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    How to find ICCID SIM

    How to find ICCID SIM on Android

    If you need to retrieve the ICCID of the SIM on a smartphone or tablet Android, I have excellent news to give you: you can do this both through the settings (if you use Android 9 or later) and through some free apps available on the Play Store: below I show you the necessary steps to take in the various cases.

    System settings

    How to find ICCID SIM

    If you have Android 9.0 or later, you may be able to trace the serial number of the SIM directly from the system settings: in reality, the option refers to the characteristic serial number of the eSIM, that is, of particular SIMs present "standard" in the chip of the phone motherboard (and currently usable only by cittàn operators TIM and Vodafone). With a bit of luck, however, this entry could also contain the ICCID of the common SIMs used today: I can't guarantee you a sure result, but it's still worth a try.

    So, to start with, tap on the icon Settings (Quella a forma di gear) placed in the Android drawer, presses on the items System Phone information and, on the next screen, look for the word SIM status (SIM X slot) [SIMName] (With art. SIM status (SIM slot 1) TIM). When you have found it, tap on it and scroll down the small panel that appears later: with a bit of luck, the serial number of the SIM should be specified in correspondence with the item OATH. If this is not the case, you will necessarily have to contact a third-party app: you can choose from those that I propose in the following sections of the tutorial.

    ICC ID

    How to find ICCID SIM

    If you have not been able to find the information you need through the Android settings, then you can turn to a specific app for the purpose. In this regard, I would like to recommend ICC ID: it is a free application, available on the Play Store, specifically designed to reveal the serial code of the SIM in just one tap.

    Once you have the app, you simply have to launch it to immediately view the serial number you are looking for (which I remind you to be composed of 19 figures and start with the number 8939): if necessary, you can copy it to the Android clipboard (and then paste it where necessary) simply by tapping on the button Copy placed immediately below.

    Note: If there are two SIMs installed in the phone, the app will show the ICCIDs for both cards.

    SIM Card Info

    How to find ICCID SIM

    An excellent alternative to the app seen above is SIM Card Info, also available for free (with the presence of advertisements) on the Play Store: in particular, this application also allows you to obtain additional information about the SIM card installed in the device. , such as the answering machine number, the subscriber ID code and the specific mobile operator code.

    Using this app is super easy! After downloading and installing it, all you have to do is start it and search for the entry serial number (ICCID) in the screen that opens later: the information you are looking for is there, at your fingertips. To copy the serial number, you can double tap on it (or any other information you need) and select the item Copy from the menu that opens.

    SIM Card Info also allows you to obtain information on any secondary SIM present in the device in use and on the contacts saved in the SIMs: you can access it by pressing the button  located at the top left and selecting the item of your interest from the panel that opens.

    SIM Card

    How to find ICCID SIM

    If, for some reason, the previous solutions did not have the desired effect, you can turn to the SIM Card app, which can be downloaded for free from the Play Store. Also in this case, it is a very simple app to use and that provides detailed information, such as the IMEI of the device, the operator code, the voicemail number and the contacts stored on the SIM.

    To use it, download and install the app directly from Google Play, start it and that's it: the serial code of the SIM is specified in correspondence with the item SIM Card serial number (ICCID); if you need it, you can copy the latter (or any other information displayed on the screen) by pressing the button in the shape of overlapping rectangles located to the right of each item that appears. To view the contacts saved on the SIM, you must, instead, tap on the card Contacts placed at the top.

    Finally, you can get the same information regarding any secondary SIM installed in the phone by tapping the button , located at the top left, and selecting the card of your interest from the menu displayed.

    How to find ICCID SIM on iPhone

    You need to find ICCID SIM on iPhone (or on an iPad equipped with a SIM module)? Then this is the section of the guide that's right for you! In this case, the solution is even simpler than what we saw previously: you can trace the serial number of the card directly from the iOS settings or, if you prefer, from the iTunes software for your computer. How? I'll explain it to you immediately in the lines to come.

    IOS Settings

    How to find ICCID SIM

    The quickest (and easiest) way to find the serial number of the SIM card installed in your iPhone is to access settings of iOS and retrieve the information directly from there. So, to get started, tap on the icon in the shape of gear located on the Home screen of the device and select the item Generali from the panel proposed later.

    Once this is done, press on the voice Info and take a look at the new screen that opens, scrolling slowly: the serial code of the SIM, which I remind you to start with the digits 8939, is shown in correspondence with the item ICCID. If you need it, you can copy it "on the fly" to the iOS clipboard (and then paste it where you see fit) by making a long tap on it and selecting the item Copy from the small menu that opens.


    How to find ICCID SIM

    An alternative method to retrieve the serial code of the SIM of an iPhone (or an iPad) involves the use of iTunes, the multimedia software designed by Apple for managing iOS devices from your computer (and for playing various types of multimedia content). If you haven't already, you can easily install it on Windows by following the instructions in this guide; this step, on the other hand, is not necessary on a Mac, since iTunes is included “as standard” in the Apple operating system.

    Once you have the program, launch it and connect your iPhone (or iPad) to your computer using the cavo Lightning / USB-C supplied: if it is the first time you do this, you must authorize the communication between phone (or tablet) and computer, by answering Continue to the warning window that appears on Windows or macOS, then on Authorize to the message that appears on the "iPhone by" and, finally, by typing the relative unlock code (the one you use to enable Touch ID or Face ID on first boot).

    Once the link is established, click on theiPhone / iPad icon located at the top left, in the iTunes window, choose the item Riepilogo attached to the left sidebar and click on the wording Phone Number (placed centrally, immediately under the name of the telephone): the information you are looking for is found on the next screen, under the heading ICCID.

    How to find ICCID SIM on the card

    How to find ICCID SIM

    If attempts at find ICCID SIM with the previous methods were not successful, you can "cut the bull's head" and retrieve the code you searched for directly from the card: generally, the serial number is printed on the upper surface of the same, on the "opposite" side to the one containing the chip.

    If the card is already inserted in the smartphone or tablet, you must first remove it according to the method provided by the device in your possession: if you have a "unibody" phone / tablet, that is with a metal / glass body and back not removable, you have to extract the SIM trolley by taking the appropriate one metal paper clip supplied (if you can't find it, you can use a bent document clip) and insert it into the forum dedicated to the SIM, usually placed on one of the side shells of the device (it is difficult to find on the upper one). To unlock the mechanism and extract the SIM, exert a discreet pressure on the hole itself, so as to release the trolley and remove it easily with your fingers.

    If, on the other hand, you have a phone with a removable back cover, you simply have to unhook the latter by "taking it" from the appropriate joint (different from device to device), and then remove the battery, if necessary, and "remove" the SIM from its slot.

    Once these operations have been completed, you must identify the ICCID present on the “smooth” part of the card (be it one Traditional SIM, a microSIM or a nanoSIM), the one opposite to where the chip resides: as mentioned above, the code you are looking for is composed of 19 figures and begins with the sequence 8939.

    In the unfortunate event that the ICCID is completely or partially illegible (which often happens due to the wear of the SIM), you can also retrieve it from the sales envelope of the same: generally, it is shown on a of the surfaces of the plastic rectangle in which the SIM was originally stuck, near the areas dedicated to the PIN code and the PUK code.

    How to find ICCID SIM

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