If the PlayStation 4 literally seduced players during its presentation during E3 2013, in particular with an attractive price, we had learned that, unlike the PS3, the PS4 online will be paying to be able to play online. Today, Sony has decided to shed some light on all of this.
Sony PlayStation 4
Note TechnologiesTips (7) read the test
Fnac.com Marketplace occasion 308,28
eBay 312,24
reBuy 365,99
Used Cdiscount Marketplace 409,89
Cdiscount Marketplace 949,98
Rakuten 389,95
Webdistribution 399,89
Materiel.net 399,99
Indeed, once you have your PlayStation 4 in possession – still a little patience, it should arrive by November –, to play online with your friends, you will need to have a PlayStation Plus subscription and, therefore, pay 49,99 €.3 for one year. Some people did not quite understand this decision by Sony, especially at a time when online PlayStation XNUMX and PlayStation Vita is free (even if it is possible to buy a PlayStation Plus subscription to have advantages ).
This is why Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, decided to speak in an interview for the Japanese magazine Famitsu, which was transcribed by the Americans from Kotaku. In it, the president of Sony Worldwide Studios explains that it is important for the Japanese firm to have a profitable return since there is a significant financial investment behind. However, it states that the PlayStation Plus subscription is only required to play online, otherwise the other services are indeed free.
"Online gaming will be one of the pillars of the PS4. We are developing several new ways to play and connect that require a significant investment in resources. Once this cost is considered, wanting to keep this service free and thus lower its quality would have been absurd," said the leader. We decided that it would be much better for us to receive appropriate payment for this and thus continue to provide a good service."
Comparison: video game consoles and accessories