engaging and also challenging games, which can be played for free on Windows PCs and which have in common the theme of war, experienced firsthand. For two of them […]
Comment (29) Born at the École centrale de Paris at the end of the 90s, the VLC software was made available to the public from 2001. If the choice of VLC […]
Comment (3) Google Family Link is one of the best free parental control apps for Android. It secures the mobile devices of children and young adolescents through […]
How to sign in to Messenger on Android log into Messenger on Android, you will first have to make sure you have installed Messenger, as it is the official Facebook application for messaging. To do this, open the Google Play Store (the shopping bag icon with the […]
If you have ever tried to view a saved WiFi password on an Android smartphone, you probably know that it is simply not possible to do so. This is one of the faults of the OS, where on a computer, Windows can display the passwords of WiFi networks saved in a few […]
Here are the best photo apps for Android that can be found in the Google Play Store to retouch your images or replace the Camera app on your smartphone. A wide and varied selection. On the same theme : how to take better photos on Android What are the […]
Using a chart in Excel makes a table more readable and especially to identify key figures in a few seconds. In this tutorial we will add a legend to our graph, but also customize the appearance of the legend, including the font, and its color. Label a chart in […]
If we want to watch the main Sky channels (for example Sky Uno, where there are many successful programs), until now we had to subscribe to Sky with satellite dish or fiber optic, subject to the constraints imposed by the satellite platform. A good alternative […]
If you knew the developer programmer behind the Nirsoft, I absolutely would not have him as an enemy because given what he can do publicly, I do not dare to think where he can go if he unleashes his skills against someone. We obviously talk about computers and […] / Twitter The social network Twitter is reportedly studying the possibility of flip-flopping when posting a tweet, giving users a window of a few seconds. Often […]
Activate localization (prerequisite)Before explaining in detail how to send location on WhatsApp, I have to show you the procedure for activating the location, a prerequisite in order to be able to share the position thanks to the GPS sensor integrated in the smartphone.AndroidActing […]
Microsoft has just ended the private beta testing phase for Office for Android. Since yesterday it is possible to download the Word, Excel and PowerPoint applications for free on an Android tablet without prior registration. […]
WhatsApp Statuses are also known as WhatsApp Statuses and are a new feature available in the WhatsApp app that allows you to see what your contacts post throughout the day. They can still be a bit confusing for some users, as they haven't been around for too […]
In the path that will take us one day to not install any program on the computer and to use only programs in the cloud or on the Web, Microsoft for years has anticipated everyone and made available Microsoft 365 (formerly called Office 365), a platform that combines […]
The GPD XP is a console in a laptop body. It offers three sets of controllers (FPS, Moba and Xbox) and even has a small fan to prevent overheating. GPD XP // GamePad Digital (GPD), a company […]
How to find a fixed number holderAre you going to find the holder of a fixed number? Well, know that this is a feasible operation, especially if the number you want to find is included in the public lists containing the landlines of individuals and professionals.White […]
It is increasingly difficult to control your presence on the Internet today. Sometimes with consequences. Fortunately it is possible, by being methodical, to completely delete your presence on the internet. It is also possible to use third-party services to achieve […]
Transform images to PDF onlineLet's start with a number of online services that allow you to transform images into PDF directly from the browser. They are completely free (at least in the basic versions), do not require mandatory registration and protect the […]
WhatsApp for Windows and MacPrima di vedere as installare WhatsApp sul computer, è necessario farti an important clarification: il client ufficiale di WhatsApp è compatible only with Windows 8.1 or higher and with macOS 10.10 and later. This means that it does […]
Choosing your default applications on Windows 10 is one of the first things to do when you discover the OS, otherwise you will quickly get upset when you see unknown applications opening your files. We explain how to configure everything in a few seconds. Choose […]
Competition is fierce in the mobile phone market. It must be said that at present, there is no shortage of mobile operators and internet service providers. This does not make it easy for those who wish to change plans. If you are one of those people who are looking […]
Comment (7) Successors of smileys, emoji (from the Japanese e “image” and moji “letter”) – also called emoticons in Spanish – are gradually establishing […]
VPNs are a great way to be able to control the traces you leave of your passage on the net. In a context where the security of your information is now essential, we explain how to use it on your Android device. A VPN (for Virtual Private Network) is a process […]
Comment (9) Already possible on PC, PS Vita and Android, PS4 Remote Play recently arrived on iOS. Playing Read Dead Redemption 2 or God of War on an iPhone […]
Comment (42) Since December 12, six new HD channels have enriched the Spanish audiovisual landscape. But how to receive them?Since Wednesday December 12, six […]
How to enter the ASUS BIOS with Windows 10If you use a PC equipped with Windows 10, to access the BIOS configuration menu, or rather, the UEFI, you must go to the system settings and command an "advanced restart" of the computer.To do this, press the icon of pennant […]
It is now possible to change your PlayStation Network nickname. You've been wanting to change your PSN ID to another for a long time, Sony is finally making it possible. In this article, we will see how to proceed and what are the ins and outs of a nickname change. Some […]
Comment (6) Good surprise for new Free subscribers who have chosen the Freebox Mini 4K. A new version of the box has recently been sent to customers, swapping […]
Program to transform ePub into PDFThe most complete and reliable program for convertire ePub to PDF è caliber: it is a free and open source software compatible with Windows, macOS and Linux that allows you to manage your digital library at 360 degrees. Using […]
When we play a game on PC there is nothing worse than seeing everything slow down out of the blue, with the images flowing with a bad slow motion effect making us waste precious time and compromising the gaming experience to the point of exasperation. This problem […]
Comment (6) It's time for virtual reality to go on a diet. HTC is about to launch the Vive Flow, an extremely compact "glasses" format VR headset, designed […]
It is possible to customize all internet browsers and Google Chrome is no exception. It is thus very easy to change the Google Chrome home page or its start page. A blank page, a favorite site, a group of tabs, or even the last pages opened by the user ... All […]
Google Photos is getting better. You can now order photo prints through Google Photos, and opt for direct-to-home delivery (or pick them up the same day at a CVS, Walgreens or Walmart store if you're in the US, 7-Eleven in Japan). © Google Google Photos is a […]
Do we love to play Burraco and want to keep fit for home or away tournaments with our trusty smartphone or tablet? Didn't we accept the latest burning defeat in games with friends or family? Then you will be pleased to find that we can try so many app with which […]
