Microsoft Security Essentials or MSE is the name of the antivirus that Microsoft provides for Windows 7 and from which it then developed, in a much more advanced form, Windows Defender for Windows 8 and for Windows 10. Microsoft Security Essentials is a free […]
Do you transport the hard disk in precarious packaging? You are risking massive damage. Here are 2 mistakes NOT to make if your hard drive has crashed.The hard drive is a very fragile device that can be damage easily if not handled with care. We often receive hard […]
If you are just starting out with your smartphone Android, you might be wondering how to send a SMS or MMS. After all, it's been a staple feature of our cell phones for ages now. It's been […]
Remove the camera sound on Whatsapp from AndroidIf you wonder how to mute whatsapp camera sound and use a device Android, know that to achieve your goal you have to turn off the ringer volume, setting the smartphone in mode Vibration o silent.To activate the mode […]
Online2PDFOnline2PDF is a very popular online conversion service dedicated to PDF files. It allows you to convert to and from the PDF format in an extremely simple way, as well as free. It supports batch conversion of multiple documents and has an upload limit […]
Broken hard disk? Here are the reasonsBroken hard disk, how to recognize the first signs of failure that if neglected lead to serious damage?The malfunction of the memory medium of our […]
Far from the ultra high-end mobiles that are the Galaxy S or Galaxy Note, the Galaxy A family seeks to offer a maximum of "made in Samsung" innovations for a minimum price. Presentation […]
Comment (3) Members of households equipped with a product exploiting Google Assistant in which more than one language is spoken will undoubtedly be relieved […]
On smartphones and tablets, whether they are Android or iOS, one of the most successful video game genres is that of the so-called "Runner games"ie those where a character he runs trying to get as far as possible and where to avoid crashing it. These are "endless […]
Zoom is not a social network ... but has some attributes! The videoconferencing application allows you to chat online with one person as well as bring together many participants in a virtual chat room. The profile images of the participants then automatically […]
Google has just provided Chrome for Android with a dark mode (in beta) available in the latest stable version of the application. All you have to do is activate a “flag”, then activate the option in the settings. This dark mode changes the interface, but not […]
Netflix for Windows 10 allows subscribers to easily download its movies and series to watch them offline. Convenient to pass the time on the plane or train. For several years, the famous Netflix […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to delete a WhatsApp contact not present in the address book, I have to give you some preliminary information about it.In fact, you must know that it is not possible to delete - in the strict sense of the term […]
Microsoft Excel is one of the most useful programs if we often work with data to be lined up or with complex graphs, tables and mathematical calculations, to the point of being a real reference point in every office. Unfortunately Excel is a paid program of the […]
Is your hard drive no longer working? There are some solutions on the net to recover data. Beware of false myths.When your PC won't boot why the hard disk is not recognized, there may be various causes that may have damaged the hard drive. In addition to any viruses […]
Internet service providers offer their own DNS servers, which convert domain names into IP addresses capable of being interpreted by machines. Google DNS, OpenDNS, Cloudflare, here's how to choose the best DNS server to surf faster. The domain names in letters […]
Preliminary informationBefore going into the details of the procedure on how to find Frank on Brawl Stars, I think you might be interested in learning more about this Brawler's Epic rarity.Well, Frank is a kind of "Frankenstein" monster who loves listening to music […]
Did you delete a file by accident? Here's how you can recover data from Windows with free software. When using your PC, it may happen that you mistakenly delete files, such as important images and documents. As soon as you delete a file from Windows, to be […]
In Windows 10, Microsoft offers a password expiration feature that forces users to change their passwords periodically. In the next update of the system, the firm has decided to abandon this policy which according to it is useless. Regularly resetting passwords […]
WhatsApp Web (and Desktop)It might seem a little weird to you, but one of the easiest ways to spy on a contact on WhatsApp is to use a service made available directly by the famous messaging app: WhatsApp Web!If you haven't heard of it yet, WhatsApp Web is […]
Everyone knows by now. After the first year in which you can use the free service, you must renew your WhatsApp subscription by paying a sum that can be € 0,89 for one year of subscription, € 2,40 for three years or € 3,34 for five years. Making the payment […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain how to install WhatsApp on a Smart Watch. You will need a Watch (smart, obviously), a Mobile Phone, Internet connection and the ability to download Apps (have the App Store or Google Play, for iPhone and Android respectively). […]
Contact WhatsApp from smartphoneAre you interested in understanding how to contact WhatsApp from your smartphone? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find below. The procedure is feasible both from Android that iOS and allows you to send a log to […]
This is a recurring message that Netflix subscribers encounter. When it becomes impossible to access a series in the catalog, it is often because “too many people are using your account” or “your Netflix account is being used on another device”. Here's […]
YouTube keeps a history of the videos you watch. Having access to your activities makes it easier to find content you've watched in the past. It's practical, of course, but sometimes you don't necessarily want to keep track of your activities on the video platform. […]
Compared to the past, where to be able to enjoy a good movie we had to go to the cinema or a video store, today there are various online services available that provide large catalogs of video content, even in first viewing or exclusive to the platform. Instead […]
Is it possible to learn to play the piano without music theory lessons? Sponsored dossier Published on 19/02/21 at 16:15 p.m. In order not to make the suspense last longer, let's immediately answer the question: Is it possible […]
Adobe Illustrator (Windows / macOS)The first system I want to suggest you to adopt to convert DWG to PDF, both on Windows and on macOS, is Illustration, the Adobe program specialized in the elaboration of illustrations. The software is free of charge but can […]
With wireless printers, it is possible to print documents from many devices, including your smartphone or tablet. Apple has even created its own means of connection: AirPrint. Here's how to use it. […]
Your friends have added you to a group on WhatsApp and since then have they started writing "full throttle" disturbing you at any time of day or night? Well, if you are here now and you are reading this guide it is evidently because the answer is yes and you would […]
Microsoft has released the long-awaited Windows 8.1 update like free download from the Store for those who are already using Windows 8 with regular license. Windows 8.1 replaces and installs on top of Windows 8 so there are no contraindications or difficulties. This […]
You want to delete your Spotify account but you don't know how to go about it? Do not panic, we detail the procedure to follow in this article. A platform for listening to millions of songs, Spotify has managed to make its mark on the music streaming market. […]
Comment (62) The new Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge, 2016 flagship of Samsung's high-end mobile epic, were expected at the turn on many points and among them, […]
When something on your computer doesn't work, by talking to tech experts or looking for discussions in forums, sooner or later you will read about updating your drivers. But what are the drivers? Do they really need to be updated and how do you see which ones […]
Microsoft Excel is the tabbed spreadsheet program used by millions of people around the world. Excel is probably one of the most successful software of all time and not only in reference to Microsoft products. This powerful and versatile calculator, easy to use […]
How to best use Snapchat? It's very simple, follow the guide! We detail everything you need to know about the application: photo options, settings, messages, stories, memories... You will now know everything and can send many photos and videos in complete peace […]
Comment (7) It was on a day as rainy as it was windy that we went to Mayenne, in the Pays de la Loire region, where one of the Spanish sites of the Seb group […]
Preliminary operationBefore explaining how to send links on WhatsApp, it is practically essential that you understand how to copy the links of your interest, which you can find by browsing the net, in various documents or in any case when you use this or that other […]
