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    Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), the antivirus for Windows 7

    Microsoft Security Essentials or MSE is the name of the antivirus that Microsoft provides for Windows 7 and from which it then developed, in a much more advanced form, Windows Defender for Windows 8 and for Windows 10. Microsoft Security Essentials is a free […]

    Recover data from crashed hard drive

    Do you transport the hard disk in precarious packaging? You are risking massive damage. Here are 2 mistakes NOT to make if your hard drive has crashed.The hard drive is a very fragile device that can be damage easily if not handled with care. We often receive hard […]

    How to mute the camera sound on WhatsApp

    Remove the camera sound on Whatsapp from AndroidIf you wonder how to mute whatsapp camera sound and use a device Android, know that to achieve your goal you have to turn off the ringer volume, setting the smartphone in mode Vibration o silent.To activate the mode […]

    How to convert PDF files to Excel

    Online2PDFOnline2PDF is a very popular online conversion service dedicated to PDF files. It allows you to convert to and from the PDF format in an extremely simple way, as well as free. It supports batch conversion of multiple documents and has an upload limit […]

    Broken hard disk? Here are the reasons

    Broken hard disk? Here are the reasonsBroken hard disk, how to recognize the first signs of failure that if neglected lead to serious damage?The malfunction of the memory medium of our […]

    Top 25 Runner Games with Endless Fast Racing (Android and iPhone)

    On smartphones and tablets, whether they are Android or iOS, one of the most successful video game genres is that of the so-called "Runner games"ie those where a character he runs trying to get as far as possible and where to avoid crashing it. These are "endless […]

    How to change your profile picture on Zoom?

    Zoom is not a social network ... but has some attributes! The videoconferencing application allows you to chat online with one person as well as bring together many participants in a virtual chat room. The profile images of the participants then automatically […]