How to convert XML file to PDF for freeIf you need software that allows you to convert an XML file to PDF for free, then you are in the section of this guide that is most suitable for you.In fact, below I am going to provide you with a couple of solutions that […]
Are you afraid of losing your WhatsApp messages but don't know how to create a backup of them? You are about to change your smartphone and would like to know how to save whatsapp messages to transfer them to your new mobile phone? I am happy to inform you that […]
An iPhone or an iPad are excellent portable devices for watching videos and films, since on the new models the screen is very sharp and allows a clear and limpid view of each movie. Unfortunately, however, the default application does not always manage to open […]
In the end you have made up your mind! You bought your first smartphone and decided to try WhatsApp, the most popular messaging application in the world. I see that you are launching into this new "enterprise"; the only problem is that you are at the very beginning […]
Hide WhatsApp messages on AndroidThe easiest way to hide WhatsApp messages on Android is to archive them, but be aware that this is not a permanent solution.The archived messages, in fact, are simply moved to a special section of the app and not really hidden. […]
WiFi networks have become the norm, but pose a number of security concerns: they can allow an intruder to access your home network, the machines connected to it, and its traffic. A malicious person can carry out their attack from a distance, with complete discretion. […]
MP3 file Legality Convert MP3 to WAV Equalize sound levels Audio CD Burning MP3 file An MP3 file is a compressed audio file, that is to say a file which takes up less disk space thanks to a compression algorithm, and which can be played thanks to programs […]
IndexHow to join a GTA 5 Online CrewJoin the Rockstar Games Social ClubJoining a Crew on GTA 5 Online from the WebJoining a Crew on GTA 5 Online in-gameHow to join a GTA 5 Online CrewIf you want join a crew in GTA 5 Online, what you have to do is carefully read […]
What are bad sectors and how are they created? Here are some useful tips.One of the main problems regarding hard drives are i bad sectors. These are particular areas of the disc that have suffered damage, more or less serious, and can cause the device to malfunction.Sometimes […]
IndexCreate a Google accountLog into your Google account from your PCLog in to your Google account from AndroidLog in to Google account from iOS / iPadOSHow to access Google account on Play StoreHow to access Google account on ChromeHow to log in to Google account […]
Windows 11 makes it harder to change your default internet browser to Edge. But don't panic, we'll explain how to do it in this little tutorial. Nothing really rocket science, despite a tedious manipulation. Windows 11 wants to highlight Edge, Microsoft's browser. […]
How to find the SIM serial number on AndroidYou own a device Android and you would like to understand how to do it in order to find the SIM serial number through the latter? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find in the steps below. You can […]
GoogleOne of the first solutions that you would do well to consider to be able to locate cell phone numbers is the "expensive" and always useful Google. The famous search engine of the Mountain View giant, in fact, is a particularly useful solution if you […]
IndexPreliminary informationWhere to find the right serversHow to enter the BedWars serverMinecraft Java EditionBedrock versionPreliminary informationBefore proceeding in explaining how to enter the BedWars server, I think it is interesting to analyze this possibility.In […]
How to see blocked numbers in WhatsAppDo you want see blocked numbers in WhatsApp, because you fear that you have blocked a contact by mistake and would like to be sure of this thing? In that case, let me explain how to proceed from both smartphone and computer.AndroidTo […]
Inductive charging dangerous for smartphone batteries?Wireless, but not without risk Remi Jacquet (@Reminolajoie) Posted on 07/07/19 at 12:11 p.m. Share: […]
Android GPS apps aren't just Google Maps. In order to be up to date, we offer you our top of the best free GPS applications. Summary Waze: the most complete GPS HERE WeGo: economical in mobile data, clear and precise for frequent travelers CoPilot: […]
The price of WhatsApp is really negligible: 89 cents are enough. to use the service for one year. Yet there are still many people who write to me and ask me if it is possible to remedy this "offering" and use WhatsApp for free because they do not want to associate […]
Comment (5) How to target online advertising without using cookies? Google's answer is in four letters, an alternative method called FLoC. In the process of […]
Do you want to know how to change the PIN code of your Android smartphone? In this quick tutorial, we explain how to do it in a few simple steps, but also how to delete or reactivate this code if necessary. There is an increasing tendency to neglect the SIM card […]
Do you find the connection to the wifi network of your internet box a little slow? An intruder may have entered your network. Fortunately, by connecting to the management interface of your box, you can flush it out and block it easily! How could an intruder […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to put music video on WhatsApp status, I have to give you some preliminary information about it.In fact, you must know that, in a similar way to the stories of Instagram and those of Facebook, in the state of […]
To download an iOS app available only in certain countries, or simply in case of moving abroad, it may be necessary to change the country of the App Store and the iTunes Store. We explain how. Apple manages the two iOS download kiosks, the iTunes Store (movies, […]
Comment (8) PowerPoint is a benchmark for presentation generation software on Windows. To ensure that all Windows users can play these files, Microsoft offers […]
There is little to do. In every WhatsApp group, even the most interesting and fun one, there is a gang of "talkative" users who infest the conversation with avalanches of useless messages. Messages that, moreover, make our poor smartphones sound and vibrate in […]
IndexPreliminary operationFind IP address, username and passwordChange the settingsIn case of problemsPreliminary operationYou will probably already have heavy on it (or perhaps your friend expert in new technologies will have done it) but before you can enter […]
How to download WhatsApp on AndroidThe quickest and most immediate solution for download WhatsApp on Android is the one that plans to act through the Play Store. Then press the store icon on the home screen (the one with the symbol of a colored triangle), […]
Creating a group on WhatsApp is definitely a good idea if you want to keep in touch with several friends and relatives, thus having a single chat available that allows you to communicate simultaneously with a group of people. Creating a group on WhatsApp is really […]
How to take a photo during WhatsApp video callIf you wonder how to take photos during WhatsApp video call, in the sense that you intend to take a screenshot of the screen during a video call in the well-known instant messaging app, follow the directions I am about […]
How to delete WhatsApp backup from smartphoneWhatsAppgenerally, it automatically backs up chats to the cloud (i.e. online), so as to allow you to recover conversations in the event of reinstalling the app or replacing the phone. However, if you need to delete the […]
Activate the read receiptIf your intent is to see if a message was read on WhatsApp, the first thing you need to do is to activate the read receipts in the app settings. This is necessary because if you don't have read receipts active for your messages, you won't […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you a step by step guide on how to incorporate your own password in the WhatsApp application on your iOS device. There are different ways to choose from: Face ID, Fingerprint, etc. These methods will help you maintain the privacy […]