Look for a movie on Sky QThe simplest solution for look for a movie on Sky for the customers Sky Q is to use the function Research which allows you to identify the content of your interest by searching for it in the entire Sky catalog. In fact, by typing the […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to share the WhatsApp status of others, I must provide you with some useful preliminary information in this regard.In fact, you must know that it is not possible to share "natively", through the app WhatsApp, […]
Proxy servers allow you to browse the Internet anonymously or bypass restrictions related to certain web services. To connect to the local network of some organizations or companies, it may be necessary to configure a proxy on your device. In this article we will […]
Comment (6) To protect its users, Badoo is launching a new feature to prevent screenshots on Android. On iOS, an awareness message will be displayed. […]
The iPhone X completely changes the way of managing multitasking because of its huge borderless screen and therefore the absence of a physical Home button. So closing an app or forcing it to quit can be quite confusing the first few times. In this tutorial, we […]
Is your corporate wifi secure enough? Here are some tips for securing your connection.The internet connection through the challenge wifi is now widespread in any company, and allows you to connect multiple devices simultaneously and wirelessly. Over the years, […]
OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud service where you can save all types of files to have them synchronized between multiple computers and to always have them available online even from smartphones and tablets. OneDrive is certainly one of the best along with Dropbox […]
Finding an efficient and inexpensive input device is a challenge as the offer is as vast as it is varied. Logitech offers to kill two birds with one stone with this MK470 combo which includes keyboard + mouse. But is it a good deal? […]
Even if there is no shortage of free antivirus and even if Microsoft includes its own antivirus in Windows 8 and Windows 10, it is always nice to have one more alternative to try, which is not only free, but which offers complete protection and without limitations. Unfortunately, […]
The Pokémon GO game has spread all over the world, but what are the privacy risks?Pokémon GO, the video game for Android and iOS mobile devices developed by Niantic, is enjoying enormous success. The millions of downloads received in a few days show how this […]
Microsoft advises users against changing passwords regularly. From now on, the American firm encourages us rather to opt for a good password and to use it in the long term. Microsoft fears that a user who often changes his password will end up choosing a code that […]
How to convert DMG to ISO on WindowsDMG2IMGThe first software for convert DMG to ISO that I recommend you try is dmg2img which is completely free. Unfortunately it is not very easy to use as it only works from the command line but I assure you that it will take […]
Windows tells you that your USB drive is write-protected? You think you have already tried everything, but nothing works. For you, it's over: your USB key seems dead. Fortunately, you probably haven't tried all the solutions yet to bring your USB drive back to […]
Your iPhone is going for repair and you want to delete all the contacts that may still be on it? With this tutorial, learn how to desynchronize your iPhone contacts with those of iCloud (or other compatible service) and delete only those which are in your smartphone. The […]
Comment Want to reset your MacBook, Mac Mini, or iMac with an Intel processor, but don't know how? We show you how to do it in a few steps ...After a […]
Comment (27) Choosing a refrigerator is not necessarily an easy exercise. We are looking for efficiency, but also silence, and economy, while we juggle with […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to offer you the way to create your own WhatsApp groups, either by hyperlinks or QR codes. With this method you can choose all the people you want to participate in the group, so that only those people can write in the chat, pass images, […]
Comment (20) Point by point, let's go back to the major improvements made by iOS 12, the latest version of the system now available to the general public. […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the tutorial, going to explain what are the exact operations that must be performed for transfer WhatsApp chats to Telegram, there is some preliminary information about it.First of all, know that it is essential […]
FlickrAs you probably already know, Flickr is one of the most important sites in the world to find free photos and images to download. Thanks to its advanced search engine, it allows you to quickly find photos distributed under the Creative Commons license, […]
eBay has started sending messages to US sellers who haven't added their bank account yet. The platform threatens to block most of the functionalities of the account of those concerned, including the ability to sell. Credits: Wikimedia Commons After WhatsApp which […]
IndexWhat is the Electronic Family RegisterObtain access credentials for the Electronic Family RegisterAccess the Electronic Family RegisterArgo ScuolaNextPCSmartphones and tabletsAxiosPCSmartphones and tabletsClasseViva SpaggiariPCSmartphones and tabletsIn case […]
Find a village via the command consoleIf you want find a village in Minecraft, the first piece of advice I can give you is to use the command console: through this panel, in fact, you can type commands in the form of strings, which will allow you to perform operations […]
Your computer freezes, showing the famous blue screen? Here are some tips to follow.When using the PC, you can have different types of freezes or crashes. It is not always easy to identify the problem, because the causes can be many. Below are some causes that […]
Already present in the worlds of urban and all-terrain electrically assisted bicycles, the Nakamura brand from Intersport is entering the hybrid trekking segment with its E-Summit SUV. A mountain bike equipped for the road and which does not lack resources. […]
Comment When Mark Zuckerberg promised to put Messenger at the heart of his mobile strategy, he wasn't kidding. After having introduced payment between […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Linux)The first of the video converters I want to suggest you to experiment with is HandBrake. Haven't you ever heard of it? Strange, he is very famous. Either way you don't have to worry, we can fix it immediately. It is a great […]
Summary Add your music Change the audio quality […]
Comparison / 18 usb keys tested January 2022Choosing well: the key points, our tests Regis Jehl (@regis_lesnums) Updated 02/03/20 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
Convert WMV to AVI on WindowsIf you are looking for a solution for convert WMV to AVI and use a PC equipped with Windows, know that you are spoiled for choice: in fact, there are many free converters you can rely on and which allow you to transform a WMV file into […]
How to turn an old PC into a serverIf your PC has a few years on its shoulders, it's a good idea to check that the hardware is fast enough to guarantee access to even multiple users at the same time. In fact, in the event that the computer is really too old, there […]
Presentation After the instant photo, make way for instant printing. Polaroid's PoGo pocket printer should seduce "Pola" nostalgics and appeal to a young, trendy and festive target. As part of the nomadism cherished by thousands […]
Videochat has always existed since a program called Microsoft NetMeeting was included in Windows 95, which despite the slow connections of the time, still allowed video communications between users of an acceptable level. One day, then, several years ago, a boy […]
IndexHacking techniques to enter Facebook without a passwordHow to protect your Facebook accountHow to recover Facebook passwordHacking techniques to enter Facebook without a passwordHaving no in-depth knowledge of the world of hacking, you just can't figure out […]
From OnlyWhatsApps we want to show you a different way to update the WhatsApp mobile application, without resorting to Google Play on your Android device. If you want to know all the details of the process, don't miss our post!Preliminary information The […]
IndexSign in to a Gmail accountSign in to a Gmail account without an email or passwordSign in to another Gmail accountSign in to a Gmail accountSome time ago you registered an e-mail address gmail but, since you haven't used it for some time, now you don't remember […]
How to turn a document into PDF from Android phoneIf you want to know how to turn a document to PDF from android phone, know that this operation is possible simply using the native functionality of this operating system. Alternatively, there are some third-party […]
Want to delete an Outlook or Hotmail account you no longer use? In this article, we will detail the procedure to easily and permanently close a Microsoft account. There are several reasons why you may delete an Outlook or Hotmail account. You used it for a specific […]
By now WhatsApp is so popular that it no longer needs an introduction, it is the most popular texting app in the world. Yet there are still many people who, not having much practicality with smartphones, write to me asking me for information on how this service […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the guide, going to explain how to create a chat with yourself on WhatsApp, there is some preliminary information about it that you need to know.First of all, keep in mind that although carrying out the operation […]
