If you do not want to store your music in the google cloud, then you must proceed in the "classic" way: simply copy your music files to your Android, in a folder of your choice (regardless of the name of the directory, for example Music , because this folder already exists).
You can even create subfolders inside the main directory to classify your music by year, by genre, or by author, for example. However, we will see that playlists are better suited to this type of classification.
Each time the phone starts, Android browses the memory and builds a library of music from the different folders. There are therefore no privileged folders in which to copy your music.
You can listen to your music with any audio player, first and foremost the Samsung music app, if you have a Galaxy device. Nothing prevents you from listening to your music with the application Play Music of Google but without benefiting from the functionalities linked to the "Cloud".

Google Play Music
Download Google Play Music for free APK
If, on the contrary, you wish to use the services of Google Play Music (see below), it is then useless to copy your titles into the phone, even if nothing prohibits you from doing so… But you would risk having duplicates between the titles copied locally and those from the Cloud! Nothing serious in general!
There are alternative music players:
Find our file on alternative readers on Android