Sites like Mediafire are jargon called "Cyberlockers", also known as services'hosting on file'.
These cyberlockers provide users with one disk space accessible via the internet and password protected.
Thanks to this space it is possible to share files with friends, who can privately download any content you put in these folders.
Some Cyberlockers are famous for being used for piracy purposes, while others are considered "good", are controlled and reliable.
Between these, the best, is undoubtedly the new MediaFire Cloud Storage because it is similar to Dropbox, but with 50GB of free space right away.
The service is particularly appreciated as it does not oblige users to take out a subscription, it does not ask to wait a few minutes before a download, it does not limit the bandwidth and it does not prohibit downloading only one file at a time as it happens with other websites. this type.
By registering a MediaFire account you get some privileges that, for some, can be really interesting.
You can upload them online to the free space of your own Mediafire account ben 50 GB of files.
The files then remain available and can be re-downloaded without bandwidth limits, when needed, without waiting.
Mediafire is controlled, so you can't share copyrighted content.
La maximum size of a single file is 200 Megabytes, which should be a big enough limit for almost any need.
With a free account you can also open documents online (without downloading) to edit them and you can generate (maximum 15 times a day) a disposable link to be sent to another person to transfer the file.
The link expires when it is used to download the file.
As mentioned above, MediaFire is different than other online storage services such as Onedrive, Google Drive or Dropbox because it does not synchronize.
This means that a file must be uploaded to the internet manually using the site or via l'app Mediafire per Android e iPhone.
Every file uploaded online is, by default, public.
However, you can group all files in a folder that can be made private from the menu that appears by clicking on it with the right button.
Note however that the file transfer is not secure so refer to this guide to encrypt files uploaded to cloud storage.
Every file uploaded to Mediafire is scanned by the Bitdefender antivirus service, so you can't put malicious or suspicious files online.
Files such as PDFs, images and photos can be previewed.
Files such as Office documents written with Word and Excel can also be edited online via an internal editor.
A unique link can be generated for images (from the Share menu) that can be used on websites and blogs.
The other files can only be downloaded and cannot be previewed.
You can also use a Mediafire sync client as Dropbox called Mediafire Desktop available for Windows PC and Mac (removed for now)
The files uploaded to Mediafire can be automatically synchronized with all the computers where the client is installed.
The only limitation of Mediafire is that the data can be deleted after a certain period of account inactivity.
So, if you do not log in to your account for a period of between 150 and 300 days, it is marked as inactive and the files deleted.
However, you are notified of this eventuality 5 days before, with an Email message.
In practice you have to remember to log in once every 5 months at least to keep the files on the internet.
Those who pay a $ 9 per month account get 250 gigabytes of online storage, a maximum file size limit of 4GB, no account expiration (if paid), no ads, stats, and other benefits.
Mediafire's biggest flaw, perfect when used from a computer, is the sheer lack of support for mobiles and tablets.
Mediafire mobile for iPad, iPhone and Android should however be ready soon.
Mediafire: 50 GB of free online space with clients like Dropbox