Lenovo has been striving for two good years now to offer atypical models of touch pads, whether with asymmetrical designs, crutches, integrated projectors, with more or less success. At the end of the year, the Chinese manufacturer is pushing its idea of slate […]
The phases of a forensic report - ForensicsSome or all of the following activities can be carried out to carry out a forensic report: identification, acquisition and preservation, analysis, reporting.The identification activity consists in recognizing […]
Change WhatsApp wallpaper on AndroidIf you want change the wallpaper of WhatsApp and you have a smartphone Android, start the application by pressing its icon on the home screen or in the drawer (the section that shows the list of all installed apps) of the device; […]
The Pokémon Unite game, already available on Nintendo Switch, is now available on smartphones. Pokémon Unite // Update of September 22, 2021: You can now download Pokémon Unite on your […]
How to insert stickers on WhatsApp AndroidIf you want insert stickers on WhatsApp using your smartphone Android, you can easily proceed through the search functionality present right inside the app.To do this, start WhatsApp and open any conversation with a user. […]
Preliminary operationAs I told you at the beginning of the post, if you have not changed the default password of your Alice modem, you can find it in the documentation supplied with the device. Consequently, before venturing into reading the entire article, you […]
How to Google a photo from your computerIf you prefer to act as a computer, here it is how to find a photo on google using both the classic text search and the reverse search.To search by keyword, the first step you need to take is to connect to the official Google […]
How to find the title of a song from the musicFind the title of a song from the music, via smartphone and tablet, it is really very simple: below I will show you how to proceed using the tools included in Android and iOS. If, on the other hand, it is your intention […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to proceed in order to succeed search for people on Instagram without being subscribed it seems right to me to make some clarifications in this regard.Starting from the fundamental assumption that the activity […]
Look for landline telephone numbers of peopleIf you need to search for a person's landline numbers, the first system I suggest you adopt is to try using the White pages which offers quick access to public directories throughout the city. No, I'm not talking […]
Summary What is an APN? How to configure your APN? […]
How to convert an audio file to textBe vuoi scoprire how to convert an audio file to text, the indications you must follow are those you find below. As anticipated at the beginning, you can do it both by acting from computer, from Windows, macOS and from the Web, […]
Support for Windows 7 is over, and soon Windows 8.1 will follow, so it's essential to update your PC to avoid falling victim to security issues. The best solution is to upgrade to Windows 10, here's how. […]
PDF is a widely used and very practical format, but not very flexible. While it does not allow you to take images of a file, there are, however, very simple solutions to achieve this. In this quick tutorial, we'll give you some of them. Three to be precise. A […]
Updating Android to the latest version available is a relatively simple operation, you still have to know where to look. Having the latest version of the OS is very important, because it can provide fixes, more security, more performance or even new features and […]
If you are the owner of a Livebox, you may have noticed that the password used to connect to the administration interface on PC was extremely childish since it is “admin”. Finally, that was before because following the last update of the Livebox 2, Orange changed […]
Summary Google Maps Here WeGo Maps.Me OsmAnd Sygic […]
Comment Washing machine, dryer, hob or refrigerator, household appliances represent a significant cost in the household budget. To help them, some organizations […]
Comment (5) An American iOS user has designed a shortcut to record a video and send a geolocation to a friend in the event of an arrest by the police. A shortcut […]
How to recover Android WhatsApp chatsFrom the version 2.12.317, WhatsApp officially introduced the function of backup to Google Drive. This means that you can synchronize your conversations with the “big G” cloud service and restore them without manually copying […]
Finally in this blog an article of value, which raises the general level of the blogosphere, to present a trick on Windows of those so useless that I personally like very much! One of the questions that surely does not make you sleep at night will now have an […]
Tablets and smartphones have now replaced laptops, at least for entertainment. There is nothing better than going to bed with the tablet in hand to watch a streaming show or listen to music. With a tablet or smartphone you can watch a movie in streaming even sitting […]
Summary Call 3179 to get your RIO code immediately How to find the RIO code without calling 3179 Call Orange, SFR, Bouygues or Free Mobile customer service by phone in the event of a problem How long will it take for my number to be available with my new […]
Until a few years ago, writing in a PDF document was almost impossible, unless you bought very expensive software. Today, whether you want to complete a form, answer a survey, add a paragraph, in short, write in a PDF file, everything has become much easier and […]
Microsoft ExcelIf you use a version of Microsoft Office equal to or higher than 2007, you can transform Excel spreadsheets into PDF without resorting to third-party applications. If you want to learn how, click on the button Fillet located at the top left (or on […]
You have a Word or Excel document that you want to password protect. It is possible and it is even very easy. Two options are available: simple protection (read or modify) and encryption for more security. In this tutorial, we will see how to do it. For the […]
Comment Last year, Bosch launched a slightly sophisticated capsule coffee maker with its Tassimo My Way. For this end of the year, the German manufacturer […]
Netflix's iPadOS app will not be ported to macOS Catalina. Too bad for those who wanted to download episodes of series or films locally. Stranger Things // Crédit : Netflix macOS users can now […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac)The first among the programs that I want to suggest you to test to convert WMV to MP4 on Windows and Mac is HandBrake, a convenient converter at no cost and open source that, in fact, allows you to create MP4 or MKV files starting […]
How to convert MP4 to MP3 for freeYou are interested in understanding how to convert MPEG4 to MP3 and you would like me to suggest you gods free software useful for the purpose? Then contact the ones you find listed below. They are available for Windows, MacOS […]
IndexPreliminary informationHow to log in to Facebook as a visitor from a computerHow to log in to Facebook as a visitor from smartphones and tabletsPreliminary informationIf you are wondering if it is possible log into Facebook as a visitor, you will be happy […]
"WhatsApp doesn't work for me! why? what to check? " Calm! Before you can panic and ask other questions of this type, I want to immediately reassure you about one thing: sometimes it can happen that you have some problems using WhatsApp but in most cases it is […]
How not to save Android WhatsApp photos do not save WhatsApp photos on your device Android, you can choose to disable the automatic saving of all the photos received on the famous messaging application or disable the download exclusively for individual chats. […]
After several months of testing, Microsoft has announced the launch of the deployment of the May 2020 Update for Windows 10. A deployment that will be very gradual. Windows 10 // It was […]
Facebook is a social network where each member is supposed to use the name they use on a daily basis. But nothing technically prevents you from modifying the one you entered when registering and opting for a pseudonym or a nickname. By following this tutorial, […]
How to download WhatsApp on Android tablet download WhatsApp on Android tablet you can first act from Play Store, to see if you can install the app through your device's official store. If this is not possible, you can find the WhatsApp APK file from […]
YouTube is one of the most viewed sites in the city, especially among young and very young people (but also those a little older). For many users this site has become the natural replacement for TV channels, since you can only see the contents that interest you, […]
From OnlyWhatsApp we want to show you HOW TO UPDATE WHATSAPP CONTACTS, this way you will be able to send messages with your smartphone. The ways we will explain it will be suitable for Android and IOS. If you want to know more information, this is […]
With the Chrome Language Learning with Netflix extension, you no longer have an excuse to try to improve your foreign languages. This allows you to learn English, Spanish, German, Italian and many others while watching your series or a movie on Netflix. Ideal for […]
Active 3D Glasses and Passive Glasses By Vincent Lheur Posted on 22/02/10 at 00h00 Share: […]
Comment (41) Poor relative of the evolution of the mobile phone, the battery of a smartphone still rarely lasts more than a day. TechnologiesTips therefore […]
