When you sign up for Onedrive (formerly Skydrive) you get 5 GB of space all you need is a Microsoft account that you probably already have if you are signed up for Skype, Outlook.com or if you use a Windows Phone smartphone.
When you create a Microsoft account, you also sign up for OneDrive, it offers at least 5GB of cloud space. However, if we have signed up for OneDrive or Skydrive in the past, we may have well over 5GB available, even up to 25GB if we signed up for the service. Plus, if you have a license for Office 365 or Microsoft 365, you have even more space on OneDrive. To find out how much storage space is available in Onedrive, open the OneDrive website and sign in using your Microsoft account. After authenticating, check the total amount of storage space in OneDrive in the lower left corner of the web page.
Alternatively, on Windows 10, you can also check OneDrive storage using the built-in OneDrive app. Then press the OneDrive icon in the system tray to open the settings and find out the total space available.
To increase the space available in the Onedrive cloud, there are two ways:
1) With an individual Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365) subscription you get a full terabyte (1 TB). With a family subscription to Microsoft 365 you can have 6 TB of OneDrive storage space, 1 TB for each of the maximum six users who are part of the plan.
2) A cheaper and more convenient way to add capacity to OneDrive is to subscribe to the plan Microsoft OneDrive 100GB which costs 2 Euro per month (see here)
3) You can earn up to 10 GB of space on Onedrive for free thanks to the referral bonus. In practice, if you make other people sign up using the promotional link, you get 500 MB for each person, up to a maximum of 20 invitations. To generate the link, just go to the Onedrive settings.
Until recently, you could also get 10 GB or 100 GB bonuses with some promotions, which are no longer active today.
Increase the space on Onedrive up to 1 TB