Your Android smartphone can scan documents, and to do so, you don't even need to install a third-party application such as CamScanner. Explanations in this tutorial. At TechnologiesTips, we believe it's important to help you learn how to master all the features […]
FlickrFlickr, you have probably already heard of it, is one of the most used online services dedicated to photos in the world. Inside it is possible to search for images and find many photos that in most cases distributed under a Creative Commons license that can […]
From OnlyWhatsapps, we want to inform you how you can spy on WhatsApp with just a QR Code (remotely, without having to be where the other person is), learning to be a Mobile Phone Hacker. First of all, we recommend a responsible use of the cell phone, as well as […]
How to save people on WhatsApp for AndroidAs I have already mentioned to you a moment ago, however save people on WhatsApp just add their names to your phone's contact list.To do this, if you use a device animated by the operating system Android, avvia […]
How to see messages on WhatsAppYou are reading this preventative guide and would like to learn how to see messages on WhatsApp prima ancora di installare, di fatto, l'applicazione? Avresti bisogno di utilizzare WhatsApp su device differenti dal tuo smartphone […]
Comment (30) For purists of barbecue cooking, electric models are a heresy: without dedicated fuel (wood, vine shoots or charcoal), this particular flavor, […]
Lately I've been receiving several messages from people looking for a way to hide WhatsApp contacts. Someone would like to hide the most "delicate" conversations from the main screen of the application, others would like to delete a name from WhatsApp keeping it, […]
The iPhone allows you to recover deleted messages and other SMS by restoring a backup prior to deletion. It is also possible to browse backups with iCloud or third-party software and recover only the data you want. We show you how to do it. Image Unsplash Did […]
Software to transform photosGIMPLet's start this guide on how to transform photos from GIMP. Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, it's very famous! In any case, don't worry, we'll fix it right away. It is a free and open source software that is very close […]
IndexPrograms to enter PCsTeamViewer (Windows / macOS / Linux)AnyDesk (Windows/macOS/Linux)DWService (Windows / macOS / Linux)Other programs to enter computersApp to enter computersPrograms to enter PCsDi programs to enter computers there are really many, each […]
WhatsApp lets you notify your friends if you change your phone number. This new option even lets you select which contact you want to share your new number with. For now, this feature is only available to users of the beta version of WhatsApp, which you can download […]
Participation of GDATA Antivirus in training events - South AmericaInnovative solutions for the security of Customer and Partner dataBogota, 14 September 2017 -After collaborating in the events held in February 2017 in Colombia (Cali, Barranquilla, Pereira and […]
The little Eletta Cappuccino Evo gets a makeover. This mid-range automatic coffee maker with grinder flirts with excellence by bringing together all the Delonghi fundamentals: performance, interaction and simplicity. […]
There are a large number of video formats, each with their own specificity. However, not all video players are able to read the different formats, this is especially the case with on-board video players such as MP4 players. To remedy this, it is possible to convert […]
After having dedicated an article to the Logmein and Teamviewer programs useful for connecting and controlling a computer remotely (for example the home computer from the office), and after having seen how to control other computers on the network and how to connect […]
Amazon customers report being charged with strange orders without their knowledge, even though their account was protected by two-factor authentication. Hackers seem to have managed to break the security of double authentication and pretend to be fake sellers to […]
Configuring the APN of your device using the mobile network of the operator RED by SFR can solve problems related to the internet connection or the sending of MMS occurring following the purchase of a new smartphone or a change of operator. We explain the procedure […]
Comment (1) Realizing impressive abstract photographs of water drops is not that difficult and produces an original effect. Find out in this tutorial how to […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter the Deep Web from your phoneAndroidiPhonePreliminary informationBefore even getting to the heart of this guide and explaining, in practice, how to enter the Deep Web from your phone, I want to provide you with a complete […]
Are you trying to renew your WhatsApp subscription using your phone credit but are unable to complete the operation? Tell me, what is your telephone operator? Vodafone? So I'm sorry but you are not having problems with the payment ...Vodafone has offered the possibility […]
Sensing that its application was perhaps not the favorite of users at this time, Microsoft decided to highlight Skype Meet. Simple, free and without installation, it's a rather ingenious function to keep in touch. […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to see who blocked your stories on WhatsApp, I must provide you with some useful preliminary information in this regard.In fact, you must know that, for obvious reasons related to privacy, WhatsApp does not allow […]
You are told to delete cookies, but you don't know how? Here is the ultimate guide to delete cookies on the main internet browsers on the market (Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera) whether you are on Windows or Mac. Everything, you will see, […]
Snapchat has a geolocation service which, used occasionally, can be very interesting. To be able to benefit from it without leaving it permanently active (which can have negative consequences in terms of […]
The latest update of WhatsApp has brought with it a nice new feature. It is possible to create stickers in any chat in a couple of clicks. The feature is now available worldwide and has arrived, both for WhatsApp through the app and for WhatsApp Web and […]
Comment (13) Plastic or aluminum coffee pods and capsules are a real ecological abyss... But rather than getting rid of them, you might as well give them a […]
If the installation and management of Windows 10 becomes easier over time, Microsoft also tends to push its users in a direction not always desired, under the guise of providing them with better features or increased security. This is the case, for example, of […]
Comment (1) Google is taking advantage of the end of 2020 to highlight its Google Photos application with several new features. Among these, cinematic photos […]
The main seller of dematerialized games on PC has released a new beta for its Windows, MacOs and Linux application. And the downloads and storage management interfaces are much more pleasant to handle. […]
Block a WhatsApp contact on AndroidIf you use a smartphone Android and you want block a WhatsApp contact, the first step you need to take is to start the official app of the service on your device and then go to the tab Chat. Then select the name of the person […]
Comment (13) EDITORIAL // Mark Zuckerberg has finally lifted the veil on Meta, the company's new identity, and on the metaverse, this virtual universe fantasized […]
Enter the registerWhatever version of Windows you have installed on your PC, if you want to know how to open the registry, all you have to do is press the key combination Win + R on your computer keyboard (the Win is the one with the Windows flag), in order to […]