Whether you want to do a bit of cleaning up, erase the memories of your last romantic relationship or clean up your profile to appear more professional, knowing how to delete a photo on Facebook is essential! We've got you covered with this tutorial: follow the […]
TorrentSeekerTorrentSeeker is a search engine that allows you to search for torrent files using the databases of over 100 different sites, such as Extratorrent, RARBG, 1337x, Zooqle, Kickass Torrents and many others. It has a very essential interface and its operation […]
How to find the Bluetooth PIN for pairingThere is no single method to identify the PIN to use when pairing the Bluetooth: it all depends on the type of devices involved in the operation.For example, most devices without a screen (e.g. speakers, headphones and Bluetooth […]
Your friends often send you funny pictures on WhatsApp, would you like to reply using the same "weapon" but you don't know how to do it? Would you like to customize WhatsApp by installing new chat wallpapers but don't know where to get them? Don't worry, I can […]
To make a mega ranking of the best free games for iPhone and also for iPad that can be found on the Apple App store, let's try to summarize the official satisfaction statistics and the unofficial ones of various sites such as AppAnnie. In this way we can understand […]
Summary Download an application Brand solutions […]
Comment (12) Little known, the Windows 10 Your Phone app interconnects an Android smartphone, or to a lesser extent an iPhone with a PC. It offers the possibility […]
Summary Price and availability Information A very neat design, but a little curious choices An almost perfect screen An ultra-powerful smartphone An OS still as well thought out A quality photo part, but perfectible Autonomy that leaves something […]
Like the Mac Mini and the 13-inch MacBook Pro, the MacBook Air has the first of the new Apple M1 processor, which allows it to be both much more durable and much more powerful than previous Intel models. […]
Do you have a Yahoo address but you use it too rarely if ever? Here's how to close your account in just a few clicks. Yahoo! is a search engine, a portal, an email service… in short, a service that connects the same account to several others, like Google. […]
Data Recovery in the Clean Room. What is the clean room for?Data recovery in the clean room is an intervention that allows you to work on damaged hard disks in total safety.Opening a hard disk without the aid of the clean room leads with total certainty to a negative […]
How to search on TwitterBefore explaining in detail how to search for people on twitter let me first provide you with some preliminary information relating to all the procedures that you can put in place, for the correct completion of this operation.You must, in […]
Last accessAmong the methods for know if a person is online on WhatsApp, surely you can rely on the native functionality of this messaging app, which shows theLast Access carried out by a contact. Accessing this information is quite easy, as it appears within each […]
Comment (28) Iris sensor, fingerprint sensor, facial recognition... these are not the solutions that are missing on Android to facilitate the unlocking of […]
How not to read a message on WhatsAppSe you don't want to read a message sent on WhatsApp, maybe because you sent it to the wrong person, know that you can do it using a special function offered by the most used messaging app in the world.To succeed, however, you […]
Delete the profile picture from WhatsAppDo you want to understand how to delete your profile photo from WhatsApp and you don't know how to do it? Then follow the instructions on what to do that you find right below. The procedure can be performed without any kind […]
Google Assistant in Spanish finally has four new voices in the language of Molière. Unfortunately, they are currently only limited to Actions: in other words, it is the third-party developers who can, or not, choose to use them in their programs – users cannot […]
Is it possible to hide the last access on WhatsApp?Before explaining to you how to hide the last login on WhatsApp, I must make an important clarification in this regard.The option to hide the last access on WhatsApp foresees a reciprocal relationship: this means […]
Comment (1216) Better enjoy your audio installation without buying additional equipment, it's possible! Here are some sound advice based on experience...For […]
Comment (5) Now that the service for purchasing transport tickets and reloading Navigo cards is available on Android smartphones, it's time to explain the […]
The Nest Audio and Nest Mini smart speakers (previously also called Google Home and Google Home Mini) have won over many users thanks to the simplicity and precision with which the Assistant offered by Google provides answers to all our questions and the great […]
Can the laminar flow hood replace the clean room? Here are the differences and the advantages of the hood.As we saw in a recent article, the clean room is a room where you can make mechanical repairs hard disks, opening the devices without damaging them and replacing […]
Do you want to use AirPods with your Android smartphone? Once is not customary, it is possible and very easily. The only downside is that you lose some advanced features such as pausing automatic playback when you remove an AirPod or actions when tapping on the […]
When I had my first computer with the burner I immediately rushed to install a program called Nero Burning Rom because, by all accounts, it was the strongest and most valid software for burning and copying CDs. Nero has never been free but since until a few years […]
Achieving a Starburst Effect By Paul Nicoue, Digital Focus (@Lesnums) Posted on 13/01/18 at 09:30 Share: […]
Comment (30) Far from the extravagance of the Devialet "player" of the Freebox Delta, Free has designed a TV box for its new Freebox Pop that aims to be as […]
Summary Configure downloads Download a film or series […]
Atari is one of the biggest, most historic and most famous names in the computer game industry. Those born in the early 70s may have played with the Atari 2600 and know those great classics that have made the history of videogames: River Raid, Frogger, Pong, Pitfall, […]
The feature of instant captions (real-time captioning of videos) has just been rolled out to Goolgle Chrome. The stable version in question is 89.0.4389.90. How does it work? And how to activate it? Google Chrome After a long beta phase, the instant caption feature […]
Problems with WhatsApp todayIf you are having problems with WhatsApp today, it is likely that the malfunctions you detect are attributable to a temporary outage of the WhatsApp servers, your Internet connection or, again, to bugs in the app. Let me explain how […]
Snapchat has long been the hottest app. But faced with the rise of Instagram which continues to conquer new users, developers have had to redouble their inventiveness. The functions of Snapchat have gradually expanded. So much so that it is not always easy to see […]
The WhatsApp Status are WhatsApp stories, those that only last for a short period of time, exactly 24 hours. This was the idea with which Snapchat was born and which made it famous for publishing fragments of people's lives that will only be available for 24 […]
Who doesn't know the Lonely Planet? This is the the world's most famous low cost travel guide, written since the 70s directly by travelers, where you can find all the addresses, telephone numbers and reviews of the cheapest places to sleep and eat and which presents […]
In this article we want to show you how to use the photo editor that is available in WhatsApp for the computer. This editor works both in WhatsApp Web and in the WhatsApp Desktop program and is useful for both Windows and macOS. This is a feature […]
How to turn a color photo into black and white with PhotoshopIn a guide on how to turn color photos into black and white one cannot fail to speak of Photoshop, the most used photo editing software in the world. Taking advantage of some of its very useful features, […]
How to convert audio files to MP3 for freeYou are interested in understanding how to convert audio files to MP3 for free from your computer? Then immediately test the ad hoc software that you find listed below. I am sure that, in no time at all, you will be able […]
Index:How to log into another PC from the InternetTeamViewer (Computer)TeamViewer (Smartphone)Other ways to get into another PC from the InternetHow to log into another PC from the InternetWhen you need to access another PC from your home or office location, both […]
Move WhatsApp to SD card on AndroidOne smartphone is possiedi Android, you will be happy to know that you can move WhatsApp to an SD card in a very simple way, through a procedure that requires you to act through the menu of Settings Android (which can also be […]
SoundHound (Android/iOS/iPadOS)SoundHound is a well-known application that allows you to listen to and identify music, with full videos and lyrics in real time. Unlike its more well-known competitor, Shazam, it has implemented a very useful and well-tested feature: […]
Do you need to recover files from a DVR? is the only distributor of HX-Recovery, advanced software for file recovery from DVR. The term DVR stands for Digital Video Recorder. It is a device used in the video surveillance to record everything that happens in […]
Preliminary informationBefore getting to the heart of the tutorial, then going to find out what are the steps you need to take to know if a number is active on WhatsApp, there are some preliminary information which is my duty to provide you, to allow you to have […]
