In this post we therefore see the best free programs for account management, corporate and personal accounting, useful for keeping under control both the personal and family budget and that linked to one's professional activity or, again, the company one.
Best free management software
In the following chapters we can find the best free management software that can be used without time limits and without having to pay any license. Certainly there is a good abundance of management programs for small businesses and for your personal finances, but the selected ones are undoubtedly the most reliable and complete.
Open source accounting management software
Among the open source management software that we can install on your computer, we point out Open management software, available from the official website.

With this program we will be able to manage the accounting of the company or personnel in a highly intuitive interface, with all the various databases in the foreground and the various items of the management system completely customizable, so as to be able to manage all aspects of the activity in a all free, with software that can be used on a single PC or on multiple computers at the same time. The management system allows you to adjust various types of modules, dedicated to every aspect of commercial activities: we can in fact configure the module Archives, the module Accounting, the module Sales and other modules, so as to create the perfect management software.
Another free and open source management software that we can use in the company is COMPUTING, downloadable from the official website.

With this management software, managing all aspects of accounting and sales will be child's play, especially for those who manage a shop and want to keep everything under control. The program has a nice interface, with all the main functions in the central part and in the right part. On it we can manage the CRM, check the availability in the warehouse, check the names of customers and suppliers and keep records on the company's accounting and production.
If, on the other hand, we are looking for an accounting management software that can work both online and offline, we recommend that you try Odoo, accessible from the official website.

By starting the free trial of the management software we can immediately realize the great potential of this solution, which allows you to choose the individual modules to be integrated into our management system. We can thus integrate the CRM module, the sales module, the invoicing management module, the module to manage individual points of sale and hundreds of other modules, so as to create customized management software for each type of company. To take a look at the source code of this spectacular management software, just visit the GitHub page.
Other free management systems
The ones we have shown you above are undoubtedly the best free and open source licensed management systems, which will allow you to manage every activity of the company in an innovative way without spending a euro (although many offer additional paid services, from evaluate only at a later time).
If we look for other software similar to those seen in the first part of the guide or the programs designed for family or personal accounting, we suggest you take a look at the programs and sites listed below:
- Money TSC Total Cloud, an in your languagen program with many features that can be downloaded for free. With this cloud management software we can control and track all income and expenses in one year, very suitable for the computerized management of family accounts. For each item of expenditure or revenue, the causal can be easily marked in an extremely simple way and it is really a program within everyone's reach and that does not require high technical or economic skills. Really useful there reporting function and planning with the ability to create detailed expense charts and forecast for the future.
- IPase is a free family accounting software, in your languagen and in in your languagen, to manage bills and tax payments, taxes such as CI, Rai fees and stamps, orders, debts / credits, regular suppliers, recursive payments, budgets / variances, possibility to manage an unlimited number of cars, Current Accounts , Cards, Real Estate, Utilities, Telephones, Exchange, Currencies, etc. It also works as an archive of our domestic life: each recording can be associated with an image (of the restaurant where I have been), a file of any type (the Telecom account statement), a voice recording. It is based on a schedule and is useful to check bank transactions in the calendar and payments or invoices to be made or received. The program is really simple to use and guides the user in filling in the entries to be recorded with configurable and clear fields.
- For personal accounting we can use Money Trackin with which you can record the expense and revenue items, directly online, so as not to store anything on your computer and to be able to consult the data wherever you are; with this program you can calculate the installments of a purchase or a mortgage and you can receive an alarm if you are spending too much. Very useful for those who have holes in their pockets and need to control themselves not to waste money. Security and privacy they are guaranteed because the application uses SSL to encrypt data and does not require any personal information (even e-mail is optional) in order to be absolutely anonymous to the system. To use the service, you need to register, after which it is really easy to use to enter cash flows, marking them with a + if it is incoming, with a - if it is outgoing. The reporting is very functional and includes graphs for the monthly budget and the subdivision of the various items that can also be exported to Excel. There is also a calculator and a currency converter.
- Money Manager Ex is a free program to control expenses, money movements and investments; very simple to use, the management software is used to manage finances for both professionals and families. We talked about this management system in the dedicated guide.
- Another free management software to manage the warehouse is Planet Classic Free with many features, from loading to unloading individual products, from delivery notes to both immediate and deferred invoices, monitoring movements, checking stocks and much more. Yuza is very professional and allows for one small business or negozio, to manage the processes of personal data, purchase (offers and orders to suppliers), sales offers and orders to customers), warehouse, accounting and sales at the counter with cash and touchscreen support. It seems strange but everything is free, including the manuals that can be downloaded on the site. Obviously, there are paid versions, Express or Professional.
- Quickmastro is a free program (in the light version) in in your languagen for the free professionals or to manage the accounting of a small company. It seems very suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organizations and associations, to manage ordinary and simplified accounting, invoicing, delivery notes, reminders, both monthly and quarterly VAT including the "flat rate", customer schedule and suppliers, tax statements and certification of compensation to third parties.
- MosaicoSA, professional program that is free in its old version but still very useful for the management of billing, warehouse, customer and supplier master data, schedule, to generate repost and statistics and manage everything related to the life of a store.
We choose one of the listed management systems and try them out, so as to be sure of being able to manage a company even without having to spend a penny for the probably most important program of all, since it keeps the company's accounts.
There are so many alternatives to paid management systems, to the point that any newly opened company can immediately get organized and use a free and open source management software, so as to start keeping accounts and generate archives with income and expenses. Many of the programs seen above are modular, that is, we can customize them according to our needs, adding new management functions at any time.
The article extends to other sections dedicated to programs to manage finances, investments, expenses and money in general and one dedicated to opensource business management, crm / erp, accounting and finance programs.
Finally, let's not forget about Microsoft Access, on which it is possible to create a management software from scratch with a certain ease of use, even if a study of the program is required.
In another article we can find other useful programs for the online invoice management.
Also for invoices we can read our guide best free programs to create and manage invoices.
Free management and accounting programs, personal or for companies