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    Lab test – Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge: reference screens

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    The new Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge, 2016 flagship of Samsung's high-end mobile epic, were expected at the turn on many points and among them, inevitably, the display. Challenge taken up by their excellent very high definition Super Amoled screens which take the first two places in our comparison of smartphone screens.

    Samsung Galaxy S7

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    How the Samsung Galaxy S7 edge price chart works

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    They were eagerly awaited, these Galaxy S7 and S7 edge. Barely arrived at the editorial office, here they are passed through the mill of our test lab and we can already share our first impressions of their displays. For those in the background who have not yet followed the case, Samsung is taking over the screens of the S6 generation this year, namely homemade Super Amoled panels with a WQHD definition of 2560 x 1440 pixels, for an unchanged size of 5,1 .7 inches on the S13 (6 cm diagonal) and an intermediate size between the S6 edge and the S7 edge+ for the Galaxy S5,5 edge, 14 inches (8890 cm). Incidentally, we confirm that the models we are testing have a Samsung Exynos 820 octa-core mobile chip and not a Qualcomm Snapdragon XNUMX platform. 

    to read also: 70
    NEWS: Smartphone / Mobile phone

    MWC 2016 – Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge: our first impressions

    5 years ago

    The Korean manufacturer therefore did not go for 4K on its new terminals, as Sony was able to do on its Xperia Z5 Premium last winter. The WQHD still allows it to maintain a very good display density with 577 pixels per inch for the GS7 and 534 pixels per inch for the GS7 edge. Enough to provide one of the best reading comforts on the market, with a very fine display on all types of content.

    We constantly remind that a Full HD display is already largely suitable for such screen formats, but of course WQHD is a welcome gain and above all a significant advantage for fans of virtual reality on mobile. AMOLED technology obliges, the contrast is almost infinite and the black, inevitably, is abysmal. Radius maximum brightness, you may have seen passing here and there the evocation of a passage of course of the GS7 and GS7 edge with a behavior of real lighthouse in the night, around 850 cd / m².

    We have also raised this exceptional maximum brightness, but by concentrating the white on a small area of ​​the screen. Our usual maximum brightness test, on the other hand, takes into account a larger display area and translates a light output closer to the typical use of a mobile screen. In this way, we thus obtain a maximum luminosity which ultimately hardly changes compared to the Galaxy S6, i.e. an always excellent and rare 653 cd/m² for the GS7 edge and 640 cd/m² for the GS7.

    Results that we will associate with a pokey light reflection. Indeed, the GS7 edge equals what was still the best performance on the market, that of the GS6 edge+, with 8% reflection, when the GS7 sets a new record in the field, with only 7% on average light reflection. on the screen. To find out more about light reflection (reflectance) on mobile screens, we recommend reading our dedicated article. 

    Finding the right balance

    As is customary on mid-range and high-end mobile devices from the Korean, the display has several modes. Adaptive, which will theoretically seek the best possible rendering depending on the content, then Photo, Cinema and finally Basic. And as usual for a few generations of products, it is the Basic mode that wins the prize.

    To put it simply, the other three modes are always unbalanced, especially on the colorimetric rendering, with an aspect that is a little too fluorescent, a little too sepia. For example, the Adaptive mode shoots more than 8 in delta E (hello fancy carnival reds), while the Cinema mode enjoys a mixture of loss of detail in dark tones (gamma a little too crazy) and of an overall tonality which thus tends slightly towards a sepia salmon, however a little less marked from year to year. But let's go back to our Basic mode, which offers a perfect balance of genres.  

    Colorimetry 2.5

    On the Galaxy S7, we get an average delta E of 2,5 (above), with a nice overall balance across all tones. Flesh tones, grays and primary colors show a very good outfit. Ideal for enjoying a video in good conditions and, after all, any type of content. 

    Colorimetry 3

    On the Galaxy S7 edge, the average delta E is 3 heads (above), still with a marked balance. The most assiduous of our readers will however have noticed that the S7 and S7 edge do in absolute terms "less well" in colorimetry than their elders GS6, GS6 edge and GS6 edge plus which offered average delta E of 1,4 to 1,8, 6, when the latest iPhone 6s and 1,6s Plus stall at XNUMX.

    However, just like the equally excellent Nexus 6P or Nexus 5X at 1,9 and 2,8 respectively, we are playing here in the big leagues where the difference is impossible to distinguish for the human eye. It is then on the color temperature that the two new stars of Samsung are lathered, especially the GS7. With a very homogeneous temperature of 6845 Kelvins, the GS7 edge already offers a solid white, but the GS7 drives the point home with an almost perfect 6503 Kelvins (for a target of 6500 Kelvins). On the gamma side, the two smartphones have a good balance. A behavior that allows them to display many details in both dark and bright areas of an image.

    Finally, the tactile responsiveness of the panel assumes the high-end status of the GS7 and GS7 edge, without upsetting the trend. The S7 even offers twice the GS6 generation in touch delay with 63 ms, but this remains below the market average (88 ms), while the GS7 edge has a touch delay of 44 ms. The persistence time is almost zero, thanks to the natural predispositions of AMOLED technology (3 ms, against 13 to 25 ms for the IPS LCD). 

    This is how the GS7 and GS7 edge become our new references in the mobile market in terms of display, thanks to a clever balance and a permanent compensation game. Some high-end 2015 mobiles, even (especially) from Samsung, sometimes do better on a few points, but in the end, the 2016 vintage gives birth to a very slightly more satisfactory overall result.

    However, it must be understood that in our top 10, everything is played out in a pocket handkerchief and places are exchanged all year round on minute details; but we must also underline the considerable efforts made by Samsung for a little over a year and a half.

    The manufacturer still places six of its smartphones at the top of our ranking, namely the three top-of-the-range 2015 S6 generation, these S7 and S7 edge and the decidedly surprising mid-range Galaxy A5. The rest of the ranking goes to Apple (iPhone 6s and 6s Plus) and the recent Google Nexus 6P and Nexus 5X. 

    Find our complete tests of the Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge smartphones very soon! 

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