Spy on WhatsApp remotely by sniffing wireless networksWireless sniffing is a well known technique. It consists in capturing all the data passing over a wireless network using easy-to-find software such as the very famous Wireshark (which I also told you about in […]
IndexWhat is Google DashboardHow to access Google Dashboard from a computerHow to access Google Dashboard from smartphones and tabletsFrom AndroidFrom iPhone / iPadWhat is Google DashboardBefore getting to the heart of this tutorial and explaining, in detail, how […]
Advertisement Live shopping Cook Expert Connect with Laurent Mariotte: the replay is online! Sponsored file Updated on 10/11/21 at 10:04 a.m. Magimix invites you to discover the new Cook Expert Connect during an exceptional […]
Comment (19) Faced with disposable masks, those made of fabric are a sustainable and more economical alternative in the long term. But to be effective, they […]
The Mazar BOT virus for Android spreads in Europe: here's what it is and how you can protect yourself.Article index:What is Mazar BOT for AndroidHow the virus spreads and what it causesHow to defend and preventConclusions What is Mazar BOT for AndroidMazar […]
RAR Password RecoveryIf you want to find RAR file passwords I suggest you first turn to RAR Password Recovery. It is an operating system program Windows which allows you to find RAR file passwords and which is very efficient. The program, you should keep in mind, […]
Fortnite has been banned from the App Store, but it's still possible to install it on the iPhone or iPad if you've played it in the past. Fortnite is no longer officially available on the App […]
Summary 2021 daylight saving time change date Why do we change the clock? Is the time change bad for your health? When is the end of the time change? Comments The date of the summer time change is set for Sunday March 28, 2021 at 2 a.m.: the hands will […]
Preliminary informationBefore moving on to the actual action, it seems only right to make some clarifications on the subject of this tutorial. As also written at the beginning, unfortunately WhatsApp does not offer a real function that allows its users to be offline, […]
XnView MP (Windows / Mac / Linux)The first program I want to suggest you try to convert to JPG is XnView MP. It is a viewer of images and documents at no cost (in all situations that do not involve business and / or profit-making purposes) which, in addition […]
Comment (3) The amount of time between copying a file from one app on your iPhone and pasting it into another has two developers worried.While Larry Tesler, […]
Different methods exist on Windows 10 to free up space on your hard drive. As you know very well, these can fill up at breakneck speed. So, whether it's the means made available by Windows or third-party software, here are five tips that will save you precious […]
Preliminary informationPrima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to activate dark mode on WhatsApp for Android, there is some preliminary information that it is my duty to provide you.First, know that dark mode - otherwise known as dark theme, black […]
How to find the LG TV codeIf you want find the code of the LG TV, as I told you in the introductory lines of the guide, you can do this by accessing the device menu or by checking the label on the back of the device.If the TV is working and you have the opportunity […]
Comment (3) Publish content from one social network to another? Convenient when you don't want to waste time, but more and more complicated, as developers […]
Comment (72) There it's done. Xavier Niel launched his mobile bomb and some missiles at competition. The unlimited without commitment at less than 20 euros, […]
Create the accountDo you want to understand what you have to do to access PayPal from your computer? Very well, then the first step you need to take is to create an account on the website of the service. To do this, connect to the PayPal home page by clicking here […]
Even though we are now living in the years of online streaming, it cannot yet be said that DVDs are outdated, especially for those who have bought many in the past. Microsoft, however, in its latest editions of Windows has abandoned support for watching DVDs and […]
Comment (1) Learning how to create a video game from A to Z while having fun is what the Video Game Workshop on Nintendo Switch will offer. A kind of Super […]
Microsoft has not become the richest company in the world with tricks and deceptions, but with the development of a system that makes it easy for everyone, even the less experienced, to use the computer, while providing countless functions and utilities for daily […]
The Petya virus locks the hard disk and encrypts files. Here's what it is and how to decrypt documents.Ransomware are particular types of malware that infect the system by demanding a ransom to get their data back. As we have seen for the cryptolocker virus, these […]
A friend of yours sent you a very funny video on WhatsApp, would you like to share it in one of the groups you belong to but you don't know how to do it? After reading my guide dedicated to funny videos for WhatsApp, have you found a nice video that you would like […]
What are the best electric scooters? January 2022 By Rick IA ☆ Updated on 12/01/22 at 12:00 am Share: […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain how to print photos from WhatsApp. You have the complete guide to be able to do it from your iPhone, Android or Computer (computer); you will have to have a Printer available to be able to connect your mobile device and, if […]
How to put a video on WhatsApp statusBe vuoi scoprire how to put a video on WhatsApp status, the indications you must follow are those listed below.Your AndroidIf you own a device Android and you want to put a video on the status of WhatsApp, the first things you […]
Spotify (Online/Windows/Mac/Android/iOS)One of the best solutions for listen to music on the Internet è Spotify. The most famous music streaming service in the world, allows you to listen to music from numerous devices, both for free with some limitations and […]
Comment (9) Taking a screenshot from a web page or software on Windows and Mac is not necessarily as easy as on the phone. Here's how!Taking a screenshot is […]
Summary Tracking Systems PIN Code Passwords Double […]
An Apple patent suggests a radical future design change for the Apple Watch. According to the document, the bracelet and the dial would be part of the same flexible OLED screen, with a wider part with rounded edges. Since the first model in 2015, its characteristic […]
Professional graphics programs and photo editors are not only always paid for, but are often very expensive. Just think that the best known of these software, Adobe Photoshop, can be used today with a subscription of 20 or 30 Euros per month, which becomes a high […]
Using PowerPoint timing allows you to play your presentation automatically by managing the display time of your slides. This feature will be essential to create a presentation that will have to run in a loop on a touch screen terminal, for example. Timing your […]
You are told how to uninstall Internet Explorer on Windows 10. The browser still has a market share of 2,7%, a figure that seems insignificant especially when compared to the more than 60% of Google Chrome. But the number of browser users remains very high despite […]
AceStream is one of the most used P2P services for streaming events of all kinds in foreign languages, but it is often identified as a service accessible only from the PC, also due to the official program (available exclusively on Windows). Considering that AceStream […]
Would you like to make the WhatsApp chat even more cheerful and dynamic by sending all your friends beautiful images with phrases, animals, landscapes and so on and so forth but you don't know which resources to draw on? Have you heard of one or more paid apps […]
Comment (48) Our full review of the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be published this week, but as an appetizer, we're giving you some results related to its 5,8-inch […]
Comparison / 8 portable photo printers tested January 2022Choosing well: our tests, the key points Mathieu Chartier (@chartier_mat) Updated 28/10/21 at 11:00 a.m. Share: […]
Netflix and Free, it's a long story. UniversFreebox has just provided us with information that should delight Free customers. Indeed, the next Freebox V7 would integrate the Netflix application. […]
Unblock WhatsApp contacts on AndroidIf you want to know how to unblock WhatsApp contacts and use a terminal Android, start the famous messaging application on your device, press the ⋮ button located at the top right and select the item Settings give the menu […]
IndexDownload TikTokAndroidAlternative method for AndroidiPhone / iPadLog into TikTok with accountDownload TikTokIf you no longer own the because you uninstalled it, to resume using the service, you need to download the app TikTok on […]
Look at the profile of your contacts, read what they write, who they message with, what friends they have, look at the photographs and so on. is every spy's dream. Going to update this old article from 2009 we are going to find out today that if it is true that […]
Recently available, the new Nvidia drivers introduce two first-rate new features on Windows 10: on the one hand, support for DirectX 12 Ultimate, announced a few months ago; on the other hand the GPU planning, which should allow better performance on PC. […]
Comment (4) Embroiled in a vast scandal on personal data, Facebook recognizes structural errors. A scandal that makes everyone want to see what the social […]
