Basically it is a photo Twitter where anyone can post the photo of the moment and look at the photos of others, all via smartphone.
The photos posted on Instagram are visible, if kept public and not private by those who upload them online, by all those who have the application.
The Instagram.com site allows you to watch the photos uploaded to the social network from your account, but not to download the photos to your computer at their original resolution.
The sites to see Instagram that are unofficial and that work without logging in or registering an account, are many, for look at everyone's photos via the web and, if desired, also of download them to your computer.
I best sites to see Instagram photos on the internet and without using an iPhone or an Android smartphone are:
1) Yooying is a site that allows you to view Instagram photos using Pinterest's grid style. You can search for photos and videos of all users even without being registered.
2) Inflact is Instagram on the internet almost faithfully replicated. To use Webstagram you need to register with Instagram credentials and then be able to scroll through all the photos uploaded from your mobile phone, those of friends, the most clicked and most liked in general. You can use the search to find specific users or images related to a tag or a word. There is also the ranking of the most popular tags, the most followed users and, every day, the most beautiful photo is shown. For each image you can enter comments and you can also see which special Instagram effect was used to embellish the photo. I want to clarify that these sites, despite being in English, are connected to the entire Instagram community which has millions of citizens.
3) Gramho is another search site for photos uploaded from all over the world to Instagram with one more peculiarity, it also allows you to search among user profiles. With this site, anyone, even without having the application on iPhone or Android, can follow the photo feeds of those they like best, can see the images and can share them on Facebook or Pinterest. From the box at the top you can perform all searches by tag, by popularity or by username.
4) The site Weynstag allows you to download photos and videos from Instagram, without registration. While for photos and videos you must paste the link taken from the official Instagram site, to download the story anonymously and without an account, you must go to the site https://weinstag.com/instastory/ and paste the username of the Instagram account and not the full URL. Each photo can be opened in its original (not small) size and downloaded by saving it on the PC using the right mouse button. For each photo there are also comments, likes and popular hashtags. You do not need an account to access this site.
5) Keeppost is a site that allows you to download Instagram photos and videos in their original size by pasting the link. You must therefore first open a photo on the official Instgram website, then copy the link to the address bar and then paste it in Downloadgram to download the photo to PC.
6) The site zasasa it is the easiest one to use for download photos and videos that are in Instagram Stories. To use it, you have to paste the URL of the account that published a still visible story and upload it to zasasa in order to get the download links of all the stories, photos or videos, which are currently published.
7) Picuki is a site that allows you to use Instagram without an account, do research, check the popularity of posts and profiles, then follow the people you want and see all the posts published. The only thing you can't do is post, comment and read comments.
8) iGram is a simple site to search and download Instagram photos from any user, no need to log in with an account if you want download photos from Instagram to your computer instead you have to use another type of program or application.
1) The open source program Instagram downloader able to download all the photos published on Instagram, of any user.
2) Ifttt, the app to connect online accounts allows you to connect, for example, Instagram to Dropbox so that each published photo is also uploaded to Dropbox or another photo site.
3) 4K Stogram is a free program for Linux Windows, Mac, very easy to use as an Instagram viewer and downloader. It can see all of a user's public videos and photos and automatically download them to a local folder. The program also supports the download of private photos and videos, by logging in with your Instagram account.
4) DownAlbum is an extension for the Chrome browser capable of downloading all the albums of each Instagram user directly from the site.
Sites to search on Instagram from a PC, without an account