Index:How to enter an Instagram profile from Android and iOS (knowing the login data)How to enter an Instagram profile from Android and iOS (by resetting the login data)How to enter an Instagram profile from PC and MacWhat to do in case of problemsHow to enter […]
We have decided to place Amazon's voice assistant in one of the rooms of our house and we want to use it to be able to listen to some music for free, using only voice commands to start playback? Although Alexa and Amazon Echo products give their best in combination […]
After a long wait, the Call of Duty's new Battle Royale game, free for everyone on PC, Playstation and XBox One. Call Of Duty Warzone a few days after its release is already a great success all over the world, not only for the particular moment in which it came […]
Has your hard drive crashed or is it making strange noises? Here is what mechanical problems can be.THEhard drive it is a delicate component, which must not suffer bumps or falls during its life. Inside there are multiple mechanical components that move in a precise […]
Gather the necessary materialsAs I already mentioned in the introduction, theEnd it is a dimension that is accessible through a portal. It is not possible to build it in the mode Survival, but you can find it inside the Underground fortresses. Before going into […]
Facebook has been testing a dark mode for some time, whether on its website (PC, Mac, Linux) or iPhone and Android application. To take advantage of this, the feature normally needs to be pushed to your account – if you're part of the beta program. However, a […]
Cartoonize (Online)There is no better tool for creating comics with your photos Cartoonize, a very nice website capable of fulfilling the purpose in question flawlessly. It does not require the installation of additional software on your computer and guarantees […]
Windows 10 takes too long to start? It often happens that several applications are launched with or without your consent at the start of each session. Running in the background, they use system resources and penalize your PC's performance. In this tutorial dedicated […]
How to recover messaggi cancellati da WhatsApp AndroidCome you say in opening, I will recover i messaggi cancellati da WhatsApp your Android is feasible and, moreover, offers greater recovery possibilities than on the iPhone, as the application saves its backups […]
You surely use Google Maps. That's good, but we bet you don't know all the hidden tricks! Here is our pick of the best tips for getting the most out of Google's mapping service. Follow the guide to get the most out of it, never get lost again, but also discover […]
Comment (1) With Apple Arcade, it is now possible to pair Playstation 4 and Xbox One controllers to Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV) via Bluetooth. Enough […]
By now even the walls know this: after the first 12 months in which the application can be used at no cost, WhatsApp requires the payment of a small annual subscription fee which amounts to 0,89 euros. What not everyone knows, however, is that subscribing to the […]
Find the MAC address of a mobile phone from the modem / routerIf you have the possibility to access the control panel of your modem / router, you can find out the MAC Address of the devices connected to the home network in an extremely simple and fast way. Let's […]
Caliber (Windows / Mac / Linux)To convert AZW files to PDF I suggest you first rely on caliber, a free and open source software that allows you to organize, read and convert all major electronic book formats. It is completely in cittàn and is available for […]
Search for people on Facebook by city on your computerIf you want to learn how to search for people on Facebook by city, the first step you need to take is to connect to the home page of the social network, type the name of the person you want to find in search […]
Comment (2) In order to help you in your move without jeopardizing your household appliances, we give you some tips for moving your equipment properly. Here […]
How do you know if a particular game in your Steam library will run on Steam Deck? And if you have games on other stores, are they compatible? Can I stream games to my Steam Deck? This guide written by us answers all these questions. […]
Preliminary informationFrom the moment you are wondering how to find Leon on Brawl Stars with a secret code I have to provide you with some important information in this regard.You must in fact know that Leon is a grade champion legendary which can only be unlocked […]
IndexHow to enter the Telecom modem from a PCHow to enter the Telecom modem from smartphones and tabletsHow to set up the Telecom modemTIM HUB and TIM HUB+TIM FibraSmart TEAMHow to enter the Telecom modem from a PCThe procedure for enter the Telecom modem it's […]
Over time, our smartphone no longer holds its charge or reaches the middle of the day with less than 20% charge, without even opening an app? Although in some cases we can solve it by looking at the power consumption of apps, in the vast majority of cases the […]
Predefined tools to turn PDF to JPG on MacFirst, let's try to understand how to turn PDF to JPG on Mac using those who are the predefined tools included in macOS: Preview e Automator. To find out more, read on.PreviewIf the PDF document you need to turn into […]
How to use WhatsApp without a SIM cardAs I told you at the beginning, there are different systems to be able to use WhatsApp without SIM card: all those you find indicated in the steps below. Try, therefore, to identify the solution that you think will do the most […]
Among the funniest programs that shape, modify, transform and retouch photos we have already seen how to age the face and change gender and age through some special applications. In this article, however, we find out how to see the face of the child who can be […]
With Christmas just around the corner, we can start preparing each of our devices for the event, setting themed backgrounds, changing the ringtone and, why not, playing some video games inspired by Christmas and its classic characters (Santa Claus, elves, etc. […]
The portrait is undoubtedly one of the most popular photographic practices, especially because it does not require specific equipment to start. Discover all the techniques and tips to improve your shots. In this file, we are going to approach […]
Are you about to sell a device or do you want to renew your business PCs? That's why it's important to delete files forever.Secure file deletion is a topic of great importance. When you use your PC or smartphone and delete a document, it is not deleted definitively, […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the dettaglio della procedura su how to send messages on WhatsApp to numbers not in the address book, I think it is important that you understand your needs well and understand what the procedure you are about to put into practice […]
MMO games are always the most played on PC rather than consoles, because they take time, because they are played well with keyboard and mouse, because they are multiplayer and often require chatting or otherwise participating in the community of players, both […]
Changing the wallpaper on your computer is one of the basics in order to personalize your experience on Windows 10. We explain how to set up the image you like. Family or vacation photo, visual featuring your football club, your favorite movie or video game, […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain How to Save WhatsApp Photos in the Gallery from an Android Phone or one with iOS. If you want to download any image or file from WhatsApp and do not know how, here are the steps to learn how to do it. You will only need your […]
Starting this Tuesday, July 27 at 17 p.m., console players and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will be able to enjoy the Xbox Series S∣X version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, almost a year after its release on PC. Rather successful takeoff. […]