Prima di enter the live tutorial, walking to spiegare how to send heavy video on whatsapp, it is necessary to make some clarifications in this regard. As anticipated at the opening of the post, WhatsApp imposes limitations regarding the maximum size of individual […]
Comment (20) Keeping in touch with loved ones has never been easier. Several applications thus make it very easy to make video calls from your smartphone or […]
Preliminary informationBefore we pretty much see what it needs to do for search for people on Facebook without being subscribed, you must necessarily learn a few preliminary information which are essential to understand the procedures described in the next lines.First […]
It was not easy to put aside all the qualms you had towards this service, but in the end you too - after reading my guide on how to use WhatsApp - you have succumbed to the famous messaging app that everyone is talking about and up to now you have not regretted […]
How to access Instagram (Android / iOS / Windows)The first step you need to take if you want to find out how to access Instagram from your Android, iOS or Windows mobile device, is to make sure that the application is actually present on your smartphone or tablet.In […]
Online servicesGoogle ImagesIf you are looking for a solution concerning how to search for a person on Facebook by photo, I can first recommend that you give it a try with Google Images, which can count on an excellent reverse search system. This means that you […]
On modern Smart TVs, you can get most of the on-demand steaming services available on the Internet, but manufacturers don't always bother to update their apps, thus providing little support for new features. In these cases we can always focus on Chromecast, the […]
MonsterThe first of the online services that I want to suggest you try to find work on the Internet is It is a real institution in the Web services industry to find work. It allows, upon registration, to search for advertisements and to publish […]
All companies manage to make ends meet thanks to management programs dedicated to accounting and management systems designed for the management of personnel and individual commercial activities. The best management programs are all paid, but for a small company […]
GIMP (Windows / Mac / Linux)If on your PC or Mac you have installed GIMP (and if not, you can fix it by following the instructions in my tutorial dedicated to the topic) and you don't need to convert a large amount of images, you can transform XCF into JPG […]
Protecting your Facebook account and your private data primarily involves your username and password. Thus, it is necessary to modify it or create a new one regularly in order to avoid any hacking attempt. If you don't know how, this tutorial is for you. We explain […]
How to convert MPG to AVI on WindowsThe program I recommend you use for convert MPG to AVI under Window is Freemake Video Converter. I told you about it before, it is a universal converter that combines incredible ease of use with support for all major […]
Google Chrome on Android will be entitled to a new update that rearranges the way tabs work. From now on, it will be easier to navigate from one window to another. However, this update is not yet available to everyone, but it is still possible to install it. Google […]
You are fully vaccinated, or not yet, and you plan to go abroad, go to the cinema without a mask or go out to a restaurant or bar. You will absolutely need the health pass. We explain how to download it and always have it with you. […]
IndexHow to create another Gmail accountPCSmartphones and tabletsHow to log in to another Gmail accountPCSmartphones and tabletsHow to log into a Gmail account without a passwordHow to create another Gmail accountIt might seem trivial to you but the requirement […]
The appearance of your slides is essential in order to get the message of your presentation. PowerPoint has many features built in to help you with this task. Change the background of a slide in PowerPointSelect the slide and display the context menu with a right […]
Several years ago, after high school, during university studies, I remember how a few evenings, before going to sleep, I turned on the computer thinking "well let's play Civilization for an hour, before going to bed, just to get to sleep". After moving my armies, […]
Are your data and email accounts safe? Here's how to create strong passwords.Le passwords used to access online services or personal accounts, they are often underestimated. In some cases, not very complex passwords are used, which could be discovered by malicious […]
For those looking for quick pastimes, fun games and pure relaxation, here is a nice list of 10 of the best games that can be played on the internet for free and without having to install anything. These are, in fact, browser games that can be played to kill time […]
The Freebox allows its users to create “guest” Wi-Fi access since the Freebox OS 3.5 update. You must be equipped with either a Freebox Revolution or a Freebox Mini 4K. The Freebox V5 and Crystal do not benefit from this functionality. We explain in this tutorial […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to backup WhatsApp iPhone, it seems only right to provide you with some preliminary information on the subject. In the specific case of iOS, the backup of WhatsApp is done on Apple's iCloud servers. Consequently, […]
IndexWhat is G Suite for EducationHow to access the G Suite for Education platformAs a studentAs a teacherHow to sign up for G Suite for EducationWhat is G Suite for EducationG Suite for Education and the Google platform for distance learning: contains a set of […]
Preliminary informationAlthough it is possible to transfer WhatsApp messages from one phone to another in a very simple way, if the transfer takes place from Android to Android and from iPhone to iPhone, the same cannot be said in case the operating systems are […]
Microsoft makes the integration of GNU/Linux into Windows even more accessible. A simple application from the Microsoft Store is now enough to install WSL. To attract developers, Microsoft has […]
Free has just announced an important change for the management of your Wi-Fi network if you are a subscriber to the Freebox Revolution. Indeed, you can no longer configure your Wi-Fi network from the subscriber area. Credit: Free Until now, only subscribers to […]
See who reads messages on WhatsApp in groups from smartphonesIf your intent is to see who reads messages on WhatsApp in groups, you will be happy to know that this is possible on both Android and iOS. Before getting to the heart of the tutorial, however, I would […]
Comment (8) Statistics make it possible to quantify the delay taken by Free in sending new Freebox Delta, which is reminiscent of the situation known at the […]
Your keyboard is Qwerty by default and you want to change it to Azerty. Or the change of language occurred following a bad handling and you do not know how to proceed to go back. It happens with all OS, whether Android on smartphone or Windows on PC. In this article, […]
HandBrake (Windows / Mac / Ubuntu)The first MP4 converter I want to invite you to consider is HandBrake. It is a program available for both Windows and Mac (as well as Ubuntu), free, reliable and simple to use. It is open source in nature and allows you to create […]
For the first time since its launch, YouTube has just changed its logo. Google's video hosting service is also getting a new design and some additional features. For some time now, YouTube has been trying to provide a more enjoyable experience for its users […]
Having trouble reading your messages on your smartphone or tablet? The detail of the parameters is decidedly really written too small? To feel comfortable with your Android device and browse without having to squint, you can increase the text size. Follow this […]
Convert weights onlineLet's start this article entirely dedicated to how to convert weights by analyzing the best online services in the category. Choose the one you prefer, they are all very good.ConverticiousThe first of the web tools to convert weights that […]
Comment (3) If the filter coffee maker is very present in Spanish homes, it is not always easy to choose it. And in addition to the options that we may need, […]
You can search and download your applications from Google Play Store in Web version, therefore from a computer (a priori) and install your applications remotely: Google Play Store is organized into several sections: Music, Books, Movies, […]
Comparison / 29 multifunctional food processors tested January 2022Choosing well: our tests and key points Marie Ciolfi (@Marie_Ciolfi) Updated 03/12/21 at 17:15 a.m. Share: […]
IndexPreliminary informationChange IP addressUse a proxy serverDelete the flash cookiesContact ChatrouletteOther useful solutionsPreliminary informationBefore explaining what are the operations that you can possibly carry out to be able to start using Chatroulette […]
How to turn TV into Smart TVIf you are wondering how it is possible to transform an old TV into a Smart one, what you need to do is read all the solutions that I will propose to you in the next chapters. I'm sure you'll find the device that's right for you to have […]
Send a WhatsApp conversation to another contact on AndroidBe vuoi scoprire how to send a WhatsApp conversation to another contact and use a smartphone (or tablet) equipped with Android, below you will find all the instructions you need.Forward entire conversationsTo […]
