Snapchat unveils in its latest update filters compatible with cats. This function may seem anecdotal, but it shows that Snapchat is improving its "facial" recognition.
© Snapchat
Snapchat has just officially launched filters capable of recognizing cats. Not all filters are compatible, with those that are showing a small paw logo. If it was possible with certain filters to have fun with the image of your cat (by putting virtual glasses on it, for example), the results were generally hazardous. As for the dogs, nothing official for the moment, but there too certain filters give rather correct results, and amusing.
Lenses. For cool cats ? and their cool cats ? Try them meow. pic.twitter.com/UFJtgt8ZWO
- Snapchat (@Snapchat) October 12, 2018Even if this new function makes you smile, the fact remains that Snapchat is developing its facial recognition technology a little more. Being able to detect an animal's face proves that the company continues to develop its capabilities to exploit augmented reality. The update is already available and many users have had fun with these filters. There is only one thing left for feline owners to do: take a “cat” snap…
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