Respect a few years ago when for watch online TV it was necessary to look in clandestine video sites, today almost every broadcaster has its own streaming channel and allows you to watch television programs from your PC without problems, with excellent transmission quality.
Below, therefore, the list of online TV channels that you can watch live on your PC, only by opening the relevant websites.
The main TV channels that you can see online on your PC (connected to the internet) freely without plugins or additional programs.
Only in some cases you are asked to download and activate the Flash Player plugin, which on Chrome and Firefox no longer needs to be enabled by clicking in the box where it says to install it.
1) Mediaset also provides a website with all its channels freely visible via the internet, even in this case without having to install plugins or additional programs in addition to the web browser.
You can then see on the PC:
Channel 5 - city 1 - Network 4
La 5 - city 2 - Mediaset Extra
Top Crime - Iris - TGCom24
Channel 20 Mediaset
If the viewing is interrupted, it may be necessary to register a free account on the Mediaset site.
Who has a subscription with Mediaset Infinity (formerly Mediaset Premium), on the other hand, can view the exclusive PayTV channels on the Mediaset Infinity website on the PC.
Alternatively, those who are not subscribers to Mediaset Premium on digital terrestrial, can take out a subscription to the Premium Online service and access the contents of Mediaset pay TV only via the Internet. The service has a 12-month contractual obligation, automatic renewal every year and a penalty of 8,34 euros in case of withdrawal in the first 12 months of subscription.
2) Other digital terrestrial channels (including La7, Paramount and those dplay of the Discovery group) that can be seen on the PC are:
La7 - TV8 - NINE
Real Time - dMax
Yellow - K2 - Frisbee
Paramount Channel - Cielo TV - SkyTG24
3) The music channels are:
RTL - Radio city TV - 105 TV - Deejay TV.
Finally, who has a subscription Sky, can access the Sky Go site to see the Sky channels of the subscription or subscribe to the web version of Sky, on the Now TV site.
NOTE: You can also watch TV on your PC in other ways, first of all by connecting a DVB-T TV card to your computer, to which you can connect the antenna.
Furthermore, thanks to MediaCenter programs such as Kodi, it is possible to add and install addons for viewing traditional digital terrestrial channels, receiving live streaming.
Watch TV on PC: all channels online