Have you taken a lot of photos during the holidays? Here's how to make a full backup so you don't lose them.Among the main files that are lost during a hard disk or USB pen drive malfunction, there are certainly personal photos. As we have seen in the infographic […]
Convert Excel file to PDF onlineLet's start with a series of solutions that allow you to convert Excel file to PDF online. These are extremely convenient solutions (they do not require registration and work from all major web browsers) but they have some limitations […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the merits of this guide and find out how to search for people on Facebook by age, it is good that you provide some preliminary information that will be useful for you to complete the procedure (or at least try it).As […]
Windows 10 Parental Controls now prevent you from using Edge's competing browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, when enabled. The Redmond company that says it thinks “about the safety of your children” seems at all costs to be looking for opportunities to promote […]
You recently bought an iPhone and, all happy, you then rushed home to be able to immediately experience its features that you hear about all the time. Upon hearing the news, a friend immediately suggest you download WhatsApp on iPhone but if you are now […]
How to find ICCID SIM on AndroidIf you need to retrieve the ICCID of the SIM on a smartphone or tablet Android, I have excellent news to give you: you can do this both through the settings (if you use Android 9 or later) and through some free apps available on […]
Of all the instant messaging applications, the one you just can't live without is WhatsApp. Every day you send and receive lots of messages from your friends and relatives but your technological knowledge is limited to the use of the main features of this application. […]
The beating heart of every smartphone is undoubtedly the app store, from which we can download applications to make our device even more interactive and multimedia. On iPhones it is theApp Store, for many the first real app store, which in fact immediately decreed […]
In this article we are going to explain how you can use WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp in your PC browser without having your mobile always active and connected. This is a new feature offered by WhatsApp that has begun to reach all users who have the updated application. This […]
Convert CSV file to Windows vCardIf you have a computer with su installed Windows 10, can convert a CSV file to vCard easily using the tool Contacts, which is included "standard" with the operating system.Using the Windows 10 Contacts application, you will first […]
Comment While our test of the Fujifilm X100V is already out, we wanted to come back to its hybrid aim. Thanks to a recording at nearly 1 fps, we produced […]
Finding a media player program that can be used to view all kinds of videos on your computer is possible, but it does require some research. Windows Media Player (WMP), Microsoft's default program, has become, over time, increasingly graphically heavy and not […]
Deleting a Netflix account or simply a profile is not very complicated, you still have to know how to do it. If you want to unsubscribe without leaving a trace, we also explain how to delete the history of the movies you have watched, one or more profiles, or your […]
A Twitch streamer called Squid Game is suffering from the success of Netflix's homonymous series. According to her, the enthusiasm around the series made her lose part of her job. To stem the surge of hateful messages on her accounts, she is even considering the […]
The telephone is a personal tool, which in many cases closely reflects our personality and our tastes. Precisely for this reason, since the first cell phones with color screen and polyphonic ringtones, everyone has customized the phone to make it one of a kind. […]
IndexHow to join a public Telegram channelHow to join a private Telegram channelHow to enter a blocked Telegram channelHow to invite in a Telegram channelHow to join a public Telegram channelThe procedure for join a Telegram channel it's quick and easy. All you […]
Summary The test What's new System requirements […]
Does your hard drive have a problem? Here are the main causes of defects.THEhard drive is a mass storage device that allows you to store data and information. It is present inside PCs, servers, notebooks, although in recent years it has often been replaced with […]
Check installed appsThe first aspect you need to pay attention to don't get spied on WhatsApp concerns the apps installed on your terminal: some of them, in fact, could send data on the activity carried out through the smartphone (including accesses to WhatsApp, […]
IndexTwitter.comTwitter SearchBreaking-newsTrends24TrendsmapGoogleTwitter.comSe vuoi visualizzare i contenuti pubblicati su Twitter senza dover effettuare la registrazione al servizio, puoi scegliere come prima cosa di collegarti alla pagina principale […]
Deleting or deactivating your Twitter account is easy, a few small steps are enough in most cases. We detail here everything you need to know about it, as well as the procedure to follow to delete the account. It is possible to deactivate his account his account […]
Your friends have convinced you to replace WhatsApp with Telegram or another alternative messaging service and now you would like to know how to delete your account from the famous app created by Jan Koum and Brian Acton? Your WhatsApp subscription is about to […]
Summary Video Data sheet Design Screen Software […]
Apple offers a tool to easily obtain a copy of your personal data from services and applications. Whether you use a Mac, an iPhone or an iPad, this service will allow you to know all the personal data held by Apple. Follow the leader. […]
Comment (13) The notch of the new 14" and 16" MacBook Pros allows you to increase the surface of the screen while placing a webcam in their center. The Cupertino […]
Fortnite Mobile is the game phenomenon of the moment. The Battle Royale breaks audience records on Twitch and YouTube and manages to win over more and more players, even eclipsing its rival PUBG. Free, Fortnite is available on PC, PS4, Xbox One and iOS. The game […]
Lately there is a lot of talk about the 3D TVs that will allow the viewing of movies like Avatar even at home. Obviously these televisions are already very expensive in the face of a zero content offer so before I can talk about it I think it will take a few more […]
YouTube finally allows Internet users to define the quality of videos by default. Promised for months, a new beta option lets users set the quality of footage to high, low or automatic by going directly to settings. During the containment measures last March, […]
Comment (18) Voices are already raised against certain surprises reserved by the new iPhone 7 and its big brother iPhone 7 Plus. On the menu of the day, a […]
Web service to search for registered post officeThe first and simplest system that I want to suggest you to adopt to search for registered post is, as I said, that which consists in using the appropriate online service attached to the official website of City post […]
One of the most common difficulties in Excel is creating a drop-down menu that lets you choose from multiple predefined values. In this tutorial, we will see one way to create this type of list. Create a drop-down list in Excel List the information you want to […]
Windows 10, like all other versions of the system, includes a firewall that you can configure in different ways. In this article, we show the possible configuration options to better secure the incoming and outgoing connections of your PC. Windows 10, […]