Fri: ac (Windows / Mac / Linux)One of the best programs for converting audio files is Fre: ac, which is free, open source and supports all major audio file formats: WAV, MP3, M4A, WMA, OGG, FLAC, AAC and Bonk.To download it to your PC, if you have a Windows computer, […]
How to turn photos into PDF on PCIf you want to transform one or more photos into PDF via your PC Windows, what you have to do is consult the next chapters, in which I will explain how to easily reach your goal.Photo (Windows 10)PCs with Windows 10 they are equipped […]
WhatsAppThe first solution that I recommend you to try for trovare una persona con il numero di telefono è WhatsApp. Salvando il numero su WhatsApp, infatti, potresti riuscire a risalire all’identità della persona che si nasconde dietro quest’ultimo esaminando […]
IndexPreliminary informationSign in to Pokémon GO with a Google accountLog in to Pokémon GO with Trainer ClubsLog in to Pokémon GO with FacebookAccedere a Pokémon GO con Niantic KidsPreliminary informationBefore going into the details of this guide and explaining […]
Comment Until now, Google Maps was very popular with motorists preparing a trip: less specialized at first glance than specialized tools such as ViaMichelin […]
One thing that not everyone knows about Facebook Messenger is the possibility of being able to block someone, without removing the friendship on Facebook. In practice, we remain friends on Facebook, but the messages sent by those who have been blocked cannot reach […]
It is not always easy to bring the antenna cable to all the rooms: in most houses we can find a socket in the living room and at most in the kitchen, while it is not certain that they are present in the various bedrooms. If we have this difficulty and still want […]
Summary Google Photos Manufacturers' services Other […]
Who is looking for a program anti keylogger free can download and install SpyShelter Personal Free, an advanced and very powerful software designed to improve the security level of the Windows PC. An Anti keylogger is like one of the anti-malware programs with […]
How to Convert MP4 Video to AVI on WindowsLet's start with a couple of converters intended for Windows systems. As I told you these are completely free and easy to use applications: choose the one that seems to you best suited to your needs and use it following […]
Comment In partnership with Sauter, TechnologiesTips invites ten of its readers to evaluate the Sauter SOP6417LX connected oven at home. After several […]
Preliminary informationPrima di entrare nel vivo di questo tutorial and spiegarti nel dettaglio how to delete whatsapp group, let me give you some preliminary information in this regard.First, you need to know that only users with the administrator role can permanently […]
Comment (31) ** Recently asked question: Vincent, is it possible to delete his Facebook account?**Yes, and it has even become very simple since the end of […]
Collect diamonds in the mineI diamonds are minerals that are generated underground in the world of Minecraft. Compared to all the other resources, they are rarer and their research can be quite difficult: in the next lines, I will show you the tools necessary for […]
I will create a LinkedIn profile Gli ingredienti per creare e mantenere aggiornato un buon profilo LinkedIn sono diversi e di varia natura: in primo piano sicuramente c'è sicuramente l 'organization of information If you do not own your own personal profile, confirmation […]
How to send a WhatsApp message to an email from Android and iOSIf you wonder how to send a WhatsApp message to an email from Android and iOS, let me explain, step by step, how to do this. All you have to do is export a chat or, more simply, copy and paste a WhatsApp […]
LibreOffice (Windows / Mac / Linux)ODS worksheets are documents in OpenDocument format, a “free” file type created to counter Microsoft's closed standards. The best known software they refer to are OpenOffice e LibreOffice: two open source productivity suites […]
How to delete stickers from WhatsAppAs anticipated at the beginning, delete the stickers from WhatsApp it is feasible thing to be on Android that of iOS, as well as from computer. To find out how to do this, follow the instructions below.AndroidOne smartphone is […]
Windows 10 now has anti-ransomware protection built into the system. We tell you how to activate it. Threats of this type have been on the rise for several months. Microsoft therefore decided to take the bull by the horns. The new feature can be enabled in Windows […]
IndexUse parental control appsCreate a second Facebook accountUse parental control appsIf you want enter a Facebook profile without friendship, you can use some app for parental control, which allow you to control the activity that is carried out by other […]
Want to hide photos on your iPhone or iPad? Note that iOS has a native feature to hide any photo. Whether it is through your device directly or through a third party application, we are going to see how to hide your photos on iPhone. It is not uncommon for one […]
Comparison / 51 capsule/pod coffee makers tested January 2022Our tests, the key points for getting the right equipment By Marie Ciolfi (@Marie_Ciolfi) Updated 26/12/21 at 14:00 a.m. Share: […]
How to search for a word in a PDF: PCTo begin with, let's find out come cercare una parola in un PDF da PC. Qui di seguito, dunque, trovi indicato come compiere l’operazione in questione usando i principali programmi per visualizzare i file in formato PDF disponibili […]
From OnlyWhatsApps, we want to explain you How to View Old WhatsApp Statuses (or how to see WhatsApp statuses again) for iPhone and Android from the great mobile Application of mobile Telephony dedicated to the Message and now also a little bit to the Photo, because […]
We invite you to discover an extract from a video training in partnership with Today we are interested in setting up online video training using OBS software. Create your first online video course with OBS. […]
Learning languages on the Internet today is absolutely possible thanks to the emergence of various websites that connect people from all over the world and offer valuable learning aid. Just surfing the Internet on many foreign sites (for example English […]
How to put WhatsApp on your phoneLet's start this guide by looking how do you put WhatsApp on your phone. Below, therefore, you will find explained how to be able to install the famous messaging app on Android e iPhone.I want to clarify that in this guide I will […]
The basics of Google searchAs I said, do a Google search it is extremely simple, however there are some small tricks and tips that will allow you to optimize your search to get the desired results more easily and quickly.The first tip I choose to give you, before […]
Convert AZW to ePub with CaliberAs I mentioned at the beginning of the guide, caliber is an excellent program for managing e-books. Free and open source, it allows you to convert all major eBook formats to ePub, view books on your computer and easily transfer them […]
How to convert songs to MP3If you are interested in understanding how to convert a song to MP3 acting from your computer, the programs you find listed below are undoubtedly the best solution you can rely on. There are for Windows, MacOS e LinuxPut them to the test […]
Universal convertersIf you often deal with files in various formats and need to convert them in various ways, the advice I would like to give you is to use a universal converter, Such as CloudConvert. If you hadn't heard of it, this free online platform allows […]
Convert YouTube videos to MP3 The first system I suggest you consider to transform youtube videos to mp3 è YouTube Music. In case you've never heard of it, it is a music streaming service officially offered by Google, which, in exchange for a small monthly fee, […]
WhatsApp stopped working properly on some smartphones on Monday, November 1, 2021. As is regularly the case, the messaging app has dropped support for certain versions of Android and iOS. About fifty smartphones and tablets are concerned. WhatsApp invites users […]
Free is in the middle of a campaign to block compromised email addresses that appear in the HaveIbeenPwned database, as reported by François Petillon, head of the ISP's email service. Emails collected by hackers to send spam, scams, or collect data on subscribers […]
Android makes it very easy to block text messages or calls from one or more unwanted contacts. We will explain the procedure to be followed to effectively filter calls and no longer feel annoyed at the sight of a hidden or off-putting number. There are […]
Sites to find homes for rent by individualsIf you want some advice on the best sites to find homes for rent from individuals, continue reading. In fact, below you will find those that, in my opinion, represent the most useful and reliable solutions in the category.Immobiliare.comThe […]
Comment (13) Perched at the top of the ski slopes, it's a safe bet that you will be tempted to transcribe the immensity of the landscape that is offered to […]
How to turn a photo into PNG on PCThe computer is the main tool that you will most likely use to process and change the extension of an image file. With the right programs, you can solve your conversion problems in no time: read how to turn a photo into PNG on […]
Comment (21) We know it well, in this voracious mercantile universe that is ours, subscribing is done in a turn of the keyboard while the reverse operation […]
The Asus FX570Z is one of the most sought-after computers on TechnologiesTips, certainly due to its sub-$700 price tag. So it was time to see what he has in his stomach and if he really deserves your attention. Presentation […]
