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    How to search for people on Facebook by city

    Search for people on Facebook by city on your computer

    If you want to learn how to search for people on Facebook by city, the first step you need to take is to connect to the home page of the social network, type the name of the person you want to find in search bar located at the top left and select the item Find more matches for [name] give the menu to compare.

    How to search for people on Facebook by city

    On the page that opens, select the item People from the left sidebar to delimit the search results to people's profiles (thus excluding pages, groups, etc.) and type in the field Location the name of the city where the friend you want to find lives. Help yourself with the automatic suggestions that appear as you type to make sure you spell the name of the places to narrow your search correctly.

    Mission accomplished! Facebook will show you the profiles of all the people who match the name you typed, limiting the search results to people residing in the city you selected in the field Location. To further refine your searches, you can also fill in the fields related to mutual friendshipseducation workplace and get more accurate results.

    How to search for people on Facebook by city

    If you want to search for people on Facebook based on their city of residence and the advanced search system has been activated on your account Facebook Search (at the time of writing it is only available for profiles that use Facebook in English), you can carry out the above operation in an even simpler and more immediate way.

    All you have to do is click in the search bar located at the top of the main page of the social network, type People named "search name" who live in [city or region name] (eg * person who is called "configurehow" and lives in Sicily) and press the button Submit sulla tastiera from the PC.

    Again, I recommend that you use the automatic suggestions that appear as you type to properly take advantage of the search functions included in Facebook.

    How to search for people on Facebook by city

    You don't have Facebook set up in English but want to try Facebook search? In this case, all you have to do is access the social network settings and set the language to English. To do this, connected to the Facebook home page, click on arrow located in the blue bar at the top right and select the item Settings give the menu to compare.

    On the page that opens, select the item Language from the left sidebar, click on the link Modification which is in front of the wording What language do you want to use on Facebook?, select the option English (U.S.) from the menu that appears and presses the button Save the changes per salvare i Cambiomenti.

    You now have Facebook in English and you can use Facebook Search (by typing commands in English). To return to the Facebook interface in cittàn, click on arrow located in the blue bar at the top right and select the item Settings give the menu to compare. Dopodiché clicca sulla voce Language in the left sidebar, click on the link Edit for the first option and select thecittàn from the language selection menu.

    Search people on Facebook by city on smartphone

    As mentioned at the beginning of the post, it is possible search for people on Facebook by city even from your smartphone. The procedure to follow is very similar to the one we have just seen together for the computer, however it is better to be precise and see all the steps to be taken in detail.

    First, launch the Facebook (whether you have an iPhone or an Android terminal, it does not matter, the procedure to be implemented is the same) and presses on search bar which is located at the top. Then type the name of the person you want to find on the social network, scroll the screen to the bottom and select the item Find more matches for [name].

    At this point, select the tab People located at the top center, "tap" on the button City and type, in the text field that appears, the city to which you want to limit your search.

    How to search for people on Facebook by city

    After this step too, you should be able to find the people you intended to track down on Facebook (assuming they are registered on the social network, of course).

    If you want to make your searches even more precise, press the buttons related to education work and only looks for people who are employed in certain companies and / or have attended certain schools or universities.

    How to search for people on Facebook by city

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