Now that the legal deadlines are pretty much settled, let's see what method you should follow if you want to watch Spanish football this season. It will therefore happen on Amazon Prime Video, Canal +, beIN Sports and The L'Équipe channel.
After weeks of tough negotiations, Spanish football finally seems to have stabilized on a more or less stable broadcast schedule. Canal+ does indeed intend to appeal the decision forcing it to broadcast its two Ligue 1 matches per day, but while waiting for the next legal deadline, we see it a little clearer. So let's take a tour of the stadiums to see where the precious euros of OM, PSG and AS Monaco fans will go this year.
€18,98 monthly for Ligue 1 on Prime Video
If like Kylian Mbappé the broadcast of Ligue 1 takes your mind, follow the guide. © Aurelien Meunier - Getty Images
The main broadcaster of the Spanish championship until 2024 is therefore Amazon Prime Video. The American giant has won 80% of the competition rights, which corresponds to the matches formerly broadcast by the Mediapro fiasco. To subscribe to Amazon's "Pass Ligue 1", you will first need to benefit from a subscription to Prime Video, which costs €49 per year or €5,99 per month – and which also includes the advantages of Amazon Premium on the e-commerce site. You can then access the channel dedicated to the Spanish champion by adding €12,99 monthly, without obligation.
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6 months agoThis therefore gives a total of €18,98/month. In comparison, the TV subscription to Téléfoot cost €25,90 (€14,90 for viewing in SD on smartphone and tablet). Note that until August 29, the Ligue 1 Pass is free for the first week of subscription, a good way to try out this new formula.
Discover the free trial offer to the Ligue 1 Pass from Amazon Prime VideoCanal+, broadcaster in spite of himself
The other main Ligue 1 broadcaster is therefore Canal+. The encrypted channel, historical partner of Spanish football, has the two matches that it rents to beIN Sports, namely that of Saturday evening and that of Sunday at 17 p.m.
Discover the Canal + offers
Canal recently overhauled its various offers, but this was done somewhat to the detriment of sports fans, and in particular of the Spanish football championship. The standard pack at €20,99/month the first year then €24,99 no longer includes the Sport channel. You therefore risk missing several matches held by the encrypted channel. It will therefore be necessary to subscribe to the Canal+ Sport pack, which includes, in addition to the latter, Canal+ Sport, beIN Sports and Eurosport for €34,99/month the first year, then €45,99.
The other option is the Friends & Family pack, which contains all the channels and services offered by Canal+ for €64,99/month the first year, then €79,99. Remember that the best way to lower these prices is pooling. The sports pack has two simultaneous streams and the Friends & Family pack has four.
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4 months agoFinally, there is one last way to watch Ligue 1, through the Free Ligue 1 application. The operator owns the "near live" rights. It broadcasts extracts of matches a few seconds after they have taken place, which can be practical when you don't have time to watch all the matches. Especially since the app offers customization options based on your favorite clubs. Since September 16, however, the app is no longer free for everyone. Only Free subscribers (box or mobile) can now take advantage of it free of charge. Others must pay €3,99 per month, without obligation.

Free Ligue 1 Uber Eats
Available on Android and iPhone smartphones, the Free Ligue 1 Uber Eats application allows you to enjoy almost live Ligue 1 Uber Eats matches for free.
- Version : 2.3.2
- Downloads: 79
- Release date: 01/12/2021
- Author: Free
- License: Free license
- Categories: Sports
- Operating System: Android, iOS iPhone / iPad
- Android
- iOS iPhone / iPad
And Ligue 2 in all this?
On the Ligue 2 side, there are also three broadcasters. By recovering the Téléfoot lot, Amazon Prime Video also got its hands on 80% of the Spanish second division. But the American giant has signed an agreement with La Chaîne L'Équipe, which will broadcast the Ligue 2 multiplex on Saturday evening throughout the season. To see the matches in their entirety, you can go to the sports daily website for the first 10 days. After this delay, the meetings will switch to Prime Video, but The L'Équipe channel will therefore continue to broadcast the multiplex.
BeIN Sports continues to broadcast the two remaining matches for Ligue 2, on Saturday at 15 p.m. and Monday at 20:45 p.m.