A face, sensitive information that you don't want to appear in an image? You have the option to hide them by blurring the photo or a specific part before sharing or posting it on social networks. In this article, we will see how to do this on PC and smartphone. Several […]
Comment With its Attach Slim One Connect box, Samsung probably offers the best in terms of connectivity, because the box can either be moved up to 2,5 […]
In this article we want to explain you all the functions that you have available for the application of WhatsApp on your Apple Watch. The Apple Watch is Apple's smart watch and has multiple advantages, among them, you can have WhatsApp connected to your wrist […]
IndexWhat you need to access ClassroomHow to sign in to Google ClassroomHow to log in to Classroom on a PCHow do I sign in to Classroom on my phoneWhat you need to access ClassroomBefore explaining to you how to log in to Classroom By thread and by sign, it is […]
The world leader in satellite navigation systems TomTom, to avoid losing more and more market share to Google Maps, Apple Maps and other navigation apps for smartphones, has decided to release an app for free (for now) for iPhone and for Android, completely free. The […]
Program to convert MOV files to MP4 for freeIf you are interested in understanding how to convert MOV to MP4 acting as a computer and, preferably, without spending even a penny, the solutions I suggest you rely on are those listed below, available both for Windows […]
Nintendo has updated the Switch system to allow game data to be deleted before downloading its update if storage is too low. The Nintendo Switch While Nintendo has just presented its new Switch […]
If several people use the same PC, creating user accounts is ideal. They allow you to personalize each element of the session: the desktop, the theme, the downloaded files, the music, the history of each software, etc ... In this tutorial dedicated to teaching […]
How to find MAC Address PC on WindowsIf you use a computer with su installed Windows and you are interested capire how to find MAC Address, know that you can succeed "in the enterprise" in various ways: using the Command Prompt, by accessing the network settings […]
If you need to totally reset Windows 10, without erasing your personal data, here's how to do it. The operating system has everything you need to complete the operation without the hassle, in minutes and without the need for tons of additional software. Your PC […]
Cataloged by some as a simple mixture of Team Fortress 2 and Battlefield Heroes, it should still be noted that Gameloft is practically the only one to draw inspiration from the very essence of famous big titles to adapt them to Android, and that finally the most […]
Online services to convert DOC to PDFWould you like to convert your DOC documents into PDF format but you don't want or can't download special programs on your computer? No problem, it is possible to do everything using the appropriate ones online services, as […]
5 Games, because just one is never enough and because there are several alternatives to the famous World of Warcraft game of great quality. World Of Warcraft it was for years the most famous online game in the world (before League of Legends came), it has involved […]
Gmail makes life easier for its users. It is indeed now possible to modify a Microsoft Office file directly in the body of an email. Excellent news, since it will avoid a lot of tedious operations and save time. Gmail will make life much easier for its […]
Google announces the arrival of two new parameters within its gmail messaging , allowing on the one hand to better personalize the service, but also to better control the use of personal data. […]
The Dell Inspiron 15 3511 laptop is an entry-level computer equipped with an 3th generation Intel Core i11 processor. Its 15,6-inch Full HD screen makes it the ideal companion for office automation. Presentation […]
From OnlyWhatsAppswe want to show you how you can change the text you want to write in the WhatsApp application, this way your text message will stand out. The ways we will explain you will be suitable for Android and IOS. If you want to know more information this […]
How to find hidden apps on AndroidIn the following chapters, I'll show you the most popular ways to hide apps on Android and how to find them accordingly. Also, I'll explain how you can see the system app on devices Samsung, Huawei e Xiaomi.In this regard, I make […]
Convert WMA to MP3 with iTunes on PCIf you have a PC and you have installed the famous player from Apple and you are interested in understanding how to transform WMA into MP3 with iTunes, the first thing you need to do is to start the software. To do this, presses […]
Since the digital certificate is available, developers have put online Android applications that can be found on the Play Store. These applications offer quick access to the certificate posted online by the Ministry of the Interior. But is it worth downloading? […]
If Netflix is a website, how can I watch movies on TV? This is a fairly frequent question from people accustomed to Sky and not experts in computers and applications, but it opens up to a very interesting discussion for everyone. The fact is that Netflix […]
All modern browsers connect to the Internet by "communicating their personal details", that is, indicating to the website visited that we are using that browser to navigate. This information is called User Agent and each browser has a different one, so as to be […]
Types of hidden camerasBefore delving into the guide and see in detail how to find hidden cameras, I would say that it is necessary to make an excursus on the main types of hidden cameras available on the market. This, in fact, will help you understand how to move.Indoor […]
Some time ago you read my guide on how WhatsApp works and since then you have become an avid user of the famous messaging app. At the moment you can tell yourself more than satisfied with the thing and you think it undoubtedly represents an excellent solution by […]
With a simple command on Discord, notify everyone on a server with an audio message using voice synthesis. Tomorrow all power-users! With The tip of the day, TechnologiesTips […]
Miro for Mac MacX Free DVD to AVI Converter Any Video Converter pour MAC Handbrake pour Mac There is a multitude of free software that will allow you to convert your videos, whatever their origin, from your Mac. Whether you just bought a new device (iPad, […]
Your PC under Windows 10 is certainly equipped with Bluetooth technology. However, depending on your needs and uses, you may not need it all day. We will explain here how to activate and deactivate Bluetooth on Windows 10. […]
Preliminary operationBefore going into the details of this guide and find out how to transform an internal hard drive into an external hard drive without a box, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of the hard disk in your possession.In fact, in order […]
Taking a Low Key Par Photo Pierre Caillault, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 06/09/13 at 18:49 Share: […]
What is Facebook UID and how to find itBefore delving into the heart of this guide, it seems only right to take a "step back" and see first what is Facebook UID and how to find it. In the IT sector, theuser identifier (often abbreviated to user ID o UID) is a numeric […]
How to search for a person by nameIf you want to search for a person on the Internet and if you remember his name and surname perfectly, you can appeal to the use of the online services listed below. PeekYouDo you want to search for a person on the Internet whose […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to leave a WhatsApp group without the notification appearing, it is my duty to provide you with some preliminary information in this regard.As already mentioned in the opening bars […]
Publish-editorial Photoshop CC, in its latest version available via the Adobe Creative Cloud offer, brings several new features regarding the management of fonts. Enriched by the integration of the TypeKit font library, they allow you to draw inspiration from […]