How to enter WhatsApp from your phoneLet's see first how to enter WhatsApp from your phone using the official app of the famous messaging platform owned by Facebook.How to enter WhatsApp for the first timeIf you don't have an account yet and want to find out how […]
Eat scoprire with chi chatta your WhatsApp for free scoprire with chi chatta un utente su WhatsApp, cybercriminals use various hacking techniques, alcune delle quali gratuite or at very low cost: spy-app per controllare i testi digitati sulla tastiera dello smartphone; […]
The fact that WhatsApp allows you to send an unlimited number of messages in a totally free way (Internet connection costs excluded) is extraordinary ... but it also has some minor drawbacks. Which? Count all the times your phone starts ringing continuously for […]
How to search for messages on WhatsAppIf you want to find a message within WhatsApp but you don't know how to do it, take some free time and follow the instructions I'm about to give you. I assure you that regardless of the smartphone model and operating system […]
Comment (3) Snapchat unveils in its latest update filters compatible with cats. This function may seem anecdotal, but it shows that Snapchat is improving its […]
Comment Magical night. Here are all our tips for taking your first shots of starry skies. Follow the guide and in this case Maxime Oudoux!observe the […]
Convert FLAC to MP3 on PC and MacLet's start this guide by trying to figure out which tools you can resort to convert FLAC to MP3 on your computer: below are listed what I believe to be the best programs in the category for Windows and macOS.Fre: ac (Windows / […]
Android now allows you to choose a web browser other than Google Chrome by default. Likewise, it is also possible to choose a search engine other than Google, such as Qwant or DuckDuck Go for example. The net giant is indeed forced to comply with the European Commission's […]
Comment Moulinex plays the versatility card with the BlendForce 2-in-1 LM42Q. At the cost of installing an accessory in the bowl, you go from a blender […]
Kaspersky is the name of one of the most used antivirus in the world and also one of the most effective at protecting your computer, always at the top of the virus detection rankings. Being a commercial antivirus, one might think that its free version may only […]
Do you want to replace an iPhone battery that has swollen a little? The Apple Stores will refuse to do this on the spot – you will be offered instead to send the device to a specialized centre. Replacing this kind of damaged battery is indeed extremely dangerous […]
For some time I haven't been reporting new web applications to play dress up and a create free photomontages with photos in frames or in other people's bodies, putting one's face or another image of oneself in a new scenario or in the place of another person. […]
Comment Upgraded to Windows 11 from Windows 10, but long for the Start menu or the ability to drag and drop to the taskbar? Don't worry, it's possible […]
Mixing audio files on your computer has become not only easy thanks to increasingly user friendly programs, but also free. Below we see the best free programs for PC to mix songs and music tracks like DJs would, with the possibility of modifying the characteristics […]
Summary Transfer a file Transfer an application […]
How to convert video to MP4 on PC and MacYou are interested in understanding how to convert video to MP4 going to act from PC or Mac? Then immediately test the solutions designed for Windows e MacOS that I have found reported in the steps below. They are very simple […]
Summary Latest GTA 6 News What is the release date of GTA 6? What platforms will the game be released on? The safest information about GTA 6 The latest rumors about GTA 6 What will the GTA 6 map look like? Comments GTA 6 attracts all the attention […]
Tired of all those apps that open when your Mac starts up? It's quite normal. Be aware that there is an extremely simple method to manage applications that launch as soon as you start macOS. How? 'Or' What ? Follow the leader. © Unsplash Are you bombarded with […]
Comment KitchenAid is surfing on the trend of homemade bread and is about to launch a dedicated bowl to accompany its 4,3 and 4,8 l food processors. […]
With the iOS 15.2 update, Apple is finally fixing the biggest flaw in the macro mode of the iPhone 13 Pro. Thanks to a fix, the mode will no longer activate automatically when approaching an object. Now it is possible to activate it manually. We explain how to […]
Comment (15) The Playstation 3 will soon have the right to a "real" Youtube application with some new features, including the possibility of ordering the video […]
Preliminary informationBefore explaining to you how to find Gelindo on Brawl Stars, I must provide you with some useful preliminary information in this regard.You must first know that Gelindo is a color swatch that can only be unlocked by opening the brawl speakers. […]
Maybe there aren't a lot of iPhone users or iPhone 6/6 Plus owners around here, but never mind, the subject is fun enough to talk about and that having never laid hands on an Apple product throws the first stone… Read also: Migrate from iPhone to Android […]
How to see how many messages I have sent on WhatsApp on AndroidIf you want to see how many messages have you sent on WhatsApp on Android, all you have to do is go to the statistics of the famous messaging app and see from there the total number of messages sent […]
If the antivirus integrated in Windows 10 is not enough to guarantee the protection of the computer, we can always install one of the many free antivirus on the web: the most appreciated and downloaded by in your languagen users is undoubtedly Avast, considered […]
How to install and download WhatsApp BusinessWhatsApp Business is available for both Android and iPhone. Therefore, if you want to start using the application, you must first download it from the store of your device.To download WhatsApp Business on Android, tap […]
With the Keys-To-Go, Logitech continues to largely occupy the space of input accessories for Apple tablets while offering a new approach. Presentation No thin and magnetic aluminum […]
Comment (23) On the occasion of 30 years of Linux, a look back at a dazzling Spanish epic crowned with international success: Mandrake. A story full of twists […]
It is sometimes useful to consult the extension of a file before opening it, if only to know its type or to detect a questionable file downloaded from the Internet. By default, extensions are not necessarily displayed on Windows 10. In this tutorial dedicated […]
How to save stickers on WhatsApp: AndroidLet's start this tutorial by looking first how to save stickers on WhatsApp on Android. First I will explain how to save the ones you receive from your contacts, then I will show you how to download more from the WhatsApp […]
How to Convert M4A to MP3 on PC and MacAs I told you at the beginning, there are various solutions for convert M4A to MP3 on PC and Mac. If this interests you, below you will find the best solutions in the category available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Put them […]
Facebook Messenger introduces a new security option for those who want to protect their privacy as much as possible. It is now possible to lock the application to open it only with your fingerprint or by facial recognition. It has happened to all of us. Someone […]
Following the suggestions of your most trusted friend recently you proceeded to download WhatsApp on your smartphone and happy with it you started chatting with all your contacts. Being still impractical, however, you have mistakenly deleted one or more conversations […]
Restricting access to YouTube on the home computer can quickly become an imperative to avoid family conflicts at the fateful time of homework. There is a free solution that is quite easy to implement through OpenDNS. © Valeriy_G / iStock […]
Microsoft PowerPoint (Windows / macOS)The simplest, and also the most effective, solution for convert PowerPoint presentation to video it's the same Microsoft PowerPoint which, starting from the most recent versions (from 2013 onwards), allows you to export presentations […]
In this guide, we explain how to delete your Alexa history. Which keeps in memory the recordings of all your conversations and interactions with the voice assistant. Whether you're using it on an Amazon Echo speaker, Sonos, or any other compatible device, here's […]
Preliminary operationBefore even getting to the heart of this guide and explaining, in practice, how to have iPhone emojis on WhatsApp, let me give you some more information on the subject.For starters, if you own a iPhone, the "smilies" are already integrated […]
You want to send a photo on WhatsApp and don't want it to be compressed. By default, the images sent are automatically sent, but this tutorial we will see how to keep the original resolution. WhatsApp is the go-to instant messaging app, used by over 1,5 billion […]
Every year a new film comes out starring one of the MArvel Heroes Avengers that hits the box office all over the world. All fans can play with their favorite superheroes on the computer or create new ones, both in simple ones online games especially dedicated […]
Google yesterday rolled out an optimized version of Chrome for new Macs running Apple M1 processors. This version of the browser did not last long, victim of “unexpected crashes”. An optimized […]
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