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    How to access SPID Poste


    How to access SPID Poste from smartphones and tablets

    How to access SPID Poste

    It's possible log in to SPID Poste from smartphones and tablets both through the PosteID code created at first access and through one of the biometric authentication systems (if your device is equipped with one).

    To access Poste ID for the first time and create your access code, take your smartphone or tablet, start the PosteID app for Android or iPhone / iPad devices and tap the button Enter the app. On the screen Log in with PosteID, enter your credentials in the fields Email address e Password and press pulsating Log in, to receive an SMS containing a useful code to verify your identity.

    Then enter the code in question in the field SMS confirmation code e fai tap sul pulsating Continue. On the screen Choose PosteID code, create a 6-character code that you will need to use for future access to PosteID, by entering it in the fields Choose PosteID code e Confirm PosteID code e premendo sul pulsating Continue.

    At this point, tap the button OK and log in again using the PosteID code you just created. Then select the option Enter the app and enter the code in question in the field Enter the PosteID code. Finally, if your device allows it, choose whether to activate access via facial recognition or fingerprint by pressing on the option of your interest between Enable e Not now (in case of second thoughts, you can activate / deactivate this access mode from the PosteID settings).

    After making the first access to PosteID from your device, for future accesses you can simply start the app in question, press the button Enter the app and type yours PosteID code in the appropriate field. Alternatively, if you have activated access via one of the biometric authentication systems, tap the button Enter the app and authenticated via facial recognition or fingerprint. Simple, right?

    How to access SPID Poste from a computer

    Be your intention è access SPID Poste from a computer, all you have to do is connect to the official PosteID website, select the option to access your digital identity and confirm your identity using the PosteID app or by receiving a verification code via SMS. Find everything explained in detail right below.

    How to access SPID Poste with app

    How to access SPID Poste

    log into SPID Poste cittàne, start the browser you usually use to browse the Internet, connected to the official PosteID website, locate the section Do you already have the SPID-enabled PosteID Digital Identity? and click on the button Log in.

    At this point, take your smartphone or tablet on which you have already logged in to PosteID for the first time, start the PosteID app and press the button Authorize with QR Code. Once this is done, frame the QR code present on the PosteID site with the camera of your device and, always using the PosteID app, log in via facial recognition, fingerprint or entering your PosteID code.

    If everything went well, you should see the message Authorization granted on your smartphone / tablet, indicating that access to PosteID from a computer has been successful. Keep in mind, however, that the procedure I have just indicated must be completed within 120 seconds from the generation of the QR code.

    If you prefer to log in "more calmly" but always using the PosteID app to verify your identity, click on the button Log in, inseerisci i tuoi dati nei campi Username e Password e premi sui pulsnti Log in e Continue, to receive a notification on your smartphone / tablet through which you can start the PosteID app and confirm your identity.

    Then take the device on which you received the notification, tap on it, to start PosteID, and press the button Continue. Finally, authorize access via facial recognition, fingerprint or entering your PosteID code: the message Authorization granted will confirm that you have successfully accessed Poste ID from your computer.

    How to access SPID Poste without the app

    How to access SPID Poste

    How did you say? Vorresti access SPID Poste without app? In this case, as I have already anticipated in the previous lines of this guide, you can also verify your identity through the telephone number associated with PosteID.

    To do this, connected to the official website of Poste cittàne, click on the button Log in, enter the credentials associated with your digital identity in the fields Username e Password and firstly your pulse Log in. In the new screen that appears, select the option Log in via SMS code and click on the button Continue with SMS.

    At this point, enter the code of 6 code that was sent to you via SMS in the field Enter SMS code and click on the button Continue, to access Poste ID.

    How to access INPS with SPID Poste

    How to access SPID Poste

    Would you access INPS with SPID Poste? In this case, all you have to do is connect to the official website of the institution in question or start the INPS Mobile app for Android or iPhone / iPad devices, choose the option to log in with SPID and select PosteID in the list of identity providers available.

    To proceed from computer, connected to the official website of INPS, click on the button Log into MyINPS, at the top right, and select the tab SPID. In the new screen that appears, tap on the item Sign in with SPID and select PosteID give the menu check if you press.

    At this point, take the mobile device on which you have installed PosteID, press the button Authorize with QR Code and framing the QR code shown on your computer screen with the camera of your smartphone or tablet. Once this is done, still using the PosteID app, authorizes access by facial recognition, fingerprint or by entering the PosteID code.

    Alternatively, enter the data associated with your digital identity in the fields Username e Password and click on the button Sign in with SPID. In the newly opened page, click on the button Continue, to access SPID Poste with the app, or select the option Log in via SMS code, to verify your identity via SMS, as I indicated in the previous lines of this guide.

    In both cases, after completing the verification process of your identity, click on the button I agree, to enter the INPS site and access the services of your interest.

    How to access SPID Poste

    If you prefer to access INPS services from smartphones and tablets (e.g. to download the single certification), start the INPS Mobile app, press the button All the services and, in the new screen displayed, press the icon of thelittle man located at the top right.

    Now, tap the button Sign in with SPID, tap on the item PosteID, inseerisci i tuoi dati nei campi Username e Password and tap the buttons Sign in with SPID e Continue, to receive a notification from PosteID through which you can authorize access.

    Then press on notifies in question, to start the PosteID app, select the option Continue and access PosteID by facial recognition, fingerprint or by entering the PosteID code. Once this is done, open the INPS Mobile app again and tap the button I agree, to access INPS with PosteID.

    How to access NoiPA with SPID Poste

    How to access SPID Poste

    The procedure for access NoiPA with SPID Poste it is almost identical to the one I just indicated to enter the INPS site. Again, all you have to do is select PosteID as the access method and authorize the login via the PosteID app or the authentication code sent via SMS.

    To access NoiPA from computer, linked to the main page of the portal in question, click on the option Access the reserved area, top right, and choose the item SPID. Then select the authentication level of your interest through the appropriate drop-down menu, click on the button Sign in with SPID e seleziona l'opzione PosteID give the menu to compare.

    At this point you need to verify your identity and authorize access. To do this, start the PosteID app on your mobile device, choose the option Authorize with QR Code and, using the camera of your device, frame the QR code shown on the login screen of the NoiPA website. Once this is done, authorize access by facial recognition, fingerprint or by entering the PosteID code.

    If you prefer to log in without framing the QR code, enter the data associated with PosteID in the fields Username e Password and click on the button Sign in with SPID. Then click on the button Continue, to authorize access via the PosteID app, or select the option Log in via SMS code, to receive a code via SMS useful for verifying your identity and authorizing access to NoiPA with PosteID.

    You want to access NoiPA from smartphones and tablets? In this case, start the app for Android or iPhone / iPad devices, tap the button Sign in with SPID and, in the new screen that appears, select the authentication level process the menu to tendin Select the SPID level.

    Fatto ciò, first prize Sign in with SPID, select PosteID from the menu that opens, enter the data associated with your PosteID in the fields Username e Password and tap the buttons Sign in with SPID e Continue, to receive a notification from PosteID through which you can authorize access.

    At this point, press on notifies in question, to start the PosteID app, tap on the item Continue and authenticated by facial recognition, fingerprint or by entering the PosteID code. Finally, go back to the NoiPA app and press the button I agree, to complete access via PosteID.

    How to access SPID Poste

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