Emulation generally targets older machines. The Nintendo Switch is directly affected despite its young age and the PC offers much higher performance, posing a real problem. The new Nintendo Switch […]
Millions of people around the world use Gmail daily to send and receive email. And this is without exploring its confines. The application indeed hides many interesting features that are not well known. In this article, we are going to see the tips to get the most […]
After an excellent Yoga Slim 7, Lenovo is taking up its recipe for success with a top-of-the-range Yoga Slim 7 Pro. Equipped with one of the best processors of the moment and an Oled screen, it has everything to please on paper. Let's see if this is the case in […]
Do you want to recover data from a broken mobile phone? Here are some useful tips to restore files from damaged smartphoneIl cellular it is now used for many operations. Not only for calling and texting, but also for surfing, taking photos and reading documents. […]
Comment (14) For some time now, the installation of Windows 10 can go through a USB key. Its creation is accessible to everyone and, above all, free. Here's […]
IndexHow to access Outlook from PCHow to sign in to Outlook on the webHow to access Outlook for Windows or macOShow to access Outlook emailHow to access Outlook from appIf you have trouble logging into OutlookHow to access Outlook from PCLet's get right into this […]
Summary Security reading a QR Code on Android reading […]
5G is finally a reality at Free. True to its reputation, the operator stands out from the competition with a particularly advantageous data/price ratio. Map, coverage, price and frequencies… we tell you everything about Free Mobile's 5G. Arriving after everyone […]
Do you like the magazine format and consume your news with a clear and precise graphic interface? But do you also like to be at the forefront of the news? Do both with Flipboard, for which we give you 7 tips and tricks for using it like a pro. Smartphones can […]
How to remove Android WhatsApp message previewStai using one smartphone Android and would like to know how to go about remove the preview of WhatsApp messages? No sooner said than done! To do this, you can act both from the WhatsApp app settings and from the system […]
Bubbles (Windows)If you are using a computer with Windows installed, the resource you can turn to to turn a website into a program is Bubbles. It is in fact a completely free software that, in fact, allows you to make the online services most frequently used in […]
Skype has just launched the full version of its Android application. The application for Android was promised for a long time, but the announcement is official: Skype is available in full version on the Market. The application brings all the functionalities of […]
Adjusting the white balance and contrast Par Digital Focus (@Lesnums), Samuel Boivin Posted on 06/02/18 at 14h00 Share: […]
IndexHow to enter my Facebook profile from smartphones and tabletsAndroidiOSBrowserHow to enter my Facebook profile from PCHow my Facebook profile looks likeHow to know if someone enters my Facebook profileHow to enter my Facebook profile from smartphones and tabletsAre […]
Honor is making a comeback in the mid-range segment with the Honor 50. A smartphone that intends to carve out a place for itself in this disputed market, and affirm the new ambitions of the Chinese firm, now independent of Huawei. […]
Almost all the most played multiplayer games today are free to play, with free access to all games without limitations and the possibility, for those who want, to spend money. The important thing for a free game is those who do not want to pay for any upgrades […]
Among the most successful streaming services in recent years, Amazon Prime Video certainly stands out, which has thrown its gauntlet to Netflix, with a constantly growing catalog (with lots of unpublished content) and a selection of films and TV series much appreciated […]
IndexPreliminary informationInstall PS4 Remote PlayJoin a PS4 party from PCPreliminary informationPerhaps you are not aware of it, but for some time now Sony has made available to users, completely free of charge, a computer application that allows you to remotely […]
FromOnlyWhatsAppswe want to show you step by step how to see the hiddenWhatsappprofilepicture of aperson. We will provide you with all the necessary information taking into account your device, either Android (Google Play) or IOS (Apple Store).Preliminary information Before […]
English is a required language in a multitude of fields and jobs, to the point that it has become in effect the world language par excellence: there is no city where we cannot meet a person who can understand us and speak English as a language. common, without […]
How to transfer stickers from Telegram to WhatsApp: AndroidLet's see first how to transfer stickers from Telegram to WhatsApp on Android. As I anticipated in the previous lines, to do this you must first download the stickers, saving them locally as a PNG or GIF […]
What are the best free alternatives to Paint? To replace the irreplaceable By Michael Beck Posted on 29/07/17 at 14h00 Share: […]
IndexHow to rejoin Facebook after unsubscribingSmartphones and tabletscomputerHow to re-enter Facebook in case of lost passwordSmartphones and tabletscomputerHow to rejoin a Facebook groupSmartphones and tabletscomputerHow to rejoin Facebook after unsubscribingHave […]
Comment (3) At CES 2021 in Las Vegas, HP is focusing on its professional laptops, but is adding a novelty for the general public: the Envy 14, a multimedia […]
The beauty of PCs is that you can find hundreds of games to play for free, whether they are online or browser games, whether they are free to download or with a model. free-to-play, with free registration and the possibility to improve by paying during the game. […]
Summary Our video How? Add your friends Play with […]
Comment (9) The television offer of Internet access providers is diversifying thanks to catch-up TV and high definition. But depending on the operators, the […]
If you have to buy a new TV or a new monitor for your PC, decide the greatness we can not only think about aesthetics, but also a how far or close the screen can be respect the position in which we are seated. Most home theater enthusiasts naturally apply the […]
Magnetic Tape and Tape Data Recovery - Is it Possible to Recover Data?Magnetic tapes or tapes have been widely used in the past for performing daily, weekly or monthly backups. Many used them, it can be assumed that in recent years almost all PC servers used TAPEs […]
Download Android album coversIf you have a device Android and you're wondering how to download album covers, you will be pleased to know that there are several applications that you can consider to succeed in your intent. Here are the ones I think are most interesting.Album […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to enter the Hypixel serverHow to get into the Hypixel server from Minecraft Java EditionHow to get into the Hypixel server from Minecraft BedrockPreliminary informationBefore illustrating yourself well how to enter the Hypixel server, […]
Comment (9) Some PCs are now sold without an operating system. However, installing Windows 10 on it is easy if you follow this complete tutorial. A manipulation […]
Have you ever checked the health of the hard drive? Check it out now, using these free programs.Article index:Why it is important to evaluate the state of health Drive Health CheckerHDD SentinelConclusionsWhy it is important to assess the health of the unitsAs […]
IndexCome accedere all’Area personale IliadCome accedere app IliadCome accedere a Internet con IliadCome accedere segreteria IliadCome accedere all’Area personale IliadYou wish to know come accedere all’Area personale Iliad? Riuscirci è facile come […]
