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    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    Preliminary information

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    Before going into the details of the procedure on how to find the jungle in minecraft, I think you might be interested in learning more about the various biomes present within the Mojang title.

    Well, i biomes they are nothing more than regions, or portions of the map, in which it is possible to find certain characteristic elements. The biome of the forest it's the classic one that everyone who has played Minecraft at least once knows. There are several trees here.

    Then there is the biome of desert, which needs no “introduction”, as it can be interesting to visit lowlands e swamps. There are also clearly other biomes, which you will surely have noticed during your adventure, if you have played a little to the title of Mojang.

    In any case, the biomes, scattered around the map in a procedural way, can radically change the gaming experience. In fact, certain elements can only be found in a biome and you may therefore particularly need to reach it, especially in Survival mode.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    So I understand why you want to achieve the jungle biome, since the latter has elements such as ferns and cacao. You could also get to know the ocelotsas well as find gods jungle temples, just to give you concrete examples.

    In short, this type of area can be particularly interesting to find and explore. For this reason, I am going to explain everything you need to know to quickly reach your goal.

    How to find the jungle biome in Minecraft

    After explaining the general situation to you, I'd say it's time to take action, explaining how to actually get to a jungle in Minecraft. Below you can find all the indications of the case, divided by version: Java for PC and Bedrock for Windows 10, mobile devices and consoles.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft PC

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    To begin, I will consider theJava edition for PC of Minecraft. In any case, the jungle biome can be found both without "tricks" and through the latter.

    To find this biome without resorting to the use of commands, you just have to explore the map and look for it. If you are wondering where is the jungle in Minecraft, a useful clue lies in the presence of trees of greater width than usual and with some "liana", so you will surely notice when you are faced with this biome, which usually is generated near forests or deserts.

    However, you must know that the jungle is a rare biome within Minecraft. In fact, you may encounter it a few times in the course of a common game, at least compared to other biomes. For the sake of completeness, there are several variants of the jungle biome, which may also contain unique elements.

    In short, it may not be exactly easy to find what you are looking for without going through "tricks". For this reason, there are not a few players who decide to use the latter, in order to find the jungle immediately.

    To do this, just enter a game with the commands enabled (usually they are activated by default in Creative mode, while you just need to activate the appropriate option in Survival), press the button T from the keyboard, type the command / locatebiome minecraft: jungle and enter Submit.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    A precise indication of where the is located will therefore appear on the screen nearest jungle biome. To reach it, press the button again T from the keyboard, type the command / teleport [your username] [coordinates] (for example, / teleport Zane -3872 ~ 3920). The coordinates to be inserted are clearly those returned by the previous command.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    Perfect, now your character will be teleported directly into a jungle and you can safely explore that biome.

    By the way, if you are looking for jungle-specific variants, just press the button T, type the command / locatebiome and take a look at all the possibilities related to the term jungle (for example, minecraft: bamboo_jungle).

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft PS4

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    If you play the Bedrock version of Minecraft on consoles like PlayStation 4, mobile devices o PC with Windows 10, this part of the guide is the one for you.

    Obviously the indications I provided in the previous chapter regarding how to find the jungle biome without tricks remain valid, but what changes is the way in which to use the commands.

    In fact, once you have entered a game with tricks enabled (there is the appropriate option in the editing screen of the various worlds), you have to press the button right arrow on the controller (or on thefumetto icon, on mobile devices), type the command / locate temple and hit confirmation.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    After that, some will be returned to you coordinates. So use the command / teleport [your username] [coordinates] (for example, teleport fifahalo -1016 ~ -1400) and give Submit. At this point, you will be teleported to the nearest temple.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    Unfortunately, in the Bedrock version of Minecraft it is not possible to directly locate a biome. So if you are close to a temple of another type, for example to the one in the desert, your character will be teleported to that place.

    In case you can't find the jungle temple (and therefore the related biome) at the first attempt, you will have to go through a method that requires a little more patience, but which will still lead you to the desired result.

    The latter consists of entering Creative mode (you could also think of changing the type of game using the command / gamemode creative, if you are playing, for example, in Survival) and perform a double jump, so start at fly with your character, moving quickly through the air.

    This will allow you to search the biome much faster of the jungle, keeping an eye on all available areas from above. By doing a search near forests and deserts, after some time you shouldn't have any particular problems seeing trees wider than usual with the "liana".

    That is there jungle: you just have to go there, go back to Survival mode (if you want, using the command / gamemode survival) and start your exploration.

    How to find the jungle temple in Minecraft

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    How do you say? Are you going to find the jungle temple within Minecraft, perhaps to try and get some treasure chest? No problem, I'll tell you how to do it right away!

    In this case, the situation is very similar to what was explained in the chapter on the jungle biome. In fact, the two possible methods consist of the simply look for such a temple within the specific area or go through i "tricks", to locate it immediately.

    The only advice I can give you, if you don't want to use the commands, is to look for a temple made of crushed stone within the jungle biome. The search may take a long time, but I assure you that there are not a few players who have managed to find this structure even without "tricks".

    If you don't have much time and you want to locate the temple immediately, in Java version for PC of Minecraft you just enter a game with "tricks" activated, press the button T on the keyboard, type the command / locate jungle_pyramid and enter Submit.

    All the coordinates of the case. All you have to do is press the button again T, type the command / teleport [your username] [coordinates] and give Submit. By doing so, the character will come teleported in the location of the temple.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    If you usually play through the Bedrock version of Minecraft, available for consoles, mobile devices and Windows 10, I suggest you first of all follow the instructions contained in the chapter on how to find the jungle biome, since already through these you could reach your goal.

    In the alternative case, if you are already in the jungle biome but you can not find the temple, I advise you to press the button right arrow of the controller (or thefumetto icon on mobile devices) to open the command console. Then type / locate temple and you will be given the coordinates of the closest temple, which will probably be the jungle one (since you are in its biome).

    After that, you just have to use the command / teleport [your username] [coordinates] and confirm, in order to teleport your character to the location involved. Perfect, now you can start your exploration of the temple.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

    For the rest, since you are a fan of the Mojang title, I would recommend that you take a look at the page of my site dedicated to Minecraft. In fact, in the latter you can find many other guides that could be for you.

    How to find the jungle in Minecraft

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