We know it well, in this voracious mercantile universe that is ours, subscribing is done in a turn of the keyboard while the reverse operation often proves to be more thorny. On this subject, our comparative file of the various audio streaming services, which had crowned Spotify the winner in almost all categories, had led us to cross paths with an unsuspected number of users who were trying, without success, to unsubscribe from the Swedish premium service. Here is a micro-tutorial, if you happen to share their fate.
The reason for unsubscribing, strangely, is not always to leave Spotify, but to re-subscribe otherwise. Indeed, subscribing via the Spotify app on your iPhone costs €12,99 instead of €9,99 per month, or a whopping 30% more. And this to obtain strictly the same services, because making a purchase via any app on the iPhone amounts to going through the AppStore, which Apple is obviously paying dearly, very dearly.
To pay for your subscription of €9,99 per month, all you have to do is unsubscribe from Spotify to subscribe again from your computer – and have access to it with the app, this does not reduce the possibilities. And here is the drama. First of all, while it is very simple to subscribe via the app, it is impossible to unsubscribe through it; indeed, when you arrive on the account page, there is no unsubscribe proposal.
It is therefore necessary to go through the Spotify software installed on your computer. And there, surprise: when with other Spotify accounts you have access to the "Do you want to cancel your subscription?" place, there is only an "Update payment information" here, which when the clicking on it takes us to... the same page. We then go to his account from the Spotify web page: this time, the "Update information" button takes us to an identification page... which systematically tells us that the identifier and / or the password is wrong, when you are already connected to Spotify from the app and from the software – so logically, the correct identifiers and passwords, we have them. In short, we spare you the rest of the unsuccessful attempts, strongly inspired by The house that makes you crazy by Asterix & Obelix.
You will have understood, the reason is that the marriage having been pronounced by the AppStore, it can only be dissolved by his hand. Here is the procedure to follow, to avoid disturbing your banker by cutting off the food at the source.
From iPhone
Open the AppStore then choose "Featured". Click on "Apple ID", then "View Apple ID". Enter your username and password, then click on "Manage" in "Subscriptions". All you have to do is set the automatic renewal to "Off".
Steps to follow on the iPhone, except for the last window which shows the case of an already canceled subscription.
From a computer
It is through the iTunes Store that you will have to go to cancel the subscription. Go to your account > account information, then enter your username and password. Then go down to "Settings" where you will find the "Subscription(s)", then click on "Manage" and, like the approach on the AppStore, cancel the automatic renewal. For information, these two approaches work in the case of any subscription acquired via an Apple application.
Once either of the steps has been taken, at the end of your subscription month, Spotify will send you an email informing you of its inability to renew your subscription. All you have to do is go to Spotify from your computer to subscribe again, this time paying only €9,99 per month. Small appreciable detail, you will then benefit again from the month of free trial!