Comment (4) Update 20/01/2017 à 16:18Honor is rolling out Android 7.0 Nougat and Emotion UI 5.0 via direct download from the smartphone. A gradual deployment […]
Comment (4) For a year and a half, the Chrome browser has blocked certain advertising formats deemed intrusive. As a continuation of its effort, Google now […]
Tripod astrophotography: technique and settings Maxime Oudoux, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 29/08/17 at 09:00 Share: […]
Your Android unlock pattern is a bit too convoluted and it was newly created without you bothering to master it well. This scenario is quite common and when it happens, you find yourself unable to access your own smartphone. Ditto for the PIN code which happens […]
IrfanView (Windows)IrfanView is not a converter in the strict sense of the term. Rather, it is a very light, practical and easy to use image viewer that includes some functions to process photos in series. I recommend that you rely on him for convert PNG to […]
Put the WhatsApp icon on AndroidIn case you are in possession of a smartphone or tablet Android, you can easily put the WhatsApp icon through the suggestions that I will show you in the next paragraphs. Reset iconIf you accidentally deleted the WhatsApp o WhatsApp […]
Convert dollars to euros via online servicesIf you are wondering how to convert euros to dollars, know that you will not have to install any programs on your trusted computer. All you need is an Internet connection. In fact, there are numerous online tools and […]
Comment (17) Apple proclaims loud and clear that its new MacBook Pro M1 Pro and Max do not suffer any loss of performance when running on battery power. We […]
Online2PDFThe first among the services to be able to convert PDF to PPT that I want to suggest you to use is Online2PDF. It supports the conversion of documents weighing up to 50 MB and consisting of up to 50 pages, if you upload multiple documents at the […]
IndexWhat is the GTA Social ClubHow to join the GTA Social ClubHow to access the GTA Social ClubLog into the Social Club via the Rockstar Games LauncherLog into the in-game Social ClubWhat is the GTA Social ClubIl social Club is the platform that Rockstar Games […]
How to log out of Facebook Messenger? The answer to this question seems trivial but many users are asking it. The reason is quite simple: doing it is much less obvious than you might think because Facebook simply doesn't offer a logout button in the app. If you […]
Comment (18) Finding a webcam available in stock and deliverable is not easy at this time. For lack of anything better, mobile messaging apps can do the trick. […]
Do you want to unsubscribe from RMC Sport? It is possible, in this article we will show you how to do it. The channel has become essential for sports fans for the simple reason that it is now the only one to broadcast the Champions League, friends also the Europa […]
On Windows, you have probably already encountered the message « This action cannot be performed because the file is open in another program". In some cases, the system does not specify the program in question. And even if it is indicated, the file sometimes […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the heart of the tutorial and seeing, in detail, how to find a hidden person on Facebook, my golden seed fornirti alcune preliminary information which are necessary to understand how to approach a situation of this […]
Preliminary operationSurely what I'm about to tell you may seem like a mere banality but if you want to avoid asking yourself the question how to find my iPhone? you essentially have to prevent your device from being lost / stolen or at least try to prevent it. […]
Have you changed your Android smartphone? We offer you this quick tutorial to easily transfer all your data, applications, settings, and contacts from your old smartphone to the new one in a few minutes. For this we will see the two simplest and fastest methods: […]
Find computer protected WiFi passwordsWindowsIf you own a PC with a version of Windows not exactly recent and you have been connected at least once to the wireless network in relation to which it is your intention to go to act.The first step you must […]
Summary What is the vaccination certificate used […]
How to recover WhatsApp audio from smartphoneYou are interested in understanding how to recover WhatsApp audios acting from smartphone? Then follow the instructions for Android e iPhone that you find below: I will explain how to recover audio files and voice notes […]
You recently read my guide on how to use WhatsApp and you too, as well as many other users, have finally started using the famous instant messaging app so that you can constantly stay in touch with all your friends. The operation of the app, you agree on this too, […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you Information on How to Create Your Own Avatar in WhatsApp. To make your own Sticker or Emoji, you will need to have your Android or iPhone mobile device (iPad and others also works) and you may have to download a mobile application […]
Preliminary informationPrima di passare alla pratica e di show you le tecniche per see deleted messages on WhatsApp, it is good that you are aware of the ways in which everything can be put into practice.So much for starting, allo stato attuale delle sews, it is […]
How to send a document from WhatsApp to email on AndroidYou are interested in understanding how to send a document from WhatsApp to email using a device Android? So, to begin with, take your device, unlock it, access the home screen or drawer and start WhatsApp, […]
Comment (5) For ever more precise and complete tests, we have improved the ergonomics sub-score of our protocol dedicated to tablets. It is now based on more […]
What are the benefits of cloud computing? This is why it is worth choosing this technology.The term cloud defines a storage space accessible via the internet, which allows you to save documents, files and data of any type. In recent years, this technology has also […]
Using a free email address can be an interesting alternative to that of your Internet provider. In fact, in the event of a change of operator, you will not need to worry about informing your contacts that your address has changed. In addition, Outlook being owned […]
Recover deleted WhatsApp contacts AndroidIf you want recover deleted WhatsApp contacts and use a terminal Android, you have several solutions at your disposal. You can, for example, try to restore the address book via Gmail or rely on apps for recovering deleted […]
Like the overwhelming majority of online services, using the Zoom video conferencing application requires registration by email address for the creation of your account and an initial connection to the service. This can nevertheless be modified as much as you […]
Comparison / 19 refrigerators tested January 2022 By Marie Ciolfi (@Marie_Ciolfi) Updated 04/11/21 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
With Microsoft's Your Phone software, you can launch your Android apps directly from your Windows 10 PC. Here's how to take advantage of this feature. Open your Android apps on Windows 10 using […]
The 16-inch MacBook Pro was expected to replace the Intel version, Apple hitting a big blow with its new M1 Pro chips. This very muscular configuration should fully satisfy professionals and creatives. […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to give you information on how to change your WhatsApp account. We recommend, before starting with the tutorial, that you make a backup to save what you have in each Chat. We will explain how to do it for Android and also for iPhone […]
Have you destroyed your smartphone and don't know how to recover the data? Probably the only way is to use the chip off technique. Here are the details.Article index:What is the chip off techniqueHow it worksWhat machines are usedWhat are the risks and disadvantages […]
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